Starplus Triad S Product Manual
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Syst em Configurat ion A-3 System Con figuration The fol l owing il lu st rat i on de pi c ts th e c onf igur at i on pr es umed for t he implementationoftheICLIDfeatureforthesystem.Thephonesare pr esu med to be in an A C D or UC D gr oup in ord er t o al low pr oper operation with the system. Figure A-1: CTI Syste m Configura tion CO L INE S ICLID Int erface UnitICLID Interface Un it RS 232S TAR PL US KSU RS232 LAN SE RV ERCTI Modul e CTI Modul e CTI Modul e LANLAN LAN LAN
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A-4 Funct ion al Pe rformance Functional Pe rformance The I CLI D ( Incoming Cal li ng Line IDentification) feature was added to the Tri ad- SSystem as a first step in providing it generally. The key system operation of this feature is dependent on the feature first being activated from the central office so that the numbers of the calling party are delivered over the individual tip and ring of the CO lines during the first si le nt int e rva l bet we en ri ngi ng. The fe ature s imp le mente d ar e: 1....
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Fun ctional Performan ce A-5 The specification for this feature is that the system displays its LINE RIN GING me ssa ge as norma lly implem ented and alte r tha t dis play to the calling number/name if the information is made present on the line. This allows the normal operation of the system when ICLID information is not pres ented or the d evice which inte rce pts it and prov id es the information to the KSU is missing or failed. -or - †If t he Cal li ng N ame is ava il abl e, th e d is pla y i s s...
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A-6 Funct ion al Pe rformance In co mi ng Nu mb er / Na m e S M DR As with the a bove fe ature impleme ntation, the intent is tha t the s ystem ope rate normally in the abs ence of IC LID in form ation or the failure of the IC LI D e qui pmen t. †If t he Info rma ti on i s P r es ent at t he ti me t hat an SM DR r e cor d i s generated f or a call, it alters the conten t a nd f orma t of the SMDR o u tp u t re c o rd. †If t he Cal li ng N umbe r is avai la bl e, t he numb er i s out put i n t he SMDR re...
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B Pa r t Nu mber s This chapter contains the basic and optional part numbers used for Tr i ad -SSystem.
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Li s t o f E qu ip me nt B- 3 List o f Equipme nt Tabl e B-1 :Tr i a d - SPart Numbers Tr i a d- SBasi c K SU (BK SU) 5000-0 0 Tr i a d- SExpan sion KSU (EKSU ) 5002-0 1 DSS Co nso le (Off-Wh ite) TR9010 -08 DSS Co nso le (Bu rg un dy) TR9010 -60 DSS Co nso le (Charc oal) TR9010 -71 Sin gl e Li ne Adapter (SLA) TR9854 -00 8-B utt on Basic (Off-Wh ite) TR9011 -08 8-B utt on Basic (Bu rgu ndy) TR9011 -60 8-B utt on Basic (Ch arco al) TR9011 -71 24-B utt on Enh anc ed (Off-W hi te) TR9013 -08 24-B utt on...
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B-4 List of Equipme nt 3 CO Li ne x 8 Ci rcu it Si ng le Lin e In ter face B oard (CSI B)) 5033-0 0 Message W ai t U nit (MSGU ) 5033-1 0 Misc ellan eou s In ter fac e Servi ce U nit (MISU ) 5035-0 0 Tabl e B-1 :Tr i a d - SPart Numbers