Starplus Triad S Product Manual
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2-12 Sta tio n Features Index T TEXT MESSAGING (Si lent Respo nse)Exec Keyset TOLL RESTRICTION (Table Driven)N TRA NSFER R ECALLN U U NI FO R M C ALL D ISTR IBU TIO N ( UC D ) Agent Queue Status DisplayN A lternate UCD Group AssignmentsN Au to Wra p -Up wi th TimerN Av a ila b le/ Un av a ila b le M od eN Incoming CO Direct RingingN No -Answer Rec all Ti merN No-Answer Retry TimerN O ver flow Stati on Assignme ntsN Recorded Announcements (RAN)RAN Devi ces UNI VERSAL DAY /NIGHT...
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Account Codes 2 -13 Account Codes An account code is the las t field within Sta tion Messa ge D etail Recording (SMDR), that provides tracking capabilities for specific calls by entering a non-v erif ie d, v ariab le length ( up to 12 digits) ide ntif ie r. The us e of forced Account C odes is o ptional, offered on a s ystem- wid e basis. SMDR must be enabled to use account codes. Account Codes - Force d TheTr iad-SSystem allows arranging of the system so that station users must enter an account code...
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2-14 A nsw ering Machine Emul atio n Answering Machine Emulation Whe n a call i s sen t to a voi ce mai lb ox, t he st at ion as socia te d wi t h t hat mai lb ox c an pr ess a pr e-p rogr amm ed but ton to li st en to the c a ll er le avi ng the voi ce mai l mes sage . If the ma il box owner de cid es to spe ak with the caller, they can press the pre-programmed button and connect to the c a ll er . Two methods of notification are a vaila ble , a ring mode or a spe ake r mode. These methods are...
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Auto ma ti c C al l D is tr i but i on (AC D ) 2 - 15 Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) The ACD feature is available with optional software.Whe n pur chas ed, Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) is not used and is replaced by the ACD functions identifie d b elow. Sixteen Autom atic C all D is trib ution ( AC D) g roups can be progra mmed, ea ch contain ing up to 252 station numbe rs (up to the s ystem station maxi mum). Each group is a ssigne d a pilot num ber. When this numbe r is dialed, the...
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2-16 Auto mat ic Cal l Dis tributio n (ACD ) He l p Re q ue s t-- T he HELP fea tur e prov id es a m eans for a n A CD age nt to si gnal t he ass igne d supe rv isor f or ass ist an ce . Whi le on a cal l, t he agen t can p re ss th e H ELP b utt on t o s igna l the a ssi gne d sup er vi sor . T he supe r vis or may re spond by usi ng t he HEL P but ton and the ACD Bar ge -I n fea tur e . Call Qu alification-- T his fe at ure pr ovi de s a mea ns for an a gent on A CD calls to e nter code s that id entif...
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Auto ma ti c C al l D is tr i but i on (AC D ) 2 - 17 Incomi ng CO Di rect Ri ngi ng CO Li nes can be pr ogra mme d t o r ing di re ctl y i nt o an AC D g roup. Whe n al l a gent s a re bus y and RA N i s e nab le d, t he syst e m ans wer s t he ca ll er and presents the first RAN announcement automatically. No -An s wer Re ca ll Ti m er If a call routed to a station via ACD is not answered by the ACD Ag ent / St at ion bef ore t he No-A nsw er R ec a ll t ime r exp ir es , t he c al l is re tu rne d t o...
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2-18 Auto mat ic Cal l Dis tributio n (ACD ) Ove rf low St ati on For wardi ng The Overflow Station Forwarding feature allows ACD calls reaching the ACD Overflow Station to call forward to another station. This is allowed or den ie d on a s yst em- wid e b asi s. Once e nabl ed in pr ogr ammi ng, an A CD O ver fl ow s tat i on can Busy/No- An swer f orwa rd to Voice Mail Gro ups, AC D Group s, H unt Grou ps a nd s ta tions. If the AC D Overf low station is busy or does not answ er be for e t he no-a nswe...
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Auto ma ti c C al l D is tr i but i on (AC D ) 2 - 19 Su per vis or Po si tio ns Lo gin /L og out Fe a tur e-- The S upervisor Log in/Logout f eature p rov ides a m eans for a sup ervisor to log in to one of the AC D g roups . The S uper vi sor I D e nt er ed in the l ogi n pr oc es s i de nti fi es t he s upe rv isor for the specific ACD group to which they are assigned. A supervisor can log into any ACD group from any station in the system. However, to let the supervisor monitor with barge-in feature,...
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2-20 Automatic Selection /Line Acce ss Supervisor/Agent Calls in Queue Status Display The C all s in Que ue St at us D is pla y fe at ur e p rov ide s a me ans for an age nt and ACD supervisor to view the status of their ACD group. Thi s dis pla y i s an i dl e s ta te di sp lay and pr ompt s a sup er vi sor t hat age nt s in the group are h aving p roblem s a nswe ring a ll their calls . T he dis pla y te lls the a gent a nd their sup ervisor how m any ca lls a re in que ue , how many age nts are log...
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Auto ma ti c N i ght S er vi ce 2 - 21 Automatic Night Service The sy stem may optiona lly be p rogrammed to go in and out of night se rvice automatica lly. This m ethod d oes not re quire the Attend ant to activate or deactivate night service on a daily basis. The automatic night service is enabled and disabled on a programmable daily schedule including Saturday and Sunday. A time can be set to ena ble N ight S er vi c e a nd t o D is abl e Nigh t Ser vi c e on a per d ay b asi s. Auto matic Pause...