Communications System
Toshiba Voice Processing Vp100, 300s, 300 Configuration Manual
Toshiba Voice Processing Vp100, 300s, 300 Configuration Manual
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UNDEFLSTANDING CONFlGUFMlON l-1 1.1 UNDERSTANDING CONFIGURATION The Tmhiba VP System’s software provides the means of tailoring a lbshiba VF’ System for spxific customer needs and applications. ‘The software confiition process is done via a terminal, either remotely or directly connected to the T& VP System cabinet. The conftmtion database is created and maintained as a series of tables. Each table contains specifk information affecting the T~hiba VP System’s operation. .‘- The Toshiba VP System’s...
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l-2 configudwl hkmJal m j.2 REACHING THE TOSHIBA VP SYSTEM kcess to the Toshiba VP System is through a krminal which may be either directiy cc remotely cixmcted. AnystandardASCII-tylxterminalmaybeused. l%eVPlOOmaybensedwithaPC Configuratkm Application Terminal (C/X). The terminal can be connected to the specified Tmhiba VP System’s serial port by a X3-232 cable. A modem+cluipped terminal may be used to call into the Ta VP System’s integral mcdem (on the CPU card) from a remote locatb. Refer to...
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UNDEF?STANDlNG CONFIGURATION l-3 w ‘1.3 ASSURING SECURITY Password protection assures that only authorized vns are allowed to access the ?bshiba VP System software. I&words are not set by the manufactures. To assure the security of the qstem, immediately set passwords for all levels. kzwords are changed from the terminal at the Operating S$tem level @ ~~~P~~ mrds can contain up to eight alphanumeric characters. The following are valid alphanumeric characters: - - - 0123456789...
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be run from this password level. Reports can be listed and clearexi. Bble entries may be m&ed, added, or deleted from UPDATE. Only the Admi&tmtive and Report words may be set at this 1eveL At the @ prompt type: PASS A cnew passworb For example, @PASS A Wl.743 where ‘WIL?43” is the new Admin&mtive password. - . n Report This level allows the LLST and CLEAR commands to be used for the Hardware Error ‘IWe, Pe& and all reports. Neither INSTAU nor UPDATE can be run from this password 1eveL Only...
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UNDEMANDING CONFIGUFVJION l-5 m 1.4 CONVENTIONS FOR ENTERING INFORMATION %ble l-l show the prompt conventions used to indicate which program is communicating with the terminal. Information is typed at the appropriate prompt. After fzch response is complete, press -1 to send the information to the Toshi3x VT’ System. .*- Toshiba VP System Prompts Table 1-l Terminal Co ttmunkdons Conventha Desa.iption @ . . . Operating System Level prompt. Ready to receive co-d. Rompt for response from INST+...
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UPDATE EXIT D While in INSTALL Lf a mistake is made after pressing mj lave it alone. C&-ra it later with the UPDATE program. ~a~e~~e~d~~t~rnu~~ouble~~~~or~~ interruption w exit the progrnm. When INSTALL is resumed start again from the beginning or continue from where exit was Q-P@J* l At the colon (:A type A message displays indicating the exit, and the instz&ation is suspenda The Operating System (@ prompt) is displayed. n While in UPDATE MODIFY ? Use the MODIW ~mmand to cxxrect any...
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UNDERSTANDING CONFGURATION l-7 m . . 5 DESCRIPTION OF CONFMJFIATION TABLES The &tdBSe is composed Of different types Of iIlf~tb& Called t&IS. Some tables are only available with cfxtain hardware or software Options A detailed desription of each table is, contained in the appropriate chapter of this rwmaL -Iale dhsoeiatul Availabk on alI Toshiba -- opths, VP Systems nnkss Indicated ufw BUS IN!3XMATION Not Usd cos CUSTOM PROMPT DAYIJGHT SAVING TWE DTMFKI- DISTRIBWON LIST FlRSTD1Gl-T...
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1.6 INTERREIATIONSHIP AMONG TABLES Fme l-l shows the interrelationship of tables used to determine port and mailbox mntrols Note how the COS (Class of Service) in lxxh the USER and PORTS Tables is used to index into the 0the.r tables. 73e COS may be assigned attribum The attributes czmtrol what fkatur~~ have been added, deleted, or altered for the COS they apply to. l’%e changes caused iq these auributes are in effect all tbe time for the mailboxes using them. .‘- ‘&e SCHEDU&E Table allows for...
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UNDEMANDING CONFIGUFIATION l-9 USER Table also allows for digit translation. For mple, a caller may enter mailbox number q q a, and the T-h&a VP System may dial extension 2345. When a mailbox is not associated with an extension (nothing to callh it is a Mailbox-Only. The extension entq in the USER Table is “W for %o extension.” n Checking the Ctass of Service .‘- The Tmhiba VP System looks at the Class of Service (COS) for the mailbox called to* determine how to handle the call. The attributes...
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VIC FlRSI’DlGlT ‘Khblc contains the first digit and length of valid mailkx It is checked when a mnilbox is CJJIIC~, There are 126 , 0 SCHEDUIE lhbles. 6 l3ubCOShua 1 0nc-l0-0M com4~tilw 2 Dach SC1 IWXJ1.E *Iable ‘; &%LJi INFORMATION ‘Ihblc Thbb 6 used for each differen timm wu.rid d,,. 1 An INFORMATION Table snecifies various cu31omizalion paramclcm for a mailbox or prl. Some indcxcs mny be spcclficd only for ports, o1hem only for mailboxes. Therefore, any given INFORMATlON ‘Iable...