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Tascam TM-D1000 Operations Manual

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    							11 - MIDI Machine control
    31  TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual
    11.6 Locating to a memory position
    Locating to a memory position is done by holding 
    down the 
    SHIFT key and pressing the CH SEL key of 
    the channel (location memory) to which you will be 
    11.7 Editing a memory location
    1Press the MEMO key so that the display 
    MEMO Edit on the top line.
    If MIDI Timecode is currently being received 
    at the 
    MIDI IN jack, you must press the MEMO 
    key twice to obtain the 
    MEMO Edit mes-
    sage. If MIDI Timecode is not being received, 
    you only need to press the MEMO key once.
    2Press the CH SEL key of the memory location 
    you want to edit.
    A memory location which has not been used (no 
    value has been captured for it) will show 
    00h00m00s00f as the location value.
    3Push and turn the DATA ENTRY knob to 
    move the cursor.
    4Turn the DATA ENTRY knob to set the values 
    of the Þeld highlighted by the cursor.
    Operating Tip
    You can also use the 
    CH SEL keys here as 
    number keys. The 
    CH SEL keys of channels 1 
    through 9 enter their respective numerals, 
    and the 
    CH SEL key of channel 10 acts as a 0 
    5After checking that the new values are cor-
    rect, press the 
    ENTER key to conÞrm your 
    							 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 32
    12 - MIDI control of the TM-D1000
    Snapshot changes may be carried out from a MIDI 
    controller as Program Change messages.
    In addition, the two effect units and the four channel 
    dynamic processor components of the TM-D1000 
    may also be set up to respond to Program Change 
    messages, each on their own channel, if desired.
    12.1 Setting Program Change 
    receive channels
    1Press and hold down the SHIFT key and press 
    OPTION key.
    2Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bottom 
    line of the display shows 
    MIDI Ch 
    , and press ENTER:
    3Set the value to defeat, or a MIDI chan-
    nel from 
    1 through 16.
    4Push the DATA ENTRY knob to cycle 
    Mixer, Effect1, 
    Effect2, Ch Dynamics1, Ch 
    , Ch Dynamics3 
    Ch Dynamics4.
    For components other then the Mixer, the 
    MIDI channel is used for Control Change and 
    Program Change messages. The channels set for 
    the Mixer component refer only to Program 
    Change messages, not to Control Change mes-
    Note that there is no Omni settingÑa component 
    may respond to messages on one channel only or 
    none at all.
    12.2 Enabling and disabling 
    parameter changes
    Parameter changes of the TM-D1000 can be trans-
    mitted over MIDI from a sequencer or sequencing 
    program, and used to control the settings. These 
    parameter changes may be disabled when either the 
    REC and/or the MIX user mode is selected:
    1Press and hold down the ENTER key, and 
    press the 
    OPTION key.
    2Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bottom 
    line of the display shows 
    MIDI, and press 
    3Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bottom 
    line of the display shows 
    Change Defeat
    , and press ENTER: 
    4Use the DATA ENTRY knob to change 
    Yes and No. Press ENTER to con-
    Þrm your selection.
    Remember that a setting of Yes means that the 
    Control Change is disabled for this mode.
    12.3 Recording parameter changes
    Parameter changes may be recorded in real time from 
    mix moves on the TM-D1000, or produced from any 
    other MIDI controller, and edited before being 
    replayed by a sequencer.
    The MIDI channels used for Control Change mes-
    sages are different from those used for Program 
    Change messages. Input channels 1 through 16 use 
    MIDI channels 1 through 16 respectively. In addi-
    tion, channels 9 through 16 Òdouble upÓ in the fol-
    lowing way:
    A brief summary of the controller numbers assigned 
    to each channel is given here (more details are avail-
    able in the Reference Manual):
    MIDI Ch Select Ì
    Mixer Ch: 1 ?
    Control Change Defea t
    REC Mode:Yes?
    channelTM-D1000 component
    9SOLO mode control
    10Effect return
    11Aux return
    12GRP/AUX1 fader
    13GRP/AUX2 fader
    14GRP/AUX3 fader
    15GRP/AUX4 fader
    16L-R fader
    numberTM-D1000 parameter Type
    7Input channel fader Continuous
    9L-R/GrpÐAUX faderaContinuous
    10Pan Continuous
    11Input channel mute On/off
    12Effect/Aux return levelbContinuous 
    							12 - MIDI control of the TM-D1000
    33  TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual
    Unless otherwise stated, the 127 values available to a 
    MIDI controller are interpreted and converted into 
    the 100 parameter value steps used by the TM-
    12.4 System Exclusive parameters 
    and data dumps
    The TM-D1000 also provides you with data dump 
    and loading facilities, so that snapshots, effect set-
    tings, etc. may be stored in a MIDI data Þle and 
    uploaded to the mixer in a future session. Please con-
    sult the Reference Manual for details of how to per-
    form these operations, and the options available to 
    13Hi gain (EQ) Continuousc
    14Hi frequency (EQ) Continuousd
    15Mid gain (EQ) Continuousc
    16Mid frequency (EQ) Continuousd
    17Low gain (EQ) Continuousc
    18Low frequency (EQ) Continuousd
    19Channel Dynamics, Parameter 1 Continuouse
    20Channel Dynamics, Parameter 2 Continuouse
    21Channel Dynamics, Parameter 3 Continuouse
    22Channel Dynamics, Parameter 4 Continuouse
    23Effector 1/2, Parameter 1 Continuouse
    24Effector 1/2, Parameter 2 Continuouse
    25Effector 1/2, Parameter 3 Continuouse
    26Effector 1/2, Parameter 4 Continuouse
    70EQ switch On/off
    71Channel assign 1-2 On/off
    72Channel assign 3-4 On/off
    73Channel assign L-R On/off
    74DIRECT OUT On/off
    75Aux Pre/Post On/off
    76Eff/Aux return mutingbOn/off
    77Solo mode (PFL)fOn/off
    78Solo mode (in-place)fOn/off
    79Solo mode (AFL)fOn/off
    80Channel Dynamics input level Continuous
    81Channel Dynamics on/off On/off
    82Channel Dynamics output level Continuous
    83Effector 1/2 input level Continuous
    84Effector 1 on/off/Effector 2 Direct On/off
    85Effector 1/2 output level Continuous
    numberTM-D1000 parameter Type
    87Aux 1 pre/post On/off
    88Aux 2 pre/post On/off
    89Aux 3 pre/post On/off
    90Aux 4pre/post On/off
    91Aux 1 send Continuous
    92Aux 2 send Continuous
    93Aux 3 send Continuous
    94Aux 4 send Continuous
    a. MIDI channels 12 through 16 only
    b. MIDI channels 10 and 11 only
    c. 49 steps
    d. 69 steps
    e. 128 steps, uses LSB of controller message
    f. MIDI channel 9 only
    numberTM-D1000 parameter Type 
    							 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 34
    13 - Options
    A number of options are available for the TM-
    D1000, as described here.
    13.1 RM-D1000 rack mounting kit
    The RM-D1000 rack mounting kit allows the TM-
    D1000 to be mounted in 6U of rack space (in addi-
    tion to space needed at the top for the connectors).
    You should also ensure that the rack is well-venti-
    lated, allowing air to circulate for cooling the heat 
    sink of the TM-D1000.
    1The wristpad below the faders should be 
    unscrewed before mounting the TM-D1000 
    in a rack.
    2Attach the two rack mounts to the TM-
    D1000 using the Þve screws (provided) on 
    each mount.
    3Fit the TM-D1000 into the rack, allowing 
    enough space at the top for cables to be Þtted 
    to the connectors.
    13.2 IF-TD1000 Digital Input Kit
    This kit provides two more sets of digital inputs 
    (XLR and RCA), capable of receiving AES/EBU or 
    SPDIF format, as well as another TDIF-1 connector, 
    for another eight channels of DTRS-compatible 
    This kit requires internal connections to the 
    TM-D1000. For this reason, you should not 
    install the kit yourself, but should refer instal-
    lation to a qualiÞed TASCAM distributor.
    The digital inputs are labeled B and C. Digital input 
    B is available as an extra option in the following 
    menus where input 
    A is available:
    Setup à Digital Input
    ¥Setup à Aux Rtn  Input/
    ¥Setup à Eff Return  
    Digital input C is treated differently, on account of 
    the frequency conversion facility built into digital 
    C. An additional menu is available when the IF-
    TD1000 Digital I/O Board is Þtted, which allows 
    input channels 7 and 8 to be assigned to digital input 
    C or to the analog inputs, for all menus using these 
    This sub-menu is available from the Setup options, 
    and appears as follows:
    Use the data entry knob to choose between 
    Digital In C and Analog.
    As well as the additional stereo digital inputs, the IF-
    TD1000 Digital I/O Board also provides another 
    TDIF-1 connector (TDIF-1 B). This set of 8 channels 
    is available for use by the input channels, as set in the 
    following menus:
    Setup à Ch1-8  Input
    ¥Setup à Ch9-16  Input
    ¥System à  TDIF-1 A/B 
    Word Length
    The routing of group busses to the second TDIF-1 
    channel follows the pattern of the routing to the Þrst 
    channel (i.e. if groups 1 & 2 are routed to TDIF-1 A 
    Ch7-8 Route1 Target
    Digital I n C ? 
    							13 - Options
    35  TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual
    channels 1 + 2 and 5 + 6, they will also be routed to 
    the TDIF-1 B channels with the same numbers.
    If input channels are routed using the DIRECT OUT 
    function, and the IF-TD1000 Digital I/O board is Þt-
    ted, the input channels will be output to the TDIF-1 
    B connector. It may also be selected to be output in 
    parallel to both TDIF-1 connectors (
    A and B) by 
    selecting input channels 1Ð8 as the source for TDIF-
    13.3 FX-D1000 Effect Board
    The FX-D1000 Effect Board provides an additional 
    set of effect processors, doubling the capacity of the 
    TM-D1000Õs internal processor capability.Effect patterns are still subject to the same restric-
    tions as regards groups and aux busses (i.e. if there 
    are no aux busses, no aux sends are possible).
    However, the FX-D1000 Effect Board provides you 
    with much more power and ßexibility in the way that 
    you use the internal effect system of the TM-D1000.
    This board requires internal connections to 
    the TM-D1000. For this reason, you should 
    not install the board yourself, but should refer 
    installation to a qualiÞed TASCAM distributor. 
    							 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 36
    14 - Miscellaneous functions
    These functions help you with various settings of the 
    14.1 Footswitch (REMOTE CONT)
    The footswitch connected to the rear of the TM-
    D1000 can be used to step through the snapshot 
    memories, either forwards or backwards. It can also 
    be used to perform punch-in and punch-out opera-
    tions on the unit controlled via MMC.
    1Press and hold down the SHIFT key, and 
    press the 
    OPTION key.
    2Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bot-
    tom line of the display shows 
    and press 
    3Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bot-
    tom line of the display shows 
    CONT Function
    , and press ENTER:
    4Turn the DATA ENTRY KNOB to choose 
    SNAPSHOT Change [ 
    up ]
    , SNAPSHOT Change 
     and Remote Punch 
    . Press ENTER to conÞrm your 
    Always use a TASCAM RC-30P footswitch or 
    equivalent. If you are in any doubt as to the 
    kind of footswitch you should use, contact 
    your TASCAM dealer.
    14.2 Meter settings
    The ÒfallÓ time of the meter, as well as the peak hold 
    time, can be set from the System menu.
    Option à   System à  Meter 
    1Use the DATA ENTRY knob to choose 
    30 ms, 60 ms and 90 ms.
    2Push the DATA ENTRY knob to enter the 
    Peak Hold Time screen:
    3Turn the DATA ENTRY knob to adjust the 
    peak hold time between 
    0.0 seconds and 
    1.0 seconds in 100 ms steps.
    These meter settings are only effective when 
    digital signals only are being monitored (i.e. 
    the EXT IN switch is not pressedÑsee 8.1.1, 
    EXT IN).
    14.3 LCD contrast
    As well as the method of adjusting the LCD contrast 
    described on page 6, you can also use the menu 
    Option à System à LCD 
    Turn the DATA ENTRY knob to adjust the screen 
    contrast until it is at a comfortable viewing angle.
    14.4 Battery levels
    The lithium batteries in the TM-D1000 provide 
    backup for your settings and should last for a number 
    of years before they need to be replaced.
    However, as with all batteries, there is a possibility 
    that they may start to leak after about three years, 
    even if the voltage is within permissible limits. We 
    therefore suggest changing the battery every three 
    years or thereabouts.
    If the battery drops below the critical level, the 
    display will show:
    REMOTE CONT Function
    SNAPSHOT Change[ up ]
    Meter Adjust Ì
    Release Time:30ms
    Meter Adjust Ì
    Peak Hold Time:0.0s
    LCD Contrast
    							14 - Miscellaneous functions
    37  TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual
    Have the battery replaced by your TASCAM 
    distributor. Do not attempt to replace the bat-
    tery by yourself.
    You can also check the current battery level using the 
    following procedure:
    Option Monitor à System à 
    Battery Check
    If the displayed value falls below 2.7 volts, it is time 
    to consider replacing the battery. 
    We also, as noted above, suggest that you have the 
    battery replaced every three years or so, in order to 
    avoid possible damage caused to the TM-D1000 by 
    battery leakage. 
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