Tascam TM-D1000 Operations Manual
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4 - Buss functions 11 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual tors are assigned with one effector being used as a stereo processor for the stereo output buss, and the other effector used as another stereo processor assigned to the effect return. The PARAM SEL AUX selection allows the channel to be routed through either the AUX 1-2 or AUX 3 or 4 sends. 4.3 Choosing REC or MIX mode To choose between the REC or MIX mode: 1Press and hold down the SHIFT key and press the OPTION key. 2Turn the DATA ENTRY...
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4 - Buss functions TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 12 4.5 Where do the busses go? As you can see from the above description, the L-R stereo buss is not used for recording in the REC modes. It goes straight out to the STEREO outputs (analog or digital) and to the MONITOR buss (paral- leled to the headphone output). You should therefore use it as a monitor or cue buss when recording. The behavior of the group outputs depends on the number of group outputs which are being used in the...
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13 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 5 - Using the digital inputs and outputs One of the main features of the TM-D1000 is its abil- ity to keep sound in the digital domain throughout the whole of a recording project, from digital source, through DTRS multitrack, etc., through to the Þnal mix onto digital media. This results in no loss of quality from the start right to the end of the project. However, you must take care to keep the word clock consistent throughout the system (see ÒWord syn-...
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5 - Using the digital inputs and outputs TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 14 5.3 Connecting a 2-track recorder The TM-D1000 provides both XLR and RCA con- nectors for output of the stereo busses. The format in which data can be output is either AES/EBU or SPDIF. Either format may be selected for output from either connector, but each output can only transmit one format at a time (i.e. it is possible to output AES/EBU from output A XLR and SPDIF from output B RCA, but not to output AES/EBU from...
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5 - Using the digital inputs and outputs 15 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 5Push the DATA ENTRY knob to select the channel whose input you will be editing and turn the knob to select between the analog input and the digital input 1. NOTE Because the digital input is a stereo input, you will probably need to select two channels to accept the digital audio signal. 6Press the ENTER key to conÞrm your selec- tion. 5.5 Using digital effect returns An increasing number of digital effect units allow...
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TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 16 6 - Word synchronization When you have a digital audio setup, it is most important that all equipment in the setup shares the same word clock. This is not at all related to time- code synchronization, but refers to a digital signal at the sampling frequency which marks the beginning and the end of digital data ÒwordsÓ. If this clock is not present, or is distorted, the resulting signals passed between different pieces of equipment will not be synchronized,...
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6 - Word synchronization 17 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 3Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bot- tom line of the display shows Master Clock Select , and press ENTER: 4Use the DATA ENTRY knob to choose the word clock source for the TM-D1000. The external word clock source may be the TDIF-1 A source, the Digital In A, or the Word Sync In con- nection. If the optional expansion board is Þtted, the additional digital inputs, except for digital input C, which contains a sampling frequency...
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TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 18 7 - Channel operations This covers most common channel operations (equalization, routing, etc.), as well as the channel dynamic processors. It does not cover aux sends and effects, which are described in ÒEffectsÓ on page 23. Fader operations are similar to those on any analog console. The ÒnominalÓ level is marked by a 0 on the fader scale. The panpot controls are also similar to those of an analog console. 7.1 Equalization One of the most common tasks in...
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7 - Channel operations 19 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 7.3 Using the DIRECT OUTs The input channels can be sent to the TDIF-1 outputs on a one-to-one basis instead of being routed through the group busses. Use the DIRECT OUT key instead of the CH ASSIGN keys. NOTE The direct out facility is obviously useful only in the REC mode; in the MIX mode, there is little point in sending input channels to the TDIF-1 outputs. Although you can assign an input channel to the group busses and to the...
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7 - Channel operations TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 20 7.5 External insert points The TM-D1000 is capable of using external inserts on channels 1 through 4, as well as using its internal dynamic processors. Use standard ÔYÕ cables such as TASCAM PW-4Y or PW-2Y cables to connect an external processor. The tip of the p-inch TRS jack plug is the ÒsendÓ of the TM-D1000 to the external processor, and the ring is the ÒreturnÓ. The sleeve is used as a common ground. 7.6 Linking channels for...