Steinberg Nuendo 4 Operation Manual
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521 Key commands 5.Repeat the procedure to add more commands to the macro. Note that commands are added after the currently selected command in the list. This allows you to insert commands “in the middle” of an existing macro. A macro with three commands. To remove a command from the macro, select it in the Macros list and click Delete. Similarly, to remove an entire macro, select it in the Macros list and click Delete. After you have closed the Key Commands dialog, all mac- ros you have created appear at the bottom of the Edit menu in the Macros submenu, available for instant selection. You can also assign key commands to macros. All macros you have created appear in the upper section of the Key Commands dialog under the Macros category – just se- lect a macro and assign a key command as with any other function. Saving complete key commands settings as presets As mentioned above, any changes made to the key com- mands (and macros) are automatically stored as a Nuendo preference. However, it is also possible to store key com- mands settings separately. This way, you can store any number of different key command settings, complete or partial, as presets for instant recall. Proceed as follows: 1.Set up the key commands and macros to your liking. When setting up key commands, remember to click “Assign” to make the changes. 2.Make sure that “Store Selected Items Only” is not ac- tivated. This option is for saving partial key commands settings only (see below). 3.Click the Save button next to the Presets pop-up menu. A dialog appears, allowing you to type in a name for the preset. 4.Click OK to save the preset. Your saved key commands settings will now be available in the Preset pop-up menu for your future projects. Saving partial key commands settings It is also possible to save partial key commands settings. This is useful for example if you have made settings that only relate to a specific project or settings that you wish to apply only in certain situations. When you apply a saved partial preset you only change the specific saved settings, while all other key commands settings will be left un- changed.

522 Key commands When you have set up the key commands and macros, proceed as follows to save the partial settings as a preset: 1.Activate the “Store Selected Items Only” option. When this is activated, a new “Store” column appears in the Commands list. 2.Click in the Store column for the key commands items you wish to save. Note that if you check an entire category folder (as opposed to separate commands) all commands it contains will automatically also be selected. If this is not what you want, deselect the commands you don’t want to in- clude. 3.Click the Save button (the disk icon) next to the Pre- sets pop-up menu. A dialog appears, allowing you to type in a name for the Preset. 4.Click OK to save. Your saved key commands settings will now be available from the Preset pop-up menu for your future projects. Loading saved key command settings To load a key command preset, simply select it from the Presets pop-up menu. ÖNote that this operation may replace existing key com- mands! The key command settings you load will replace the current key command settings for the same functions (if any). If you have macros of the same name as those stored in the preset you load, these will be replaced too. If you want to be able to revert to your current settings again, make sure to save them first, as described above! Loading saved key commands settings from earlier versions of Nuendo If you have saved key commands settings with a previous version of Nuendo, it is possible to use them in Nuendo 4, by using the “Import Key Command File” function, which lets you load and apply saved key commands or macros: 1.Open the Key Commands dialog. 2.Click the “Import Key Command File” button to the right of the Presets pop-up menu. A standard file dialog opens. 3.In the file dialog, use the “Files of type:” pop-up to specify if you want to import a key commands file (Win- dows file extension “.key”) or a macro commands file (ex- tension “.mac”). Key commands files included any macro settings and were saved with the file extension “.xml”. When you have imported an older file, you might want to save it as a preset (see “Saving complete key commands set- tings as presets” on page 521) to be able to access it from the Presets pop-up menu in the future. 4.Navigate to the file you want to import and click “Open”. The file is imported. 5.Click OK to exit the Key Commands dialog and apply the imported settings. The settings in the loaded key commands or macros file now replace the current settings.

523 Key commands About the “Reset” and “Reset All” functions These two buttons in the Key Commands dialog will both restore the default settings. The following rules apply: “Reset” restores the default key command setting for the function selected in the Commands list. “Reset All” will restore the default key commands for all commands. About the default key commands As mentioned before, there are numerous default key commands. These are listed in the section “The default key commands” on page 524. Using Alternative Key Sets As an alternative to saving and loading key commands settings as previously described, you can set up and save “alternative key sets”. This allows you to switch between different key commands settings “on the fly” while you are working in the program, instead of having to go into the Key Commands dialog to change them. About the preset Alternative Key Sets By default, Nuendo contains two different key sets: “Markers” is actually not an alternative key set, but rather the default key set that you can switch back to at any time (see below). “Shuttle” is a specialized, alternative key set containing key commands settings for all of the Transport panel’s Shuttle controls. You could edit and save these under the same names to replace them with your own settings should you so wish, but it is advised that you instead create additional key sets for your specific needs. Saving an Alternative Key Set Here’s how to create and save an Alternative Key Set: 1.Open the Key Commands dialog from the File menu. 2.Set up the key commands and macros the way you want them. 3.Decide whether you want to save complete or partial settings by activating/deactivating “Store Selected Items Only”. 4.Click the Store Alternative Set button (the disk icon) in the Alternative Key Sets section. A dialog appears, allowing you to type in a name for the Preset. 5.Type in a name for the key set and click OK to save it. The saved key set appears in the list of alternative key sets. Editing an Alternative Key Set To edit a saved key set, proceed as follows: 1.Select the key set in the list and click the “Open” but- ton (the folder icon) in the Alternative Key Sets section. The key set is now activated, and the key commands settings are changed accordingly. 2.Make the desired changes. 3.Click the Store Alternative Set button (the disk icon) in the Alternative Key Sets section. The key set is saved with the updated settings. Removing a saved Alternative Key Set To remove a saved key set, select it in the list and click the “Remove” button (the trash icon) in the Alternative Key Sets section. A dialog appears asking if you want to remove the key set or cancel the operation. !Note that the “Reset All” operation will cause any changes made to the default key commands to be lost! If you want to be able to revert to these settings again, make sure to save them first!

524 Key commands Switching between Alternative Key Sets You switch between different key sets in the program by using the key command assigned to the function “Toggle Alternate Key Commands”, located in the “File” subfolder in the Key Commands dialog. The key command for this function is by default [F5], but you can of course change this to any key command that suits you best. See “Adding or modifying a key command” on page 518 for instructions on how to change key com- mands. When you press the key command for the function, a small pop-up appears, indicating which key set is currently loaded. Each time you press the key command, you switch to the next available alternative key set. Setting up tool modifier keys A tool modifier key is a key you can press to get an alter- nate function when using a tool. For example, clicking and dragging an event with the Arrow tool normally moves it – holding down a modifier key (by default [Alt]/[Option]) will copy it instead. The default assignments for tool modifier keys can be found in the Preferences (Editing–Tool Modifiers page). Here, you can also edit them: 1.Open the Preferences dialog from the File menu (on the Mac, this is located on the Nuendo menu) and select the Editing–Tool Modifiers page. 2.Select an option in the Categories list, and locate the action for which you want to edit the modifier key. For example, the “Copy” action mentioned above resides in the category “Drag & Drop”. 3.Select the action in the Action list. 4.Hold down the desired modifier key(s) and click the Assign button. The current modifier key(s) for the action is replaced. If the modifier key(s) you pressed are already assigned to another tool, you will be asked whether you want to overwrite them. If you do, this will leave the other tool without any modifier key(s) assigned. 5.When you’re done, click OK to apply the changes and close the dialog. The default key commands Below, the default key commands are listed according to category. As described in the section “Key command conventions” on page 9, modifier keys are written as: [Win modifier key]/[Mac modifier key]. For example, “[Ctrl]/[Command]+[N]” in the list below means “press [Ctrl] under Windows or [Command] under Mac OS X, then press [N]”. Note that it is possible to switch key commands for menu items and other functions on and off. This is done in the Preferences dialog–Configuration page. If you disable a key command by switching it off, it will not be possible to invoke the corresponding menu item or function with the key command. See “Cus- tomizing” on page 503. Audio category Automation category Option Key command Adjust Fades to Range [A] Crossfade [X] Find Selected in Pool [Ctrl]/[Command]+[F] Option Key command Toggle Read Enable All Tracks [Alt]/[Option]+[R] Toggle Write Enable All Tracks [Alt]/[Option]+[W]

525 Key commands Devices category Edit category Editors category File category Media category MIDI category Option Key command Mixer [F3] Video [F8] VST Connections [F4] VST Instruments [F11] VST Performance [F12] Option Key command Autoscroll [F] Copy [Ctrl]/[Command]+[C] Cut [Ctrl]/[Command]+[X] Cut Time [Ctrl]/[Command]+[Shift]+[X] Delete [Del] or [Backspace] Delete Time [Shift]+[Backspace] Duplicate [Ctrl]/[Command]+[D] Edit In-place [Ctrl]/[Command]+[Shift]+[I] Group [Ctrl]/[Command]+[G] Insert Silence [Ctrl]/[Command]+[Shift]+[E] Left Selection Side to Cursor [E] Lock [Ctrl]/[Command]+[Shift]+[L] Move to Cursor [Ctrl]/[Command]+[L] Mute [M] Mute Events [Shift]+[M] Mute/Unmute Objects [Alt]/[Option]+[M] Open Default Editor [Ctrl]/[Command]+[E] Open Score Editor (Nuendo Expansion Kit only)[Ctrl]/[Command]+[R] Open/Close Editor [Return] Paste [Ctrl]/[Command]+[V] Paste at Origin [Alt]/[Option]+[V] Paste Time [Ctrl]/[Command]+[Shift]+[V] Record Enable [R] Redo [Ctrl]/[Command]+[Shift]+[Z] Repeat [Ctrl]/[Command]+[K] Right Selection Side to Cursor [D] Select All [Ctrl]/[Command]+[A] Select None [Ctrl]/[Command]+[Shift]+[A] Snap On/Off [J]Solo [S] Split At Cursor [Alt]/[Option]+[X] Split Range [Shift]+[X] Undo [Ctrl]/[Command]+[Z] Ungroup [Ctrl]/[Command]+[U] Unlock [Ctrl]/[Command]+[Shift]+[U] Unmute Events [Shift]+[U] Option Key command Show/Hide Infoview [Ctrl]/[Command]+[I] Show/Hide Inspector [Alt]/[Option]+[I] Show/Hide Overview [Alt]/[Option]+[O] Option Key command Close [Ctrl]/[Command]+[W] New [Ctrl]/[Command]+[N] Open [Ctrl]/[Command]+[O] Quit [Ctrl]/[Command]+[Q] Save [Ctrl]/[Command]+[S] Save As [Ctrl]/[Command]+[Shift]+[S] Save New Version [Ctrl]/[Command]+[Alt]/[Option]+[S] Toggle Alternate Key Commands [#] Option Key command Open MediaBay [F5] Open Loop Browser [F6] Open Sound Browser [F7] Option Key command Quantize [Q] Option Key command

526 Key commands Navigate category Nudge categoryProject category Score Functions category Tool category Option Key command Add Down: Expand/Undo selection in the Project window to the bottom/ Move selected event in the Key Editor down 1 octave[Shift]+[Down Arrow] Add Left: Expand/Undo selection in the Project window/ Key Editor to the left[Shift]+[Left Arrow] Add Right: Expand/Undo selection in the Project window/ Key Editor to the right[Shift]+[Right Arrow] Add Up: Expand/Undo selection in the Project window to the top/ Move selected event in the Key Editor up one octave[Shift]+[Up Arrow] Down: Select next in the Project window/ Move selected event in the Key Edi- tor one semitone down[Down Arrow] Left: Select next in the Project window/ Key Editor[Left Arrow] Right: Select next in the Project window/ Key Editor[Right Arrow] Up: Select next in the Project window/ Move selected event in the Key Editor one semitone up[Up Arrow] Bottom Select bottom track in the track list[End] Top: Select top track in the track list[Home] Option Key command End Left [Alt]/[Option]+[Shift]+[Left Arrow] End Right [Alt]/[Option]+[Shift]+[Right Arrow] Left [Ctrl]/[Command]+[Left Arrow] Right [Ctrl]/[Command]+[Right Arrow] Start Left [Alt]/[Option]+[Left Arrow] Start Right [Alt]/[Option]+[Right Arrow]Option Key command Open Browser [Ctrl]/[Command]+[B] Open Markers [Ctrl]/[Command]+[M] Open/Close Pool [Ctrl]/[Command]+[P] Open Tempo Track [Ctrl]/[Command]+[T] Setup [Shift]+[S] Show/Hide Track Colors [Shift]+[C] Option Key command Insert Voice: Next [Alt]/[Option]+Pad[+] Insert Voice: Previous [Alt]/[Option]+Pad[-] Option Key command Delete tool [5] Draw tool [8] Drumstick tool (Nuendo Expansion Kit only)[0] Glue tool [4] Mute tool [7] Next Tool [F10] Play tool [9] Previous Tool [F9] Range tool [2] Select tool [1] Split tool [3] Zoom tool [6]

527 Key commands Transport category Workspace category Zoom category Option Key command AutoPunch In [I] AutoPunch Out [O] Cycle Pad [/] Exchange time formats [.] Fast Forward [Shift]+Pad [+] Fast Rewind [Shift]+Pad [-] Forward Pad [+] Input Left Locator [Shift]+[L] Input Position [Shift]+[P] Input Right Locator [Shift]+[R] Input Tempo [Shift]+[T] Insert Marker [Insert] (Win) Locate Next Event [N] Locate Next Marker [Shift]+[N] Locate Previous Event [B] Locate Previous Marker [Shift]+[B] Locate Selection [L] Locators to Selection [P] Loop Selection [Shift]+[G] Metronome On [C] Nudge Down [Ctrl]/[Command]+Pad [-] Nudge Up [Ctrl]/[Command]+Pad [+] Panel (Transport panel) [F2] Play Selection Range [Alt]/[Option]+[Space] Recall Cycle Marker 1 to 9 [Shift]+Pad [1] to Pad [9] Record Pad [*] Retrospective Record [Shift]+Pad [*] Return to Zero Pad [.] or Pad [,] Rewind Pad [-] Set Left Locator [Ctrl]/[Command]+Pad [1] Set Marker 1 [Ctrl]/[Command]+[1] Set Marker 2 [Ctrl]/[Command]+[2] Set Marker 3 to 9 [Ctrl]/[Command]+Pad [3] to [9] or [Ctrl]/[Command]+ [3] to [9] Set Right Locator [Ctrl]/[Command]+Pad [2] Start [Enter] Start/Stop [Space] Stop Pad [0]To Left Locator Pad [1] To Marker 1 [Shift]+[1] To Marker 2 [Shift]+[2] To Marker 3 to 9 Pad [3] to [9] or [Shift]+[3] to [9] To Right Locator Pad [2] Use External Sync [T] Option Key command Lock/Unlock Active Workspace [Alt]/[Option]+Pad [0] New [Ctrl]/[Command]+Pad [0] Organize [W] Workspace 1-9 [Alt]/[Option]+Pad [1-9] Option Key command Zoom Full [Shift]+[F] Zoom In [H] Zoom In Tracks [Alt]/[Option]+[Down Arrow] Zoom Out [G] Zoom Out Tracks [Alt]/[Option]+[Up Arrow] or [Ctrl]/[Command]+[Up Arrow] Zoom to Event [Shift]+[E] Zoom to Selection [Alt]/[Option]+[S] Zoom Tracks Exclusive [Z] or [Ctrl]/[Command]+ [Down Arrow] Option Key command

529 Index A AAF files 495 ACID® loops 275 Activate Next/Previous Part 365 Activate project button 487 Active ASIO Ports for Data only 464 Active Part 365 Add Bus 13 Child Bus 13 Add Track 38 Adjust Fades to Range 88 Advanced Quantize 356 AES31 files 496 Aftertouch Deleting 381 Editing 379 Recording 81 AIFF files 439 Allow machine controlled cycle 458 Alt/Option key 9 Alternative Key Sets 523 Always Send Start Message 449 Angle Mode 209 Any (MIDI channel settings) 79 Apogee UV22 HR 174 APP Introduction to 452 Setting up 451 Appearance 511 General 511 Meters 511 Applying effects 249 Archiving 309 Arranger track Adding 99 Creating a chain 100 Flattening 102 Renaming events 99 ASIO 2.0 72 ASIO Direct Monitoring 72 ASIO Positioning Protocol Introduction to 452 Setting up 451 Attenuate (Surround Panner) 211Audio channels Copying settings 141 Linking 145 Making settings for 137 Mixing down to file 438 Saving settings 146 Audio clips About 239 Creating new versions 301 Definition 24 Deleting 302 Locating events 303 Managing in Pool 300 Opening in the Sample Editor 306 Audio effects About 169 Applying 249 Automating 234 Editing 182 External 182 For output busses (Master inserts) 173 Freezing 175 In surround configurations 212 Inserts 170 Organizing in subfolders 186 Post-fader inserts 170 Pre/Post-fader sends 178 Recording with 76 Saving 184 Selecting Presets 183, 198 Sends 177 Tempo sync 170 Using VST System Link 467 Audio events Blue handles 87 Definition 24 Editing in Browser 430 Editing in Sample Editor 259 Fade handles 87 Making selections in 267 Slicing 283 Volume handles 88Audio files Converting 310 Deleting permanently 302 Exporting 438 Format for recording 67 Formats 307 Import options 41 Importing into Pool 306 Importing into Project window 41 Locating missing 305 Reconstructing missing 305 Removing missing 305 Audio loops Tempo matching 272, 277 Audio parts About 23 Creating by gluing events 48 Creating from events 42 Drawing 42 Editing in Audio Part Editor 291 Editing in Project Browser 430 Sliding contents 49 Audio playback speed Adjusting 478 Audio pre-record 67 Audio Warp Realtime pitch-shifting 288 Unstretch Audio 287 Audition icon Sample Editor 265 Auditioning Audio Part Editor 293 MIDI editors 370 Project window 42 Sample Editor 265 Auto Edit (Button) 459 Auto Fades 96 Auto Monitoring modes 71 Auto Quantize 79 Auto Save 489 Auto Select Events under Cursor MIDI editors 372 Project window 43 Automatic MIDI Record Quantize 79

530 Index Automation Auto-Latch mode 220 Crossover mode 220 Delta indicator 216 Editing in Project Browser 432 Gap 218 Opening automation subtracks 231 Return Time 229 Showing and hiding 231 Touch mode 220 Touch-collecting parameters 225 Trim 224 Automation events About 235 Drawing 235 Editing 235 Editing in the Project Browser 237 Removing 237 Selecting 237 Automation follows Events (Option) 234 Automation pass 215 Automation subtracks Assigning parameters to 232 Hiding and showing 233 Muting 234 Autoscroll 57, 369 B Backup (.bak) files 489 Bars+Beats Linear MIDI editors 367 Tempo Track Editor 416 Beat Calculator 421 Bounce (Export Audio) 438 Bounce Selection Pool 308 Project window 51 Sample Editor 269 Brightness 511 Broadcast Wave files Exporting 441 Recording 67 Browser 429Busses About 11 Adding 13 Mixing down to file 438 Routing to and from 14 Viewing in the mixer 15 Bypass Effect sends 178 Inserts 171 C Calculate (Hitpoints) 279 Channel (MIDI) 77 Channel Overview EQ 140 Insert effects 172 Channel setting MIDI 79 Channel Settings Audio tracks 137 Copying 141 MIDI tracks 144 Channel Settings windows Customizing 506 Channel view sets 129 Chase 63 Child Bus 13 Chord Recognition 367 Cleanup 491, 501 Click 83 Clips, see “Audio clips” Close Gaps 284 Close project 487 Color pop-up menu MIDI editors 370 Project window 39 Color tool 39 Colorize Event Background 37 Configuring Studio Sends 163 Configuring the Control Room Mixer 156 Conform Files 310 Constrain Delay Compensation 200Control Room About 152 Channels 153 Configuring 153 Creating a Channel 154 Features 152 Mixer 156 Operations 158 Overview 156 Preferences 162 Settings 162 Controller display About 368 Adding and removing lanes 377 Controller lane presets 377 Editing events 379 Editing velocity 378 Selecting event type 377 Controllers Deleting 381 Editing 379 Lane Editing 378, 380 Recording 81 Convert Files 310 Convert to Real Copy 46 Converting MIDI to CC track automation 362 Count-in 83 Cpr files 487 Create Audio Images During Record 72 Create events 284 Create events (Cycle Rec Mode) 74 Create Groove Quantize 283 Create MIDI track when loading VSTi 190 Create new controller lane 377 Create Regions (Cycle Rec Mode) 74 Create slices 283 Crop 55 Crossfades Creating 91 Editing in dialog 92 Presets 95 Removing 91 Simple Crossfade Editor 92