Starplus Triad S Product Manual
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2-22 Ba ck grou nd Music Ba c kgr ou nd Mu si c Each digital telephone user may receive music over their speaker when an o ptional mu sic source is connected to the system. The Background Music featu re can be allowed or denied on a sys tem-wide bas is by pr ogra mmi ng. Ba t te r y Ba c k-Up ( Memo r y) A lithium battery is located on the Master Processor Board (MPB) of the Tri ad- SS ystem to protect sys tem memory in cas e of commercial p ower outa ge or the s ystem power being turned off for a time...
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Ca ll C o v e r a g e 2 - 2 3 The cost information is p rogramm able b y s electing one of the 16 route li st t abl es an d one of the four t i me per io ds. Thi s a ll ows the us er t o progra m four s epa ra te costs bas ed on the time of d ay f or each of the 16 route s. The costs entered in the tab le s is a cos t for one minu te , how eve r, costs a re calcula te d us ing a 1/10th of a m inute value . T hes e cos ts are roundeddownandarebasedonthestarttimeofthecall,evenifthecall exten ds into a...
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2-24 Ca ll Fo rwa rd - Pres et Call Forw ard - Preset The Call Forward Preset feature allows the system database to be configure d s o that incomin g CO Line s, which are p rogramm ed to ring a t a p ar ti c u la r s ta ti o n, c an b e f o rwa rde d e l sewh er e in the sy st em prede te rmine d b y programming. This fea ture is activ e if the s tation ringing is not answered in a specified time, and is particularly useful in ove rfl ow a ppl ic a ti ons in whic h a Voi c e M ail or A ut o A tt e ndant...
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Ca ll F o r wa rd : St a ti o n 2 - 2 5 Preset Call Forward - Per CO Line The Preset Call Forward feature allows each CO line to be preset call for war ded on a pe r CO li ne bas is . T his al l ows a CO l ine t o i ni ti al ly ri ng a t multiple stations and forward to a predetermined destination. The des tination can be a s ta tion or Hu nt Group . E ach C O line has a Pres et Forward Timer. Each CO line also has a VMID field to allow specific VM di gits to be sen t when a C O li ne forw ard s to a VM...
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2-26 Ca ll Fo rwa rd: St atio n Call Forward - All Calls Call Forward All Calls allows a station to have all their calls (internal or external) forwarded immediately to a designated station, an ACD or UCD gro up pilot numbe r, Voice Mail group num ber, or Hunt group. Call Forward - Busy Call Forward Busy allows a station the ability to have their calls forwarded to a d esi gna te d s tat i o n, a n A CD o r UCD gr o u p p il o t nu mbe r, Vo i c e Ma il gro up numb er, or H unt group whe n their station...
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Ca ll P a r k2-27 Ca l l P ar k An outs id e l in e c an be pla c ed int o one of e ig ht p ar king loc a ti ons a nd c an be retrieved by any station that has a direct line appearance or an ava il abl e L oop but ton. Park ed cal l s hav e t hei r ow n re call t ime r t hat r ecal ls the origina ting s ta tion, and if still unans wered, the Attenda nt( s). An outside line may also be placed into a station park location. The station user then dials a code followed by their station number to retrieve the...
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2-28 Cal l Tran sfer Ca l l Tra n s fe r An outside CO line can be transferred from one keyset to another. By using the TRANS button, s cre ene d (a nnounced ) or uns cre ene d tra nsfe rs c an b e ma de. The l ine be in g t ran sfe rr ed ri ngs on t he k eys et and pr ovid es Exclusive Hold flashing indication to the receiving partys keyset. Any numberofattemptscanbemadetolocatesomeonebycallingdifferent key sets without losing the call. The Direct Transfer Mode allows transferring of an outside CO line...
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Ca mp-On Recall 2 -29 Ca m p -On Re ca l l Whe n a station does not an swer a Ca mp-On, tha t call re ca lls the pe rs on placing the C amp -On, a nd if una nswe re d b y them , recalls the Attendant(s). Centrex Compatibility TheTr iad-SSys te m p ro vi de fe at ure s t ha t a re C ent re x c o mp at ibl e so tha t Centrex users can utilize theTr iad-SSys te m to e nhance their Ce ntre x capa bil it i es . T he syst e m act ual ly si mpl if ie s a nd pr ovi de s e as ie r access t o many Ce ntr e x fe at...
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2-30 Cen trex/PB X Tran sfer Programmable Flash Timer CO line flas h is a mome nta ry ope ning on a CO line us ed for signalin g. Whe n usi ng theTr iad-SSystem in a Centrex environment, the CO line flash is to signal the inte ntion to transf er a ca ller us ing Ce ntre x tra nsfe r. TheCOlineflashtimerisprogrammableonaperCOlinebasesto facilitate a mixture of C entrex and C O lines with in the sa me sys te m. Programming✳,#,andHook-FlashesintoSpeedDial Many C entrex codes utilize a h ook-flas h follow ed...
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CO Line - Access 2 -31 Six uniquely defined Classes of Service are available for assignment to st at ions on a pe r st at ion bas is and al l si x ar e ava il abl e for day and nigh t assignment. Station Class of Service works in conjunction with CO line Class of Service to provid e the mos t flexib le means for offering custom to l l re st r ic t io n. As a par t of t he Di al ing pr ivi l ege as si gnmen t t hr ough C la ss of S er vi ce t he sys te m off ers two prog ram mable Allow and De ny tab le s...