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Tascam TM-D1000 Operations Manual

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    							4 - Buss functions
    11  TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual
    tors are assigned with one effector being used as a 
    stereo processor for the stereo output buss, and the 
    other effector used as another stereo processor 
    assigned to the effect return.
    PARAM SEL AUX selection allows the channel 
    to be routed through either the AUX 1-2 or AUX 3 or 
    4 sends.
    4.3 Choosing REC or MIX mode
    To choose between the REC or MIX mode:
    1Press and hold down the SHIFT key and press 
    OPTION key.
    2Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bottom 
    line of the display shows 
    3Press the ENTER key, and if the bottom line 
    of the display does not show 
    , turn the DATA ENTRY knob 
    until it does.
    4Press ENTER, and turn the DATA ENTRY 
    knob until the bottom line of the display 
    REC or MIX (whichever you will be 
    5Press ENTER to conÞrm the setting.
    4.4 Buss conÞgurations
    You can set the functions of the four busses con-
    trolled by the 
    GROUP/AUX faders (immediately to 
    the left of the stereo master fader). The way in which 
    these are conÞgured also affects the number as well 
    as the assignment and function of the internal effect 
    Depending on the conÞguration selected, these fad-
    ers are used to control the output groups or the aux 
    sends and the channel panpots also have different 
    effects, depending on the selected conÞguration. The 
    following conÞgurations are available:
    In every case, channels may be routed to the stereo 
    buss, and when they are routed in this way, the chan-
    nel panpot controls the balance between the left and 
    right channels of the stereo buss.
    Aux sends may be assigned to be pre- or post-fader 
    using the menu system (See ÒSetting aux send lev-
    elsÓ on page 24.).There are also two user settings, where you can add 
    your own settings which control the aux pre- and 
    post-fader settings (explained in the Reference 
    Option € ©
    MODE ?
    MODE ©
    MODE Select?
    MODE Select
    The four group/aux busses are paired into two two-channel group buss sets: 1-2 and 3-
    4. The channel panpots control the balance between the odd-numbered and even-num-
    bered channels of the aux busses. The 
    GROUP/AUX faders control the group mas-
    ter levels. This is the default REC mode.
    ST+4 Aux [1-2 ST]
    The four group/aux busses are divided into one stereo aux send (1-2) and two mono 
    aux sends (3, 4). The channel panpots control the balance between aux 1 and aux 2 
    when channels are routed to the stereo aux bus, and have no effect on the mono aux 3 
    and 4 busses. The 
    GROUP/AUX faders control the aux master levels. This is the 
    default MIX mode.
    ST+2 Grp+2Aux
    Group/aux busses 1 and 2 are assigned as two mono aux sends, and 3 and 4 are 
    assigned as a dual-channel group buss. The channel panpots have no effect on the aux 
    sends here, but control the balance between groups 3 and 4 when channels are 
    assigned to these groups. 
    GROUP/AUX faders 1 and 2 control the aux master levels 
    (1 and 2) and faders 3 and 4 control group master levels 3 and 4.
    ST+4 Aux [Mono]
    The four group/aux busses are assigned as four individual mono aux sends. The chan-
    nel panpots have no effect on the aux send levels. The 
    GROUP/AUX faders control 
    the aux master levels. 
    							4 - Buss functions
     TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 12
    4.5 Where do the busses go?
    As you can see from the above description, the L-R 
    stereo buss is not used for recording in the REC 
    modes. It goes straight out to the 
    STEREO outputs 
    (analog or digital) and to the 
    MONITOR buss (paral-
    leled to the headphone output). You should therefore 
    use it as a monitor or cue buss when recording.
    The behavior of the group outputs depends on the 
    number of group outputs which are being used in the 
    currently-selected buss function. Groups are always routed through to the TDIF-1 out-
    put connector; the exact routing pattern is described 
    ¥ If both sets of groups (1-2 and 3-4) are in use, these 
    are assigned to the TDIF-1 output busses with the 
    same numbers, and are also ÒdoubledÓ to 5-6 and 
    7-8 respectively.
    ¥ If only one set of groups is in use, it is always 
    group 3-4. This pair of groups is routed to all 
    TDIF-1 output busses, with four ÒcopiesÓ of this 
    pair going to 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8.
    These routing patterns are Þxed, and cannot be 
    							13 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual
    5 - Using the digital inputs and outputs
    One of the main features of the TM-D1000 is its abil-
    ity to keep sound in the digital domain throughout 
    the whole of a recording project, from digital source, 
    through DTRS multitrack, etc., through to the Þnal 
    mix onto digital media. This results in no loss of 
    quality from the start right to the end of the project. 
    However, you must take care to keep the word clock 
    consistent throughout the system (see ÒWord syn-
    chronizationÓ on page 16 for full details).
    5.1 Connecting a TDIF-1 multitrack 
    The audio connections to a TASCAM DTRS 
    recorder, or any recorder using a TDIF-1 digital 
    audio connection, is made simply using a TDIF-1 
    digital audio cable such as a PW-88D (1m) or PW-
    88DL (5m). As mentioned earlier, only a genuine 
    TASCAM TDIF-1 cable should be used. Although 
    some kinds of computer cable may appear to be sim-
    ilar, the characteristics are completely different and 
    use of these cables may damage the equipment.
    For word clock synchronization using a DTRS 
    recorder, we suggest using the TM-D1000 as the 
    slave clock unit, and setting the DTRS recorder to be 
    a word clock master (see ÒWord synchronizationÓ on 
    page 16) for further details concerning this. This is 
    particularly important if you propose using varispeed 
    on the multitrack recorder, so that the sampling fre-
    quency is not an exact 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz.
    Remember that if you are using a DA-38 DTRS 
    recorder, this is not Þtted with a WORD SYNC out-
    put. All synchronization must therefore be carried 
    out through the TDIF-1 connection. With other mod-
    els of DTRS recorder, it is suggested that you make a 
    word clock connection to the 
    WORD SYNC IN of the 
    Remember to set the DTRS recorderÕs DIGI-
    TAL IN when recording using the TM-D1000.
    Operating Tip
    Choose your sampling frequency for the 
    project carefully when connecting to other 
    digital audio equipment. Both the TM-D1000 
    and any TASCAM DTRS recorder can con-
    nect equally well at 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz. How-
    ever, CD players always work at 44. kHz, and some models of DAT recorders can only 
    record analog data at 48kHz, and if you are 
    using either of these as signal sources, they 
    will affect the sampling frequency of all other 
    However, if the optional IF-TD1000 Digital I/O 
    Board is installed, DIGITAL IN C provides fre-
    quency conversion facilities. This allows you 
    to, for example, transfer audio data from a CD 
    at 44.1 kHz and produce a master tape incor-
    porating this data at 48 kHz.
    5.2 TDIF-1 word length
    Since DTRS recorders are able to accept audio data 
    in a variety of word lengths, the TM-D1000 is also 
    able to transmit and receive data through the TDIF-1 
    interface using different word lengths.
    1Press and hold down the SHIFT key and press 
    OPTION key.
    2Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bot-
    tom line of the display shows 
    and press 
    3Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bot-
    tom line of the display shows 
    A/B Word Length
    , and press 
    If the optional IF-TD1000 Digital I/O Board has 
    been Þtted, you will be able to push the data entry 
    knob to choose between the TDIF-1 A and B con-
    4Turn the DATA ENTRY knob to choose 
    16bit , 20bit and 24bit 
    word lengths. ConÞrm your selection with 
    ENTER key.
    You must ensure that the DTRS recorder is 
    set to transmit and receive data using the 
    same word length as the TM-D1000. Consult 
    your DTRS recorderÕs documentation for 
    TDIF-1 A/B Word Leng t h
    							5 - Using the digital inputs and outputs
     TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 14
    5.3 Connecting a 2-track recorder
    The TM-D1000 provides both XLR and RCA con-
    nectors for output of the stereo busses. The format in 
    which data can be output is either AES/EBU or 
    SPDIF. Either format may be selected for output 
    from either connector, but each output can only 
    transmit one format at a time (i.e. it is possible to 
    output AES/EBU from output 
    A XLR and SPDIF 
    from output 
    B RCA, but not to output AES/EBU 
    from output 
    A XLR and SPDIF from output A RCA).
    To choose the connector from which the L-R stereo 
    output busses will be transmitted:
    1Press and hold down the SHIFT key, and 
    press the 
    OPTION key.
    2Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bottom 
    line of the display shows 
    3Press the ENTER key, and turn the DATA 
     knob until the display shows 
    Digital Out A:B:
    4Press the ENTER key, and turn the DATA  
     knob to choose the busses which will 
    be output from the digital outputs.
    The options available are as follows: 
    L-R:1-2,  L-R:3-4, 1-2:3-
    4, and L-R: L-R. 
    To use a digital 2-track mastering recorder, select 
    one of the options which outputs L-R to the digi-
    tal connector to which your 2-track mastering 
    recorder is connected.
    5Press the EXIT key, and turn the DATA  
     knob clockwise until the bottom line 
    of the display shows 
    Digital Out 
    A/B Format
    6Press the ENTER key:
    7Push the DATA ENTRY knob to change 
    between the 
    A and B digital outputs, and 
    turn it to select between 
    SPDIF and 
    AES/EBU output formats for that output.
    When AES/EBU output is selected, the appropri-
    ate indicator immediately above the stereo master 
    fader (A or B) will light.
    5.4 Connecting a digital audio 
    Because the TM-D1000 is a digital mixer, it is possi-
    ble to use a digital audio source (e.g. a CD player, 
    MD player, DAT recorder or effect unit, synthesizer 
    or sampler with digital capabilities).
    If you are using a DAT recorder as your 2-track mas-
    tering recorder, this facility allows you to use the dig-
    ital output of the DAT recorder for monitoring your 
    mix through the TM-D1000.
    This audio source may be connected through digital 
    A, which provides both XLR and RCA connec-
    tors, and automatically recognizes the data format 
    (either AES/EBU or SPDIF). It is then routed 
    through to any of the input channels:
    1Press and hold down the SHIFT key, and 
    press the 
    OPTION key.
    2Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bottom 
    line of the display shows 
    3Press the ENTER key, and turn the DATA 
     knob until the display shows Ch1-
    8 Input
    4Press the ENTER key:
    Option € ©
    Setup ?
    Setup € ©
    Digital Out A:B ?
    Setup € ©
    Digital Out A/B Form a t
    Digital Out A/B Form a t Ì
    A: SPDIF
    Option € ©
    Setup ?
    Setup € ©
    Ch1-8 Input ?
    Ch1-8 Input Ì
    Ch1: Analo g I n 
    							5 - Using the digital inputs and outputs
    15  TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual
    5Push the DATA ENTRY knob to select the 
    channel whose input you will be editing and 
    turn the knob to select between the analog 
    input and the digital input
    Because the digital input is a stereo input, you 
    will probably need to select two channels to 
    accept the digital audio signal.
    6Press the ENTER key to conÞrm your selec-
    5.5 Using digital effect returns
    An increasing number of digital effect units allow 
    you to send signals to them, and to input their returns 
    in digital format. To select the EFFECT or AUX 
    return as a digital input:
    1Press and hold down the SHIFT key and press 
    OPTION key.
    2Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bottom 
    line of the display shows 
    Setup, and press 
    3Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bottom 
    line of the display shows either 
    Eff Rtn 
     or Aux Rtn 
     (depending on 
    whether you are setting up the AUX or effect 
    return buss), and press 
    The default setting for the AUX return is 
    Digital Input A. If this is 
    already shown on the bottom line of the display, 
    there is no need to press ENTER.
    4Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bottom 
    line of the display shows 
    Digital In 
    It is possible for you to assign the digital input 
    to more than one input channel (including the 
    Effect and Aux return busses). All controls 
    assigned to the digital input will be enabled.
    5Remember to assign the input to the appro-
    priate busses. Push the 
    DATA ENTRY knob to 
    enter the assignment screen, and assign the 
    return to the 
    L-R, 1-2 or 3-4 busses.
    1. If the optional IF-TD1000 Digital I/O Board 
    has been installed, you will also have the 
    options of selecting the input from the second 
    TDIF-1 port and from the second (B) digital 
    input. If channels 7 and 8 are selected, the 
    third (C) digital input will also be available.
    Aux Rtn Input/Assign Ì
    Input:Digital In A
    2. If the optional IF-TD1000 Digital I/O Board 
    has been installed, you will also have the 
    option of selecting the input from the second 
    (B) digital input. Again, if channels 7 and 8 
    are being used, Digital input (C) can also be 
    							 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 16
    6 - Word synchronization
    When you have a digital audio setup, it is most 
    important that all equipment in the setup shares the 
    same word clock. This is not at all related to time-
    code synchronization, but refers to a digital signal at 
    the sampling frequency which marks the beginning 
    and the end of digital data ÒwordsÓ. If this clock is 
    not present, or is distorted, the resulting signals 
    passed between different pieces of equipment will 
    not be synchronized, with audible noise which may 
    even be high-frequency noise which will damage 
    ampliÞers, speakers, etc.
    The proper setup of a word clock in a digital audio 
    system is therefore essential. 
    We refer to devices as word clock masters or slaves, 
    depending on whether the word clock is originated 
    by them, or received from another device. 
    There must be one, and only one, word clock 
    master in a system. 
    Furthermore, each device in a digital audio setup 
    must be set up to work at the same sampling fre-
    quency. You cannot have a system in which a CD 
    player (with a Þxed sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz) 
    can be used to provide digital audio signals to a 
    recorder or mixer whose sampling frequency has 
    been set to 48 kHz.
    The standard stereo digital signals (AES/EBU and 
    SPDIF) that are marked as ÒDIGITALÓ from DAT 
    recorders, CD players, etc. carry their own clocks as 
    part of the signal. Most ÒdomesticÓ CD players and 
    DAT recorders will expect to be the word clock mas-
    ter when playing back, and (in the case of a DAT 
    recorder) when recording, will become a word clock 
    Professional equipment (DAT recorders, CD players, 
    digital multitrack and hard disk recorders, and digital 
    mixers such as the TM-D1000) can usually be con-
    Þgured to act as either a word clock master or slave.
    6.1 Setting up the TM-D1000 as a 
    word clock master
    The TM-D1000 can be conÞgured as a word clock 
    master at either 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz.
    NOTEIf the TM-D1000 is conÞgured as a word clock 
    master, you cannot use any varispeed facili-
    ties on any digitally connected devices (multi-
    track systems, CD players or DAT recorders).
    1Press and hold down the SHIFT key and press 
    OPTION key.
    2Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bot-
    tom line of the display shows 
    System and 
    3Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bot-
    tom line of the display shows 
    Clock Select
    , and press ENTER:
    4Use the data entry knob to choose either 48 
    kHz or 44.1 kHz as the internal clock.
    5Make sure that any other devices which can 
    accept external word clocks are set to do so.
    The TDIF-1 standard allows any DTRS or 
    other TDIF-1-equipped device to take its clock 
    through the TDIF-1 connector. However, we 
    recommend that if you are using the TMD-
    1000 as a word clock master, that you con-
    nect the TM-D1000Õs 
    WORD SYNC OUT to the 
    WORD SYNC IN of the DTRS recorder (not 
    DA-38 models), and use the CLOCK key of 
    the DTRS recorder to select WORD as the 
    clock source.
    6.2 Setting up the TM-D1000 as a 
    word clock slave
    The TM-D1000 can accept a word clock from any of 
    the digital audio inputs (including the TDIF-1 input, 
    or inputs, if the optional expansion board is Þtted) or 
    WORD SYNC IN connector. 
    1Press and hold down the SHIFT key and press 
    OPTION key.
    2Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bot-
    tom line of the display shows 
    System and 
    Master Clock Select
    							6 - Word synchronization
    17  TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual
    3Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bot-
    tom line of the display shows 
    Clock Select
    , and press ENTER:
    4Use the DATA ENTRY knob to choose the 
    word clock source for the TM-D1000.
    The external word clock source may be the 
    TDIF-1 A source, the Digital 
    In A, or the Word Sync In con-
    nection. If the optional expansion board is Þtted, 
    the additional digital inputs, except for digital 
    input C, which contains a sampling frequency 
    convertor, may also be selected as word clock 
    Remember that all other digital audio devices in 
    the system must also be set as slaves (except for 
    the word clock master) and must be connected so 
    that the word clock is transmitted to them.
    When using the TM-D1000 with a DTRS or 
    other recorder in varispeed mode, the TM-
    D1000 must be conÞgured as a word clock 
    slave. We suggest that you use the Word 
    Sync In as the clock source when using the 
    TM-D1000 as a word clock slave with DTRS 
    recorders, except with DA-38 recorders.
    When using a DA-38 recorder in varispeed 
    mode, the only available word clock source for 
    the TM-D1000 is the 
    TDIF-1 A source. 
    This is because the DA-38 must act as a word 
    clock master in varispeed mode, and has no 
    word clock output jack.
    A complete discussion of digital audio is outside the 
    scope of this guide. You should consult one of the 
    many excellent books on the subject if you are in any 
    Master Clock Select
    Word Sync I n 
    							 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 18
    7 - Channel operations
    This covers most common channel operations 
    (equalization, routing, etc.), as well as the channel 
    dynamic processors. It does not cover aux sends and 
    effects, which are described in ÒEffectsÓ on page 23.
    Fader operations are similar to those on any analog 
    console. The ÒnominalÓ level is marked by a 0 on the 
    fader scale.
    The panpot controls are also similar to those of an 
    analog console.
    7.1 Equalization
    One of the most common tasks in recording is to 
    adjust the equalization. To do this on the TM-D1000:
    1Press the PARAM SEL key until the EQ indi-
    cator lights green:
    If you see the CH SEL! message, the TM-
    D1000 is reminding you to select a channel to 
    which you will apply the equalization settings.
    2Press the CH SEL key of the channel to which 
    you want to apply equalization.
    3Press the EQ key beside the CH ASSIGN keys 
    (above channel 6) so that it is lit, to enable 
    equalization on the selected channel.
    Operating Tip
    It is very important to remember this step. If 
    EQ indicator is not lit when you are editing 
    the EQ settings, there will be no audible 
    effect. You can also use this key as an ÒA-BÓ 
    selector to examine the effects of your equal-
    ization settings.
    4Adjust the equalization gain and frequency 
    in the three bands using the data editing 
    Use the DATA ENTRY knob to view and set the 
    second set of parameters (notice that the MID 
    gain and frequency are always visible and con-
    trolled by the center two data editing knobs). 
    Each frequency band has the same frequency 
    range (from 41 Hz to 16.0 kHz) and the same cut 
    and boost (±15 dB in 0.5dB steps).However, the LOW and HI bands are shelving 
    Þlters, which work in a slightly different way to 
    the peak/dip Þlter of the MID band.
    7.2 Routing channels to busses
    As explained earlier, there are four busses on the 
    TM-D1000 whose function may be either aux or 
    group busses, as explained in ÒBuss conÞgurationsÓ 
    on page 11. To assign input channels to these busses 
    when their function is set as group busses:
    1Press the CH SEL key of the channel you wish 
    to assign to a buss.
    2Press any combination of the 1-2, 3-4 or L-R 
     keys (above input channels 3 
    through 5). When a 
    CH ASSIGN key is lit, the 
    channel whose 
    CH SEL key is lit will be 
    routed through that pair of busses.
    Do not route a tape return to the buss which 
    feeds that trackÕs input. For instance, if you 
    have selected the buss function with four out-
    put groups, tape tracks 1 and 2 will be fed by 
    busses 1 and 2 and be returned to channels 9 
    and 10. If channels 9 and 10 are routed to 
    busses 1 and 2, an undesirable loop will 
    occur, resulting in feedback, and possible 
    damage to your equipment.
    If none of the four busses is set as a group bus, or if 
    only one pair of group busses is set, either or both of 
    1-2 and 3-4 keys will be disabled. The L-R key is 
    always enabled.
    To check the routing of input channels, simply press 
    CH SEL key of the channel you wish to check, 
    and observe the 
    CH ASSIGN keys.
    Operating Tip
    Remember that there is no dedicated monitor 
    or cue buss on the TM-D1000. If you want to 
    monitor an input channel or a tape track in 
    recording mode, you should assign it to the L-
    R buss, as explained earlier.
    LOW-G MID-f MID-G HI - G ©
    CH SEL ! 
    							7 - Channel operations
    19  TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual
    7.3 Using the DIRECT OUTs
    The input channels can be sent to the TDIF-1 outputs 
    on a one-to-one basis instead of being routed through 
    the group busses. Use the 
    DIRECT OUT key instead 
    of the 
    CH ASSIGN keys.
    The direct out facility is obviously useful only 
    in the REC mode; in the MIX mode, there is 
    little point in sending input channels to the 
    TDIF-1 outputs.
    Although you can assign an input channel to 
    the group busses and to the direct outputs at 
    the same time, this is not useful in many 
    cases. We therefore suggest that you use 
    either the direct out or the group busses, but 
    not both.
    The DIRECT OUT pick-off point can be set to be 
    either pre-or post-fader.
    1Press and hold down the SHIFT key, and 
    press the 
    OPTION key.
    2Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bottom 
    line of the display shows 
    Setup, and press 
    3Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bottom 
    line of the display shows 
    Direct out 
    , and press ENTER:
    4Use the DATA ENTRY knob to choose between 
    Post Input Fader (post-fader 
    output) and 
    Pre EQ (pre-fader and pre-
    EQ), and use 
    ENTER to conÞrm your selec-
    7.4 Assigning channel dynamics
    The default effect pattern when recording is to assign 
    four mono dynamic processors to input channels. To 
    use these processors:
    1Press and hold down the SHIFT key, and 
    press the 
    OPTION key. 
    2Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bottom 
    line of the display shows 
    3Press ENTER, and turn the DATA ENTRY 
    knob until the bottom line shows 
    Dynamics Insert
    4Press ENTER:
    Each number on the display represents one of the 
    dynamic processors assigned to a channel. The 
    channel number corresponds to the numbers 
    printed under the display. In the above example, 
    dynamic processors 1 through 4 are assigned to 
    channels 1 through 4.
    5Turn the DATA ENTRY knob to move the cur-
    sor, and push it to toggle the dynamic proces-
    sor assignment on or off for the channel 
    whose number is under the cursor.
    6Turn the DATA ENTRY knob to select an 
    available dynamic processor.
    This does not toggle the processor on or offÑjust 
    the assignment of the processor to the channel.
    7To set the dynamic processor parameters, 
    press the 
    CH SEL key for the channel whose 
    processor you want to edit.
    8Press the PARAM SEL key until the EFFECT/
     indicator lights green.
    9Use the DATA ENTRY knob to switch the dis-
    play of the dynamic processor parameters, 
    and use the data editing knobs to adjust the 
    following parameters:
    Direct out mode
    Post Input Fader?
    Ch Dynamics Insert
    3-05 Light Gate ©
    In: 95 Eff: On[Out: 0 ]
    InInput level
    EffOn or off. When on, the overall output level can 
    be cut by 40 dB or boosted by 22 dB.
    ThshdThe threshold level at which the processor will 
    start to operate.
    Att-TThe attack time of the processor
    Rls-TThe release time of the processor
    RatioAdjustable from 1:64 (full compression) to 64:1 
    							7 - Channel operations
     TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 20
    7.5 External insert points
    The TM-D1000 is capable of using external inserts 
    on channels 1 through 4, as well as using its internal 
    dynamic processors. Use standard ÔYÕ cables such as 
    TASCAM PW-4Y or PW-2Y cables to connect an 
    external processor.
    The tip of the p-inch TRS jack plug is the ÒsendÓ of 
    the TM-D1000 to the external processor, and the ring 
    is the ÒreturnÓ. The sleeve is used as a common 
    7.6 Linking channels for 
    simultaneous parameter 
    You may Þnd it useful to link adjacent channels so 
    that changes made to the parameters on one channel 
    also affect the adjacent channel.
    Odd-numbered channels may be linked in this way 
    with the even-numbered channel immediately fol-
    lowing (e.g. channel 3 may be linked with channel 4, 
    but not with channel 2 or with channel 5).Channels may be linked if either of them is assigned 
    to use an in-line dynamic effects processor (see 
    ÒAssigning channel dynamicsÓ on page 19). In this 
    instance, they will share a linked two-channel 
    dynamic effect processor (changes made to one 
    channelÕs processor will affect the other channelsÕs 
    1Press and hold down the CH SEL key of one 
    of the channels to be linked.
    2Press the CH SEL key of the other channel.
    To un-link the channels, repeat the process.
    When you link channels, the following parameters 
    will be applied to both channels simultaneously:
    ¥ Fader levels (moving one fader will have the effect 
    of moving both faders simultaneously, even though 
    the second fader does not physically move).
    ¥ Channel assignment (see ÒRouting channels to bus-
    sesÓ on page 18).
    ¥ Equalization parameters and the EQ switch (see 
    ÒChannel operationsÓ on page 18)
    ¥ Channel muting
    ¥ Aux send levels (see ÒSetting aux send levelsÓ on 
    page 24) 
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