Toshiba B Sa4t G Manual
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- 58 - Item Description Specification Character code PC-850: PC-850 PC-852: PC-852 PC-857: PC-857 PC-8: PC-8 PC-851: PC-851 PC-855: PC-855 PC-866: PC-866 PC-1250: PC-1250 PC-1251: PC-1251 PC-1252: PC-1252 PC-1253: PC-1253 PC-1254: PC-1254 PC-1257: PC-1257 LATIN9: LATIN9 Arabic: Arabic UTF-8: UTF-8 FONT Font “0” 0 : Without slash 0 : With slash SPEED RS232C communication speed 2400: 2400 bps 4800: 4800 bps 9600: 9600 bps 19200: 19200 bps 38400: 38400 bps 115200: 115200 bps DATA LENG. RS232C data length 7: 7 bits 8: 8 bits STOP BIT RS232C stop bit length 1: 1 bit 2: 2 bits PARITY RS232C parity NONE: None parity ODD: ODD parity EVEN: EVEN parity CONTROL RS232C flow control method XON/XOFF: XON/XOFF protocol (No XON output when the power is on, no XOFF output when the power is off) READY/BUSY: READY/BUSY (DTR) protocol (No XON output when the power is on, no XOFF output when the power is off) XON+READY AUTO: XON/XOFF + READY/BUSY (DTR) protocol (XON output when the power is on, XOFF output when the power is off) XON/XOFF AUTO: XON/XOFF protocol (XON output when the power is on, XOFF output when the power is off) READY/BUSY RTS: RTS protocol (No XON output when the power is on, no XOFF output when the power is off )
- 59 - Item Description Specification MESSAGE Language for LCD messages ENGLISH: English GERMAN: German FRENCH: French DUTCH: Dutch SPANISH: Spanish JAPANESE: Japanese ITALIAN: Italian FORWARD WAIT Forward feed standby after an issue ON: Enabled (A fine adjustment value for the stop position is also printed.) OFF: Disabled CODE Control code AUTO: Automatic selection ESC LF NUL: ESC LF NUL method { | }: { | } method ××{{ Any code set (Described in hex. code) IBM HOST: | method Only for the Japan model PEEL OFF STS Strip wait status ON: Enabled OFF: Disabled FEED KEY [FEED] key function FEED: Feeds one label. PRINT: Prints data in the image buffer on one label. KANJI Kanji code TYPE1: For Windows codes TYPE2: For original codes EURO CODE Euro code 20H to FFH AUTO HD CHK Automatic head broken dots check ON: A head broken dots check is automatically performed when the power is turned on. OFF: A head broken dots check is not automatically performed when the power is turned on. ACK/BUSY Centronics ACK/BUSY timing TYPE 1: BUSY goes low at the same time as when ACK goes high. TYPE 2: BUSY goes low at the same time as when ACK goes low. WEB PRINTER Web printer function ON: Web printer function is enabled. OFF: Web printer function is disabled. INPUT PRIME Reset process when the nInit signal is ON ON: The reset process is performed. OFF: The reset process is not performed.
- 60 - Item Description Specification RIBBON NEAR END Ribbon near end detection 30 m: A ribbon near end state is detected when the remaining ribbon length is approximately 30 m. 70 m: A ribbon near end state is detected when the remaining ribbon length is approximately 70 m. OFF: A ribbon near end state is not detected. EX.I/O MODE Expansion I/O operation mode TYPE1: Standard mode TYPE2: In-line mode PLUG & PLAY Plug-and-play operation ON: A plug-and-play operation is performed. OFF: A plug-and-play operation is not performed. LBL/RBN END Label end/ribbon error process TYPE1: When a label end or ribbon error state is detected, the printer stops even if it is printing. TYPE2: When a label end or ribbon error state is detected, the printer prints the current label as far as possible, then stops. PRE PEEL OFF Pre-strip process ON: A pre-strip operation is performed. (When ON is selected, a feed amount is fine adjustable.) OFF: A pre-strip operation is not performed. BACK SPEED Reverse feed speed STD: 3 ips LOW: 2 ips MAXI CODE SPEC. MaxiCode specification TYPE1: Compatible with a current version TYPE2: Special specification KB I/F Keyboard I/F OFF: Disabled KB60(1): KB-60 Old version KB60(2): KB-60 Current version KB80: KB-80 AUTO CALIB. Automatic calibration OFF Disabled ON TRANS: Enabled with the transmissive sensor ON REFLECT: Enabled with the reflective sensor LAN Enabling or disabling the LAN ON: Enabled OFF: Disabled PRTR IP ADDRESS Printer IP address ***.***.***.*** GATE IP ADDRESS Gateway IP address ***.***.***.*** SUBNET MASK Subnet mask ***.***.***.*** MAC ADDRESS MAC address **-**-**-**-**-** TTF AREA TrueType font storage area size 0 KB to 3072 KB (in units of 128 KB) EXT CHR AREA Writable character storage area size0 KB to 3072 KB (in units of 128 KB) BASIC AREA BASIC file storage area size 00 KB to 3072 KB (in units of 128 KB) PC SAVE AREA PC saving area size 0 KB to 3072 KB (in units of 128 KB)
- 61 - Item Description Specification SOCKET PORT Socket communication port number ON: Socket communication function is enabled. OFF: Socket communication function is disabled. Port number: 0 to 65535 BASIC BASIC interpreter ON: BASIC interpreter function is enabled. OFF: BASIC interpreter function is disabled. BASIC TRACE BASIC interpreter trace ON: Trace function is enabled. OFF: Trace function is disabled. DHCP DHCP ON: DHCP function is enabled. OFF: DHCP function is disabled. DHCP ID DHCP ID Max. 16 characters DHCP HOST NAME DHCP HOST NAME Max. 16 characters RFID MODULE RFID module type NONE: No RFID kit is installed. U2: B-SA704-RFID-U2 RTID TAG TYPE RFID tag type NONE EPC C1 Gen2: 24 RFID ERR CHECK Error tag detection OFF: An error tag detection is not performed. EPC: RFID error tag detection for EPC area data PASS: RFID error tag detection for access password area data (only when using a Gen2 tag) When PASS is selected, the following settings are subsequently displayed: Password setting to protect error tag detection ON: Enabled OFF: Disabled Automatic unlock function setting ON: Enabled OFF: Disabled RFID RETRY Maximum number of issue retries 0 to 255 RFID RD CYCLE Maximum number of read retries Read retry time-out 0 to 255 0 sec. to 9.9 sec. RFID WT CYCLE Maximum number of write retries Write retry time-out 0 to 255 0 sec. to 9.9 sec. RFID ADJ RETRY RFID adjustment for retry −99 mm to +99mm RFID POWER LEVEL Radio output power level 9 to 18 RFID THRESHOLD AGC threshold 0 to 15 RFID RF CHANNEL RFID channel 2CH to 8CH AUTO Note: This menu is not available to the B-SA704-RFID-U2-EU-R. RFID Q VAL Q value 0 to 5 RFID WT AGC AGC threshold for data write 0 to 15 RFID WT MIN AGC AGC threshold lower limit for retry 0 to 15 RFID MULT WRITE Hibiki tag multi-word write ON: Enabled OFF: Disabled
- 62 - Item Description Specification SYSTEM PASSWORD System mode password operation OFF: Password is not asked to enter the system mode. ON: Password is asked to enter the system mode. PEEL OFF TRQ Strip motor torque R0: Low R1: ↑ R2: ↓ R3: High RTC BATT.CHK RTC low battery check ON: Enabled OFF: Disabled RTC RENEWAL RTC data renewal timing BATCH: Per batch PAGE: Per page TONE TABLE Print head applied current table setting TYPE1: Standard table TYPE2: Additional table 1 CUT MODE High speed cut issue TYPE1: Normal cut issue TYPE2: High speed cut issue MULTI LABEL Multiple-label set issue OFF: Disabled ON: Enabled NOTE: For 203 dpi, the head density is 8 dots/mm. The operation to be performed is the same for both cases: when the value is set to “x.2 mm” and when the value is set to “x.3 mm”. Therefore, “x.3 mm” is printed in the self-test result, even if “x.2 mm” is set. Similarly, if “x.7 mm” is set, “x.8 mm” is printed in the self-test result.
- 63 - (3) Memory check EEPROM OK OK: Data in the check area can be properly read/written. NG: Data in the check area cannot be properly read/rewritten. Backup memory (EEPROM) PROGRAM B-SA4T MAIN 15OCT2002 V1.0A:1A00 Model name Creation date (Day-Month-Year)Version Name PROGRAM: Program area Checksum BOOT 20SEP2002 V1.0 :8500 Creation date (Day-Month-Year)Version Name BOOT: Boot area Checksum KANJI NONE :0000 NONE :0000 Checksum of bit map Kanji ROM for Gothic font or Chinese NONE: No Kanji ROMs installed GOTHIC: Bit map Kanji ROM for Gothic font installed CHINESE: Bit map Kanji ROM for Chinese Kanji installed Checksum of bit map Kanji ROM for Mincho font (or Chinese Kanji) NONE: No Kanji ROMs installed MINCHO: Bit map Kanji ROM for Mincho font installed SDRAM 16MB Capacity of SDRAM Memory for the system and drawing FONT 5600 Checksum of font area HTML 20SEP2008 V1.0B :4300 Creation date (Day-Month-Year)Version Name HTML: HTML area Checksum
- 64 - (4) Sensor check SENSOR1 00000000,00000000 Thermal head open sensor 1: The head is closed. (If the head is opened, printing is not performed.) Blank (Fixed to 0) Blank (Fixed to 0) Cutter home position sensor 0: Home position 1: Outside the home position Blank (Fixed to 0) Ribbon take-up motor sensor 0: Outside the slit 1: Inside the slit Ribbon feed motor sensor 0: Outside the slit 1: Inside the slit Strip sensor (Peel-off sensor) 0: Label is not present. 1: Label is present. Front cover open sensor 1: The cover is closed. (If the cover is opened, printing is not performed.) SENSOR2 [H]20°C [A]22°C Ambient temperature sensor status (0 to 86 °C, --°C if the temperature cannot be detected) Thermal head thermistor status (0 to 86 °C) PE LV. [R]1.2V [T]4.3V No paper level of the transmissive sensor (0.0 to 5.0 V) No paper level of the reflective sensor no paper level (0.0 to 5.0 V) [R]4.2V [T]2.5V Transmissive sensor status (0.0 to 5.0 V) Reflective sensor status (0.0 to 5.0 V) M THRE. [R]5.0V [T]5.0V Transmissive sensor manual threshold level (0.0 to 5.0 V) Reflective sensor manual threshold level (0.0 to 5.0 V)
- 65 - Resistance 203 dpi 300 dpi rank Average resistance (ohm) 0 748 to 758 1100 to 1116 1 759 to 770 1117 to 1133 (5) Expansion I/O check * Connect the cable as illustrated below, then check the following cases: high output/high input, low output/low input. (6) Internal serial I/F check OK: Normal data NG: Abnormal data, or the loop-back jig is not connected. Expansion I/O EXP.I/O NG R R R R R R R Vcc LED R = 300 ohms Connector: FCN-781P024-G/PGND 12 11 109876453 1 2 24 23 2221201918161715 13 14 EX.232C NG OK: Normal data NG: Abnormal data, or the loop-back jig is not connected. Internal serial I/F [RANK]1 203DPI Thermal head resistance rank Resolution of head installed
- 66 - (7) SIO I/F check (8) Strip sensor check (9) RFID module check Module revisions and corresponding countries B-SA704-RFID-U2-KR-R (Supported from C2.0C) Revision Country R03 US, AU, KR, TW, BR Note: From the R03 module, KR supports the revised radio law. B-SA704-RFID-U2-EU-R Revision Country R11 EU, IN Note: IN is supported from C2.0C. SIO NG N G DIN OK: Normal data NG: Abnormal data, or the loop-back jig is not connected. DSUB OK: Normal data NG: Abnormal data, or the loop-back jig is not connected. SIO I/F Strip NG OK: Normal state NG: Erroneous state, or the loop-back jig is not connected. Strip sensor RFID OK #00U:V978 (US ) R03 Module revision (U2 series only) OK: Normal state NG: Erroneous state RFID module version RFID module Destination EU0: Europe US: North America AU: Australia KR2: Korea TW: Taiwan BR0: Brazil IN0: India Note: Except for EU0, supported from C2.0C
- 67 - 6.3 VARIOUS PARAMETERS SETTING 6.3.1 Various Parameters Setting Operation Example Power OFF (1) Power off state [FEED] [RESTART] (2) While holding the [FEED] and [RESTART] keys down, turn the power on. < 1 > D I A G . V 1 . 2 A (3) The self-test menu is displayed. [FEED] (4) Press the [FEED] key. < 2 > P A R A M E T E R S E T (5) System mode menu display (Parameter setting) [PAUSE] (6) Press the [PAUSE] key. < 2 > P A R A M E T E R S E T (7) System mode menu display (Parameter setting) [FEED] [PAUSE] (2) While holding the [FEED] and [PAUSE] keys down, turn the power on. < 1 > D I A G . V 1 . 2 A (3) The self-test menu is displayed. [FEED] (4) Press the [FEED] key. < 2 > P A R A M E T E R S E T (5) System mode menu display (Parameter setting) [PAUSE] (6) Press the [PAUSE] key. < 2 > P A R A M E T E R S E T F O N T C O D E P C - 8 5 0 (7) Font code setting: Select a font code using the [FEED] and [RESTART] keys. [PAUSE] (8) Press the [PAUSE] key. < 2 > P A R A M E T E R S E T Z E R O F O N T 0 (9) Font “0” setting: Select a style of zero (0) using the [FEED] and [RESTART] keys. [PAUSE] (10) Press the [PAUSE] key.