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Tascam TM-D1000 Operations Manual

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1 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual
1 - TM-D1000 Operations Manual
Congratulations on your purchase of the TM-D1000. 
This high-quality digital mixing console allows you 
to produce crystal-clear multitrack recordings and to 
mix them to a digital stereo mastering machine.
We do not expect you to read the Reference Manual 
from cover to cover, but if you take the time to read 
through this Operations Manual, this will be repaid 
in terms of future familiarity with the unit.
Since the TM-D1000 is a...

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1 - TM-D1000 Operations Manual
 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 2
When referring to named parts of the TM-
D1000, we will use the following typeface: 
 (or CH SEL in notes, etc.). When referring 
to words, etc. shown on the display, we will 
use the following typeface: Option.
1.2 TM-D1000 features
Among other features, the TM-D1000 includes:
¥ Eight analog inputs, capable of accepting input 
from a variety of sources, from professional line 
level to standard dynamic microphones. Four of...

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1 - TM-D1000 Operations Manual
3  TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual
Although it is possible to connect equipment 
using the XLR and phone connectors at the 
same time to input channels 1 through 4, we 
do not recommend that you do this. There is a 
risk of damage to the microphone, due to sig-
nals received at the phone jack being re-
transmitted to the XLR jack.
1.3.2 PHANTOM (+48V)
The PHANTOM power switch by the XLR jack of 
channel 4 provides phantom power at +48 V to the 
XLR jacks of...

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1 - TM-D1000 Operations Manual
 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 4
1.3.10MIDI IN & OUT
These MIDI connectors are used for control by an 
external sequencer, etc., as well as for receiving 
MIDI timecode and transmitting MIDI Machine 
Control commands to external equipment.
See ÒMIDI Machine controlÓ on page 29, ÒLoca-
tionsÓ on page 30 and ÒMIDI control of the TM-
D1000Ó on page 32 for further details of MIDI func-
tions and the TM-D1000.
There are two pairs of digital outputs...

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5 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual
2 - The TM-D1000 menu system
The operational ÒheartÓ of the TM-D1000 is the 
menu system. Using this system, you can set up com-
mon channel parameters, such as equalization, etc. 
and also the more general global settings, such as 
console conÞguration.
The menu system may be described in the following 
¥ At the ÒtopÓ level are the main menus, such as the 
Option menu, channel AUX and EQ menus.
¥ Below these menus there may be sub-menus, for 
instance, in the...

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2 - The TM-D1000 menu system
 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 6
2.5 The display screen
The display screen is typically used in the following 
The top line of the display screen is used to show the 
sub-menu or the parameter to be edited which is cur-
rently selected. The right side of the top line shows 
you if there are other sub-menus or parameters avail-
able (see ÒDATA ENTRYÓ on page 6 for details).
The bottom line of the display is used to show the 
sub-menu or value of the parameter or...

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2 - The TM-D1000 menu system
7  TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual
To move the cursor around when editing names, 
press and hold down the 
DATA ENTRY key while 
turning it. This allows you to change the position of 
the cursor (underlining the character position to be 
Simply turn the knob without pushing it to edit the 
character at the cursor position. The characters avail-
able are all upper and lowercase alphabetical charac-
ters, numerals and common punctuation symbols.
SHIFT key is...

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 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 8
3 - A quick guide to common functions
This section gives you a brief Òroad mapÓ of the 
common functions that you will need to perform dur-
ing the course of a recording and mixdown session.
+Initializing TM-D1000 internal data
Hold and press the PARAM SEL and ENTER keys 
while powering on the TMD-1000, and press 
after selecting 
All, Snapshot or 
Effect(see page 10).
+Setting the word clock
Option à System à Master 
Clock Select (See ÒWord synchroniza-

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3 - A quick guide to common functions
9  TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual
+Recalling a snapshot
Press the ESCAPE/RECALL key until the display 
RECALL?. Choose the snapshot and press 
ENTER (See ÒRecalling snapshotsÓ on page 26.).
+Storing a snapshot
Press and hold the SHIFT key and press the STORE 
) key. Choose a memory, and 
ENTER (See ÒStoring a snapshotÓ on page 26.).
+Setting the MMC ID of the TM-D1000
Option à MIDI à MMC Device 
 (See ÒSetting up the device IDsÓ on...

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 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 10
4 - Buss functions
As we mentioned brießy earlier, the busses of the 
TM-D1000 can be switched internally into different 
conÞgurations, depending on the current needs of the 
These conÞgurations may be stored in two conve-
nient main user modes; the recording and mixdown 
modes (REC and MIX). These are shown by the 
MODE indicators to the left of the display screen.
When a change is made between the REC and MIX 
modes, the settings of the mode from which...
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