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Starplus Triad S Product Manual

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Page 301

9-14 Opt ion al Bo ards
Table 9-12: Digital Station Visual Signals - Feature / Function Buttons
Fea ture / Funct i on Fl ash Rat es LE D Co l o r
Call Forward (active) 30 ipm flash Red
Message Wait (ac ti ve) St eady Red
Ca mp On ( ac ti ve) 120 ip m fl a sh Red
Ca ll Ba c k ( a c tiv e - i ni tia to r) 120 ip m fl a sh Red
CO Line Queue (acti ve) 480 ipm fl ut ter Red
DN D (a c tiv e ) St e ad y Re d
Mute St eady Red
On / O f f St e ad y R e d
Co nference St eady Red
Speed (mo ment on unti l bin address...

Page 302

Opt ion al Boards 9 -15
Table 9 -13 : Signa ls to Digital CA LLED S tation
F e a t ur e / I nd i c a t io n S o un d i n H Z O cc u r re nc e / C a d e n ce
Inc om ing CO Line User sel ect able * .8 on / 2 .4 sec o ff; Repeated
Int ercom Tone Ringing User sel ect able * .4 sec on / .4 sec off / .4 sec on / 2 sec off;
Int erco m C a ll Ann ou nc e
(H a nd P )935 .2 sec on / .2 sec off; 2 bursts
Transfer red CO Line User sel ect able * .8 sec o n / 2.4 sec off; Repeat ed
CO Line Rec al l User sel...

Page 303

9-16 Opt ion al Bo ards
Tabl e 9- 14 : S i gnal s to Di git al CA LLING S ta ti o n
Feature/ Indication SoundInHz Occurrence/Cadence
In co mi ng Ri ng Bac k Ton e 1215 / 1417 .5 sec o n / 2.5 sec off; R epeated
IntercomCallAnnounce 935 .2secon/.25secoff;3times
Busy Tone 7 01 .5 sec o n / .5 sec off; R epeated
Erro r Ton e 7 01 .25 sec o n / .25 sec off; R epeat ed
In terc om Di a l To ne 4 20 C on ti nu ou s
DND To ne 7 01 .2 sec o n / .2 sec off; 3 t imes, pause,
Paging Confirmation Tone 935 1...

Page 304

Opt ion al Boards 9 -17
Table9-15:VoiceMail ConfidenceTones
VM Condition Action Tone Received Sound in Hz Occurrence / Cadence
O f f H oo k I nte r na l di a l to ne
- no stutter tone350 / 440 Con tin u ou s
C a lls a n In tern a l Sta ti on ( id le) R in g b a ck to ne 440 / 480 1 sec on / 3 sec o ff
rep eated
In it ia te a T ra ns f e r ( h oo k- fl a s h) I nte r na l di a l to ne
(n o stu tt er to ne)350 / 440 Con tin u ou s
Calls an Internal Station
( b usy, c a ll b a ck n ot a llo wed )B usy to ne...

Page 305

9-18 D ig ital St at io n Inst rument s
Digital Station Instruments
30-Button Elite Digital Telephone
The large dis play tele phone has 11 fixe d-f eature buttons and 30 f le xib le
but tons t hat can be as sig ned as CO /PBX/C ent re x l in es, St at i on DS S, or
fea tu r e /f u nc ti o n b u tt o ns. Thi s te le pho ne a lso fe atu re s a n i nte gr at ed
spe ake rp hone, call announce with hands free in te rcom, a volume co ntrol
bar, a 7-line by 16-character LCD with 10 softkeys, and long life...

Page 306

Digital Station Instruments 9-19
24-Button Executive/Enhanced Digital Telephones
TheTr iad-SExe cutive /E nhance d 24-Button Digital T eleph ones are fully
modular instruments with 11 fixed feature buttons and 24 buttons that
c an b e f le xib ly ass ign ed as CO/ P B X/ Ce nt re x l ine s, St at io n DS S, or
fea tu r e /f u nc ti o n b u tt o ns.
Thi s te le pho ne al so fea tu r es an in te gra te d s pea ker pho ne , c all a nno u nc e
with h ands free intercom, a v olume control bar, a nd long life...

Page 307

9-20 D ig ital St at io n Inst rument s
12-Button Executive Digital Telephones
TheTr iad-SExecutive 12-Button Digital Telephones are fully modular
ins trume nts with 11 f ixe d f eature b uttons and 12 b uttons tha t can b e
fl exi bl y as si gned as CO / PBX /C ent r ex li nes , S ta ti on D SS, or
fea tu r e /f u nc ti o n b u tt o ns.
Thi s te le pho ne al so fea tu r es an in te gra te d s pea ker pho ne , c all a nno u nc e
with h ands free intercom, a v olume control bar, a nd long life LEDs .

Page 308

Digital Station Instruments 9-21
8- Butto n Enh anc ed Di gital Tel eph ones
TheTr iad-SEnha nced 8- Button D igital Te le phone s are fully mod ular
ins trume nts with f ive fixed fea ture buttons and e ight buttons tha t ca n be
fl exi bl y as si gned as CO / PBX /C ent r ex li nes , S ta ti on D SS, or
fea tu r e /f u nc ti o n b u tt o ns.
Thi s te le pho ne al so fea tu r es an in te gra te d s pea ker pho ne , c all a nno u nc e
with h ands free intercom, a v olume control button, and long life LE...

Page 309

9-22 D ig ital St at io n Inst rument s
Digital DSS/DLS Console
The station port used for a DSS/ DLS Conso le can be assigned as a Direct
St at ion Se le c t or Dir e c t L ine S el ec t de pen ding on c us tom er ne ed.
All forty-eight (48) buttons on the unit can be assigned as DSS, or flexible
but tons . Re fe r t o C hapt e r 4,Fig u re 4- 1: DSS Co nsol e Ma p #1for a n
exp lan ati on of t he mapp ing opt ions .
Figure 9-6: Digita l DSS/ DL S Console 

Page 310

ICLID General
This specification provides the functional and implementation
definition for the addition of the ICLID feature to theTriad-SDigital
Key Telephone System. 
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