Starplus Triad S Product Manual
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Page 281
8-6I ntr o ducti o n St a t io n Bu s y Cal l Forwa rd (ori ginating station) Forw arde d Call (name in dis play) Forw arde d Intercom Call St a t io n Forw arde d to Voice M ail Group (station idl e) St a t io n Forw arde d to AC D * o r U CD Group (station idle ) Preset Forward St a t io n Call t o St a t io n Forw arde d to a Voice Ma il Group* * Features available with optional softw are Table 8-1: Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) F uncti on CAL LI NG Sta ti on Di spla y CAL LE D Sta t ion Di spl ay...
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Introduction8-7 Cal l Pick -Up Excl us ive H o ld Do Not Disturb Cal l Ba ck Outs ide Li ne Tr an s fe r Me ss age Wa iting * Features available with optional softw are Table 8-1: Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) F uncti on CAL LI NG Sta ti on Di spla y CAL LE D Sta t ion Di spl ay CA LL TO STA XXX PIC KE D UP BY S TA XXX HH:M M amCA LL TO STA XXX FROM S TA XXX HH:M M am TRA NS FER FROM STA XXX LINE XXX HH:M M am LINE HOLDING LINE XXX HH:MM am DO NOT DISTURB S TA XXX MMM DD YY HH:MM am DO NOT DISTURB...
Page 283
8-8I ntr o ducti o n Repl y to a Me ss age Wa iting Programmed Fla sh Com mand (F) Programmed Pa u se C o mm an d (P) Programmed Pulse-To-Tone Sw it cho ve r ( S) CO Line Que uing Hunt Groups * Features available with optional softw are Table 8-1: Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) F uncti on CAL LI NG Sta ti on Di spla y CAL LE D Sta t ion Di spl ay CA LL TO STA XXX MMM DD YY HH:M M am CALL TO ..(name).. MMM DD YY HH:MM am CA LL BACK F RO M STA XXX MMM DD YY HH:M M am F* 1 950777P1234567 SPEED XX HH:M M am...
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Introduction8-9 AC D * o r U CD Groups Ringing CO Line s Dis play S ecurity St a t io n Forw arding Off-Net Cal l to S tation Forw arde d Off-Net (before and after acallis ans we red) Cal ls in Queue (supervisor) Cal ls in Queue (using dial cod e) AC D * o r U CD * Features available with optional softw are Table 8-1: Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) F uncti on CAL LI NG Sta ti on Di spla y CAL LE D Sta t ion Di spl ay CA LL TO STA XXX VIA ACD HH:M M am CALL TO ..(name).. VIA ACD HH:M M am LINE RINGING LINE...
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8-10 I ntro ductio n U navai lable Mode (A gent St a t io n) AC D * o r U CD St a t io n Call t o Voice M ail Group Pilot Numbe r Dial By Na me Off-Hook Voice Ov er (O HVO ) Exe cu tive Ov erride Voice Ma il* Tr an s fe r wit h ID Digits Repeat Redial * Features available with optional softw are Table 8-1: Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) F uncti on CAL LI NG Sta ti on Di spla y CAL LE D Sta t ion Di spl ay UNAVAILA BLE ACD * XXX * MMM DD YY HH:M M am CA LL TO VOICE MA IL MMM DD YY HH:MM am DIAL NA ME: MMM...
Page 286
Introduction 8-11 Cal l Cov erage St a t io n ( afte r call is ans we red a t cove ra ge station) Name/Number Display a t I dle Scrolla ble Canne d Me ss age s AC D * Tr an s f er Display AC D * Ov er f lo w St a t io n re cei ves Ov erf low C all An s w er in g Ma chine Em u latio n (when a call rings the sta tion in ring mode ) An s w er in g Ma chine Em u latio n (whe n station monitors calle r in VM) * Features available with optional softw are Table 8-1: Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) F uncti on CAL...
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9 System Configuration This chapter describes the basic and optional equipment to be used with theTriad-SSystems. System specification tables have also been provided.
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Gene ra l De scriptio n 9-3 Ge ner al D escr ipt ion TheST A RPL USTri ad- S is a digital telephone system designed to meet the needs of small size business offices. The system incorporates state-of-the- art digital technology for command and voice switching utilizing a Pulse Code Modulation/Time Division Multiplexing switching matrix. The system achieves flexibility by employing a universal card slot ar c hit ec t ur e wi t h Bas ic and E xpa nsi on c abi ne ts . T hes e c a bin et s h ouse pl ug-i n ci...