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Tascam TM-D1000 Operations Manual

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21 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual
8 - Monitoring, etc.
The TM-D1000 allows you to connect an ampliÞer/
speaker monitoring system to the 
connectors. The level of the signal transmitted from 
there is controlled by the 
LEVEL control.
There is also a 
PHONES jack, into which you can 
plug standard headphones. The level here is indepen-
dently controllable with the 
Do not connect a pair of monaural head-
phones to the stereo 
PHONES jack with a 
monaural jack...

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8 - Monitoring, etc.
 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 22
mix as well as the monitor mix. If you are 
working in a sound reinforcement or mixdown 
application, you should take care not to use 
the in-place solo mode, as this will destroy the 
Þnal mix.
To select the solo mode:
1Press and hold down the SHIFT key and press 
2Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bottom 
line of the display shows 
3Press ENTER and turn the DATA ENTRY 
knob until the bottom line of the display 

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23 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual
9 - Effects
The TM-D1000 includes high-quality digital effects. 
There are three types of processor, and these can be 
patterned together in various ways, depending on the 
current mode and buss function selected.The processor types are:
The patterns are:
Naturally, if the buss function that you have selected 
does not include any aux busses, but the aux/group 
busses are assigned as group busses, you cannot use the aux functions. See the table below for details of...

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9 - Effects
 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 24
with the buss function, and N means that the effect 
pattern cannot be used with the buss function):
9.1 Selecting effect patterns
1Press and hold down the SHIFT key and press 
OPTION key to enter the Option 
2Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bottom 
line shows 
Effect, and then press 
3Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bottom 
line shows 
Effect Pattern, and 
4Select the appropriate effect pattern by turn-
ing the...

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9 - Effects
25  TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual
In some effect patterns, the effect type is Þxed 
as a dynamic processor and cannot be 
1Press the PARAM SEL key until the EFFECT/
 indicator lights green.
2Push the DATA ENTRY knob so that you 
select the correct effect screen (1 or 2). The 
effect screen number is shown at the top left 
of the display:
3Press the ESCAPE/RECALL key.
The display will start to ßash.
4Turn the DATA ENTRY knob to select the 
effect to be used in this...

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 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 26
10 - Snapshots
The settings of most of the parameters can be stored 
as a snapshot, which may be recalled manually, or 
under MIDI Program Change control. Snapshots 001 
through 128 are available for storing settings. 
Snapshot 000 is a special case, where all ÒinvisibleÓ 
controls (i.e. EQ, aux sends, etc. not faders or pan-
pots) are reset to ÒßatÓ positions.
When a snapshot is recalled, the TM-D1000 will 
fade from its prior values into the new snapshot val-

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10 - Snapshots
27  TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual
10.3 Renaming snapshots
1Press the ESCAPE/RECALL key until the 
current snapshot name and number is shown 
on the top of the display, and the word 
RECALL? is shown on the bottom.
2Push the DATA ENTRY knob so that the bot-
tom line reads 
3Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the snap-
shot that you want to rename is shown on the 
top line of the display.
4ConÞrm this with the ENTER key.
5Rename the snapshot, following the proce-
dures described...

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10 - Snapshots
 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 28 1
Press and hold down the ESCAPE/RECALL 
key and press the 
CH SEL key whose channel 
number corresponds to the snapshot number 
that you want to recall.
Only the Þrst 16 user snapshots can be recalled in 
this way.
If the Direct Recall Defeat feature is set to 
(see below), this feature is not available.
10.5.1Direct recall defeat
To avoid accidental recall of snapshots, the TM-
D1000 provides a ÒsafetyÓ (defeat) mode.
1Press and hold down...

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29 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual
11 - MIDI Machine control
The TM-D1000 can be used together with any 
recorder or other device that supports MIDI Machine 
Control commands, such as the TASCAM DA-88 
with the optional SY-88 synchronizer board, the 
TASCAM DA-38 with the optional MMC-38, or the 
TASCAM DA-98, as well as the TASCAM MMR-8 
and MMR-16 disk recorders.
MIDI Machine Control must be implemented 
on your external device in order for the TMD-
1000 to control it. Not all MMC functions may...

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11 - MIDI Machine control
 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 30
When the indicator is lit, the transport keys 
CH ASSIGN 1-2, 3-4 and L-R keys, the EQ 
key and the 
DIRECT OUT key) take on the 
assignments printed in blue below these keys, 
and there is no need to press the 
SHIFT key to 
use them as transport keys.
However, the 
REC FUNCTION) keys do not use the shift 
lock mode. Regardless of the status of the 
MMC LOCK indicator, you must always hold 
down the 
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