Telrad Digital Executive Set With Expanded Display User Guide
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Executive set with expanded display 19 To tag a message with a special attribute 1. Dial [6] in the END OF RECORD Menu (see above), you receive the MESSAGE ATTRIBUTES Menu as fol- lows: 2. Select the attribute you desire for your messa ge by dial- in g the corresponding number. You can give a message more than one of the above attributes. For instance, you can make a messa ge both ur gent and private. First dial [1] for urgent and then dial [2] for private. The MESSAGE ATTRIBUTES Menu continues to appear until you dial [ *] or until you have given the mes- sa ge all of the possible attributes. IMAGEN plays a confir- mation announcement for each attribute you attach to a messa ge. When you dial [ *], you return to the MAILBOX Menu if you are inside your mailbox, or to the MAIN Menu if you are outside your mailbox. To tag messages as ‘FUTURE DELIVERY’ 1. After dialin g [4] from the MESSAGE ATTRIBUTES Menu, you are asked to enter the delivery month. 2. Dial two di gits to designate the month; you are asked to enter the delivery day. 3. Dial two di gits to indicate the day; you are asked to enter the time, usin g 24 hour time format of four digits To designate a message as urgent{URGENT}[1] To designate a message as private{CONFIDENTL}[2] To tag a message as confirmed{CONFIRM}[3] To designate a message as future delivery{FUTUR DLVR} [4] To return to the previous menu{PREVIOUS}[ *]

20 Executive set with expanded display For example, 0830 signifies 8:30 AM, and 2030 signi- fies 8:30 PM. 4. Dial 4 di gits to enter the delivery time and dial [ *]. When the selected date and time arrive, the messa ge disappears from your mailbox and appears at the desti- nation mailbox. MODIFYING THE DATE AND TIME OF A FUTURE DELIVERY MESSAGE After you have recorded a future delivery messa ge, you have the option of modifyin g the date and the time at which the messa ge will be sent. To modify the date or time 1. Enter your mailbox. 2. Select [8] -- To receive your future delivery messa ges - - from the MAILBOX Menu; you hear a recorded announcement: A future delivery messa ge for to be delivered on at < time>. Then you hear a modified LISTEN Menu: To repeat this message{REPEAT}[1] To save this message and play the next one{NEXT MSG}[2] To erase this message and play the next one{ERASE MSG}[3] To reply to this message{REPLY}[4] To modify delivery time{MODIFY TIM}[5] For more options{OPTIONS}[6] To rewind message while listening[7] To pause message while listening[8] To fast forward message while listening[9] To repeat this menu[0] To return to the previous menu[ *]

Executive set with expanded display 21 3. Repeat steps 2-4 in the FUTURE DELIVERY proce- dure, above; you are returned to the LISTEN Menu LEAVING A MESSAGE FOR A MAILBOX GROUP Your system administrator can desi gnate a number of mail- boxes as belon ging to the same group, known as a mail- box group. Each group is assigned a number, from 10 to 89. This enables you to record a sin gle message, and send it to all the mailboxes in a group with a single operation. Consult your system administrator to see which, if any, groups have been defined, and to determine if your own mailbox extension is part of a group. To leave a message for a group of mailboxes 1. Enter your mailbox; the MAILBOX Menu is available to you: To view a list of your messages{VISUAL LST}[9] To listen to your new messages{NEW MSGS}[1] To listen to your messages{ALL MSGS}[6] To leave a message for another mailbox{LEAVE MSG}[2] To record a personal greeting{RECORD}[3] To set mailbox options{SET OPTION}[4] To record a group message[5] To undelete messages[7] To review your future delivery messages[8] To repeat this menu[0] To return to the previous menu[ *]

22 Executive set with expanded display 2. Dial [5], and the desired mailbox group number (a num- ber from 10 to 89); you hear a messa ge: This is mailbox group number ___ or This is . Please state your message clearly, then dial pound. Then you hear a tone to start recordin g. 3. When you finish recordin g, press {END OF MSG} or [#]; you hear the END OF RECORD Menu: If you han g up without pressing any key, your message is sent and you exit IMAGEN. In addition to the system-wide mailbox groups, you can define your own personal distribution group. To send a messa ge to your personal group, dial [0] instead of enter- in g a mailbox group number in step 2, above. For instructions on definin g your personal distribution group, refer to the section titled Advanced IMAGEN Sub- scriber Features . To review your recorded message{PLAYBACK}[1] To confirm and save the message in the system{SAVE MSG}[2] To erase this message{ERASE MSG}[3] To add to this message{ADD TO MSG}[4] To erase this message and record a new one{RERECORD}[5] To confirm and save this message with options{SAVE OPTION}[6] To repeat this menu[0] To return to the previous menu[ *]

Executive set with expanded display 23 RECEIVING MESSAGES LISTENING TO YOUR MESSAGES If there are any messa ges waiting for you in your mailbox, the [MSG] button li ghts up; you hear a broken dial tone when you lift the handset; and the second line of your idle display tells you how many new and existin g messages there are. In the example there are ten messa ges: The number in the upper ri ght hand corner -- in this exam- ple 222 -- is the mailbox number. To listen to your messages 1. Press [MSG] the screen shows any predefined text messa ges, and how many IMAGEN messa ges are waiting for you -- ten in this example:

24 Executive set with expanded display 2. Press the softkey to the left of the line showing how many IMAGEN messa ges there are; you hear a recorded announcement tellin g you how many messa ges there are and then you are asked to enter your password. 3. Enter your password; you hear the MAILBOX Menu: * You hear this option only if there are deleted messages which may still be recovered. ** You hear this option only if there are future delivery messages waiting in your mailbox. *** You see on your telephone set display either ALL MSGS, as shown here, or OLD MSGS, depending on LISTEN MESSAGES program- ming on the IMAGEN MAILBOX PARAMETERS screen. IMAGEN offers you two ways of reviewing your new and existin g messages. You may choose to listen to them directly (as described below) or view a listin g of all your messa ges on the display before selecting the messa ge/s you would like to hear, as described in the section titled Viewing the contents of your mailbox. To view a list of your messages{VISUAL LST}[9] To listen to your new messages{NEW MSGS}[1] To listen to your messages{ALL MSGS} ***[6] To leave a message for another mailbox{LEAVE MSG}[2] To record a personal greeting{RECORD}[3] To set mailbox options{SET OPTION}[4] To record a group message[5] To undelete messages[7] * To review your future delivery messages[8] ** To repeat this menu[0] To return to the previous menu[ *]

Executive set with expanded display 25 4. To listen to your messages, press {ALL MSGS} or [6]; the MESSAGE TYPE SELECTION Menu appears: 5. Dial [1], [2], [3],[4] or [5] to hear messa ges in any of the above cate gories. After listenin g to each message, you hear the LISTEN Menu: (Alternatively, you can ask your system administrator to pro gram your MAILBOX Menu so that you can access your messa ges in a slightly different manner.) In such a case, you listen to your new messa ges by select- in g {NEW MSGS} or [1], and old messages can be heard by pressin g {OLD MSGS} or [6], while future delivery mes- To listen to your new messages{NEW MSGS}[1] To listen to your old messages{OLD MSGS}[2] To listen to your future delivery messages{FUTUR DLVR}[3] To listen to your confirmation messages{CONFIRM}[4] To listen to your indexed messages{INDEXED}[5] To return to the previous menu{PREVIOUS}[*] To repeat this message{REPEAT}[1] To save this message and play the next one{NEXT MSG}[2] To erase this message and play the next one{ERASE MSG}[3] To reply to this message{REPLY}[4] To transfer/copy the message to another box{COPY/SEND}[5] For more options{OPTIONS}[6] To rewind message while listening[7] To pause message while listening[8] To fast forward message while listening[9] To repeat this menu[0] To return to the previous menu[ *]

26 Executive set with expanded display sages can be heard by dialing [8]. The LISTEN Menu is then played). If you dial [6] while listenin g to a message, you receive the MORE LISTEN OPTIONS Menu: The above menu enables you to chan ge the volume or speed of the messa ge you are listening to, or to repeat the messa ge with its header. If you select [1] -- New Messa ges, either from the MAIL- BOX Menu or the MESSAGE TYPE SELECTION Menu, you are informed how many of these were ta gged ‘Urgent’ by the sender. ‘Ur gent’ messages are played first and are prefixed by an URGENT! announcement. Once a mes- sa ge has been heard (and you press any button), its classi- fication chan ges to OLD, and can be reheard by selecting [2] from the MESSAGE TYPE SELECTION Menu. New confirmation messa ges are also contained in the ‘New messa ges’ category. Old confirmation messages can be heard by dialin g [4] in the MESSAGE TYPE SELEC- TION Menu. To decrease speed{DECRSE SPD}[4] For regular speed{REG SPD}[5] To increase speed{INCRSE SPD}[6] To add an ID tag to this message{INDEX}[8] To repeat this message with timetag{HEADER}[9] To return to the previous menu{PREVIOUS}[ *] To lower volume[1] For regular volume[2] To raise volume[3] To repeat this menu[0]

Executive set with expanded display 27 DETERMINING WHO A MESSAGE IS FROM AND WHEN YOU RECEIVED IT Each messa ge has an attached header, or timetag, con- tainin g the name or extension number of the person who sent the messa ge, and the data and time that the message was sent. The header is in the form of a recorded announcement, played before the messa ge itself if you have activated the header option. To activate the header option 1. Press {SET OPTION} or [4] in the MAILBOX Menu; you receive the MAILBOX OPTIONS Menu: 2. Press {HEADER} or [4]; you receive the ACTIVATE/ DEACTIVATE Menu. To program the first follow me{1ST FOLLOW}[1] To program the second follow me{2ND FOLLOW}[2] To program auto attendant service{AUTO ATT}[3] To hear messages with header{HEADER}[4] To change your password{PASSWORD}[5] To define your personal distribution list{DIST.LIST}[6] To set the auto-copy feature[7] To set the message monitoring time[8] To repeat this menu[0] To return to the previous menu[ *]

28 Executive set with expanded display 3. Dial [1] or press {ACTIVATE} to activate the option and dial [2] or press {DEACTIVATE} to deactivate the option. If the header option is deactivated, you can neverthe- less hear the timeta g for a particular message. To listen to the message header for a particular message 1. After listenin g to a message, select {OPTIONS} or [6] from the LISTEN Menu; you receive the MORE LISTEN OPTIONS Menu. 2. Press {HEADER} or [9]; the messa ge is repeated with its timetag. VIEWING THE CONTENTS OF YOUR MAILBOX This feature provides you with a visual listin g of all the messa ges currently stored in your mailbox. You can scroll throu gh the list and play a particular message without hav- in g to listen to all the preceding messages first. To review your messages on the telephone display 1. From the MAILBOX Menu, press {VISUAL LST} or [9]; you receive the followin g message category listing: