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Siemens Kg 40u123 Operating Instructions

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    							13 14de de
    Gefrieren und Lagern
    Lebensmittel verpacken
    Die Waren portionsgerecht für Ihren Haushalt
    Gemüse und Obst nicht schwerer als 1 kg,
    Fleisch bis zu 2,5 kg portionieren. Kleinere
    Portionen frieren schneller durch und die
    Qualität bleibt beim Auftauen und
    Zubereiten so am besten erhalten.
    Die Lebensmittel luftdicht verpacken, damit
    sie nicht ihren Geschmack verlieren oder
    Zum Verpacken geeignet sind:
    Kunststoff-Folien, Schlauchfolien aus
    Polyäthylen, Alu-Folien und Gefrierdosen.
    Diese Produkte finden Sie im Fachhandel.
    Ungeeignet sind:
    Packpapier, Pergamentpapier, Cellophan,
    Müllbeutel und gebrauchte Einkaufstüten.
    Die Lebensmittel in die Verpackung ein-
    legen. Luft völlig herausdrücken und
    Packung dicht verschließen.
    Zum Verschließen eignen sich:
    Gummiringe, Kunststoffklipse, Bindfäden,
    kältebeständige Klebebänder oder
    ähnliches. Beutel und Schlauchfolien aus
    Polyäthylen können mit einem
    Folienschweißgerät verschweißt werden.
    Vor dem Einlegen in den Gefrierraum den
    Inhalt der Gefrierpakete kennzeichnen
    und mit dem Einlegedatum versehen.Max. GefriervermögenLebensmittel sollen möglichst schnell bis
    zum Kern durchgefroren werden. Nur so
    bleiben Vitamine, Nährwerte, Aussehen und
    Geschmack erhalten. Das max. Gefrier-
    vermögen Ihres Gerätes deshalb nicht
    Folgende Mengen an Lebensmitteln können
    innerhalb von 24 Stunden in der oberen
    Gefriergutschale eingefroren werden:
    Bei Geräten mit 70 cm Breite  max. 12 kg
    Bei Geräten mit 60 cm Breite  max. 9 kg Bereits gefrorene Lebensmittel dürfen nicht
    mit den frisch einzufrierenden Lebensmitteln
    in Berührung kommen.
    Heiße Speisen und Getränke vor dem
    Einlegen in den Gefrierraum auf Zimmer-
    temperatur abkühlen lassen.
    Angaben über das max. Gefriervermögen
    nach aktueller Norm finden Sie auf dem
    Typchild (Bild F
    Super-KühlenBevor Sie einkaufen gehen, sollten Sie 3-4
    Stunden oder spätestens beim Einlegen
    frischer Lebensmittel das Super-Kühlen
    einschalten. Zum Einschalten des Super-
    Kühlens einfach die Super-Kühltaste
    super(Bild 2
    /2) drücken. Die SU –
    Anzeige (Bild 2
    /4) und die Super –
    Anzeige (Bild 2
    /5) zeigen die
    Inbetriebnahme an. Beim Super-Kühlen wird
    der Kühlraum 6 lang auf eine tiefere
    Temperatur abgesenkt. Danach wird
    automatisch auf die vor dem Super-Kühlen
    eingestellte Temperatur umgestellt.SupergefrierenLagern bereits Lebensmittel in dem
    Gefrierraum, ist einige Stunden vor dem
    Einlegen frischer Ware das Supergefrieren
    Im allgemeinen genügen 4–6 Stunden. Soll
    das max. Gefriervermögen genutzt werden,
    benötigt man 24 Stunden. Kleinere Mengen
    Lebensmittel (bis zu 2 kg) können ohne
    Supergefrieren eingefroren werden. Zum
    Einschalten des Supergefrierens einfach die
    Supergefriertaste Bild 2
    Die SU – Anzeige (Bild 2
    /7) und die
    Super – Anzeige (Bild 2
    /6) zeigen die
    Inbetriebnahme an. Nach dem Einschalten
    wird im Gefrierraum eine sehr tiefe
    Temperatur erreicht. Das Supergefrieren
    schaltet sich ca.52 Std. nach dem
    Einschalten automatisch ab.
    Gefrieren und Lagern
    Lebensmittel lagern
    Immer darauf achten, daß alle
    Gefriergutschalen bis zum Anschlag ganz
    eingeschoben sind.
    Wichtig für eine einwandfreie Luftzirkulation
    im Gerät.GefrierkalenderBild 
    Um Qualitätsminderungen des Gefriergutes
    zu vermeiden, ist es wichtig, daß die
    zulässige Lagerdauer nicht überschritten
    wird. Die Lagerdauer hängt von der Art des
    Gefriergutes ab. Die Zahlen bei den
    Symbolen geben die zulässige Lagerdauer in
    Monaten für das Gefriergut an. Bei fertiger
    Tiefkühlkost, die im Handel erhältlich ist, ist
    das Herstellungsdatum oder
    Haltbarkeitsdatum zu beachten.GefriertablettBild 
    Das Gefriertablett eignet sich zum Auf-
    bewahren der Eisschalen und zum einzelnen
    Eingefrieren von Beeren, Obststücken,
    Kräutern und Gemüse.
    Zum einzelnen Eingefrieren Gefriergut auf
    dem Gefriertablett gleichmäßig verteilen und
    ca. 10 bis 12 Stunden durchfrieren lassen.
    Danach in Gefrierbeutel oder Behälter um-
    Zum Auftauen Gefriergut wieder einzeln
    nebeneinander ausbreiten.
    Auftauen von GefriergutJe nach Art und Verwendungszweck kann
    zwischen folgenden Möglichkeiten gewählt
    Bei Raumtemperatur,
    im Kühlschrank,
    im elektrischen Backofen,
    mit/ohne Heißluftventilator,
    im Mikrowellengerät.
    An- und aufgetautes Gefriergut kann erneut
    eingefroren werden, wenn Fleisch und Fisch
    nicht länger als einen Tag, anderes
    Gefriergut nicht länger als drei Tage bei
    Temperaturen unter +3 °C gelagert wurden.
    Andernfalls, wenn Geschmack, Geruch und
    Aussehen unverändert sind, durch Kochen,
    Braten oder zu einem Fertiggericht
    weiterverarbeiten und erneut eingefrieren.
    Die max. Lagerdauer nicht mehr voll nutzen.Eis bereitenBild 
    Die Eisschale zu 
    3/4mit Wasser füllen und in
    den Gefrierraum stellen.
    Zum Herausnehmen der gefrorenen Würfel
    aus der Eisschale Schale leicht verwinden.
    Hinweise zu
    BetriebsgeräuscheUm die gewählte Temperatur konstant zu
    halten, schaltet Ihr Gerät von Zeit zu Zeit
    den Kompressor ein.
    Die dabei entstehenden Geräusche sind
    Sie verringern sich automatisch, sobald das
    Gerät die Betriebstemperatur erreicht hat.
    Das Brummen kommt vom Motor
    (Kompressor). Es kann kurzfristig etwas
    lauter werden, wenn sich der Motor
    Das Blubbern, Gurgeln oder Surren kommt
    vom Kältemittel, das durch die Rohre fließt.
    Das Klicken ist immer dann zu hören, wenn
    der Thermostat den Motor ein- oder
    Knackgeräusche können auftreten,
    - die automatische Abtauung erfolgt
    - sich das Gerät abkühlt bzw. erwärmt 
    Bei einem Mehrzonen- oder Nofrost-Gerät
    kann ein leises Rauschen von der
    Luftströmung im Geräte-Innenraum
    Sollten die funktionsbedingten Geräusche
    zu laut sein, hat dies womöglich einfache
    Ursachen, die sich vielfach ganz leicht
    beheben lassen.
    Das Gerät steht uneben
    Bitte richten Sie das Gerät mit Hilfe einer
    Wasserwaage eben ein. Verwenden Sie dazu
    die Schraubfüße oder legen Sie etwas unter.
    Das Gerät „steht an“
    Bitte rücken Sie das Gerät von anstehenden
    Möbeln oder Geräten weg.
    Schubladen, Körbe oder Abstellflächen
    wackeln oder klemmen
    Prüfen Sie bitte die herausnehmbaren Teile
    und setzen Sie sie eventuell neu ein.
    Flaschen oder Gefäße berühren sich
    Rücken Sie bitte die Flaschen oder Gefäße
    leicht auseinander.
    ReinigenVor dem Reinigen grundsätzlich
    Netzstecker ziehen bzw. Sicherung
    abschalten oder herausschrauben.
    Keinen Dampf- oder Dampfdruckreiniger
    verwenden. Der heiße Dampf kann die
    Oberflächen und die Elektrik beschädigen
    – Stromschlaggefahr!
    Reinigungswasser darf nicht in die Kontroll-
    armatur und Beleuchtung gelangen. Zur 
    Reinigung des gesamten Gerätes außer der
    Türdichtung eignet sich lauwarmes Wasser
    mit einem milden, leicht desinfizierenden
    Reinigungsmittel, z. B. Handspülmittel. 
    Ungeeignet sind sand-, scheuermittel- oder
    säurehaltige Putzmittel bzw. chem.
    Die Türdichtung nur mit klarem Wasser ab-
    wischen und danach gründlich trocken-
    Wenn möglich, sollte alle zwei Jahre auch
    der Wärmetauscher (schwarzes Gitter) auf
    der Geräterückseite mit einem Pinsel oder
    Staubsauger gereinigt werden. Das erhält
    die volle Leistungsfähigkeit des Gerätes und
    spart Strom. 
    Gerät in einem kühlen, gut belüfteten
    Raum aufstellen, vor direkter
    Sonnenbestrahlung schützen und nicht
    im Bereich einer Wärmequelle
    (Heizkörper etc.) anordnen.
    Die Be- und Entlüftungsöffnungen des
    Gerätes nicht zustellen.
    Warme Speisen erst nach dem Abkühlen
    in den Gefrierschrank geben.
    Zum Auftauen Gefrierwaren in den
    Kühlraum legen. Sie nutzen damit die
    Kälte, die in der Gefrierware steckt, zur
    Kühlung der Lebensmittel im Kühlraum.
    Zum Be- oder Entladen Gerätetüren so
    kurz wie möglich öffnen.
    Je kürzer die Gerätetür offensteht, um so
    geringer ist die Eisbildung an den
    Wärmetauscher (schwarzes Gitter) auf
    der Geräterückseite alle zwei Jahre
    *Wichtige Pflegehinweise für
    die EdelstahloberflächenDem Gerät liegt eine Probepackung des
    Pflegemittels „Chromol“ bei.
    Das Mittel ist im Handel unter dem Namen
    „Chromol“ oder bei Ihrem Kundendienst
    unter der
    Ident-Nr. 310359als 500 ml Sprühflasche
    Um Beschädigungen der Edelstahl-
    Oberflächen zu vermeiden, keine
    Schwämme, die Kratzer verursachen,
    Metall-Bürsten, spitze Gegenstände oder
    Scheuermittel verwenden.
    Keine Spülmittel, chlorhaltige
    Reinigungsmittel, aggressive
    Reinigungsmittel wie z. B. Abtauspray,
    Backofenspray, Lösungsmittel oder
    Fleckentferner zur Entfernung von Flecken
    Zur Entfernung schwieriger Flecken von
    Edelstahl-Oberflächen, die mit Chromol
    nicht zu beseitigen sind, verwenden Sie bitte
    das Reinigungsmittel Wiener Kalk. Es ist
    im Handel oder über den Kundendienst,
    Best.-Nr. 417980, zu beziehen.
    Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern
    Niemals auf Oberflächen verwenden, die in
    Kontakt mit Lebensmitteln kommen.
    Nicht auf heißen Oberflächen verwenden.
    Enthält alifatische Kohlenwasserstoffe, Öle
    und aromatische Verbindungen.
    * nicht bei allen Modellen
    Kleine Störungen selbst beheben
    Nach Drücken der alarm -Taste wird auf
    der Anzeige 7(nicht blinkend) fünf Sekunden
    lang die wärmste Temperatur, die im
    Gefrierraum geherrscht hat, angezeigt.
    Danach wird dieser Wert gelöscht. 
    Die Anzeige 7zeigt dann die eingestellte
    Temperatur ohne zu blinken an.
    Wenn Geschmack, Geruch und Aussehen
    unverändert sind, Gefriergut durch Kochen,
    Braten zu einem Fertiggericht weiter-
    verarbeiten und erneut eingefrieren.
    Die max. Lagerdauer nicht mehr voll nutzen.
    Wenn nach längerem Betrieb die Anzeige
    AL (Bild 2/7) blinkt und der Warnton
    Störung, im Gefrierraum ist es zu warm !
    Zum Abschalten des Warntones Alarm–
    Aus- Taste 11drücken.
    Mögliche Ursachen der Störung:
    – Der Luftspalt oben am Gerät bzw. im
    Sockel ist verdeckt,
    – die Gefrierraumtür ist nicht richtig
    – es wurden frische Lebensmittel ohne
    Supergefrieren eingefroren, 
    – es wurden zu viele frische Lebensmittel auf
    einmal zum Gefrieren eingelagert,
    – hohe Umgebungstemperatur.
    Nach Beheben der Störung Alarm-Aus-
    Taste 11drücken ; das Blinken der
    Anzeige AL hört auf. Die eingestellte
    Temperatur wird angezeigt, sobald der
    Gefrierraum die eingestellte Temperatur
    erreicht hat.
    Wenn die Gefrierraumtür lange Zeit offen
    war und nun der Gefrierraum seine
    eingestellte Temperatur nicht mehr
    ist der Verdampfer (Kälteerzeuger) so stark
    vereist, daß das vollautomatische Abtau-
    system die Eismenge nicht mehr abtauen
    kann. In diesem Fall Gefrierwaren aus dem
    Gerät herausnehmen und gut isoliert an
    einem kühlen Platz lagern.
    Gerät ausschalten und Gefrierraumtür offen
    lassen. Nach ca. 12 Stunden ist das Eis im
    Kühlsystem abgetaut. Gerät wieder
    einschalten und Gefriergut einlegen.
    Kann die Störung anhand der zuvor auf-
    geführten Hinweise nicht beseitigt werden,
    rufen Sie bitte in jedem Fall den
    Öffnen Sie die Türen nicht unnötig oft, damit
    Kälteverlust vermieden wird.
    Führen Sie keine weiteren Arbeiten, vor
    allem an den elektrischen Teilen des
    Gerätes, selbst aus.Typenschild
    Bild F
    Bitte geben Sie bei der Anforderung des
    Kundendienstes die E-Nummer und die 
    FD-Nummer an.
    Beide Ziffern finden Sie im schwarz-
    umrandeten Feld des Typenschildes unten
    links im Kühlraum neben der Gemüseschale.
    Die Anschrift und die Telefonnummer des
    Kundendienstes finden Sie im
    Kundendienststellen-Verzeichnis oder im
    amtlichen Telefonbuch.Kleine Störungen selbst
    Nicht jede Störung ist ein Fall für den
    Kundendienst. Oft ist nur eine Kleinigkeit
    zu beheben. Prüfen Sie deshalb bitte,
    bevor Sie den Kundendienst rufen, ob Sie
    auf selbst beheben können.
    In solchen Fällen muß nämlich auch
    während der Garantiezeit der volle Aufwand
    des Monteureinsatzes berechnet werden.
    Wenn die Anzeige Bild 
    2/4-7 nicht
    Prüfen Sie bitte, ob Strom vorhanden ist, der
    Stecker richtig in der Steckdose sitzt und ob
    das Gerät eingeschaltet ist.
    Wenn während der Inbetriebnahme des
    Gerätes wird die Anzeige Bild 
    E1(blinkend) angezeigt:
    Im Kühlraum herrscht eine sehr hohe
    Temperatur. Wenige Minuten nach der
    Inbetriebnahme des Gerätes wird die
    eingestellte Temperatur angezeigt.
    Wenn während der Inbetriebnahme des
    Gerätes wird die Anzeige Bild 2/7
    E2(blinkend) angezeigt:
    Im Gefrierraum herrscht eine sehr hohe
    Temperatur. Wenige Minuten nach der
    Inbetriebnahme des Gerätes wird die AL-
    Anzeige  angezeigt. Die eingestellte
    Temperatur wird auf der Anzeige 7
    angezeigt, sobald der Gefrierraum die
    eingestellte Temperatur erreicht hat.
    Wenn die Kühlraumbeleuchtung nicht
    – Die Glühlampe ist defekt. Netzstecker
    ziehen, Abdeckung (Bild 
    E/A) abnehmen,
    Glühlampe max. 15 W, 230 V, Sockel E14
    des gleichen Typs auswechseln.
    – Der Lichtschalter klemmt (Bild 
    Prüfen Sie, ob er sich bewegen läßt. Wenn
    nicht, rufen Sie bitte den Kundendienst.
    Wenn die Anzeige Bild 
    2/7 blinkt, das
    akustische Warnsignal aber nicht ertönt,
    dann war es in der Vergangenheit, bedingt
    durch einen Stromausfall oder eine Störung,
    im Gefrierraum zu warm.
    Disposal and safety information
    Notes on disposalOld appliances still have some residual
    value. An environment-friendly method
    of disposal will ensure that valuable raw
    materials can be recovered and used again.
    Unplug your old appliance, cut through the
    mains cable and throw away cable and plug
    Remove the door lock so that children at
    play cannot become trapped inside and risk
    The refrigerant used in fridge/freezers and
    the gases in the insulation material require
    special disposal procedures. Ensure that
    none of the pipes on the back of the
    appliance are damaged prior to disposal.
    Your new appliance was protected by
    adequate packaging while it was on its way
    to you. All materials used for this purpose
    are environment-friendly and suitable for
    recycling. Please contribute to protecting the
    environment by disposing of the packaging
    Do not allow children to play with any
    parts of the packaging. There is a risk of
    suffocation by the cardboard boxes and
    plastic wrapping.
    Up-to-date information concerning options
    for disposing of your old appliance and the
    packaging from the new one can be obtained
    from your retailer or local council office.
    This appliance is labelled in
    accordance with European Directive
    2002/96/EG concerning used
    electrical and electronic appliances
    (waste electrical and electronic equipment -
    WEEE). The guideline determines the
    framework for the return and recycling of
    used appliances as applicable throughout
    the EU
    As a contribution to environmental
    protection, we use recycled paper.
    Safety informationBefore starting the appliance for the first
    time, you should read the information
    contained in the operating and installation
    instructions carefully. This information is vital
    for the installation, operation and servicing
    of the appliance.
    Keep the operating and installation
    instructions in a safe place and remember to
    hand them over to any subsequent owner.
    The manufacturer shall not be liable if the
    following instructions are not observed:
    Never start up an appliance showing any
    signs of damage. If in doubt, consult your
    Installation and connection of the
    appliance must be carried out according
    to the installation instructions. Supply
    conditions and data must coincide with
    the data on the rating plate.Do not under any circumstances use
    a steam cleaner on this appliance. The
    steam could come into contact with live
    parts of the appliance and cause a short-
    circuit or electric shock.Electrical safety of the appliance is only
    guaranteed if the household earthing
    system has been installed in compliance
    with regulations.Disconnect appliance from the mains in
    case of malfunction and when cleaning or
    servicing the appliance. Either withdraw
    the plug or turn off at the fuse. Pull the
    plug itself and not the cable.Repairs and maintenance of the appliance
    should only be performed by a qualified
    technician. Incorrect repairs carried out
    by someone unqualified are a potential
    source of danger that may have critical
    consequences for the user of the
    appliance.Bottles containing high-proof alcoholic
    drinks should be properly sealed and
    stored standing up.
    Products that make use of a flammable
    propellant gas (e.g. whipped cream
    sprays, aerosols) and explosive
    							20ensubstances should not be stored inside
    this appliance – explosion hazard!Liquids in bottles and cans, in particular
    carbonated drinks, should never be stored
    in the freezer as the bottles and cans will
    burst.Do not cover or block the vents or grilles
    of your appliance.Do not use the base panel, pull-out parts,
    doors etc. to stand or lean on.Do not allow children to play with this
    appliance.If the appliance is fitted with a lock, keep
    the key in a safe place out of the reach of
    children.Never put ice cubes or ice lollies straight
    from the freezer into your mouth. (The low
    temperature may cause “freezer burns”.)Never touch any frozen food if your hands
    are wet, as they may stick to it.WARNING: Keep ventilation openings, in
    the appliance enclosure or in the built-in
    structure, clear of obstruction.WARNING: Do not damage the refrigerant
    circuit.WARNING: Do not use electrical
    appliances inside the food storage
    compartements of the appliance, unless
    they are of the type recommended by the
    This unit contains the coolant
    isobutane (R 600a), a natural
    gas which is very
    environmentally friendly but
    also combustible. When transporting and
    installing the unit care must be taken to
    ensure that none of the refrigeration
    circuit components become damaged. In
    the event of damage avoid naked flames
    or ignition sources and ventilate the room
    in which the unit is placed for a few
    Warning - Do not use mechanical devices
    or other artificial means to accelerate the
    defrosting process, other than those
    recommended dy the manufacturer.Disposal and safety information
    The appliance is suitable for refrigerating
    and freezing food, and making ice cubes.
    It is designed for domestic use.
    If using the appliance for commercial
    purposes, please observe the statutory
    regulations applicable for the trade sector in
    The appliance adheres to current German
    regulations for the prevention of accidents
    caused by refrigerating equipment (VBG 20).
    This product meets all the relevant safety
    regulations applicable to electrical appliances.
    The refrigerating circuit has been leak-tested.Observe ambient 
    temperatureDepending on the “climatic category” (see
    rating plate), the appliance can be operated
    at the following ambient temperatures.
    (The rating plate can be found inside the
    appliance at the bottom left-hand side.
    Climatic Ambient temperature 
    category from ... to
    SN +10 °C to 32 °C
    N +16 °C to 32 °C
    ST +18 °C to 38 °C
    T +18 °C to 43 °C
    If the temperature drops below the ambient-
    temperature range, the refrigerator compart-
    ment will become too cold. If the temperature
    exceeds the ambient-temperature range, the
    freezer compartment will become too warm.
    If the ambient temperature drops below the
    set temperature in the refrigerator, the latter
    will drop to the ambient temperature.
    At ambient temperatures below +10 °C,
    functional irregularities may occur during
    automatic defrosting of the refrigerator 
    SitingA dry and adequately ventilated room is the
    best location for installing the appliance. 
    Remember that the appliance should not be
    exposed to direct sunlight, nor should it be
    close to a direct source of heat such as a
    cooker, radiator, etc. Where installation close
    to a heat source is unavoidable, ensure
    that a suitable insulating panel is used or
    maintain the following minimum clearances
    between the appliance and the heat source:
    3 cm clearance (electric cookers)
    30 cm clearance (oil or coal-fired stoves).
    If the appliance is placed next to another
    refrigerator or freezer, keep a minimum 2 cm
    clearance at the side in order to prevent
    The appliance must be stable and level. To
    compensate for an uneven floor, use the two
    height-adjustable feet at the front of the
    appliance, Fig. G.
    Two castors at the rear of the appliance
    facilitate installation into a recess.Changing over door hingesProceed in numerical sequence (Fig. 
    Electrical connectionOnly connect appliances to a 220–240 V/ 
    50 Hz a.c. supply by means of a safety
    socket installed in accordance with 
    Make sure that the socket is protected by 
    a 10 amp fuse or higher.
    With appliances destined for non-European
    countries, check the rating plate to make
    sure that supply voltage and type of current
    indicated coincide with the values of your
    power supply. The rating plate is located at
    the bottom left of the refrigerator. Figure F
    .In the event that the mains cable needs to
    be replaced, this must only be carried out by
    a service technician of the manufacturer.
    Warning! NEVER connect the appliance to
    electronic energy saver plugs (e.g. Sava
    plug) or to power inverters which convert
    the direct current to 230 V alternating
    current (e.g. solar equipment, power
    supplies on ships).
    VentilationFigure 3
    The warm air generated at the back of
    the appliance must be allowed to escape
    unhindered. Otherwise the refrigerating
    machine will have to work harder which in
    turn increases energy consumption. For this
    reason, never cover up the vents and grilles.After shipping ...Before switching on for the first time, allow
    the appliance to set vertically for
    approximately 1/2 hour.
    Getting to know your applianceThe fully automatic NO FROST system
    ensures that ice does form inside the
    freezer section. There is no longer any
    need for defrosting.
    How it works:
    The food is frozen by a flow of cold air.
    The evaporator in the NO FROST system
    cools the air inside the appliance. The cold
    air is circulated by a fan. A second fan
    provides for air circulation in the refrigerator
    compartment.The moisture in the air
    condenses on the evaporator which is
    defrosted fully automatically whenever
    The thawed water is directed to the
    refrigerating unit where it evaporates. The
    freezer section and the frozen food inside
    are kept free from ice.
    Description of control
    1 Button
    Appliance main switch, serves for
    switching on and off the entire appliance.
    2 Super button for refrigerator
    Used for switching super cooling on
    and off. Display SU 4and display 5
    (orange lamp) indicate that super
    cooling is on. When fast cooling has
    been switched on, the refrigerator
    compartment is cooled for 6 hours at the
    coldest temperature selector setting. The
    temperature in the refrigerator
    compartment is then switched back to
    the set temperature. Fast cooling is
    ideal for the rapid cooling of beverages.
    3 Button for selecting temperature in
    refrigerator compartment
    (The temperature in the refrigerator
    compartment can be selected from +2 
    to +8 
    Press the selection button repeatedly or
    continuously until the desired
    temperature is displayed. (The
    temperature selection is displayed
    consecutively from +8 
    0C to +2 
    0C is redisplayed after +2 
    4 Temperature display for refrigerator
    Indicates two functions:
    a) Selected temperature for 
    refrigerator compartment
    b) Display SU (super cooling)
    When the Super button 2is pressed, 
    SU is displayed.
    Getting to know your applianceBefore reading on, please unfold the pages
    at the back of this manual featuring the
    These operating instructions apply to
    various models. It is possible that some
    details of the illustrations do not coincide
    exactly with the particular characteristics
    of your appliance.General viewFigure 1
    1-11 Control panel
    12 Air vent opening
    13 Interior light
    14 Multiflow system
    (cold air distributor)
    15 Shelf
    16 Drawer for yoghurt cartons
    17 Fruit and vegetable container
    18 Chiller compartment
    19 Tray for small cans, tubes
    20 Butter and cheese compartment
    *21 Shelf divider
    22 Egg rack
    23 Bottle holder
    24 Bottle shelf
    25 Freezer tray
    26 Frozen-food container
    27 Frozen-food calendar
    28 Bottle rack
    A Fridge section
    B Freezer section
    * Not on all models
    Control panel
    (Quick guide)Figure 
    1 Button
    Appliance main switch for on/off
    2 super button
    Maximum capacity for Refrigerator
    3 Temperature selection button for
    Refrigerator Compartment
    4 Display for Refrigerator Compartment: 
    Selected temperature
    5 super display of Refrigerator
    6 super display of Freezer
    7 Display for Freezer Compartment
    a) Selected temperature
    b) warmest temperature
    c) AL (alarm) display
    8 alarm display
    9 Temperature selection button for
    Freezer Compartment
    10 super button
    Maximum capacity for Freezer
    11 alarm  button (alarm off switch)
    a) For switching off the warning buzzer.
    b) For displaying the warmest
    temperature which has prevailed in the
    freezer compartment (only if display 7
    24enGetting to know your appliance5 super display (cool)
    Illuminates only if fast cooling is on. 
    6 super display (freeze)
    Illuminates only if fast freeze is on. 
    7 Temperature display for freezer
    Indicates three functions :
    a) Selected temperature for freezer 
    b) AL(alarm) display
    Is displayed when the freezer 
    compartment is too warm.
    c) Warmest temperature in the 
    freezer compartment
    If AL flashes on display 7, the freezer
    compartment was too warm due to a 
    power failure or a fault in the freezer 
    When the Alarm Off button is pressed, 
    the warmest temperature reached in 
    the freezer compartment is indicated 
    on display 7for five seconds.
    This value is then cleared – AL 
    (Alarm) is then indicated on display 7
    without flashing.    
    8 The alarm display
    Illuminatesand the warning tone sounds
    simultaneously, when it becomes too
    warm in the freezer compartment.
    This extinguisheswhen the freezer
    compartment has reached its operation
    9 Button for selecting temperature in
    freezer compartment 
    Press the selection button repeatedly or
    continuously until the desired
    temperature is displayed. The value last
    selected is stored. (The temperature
    selection is displayed consecutively from
    0C to -26 
    0C. -16 
    0C is redisplayed
    after -26 
    AL (Fig. 2/7) is displayed if the freezer
    compartment is too warm caused by a
    power failure or a fault. The temperature can
    be selected by pressing the selection button
    9. The selected temperature is displayed for
    5 seconds. AL is then redisplayed. The
    selected temperature is displayed as soon
    as the freezer compartment has reached the
    selected temperature.
    10 super button
    Serves to switch fast-freeze on and off.
    Display SU 7and the Super display 6
    (orange lamp) indicate that super
    cooling is on. The fast freezing serves
    for freezing of large quantities of fresh
    food and should be switched on up to 
    24 hours before placingthe fresh food
    in the freezer compartment.
    The refrigerating unit operates continually
    after being switched on, a very low
    temperature is achieved in the freezer
    11 alarm button
    Serves for switching off the warning
    The warning buzzer sounds if the freezer
    temperature is too warm, i.e. if the
    frozen-food is in danger (display 9flashes
    There are occasions when the warning
    buzzer may sound without the frozen-
    food being in any danger:
    - when you start up the appliance
    - when placing fresh food in the freezer 
    without switching on fast freezing
    - and if the freezer compartment door is 
    open too long.
    Once the warning buzzer has been
    switched off, the acoustic warning
    automatically returns to stand-by, if the
    freezer compartment has reached its
    operating temperature again.
    Switching ON and setting temperaturesFig. 
    Put the plug in the socket.
    When the buttons are pressed, an
    acknowledgement signal is emitted.
    Press the appliance main switch 1.
    Warning signal is emitted, refrigerator
    temperature display (4 °C) 4and Alarm
    display 8illuminate. AL (Alarm) 7
    Press alarm  button 11.
    Press the Alarm Off button 11. Warning
    signal stops and the warmest
    temperature is indicated on display 7for
    5 seconds. AL 7stops flashing. The
    appliance is now running.
    Set the temperature for the freezer
    Repeatedly press or hold down the
    selection button 9until the required
    temperature is displayed. The value last
    selected is saved. (The temperature
    selection is displayed consecutively from
    -16 °C to –26 °C. –16 °C is redisplayed
    after –26 °C). 
    We recommend setting the temperature
    of the freezer compartment at -20 
    AL is indicated on display 7if the freezer
    compartment is too warm caused by a
    power failure or a fault. The freezer
    compartment temperature can be selected
    by pressing the selection button 9. The
    selected temperature is indicated for 5
    seconds on display 7. AL is then
    redisplayed. The selected temperature is
    indicated on display 7as soon as the freezer
    compartment has reached the selected
    Set the temperature for the refrigerator
    Press the selection button 3repeatedly or
    continuously until the desired temperature
    is displayed. The value last selected is
    stored. (The temperature selection is
    displayed continuously from 8 
    0C to 2 
    0C is redisplayed after 2 
    We recommend setting the temperature
    of the refrigerator compartment at 4 
    The temperature in the refrigerator
    compartment may fluctuate because:
    – The appliance door is opened frequently
    – Large quantities of fresh food are placed
    in the refrigerator compartment and/or
    freezer compartment
    – The ambient temperature changes
    – The temperature-selector setting for the
    freezer compartment changes or
    superfreeze has been activated.To prevent condensation in the area of
    the door seal, the sides of the housing
    are partially heated.
    Food arrangement
    Food arrangement
    When loading the food,
    note the following:Allow warm food and beverages to cool
    down before storing inside the appliance.
    Ensure that food is well wrapped or
    covered before it is stored. This will pre-
    vent food from dehydrating, deteriorating
    in colour or losing in taste and will help
    maintain freshness. It will also prevent
    cross-flavouring. Vegetables, fruit and
    salad need not be wrapped provided they
    are stored in the vegetable bins of the 
    Never let any oil or grease come into
    contact with plastic fittings or the door
    seal as these materials easily become
    Never store any explosive substances
    inside the appliance. High-proof alcohol
    should only be stored upright in tightly
    sealed containers. 
    Danger of explosion!
    Glass bottles containing liquid that can
    freeze should never be stored in the
    freezer as the glass bursts when the
    contents freeze.Example of food 
    Refrigerator compartment (A)
    Bread, cakes and pastries, ready-made
    meals and dairy products, from top to
    bottom on the shelves (15).
    Cheese, sausages and yoghurt in the
    drawer (16).
    Fruit, vegetables and salads in the
    vegetable container (17).
    Small bottles and cans on the shelf (19).
    Butter and cheese in the compartment (20).
    Large bottles on the bottle shelf (24).
    Switching OFFPress the main switch, Figure 
    2/1. The
    whole appliance is then switched off.
    Longer periods of disuseIf the appliance is not going to be used for
    a longer period of time:
    Press the main switch, Figure 
    2/1, clean
    the appliance and leave the doors open.
    Switching OFF and longer
    periods of disuse
    Freezer compartment (B)
    Use the freezer tray (25)to store small
    frozen goods and make ice cubes.
    Use the top frozen goods containers (26)
    to store frozen foods.Interior fittingsThe shelves in the refrigerator compartment
    can be re-arranged when the door is opened
    at a 90° angle. Pull the shelf forwards, lower,
    pull out and re-insert in the desired position 
    * Bottle rack 
    Bottles can be placed and stacked securely in
    the recesses (Fig. 
    Chiller compartment (Fig. 
    Pull the base of the compartment forwards,
    the flap opens.
    The temperature in this compartment is
    lower than in the refrigerator compartment.
    The temperature may therefore drop below 
    0 °C. Ideal for storing fish, meat and
    But not suitable for lettuce, vegetables
    and cold-sensitive produce.
    * The small drawer can be taken out to
    facilitate insertion and removal of food
    (Figure 9,6
    The egg racks inserted into the door shelves
    can be folded up to enable tubes, small tins,
    etc. to be stacked in their place.
    The bottle rack is provided with a retainer to
    prevent bottles from falling over when the
    door is opened or closed, Figure0
    All trays, racks and containers attached 
    to the door can be removed for cleaning
    To remove, simply lift them up, Fig. 8
    * not on all models
    Freezing and storing
    Note the following when
    buying frozen foodInspect packaging: it should not be
    damaged in any way.Make sure the “Best before ...” date has
    not expired.Check thermometer of the vendors
    freezer. It should read –18 °C or colder.Ensure that the frozen foods are the last
    items to be bought. Wrap in several layers
    of newspaper or place in a thermo-
    insulated bag and take home at once.
    Store frozen products in the freezer with-
    out delay.Freezing at homeIf freezing at home, use only foodstuffs which
    are absolutely fresh and in perfect condition. 
    Foodstuffs that freeze well
    Meat, cold slices and sausage, poultry and
    game, fish, vegetables, aromatic herbs, fruit,
    bread and pastries, pizza, precooked meals,
    leftovers, egg yolks and whites.
    Foodstuffs not suitable for freezing
    Whole eggs in their shells, soured cream
    and mayonnaise, lettuces, radishes,
    horseradish and onions.
    Blanching vegetables and fruit
    It is advisable to blanch vegetables and fruit
    before freezing in order to preserve colour,
    flavour, aroma and vitamin C.
    (To blanch, bring a large saucepan of water
    to a fast boil and completely immerse fruit or
    vegetables briefly. Most book stores offer a
    wide selection of literature on freezing which
    will also deal with blanching.)Wrapping foodPack the food in portions suitable for your
    Vegetable and fruit portions should be no
    heavier than 1 kg, while meat portions can
    28enbe up to 2.5 kg. Smaller portions freeze
    through more quickly and the quality is
    thereby maintained better when defrosting
    and preparing the food.
    It is important to seal food airtight before 
    freezing to prevent it from losing its taste
    or dehydrating.
    Suitable wrapping materials:
    plastic foil, polyethylene tubular film,
    aluminium foil and freezing containers.
    These items are available from any dealer.
    Unsuitable wrapping materials:
    wrapping paper, greaseproof paper, cello-
    phane, bin bags or used carrier bags.
    Place food in the wrapping, press out any
    air and seal it airtight.
    Suitable sealing materials:
    rubber bands, plastic clips, string, freezer
    tape or similar. Polyethylene tubular film and
    bags may be heat-sealed using a special
    sealing iron or press.
    Before placing in the freezer, each
    package should be clearly labelled 
    with the contents and date of freezing.Maximum freezing 
    capacityFoodstuffs should be frozen right through 
    as quickly as possible. Only in this way it
    is possible to retain vitamins, nutrients, 
    appearance and taste. You should therefore
    never exceed your appliances maximum
    freezing capacity.
    Within 24 h a max 12 kg of food for 70 cm
    and 9 kg for 60 cm width appliances, can 
    frozen at once in the upper compartments.
    Food that is already frozen should never
    come into contact with fresh food about 
    to be frozen.
    Allow hot food and drinks to cool down 
    to room temperature before placing in the
    Information about the max. freezing capacity
    according to current standards can be found
    on the rating plate (Fig. F).
    Freezing and storing
    Freezing and storing
    Super cooling
    If you are going to buy fresh food you should
    switch on super cooling 3-4 hours before or
    at the latest when placing fresh food in the
    refrigerator. To switch on super cooling
    simply press the super cooling button
    (Fig. 2/2). Display SU (Fig. 2/4) and the
    Super display (Fig. 2/5) indicate that
    super cooling is on. Super cooling
    reduces the temperature in the refrigerator
    compartment for 6 hours. Then the
    appliance automatically switches to the
    temperature, which was selected prior to
    super coolingFast freezingIf frozen food is already being stored in the
    freezer, you should switch on fast freeze
    several hours before putting in fresh food 
    to freeze.
    Normally, it will suffice to switch on fast
    freeze 4–6 hours ahead. If you are planning
    to make full use of maximum freezing 
    capacity, switch on 24 hours in advance.
    Smaller quantities of food (up to 2 kg) can
    be frozen without the fast freeze facility. To
    switch on super freeze, simply press the
    super freeze button, Fig. 2
    Display SU (Fig. 2
    /7) and the Super
    display (Fig. 2
    /6) indicate that super
    cooling is on. After switching on, a very low
    temperature is achieved in the freezer
    compartment. Fast-freezing switches off
    automatically approximately 52 hoursafter
    being switched on.Storage of foodMake sure that all the frozen goods
    containers are pushed in as far as they will go.
    This is important so that the air inside the
    freezer can circulate properly.
    Frozen food calendarFigure 
    It is important not to exceed maximum
    permissible storage times in order to avoid
    impairing the quality of the frozen goods.
    The actual storage time depends on the type
    of food. The numbers next to the symbols
    indicate the permissible storage time in
    months. In the case of frozen goods
    purchased from a shop, observe the
    production date or ‘Best before …’ date.Freezer trayFig. 
    The freezer tray is suitable for storing ice
    cube trays and for freezing individual berries,
    pieces of fruit, herbs and vegetables.
    To freeze individual items of food, distribute
    the produce uniformly on the freezer tray
    and leave to freeze for approx. 10–12 hours.
    Then transfer the produce into freezer bags
    or containers.
    To thaw, spread out the individual items of
    food.Thawing frozen foodDepending on the nature of the food and 
    the preparation or cooking method you are
    going to employ, you may choose one of 
    the following thawing methods:
    at room temperature,
    in the refrigerator,
    in an electric oven, 
    fan-assisted or not,
    in the microwave oven.
    Food that has been partially or completely
    defrosted can be refrozen provided that
    these items are stored at temperatures
    below +3 °C and for no longer than one day
    where meat and fish is involved, or no longer
    than 3 days for other items.Otherwise, provided that taste, smell and
    appearance remain unchanged, you can
    boil, fry or process the food further into
    a ready-made dish and then refreeze.
    Observe that in this case the admissible
    shelf-life will be shorter than normal.
    Making ice-cubesFig. 
    Fill the ice-cube tray three-quarters full with
    water and place it in the freezer.
    Twist the tray slightly to remove the ice-cubes.
    30enCleaningBefore cleaning, you should always
    unplug the appliance and/or switch off 
    or disengage the household fuse.
    Do not use a steam cleaner. The hot
    steam could damage the surface of the
    appliance or the electrical components 
    – electric shock hazard!
    Ensure that cleaning water does not get 
    into the control panel or any of the lights.
    Lukewarm water with a little mildly
    disinfectant detergent such as washing-up
    liquid is ideal for cleaning the entire
    appliance, except the door seal. Never use
    cleaning agents containing abrasives, acids,
    chemical solvents or polishers.
    Simply clean the door seal with clear water
    and dry thoroughly afterwards.
    If possible, the heat exchanger (black grid)
    at the back of the appliance should be
    cleaned with a brush or vacuum cleaner
    every two years. This will maintain the full
    efficiency of the appliance and helps to save
    Install the appliance in a cool, dry room with
    adequate ventilation. Ensure that it is not
    exposed to direct sunlight and never put it
    near a direct source of heat (radiator, etc.).Never block any vents or grilles on the
    appliance.Allow warm food to cool down before
    placing in the appliance.Put frozen food in the refrigerator to thaw.
    You can then use the low temperatures 
    of the frozen products to cool food in the
    refrigerator.Do not keep the door of the appliance
    open for too long when loading or taking
    out food. 
    The shorter the time that the door is
    opened, the less ice will form on the
    freezer grids.Clean the heat exchanger (black grid) at
    the back of the appliance every two years.Power saving tips
    Information about
    operating noises
    Operating noisesIn order to maintain the pre-set temperature
    at a constant level, the appliance compressor
    switches on from time to time.
    The noises that can be heard while it is
    running are perfectly normal.
    The noise reduces automatically when the
    appliance reaches its operating temperature.
    The humming noise is emitted by the motor
    (compressor). When the motor switches ON,
    the noise may briefly increase in volume.
    The bubbling, gurgling or whirring noise is
    emitted by the refrigerant as it flows through
    the pipes.
    The clicking noise can always be heard
    when the thermostat switches ON/OFF the
    Cracking noises may occur if ...
    - the automatic defrosting is operating.
    - the appliance is cooling down or 
    warming up (material expansion).
    A multi-zone or No-Frost appliance may
    cause a low hissing noise emitted by the
    air flow inside the appliance.
    If these noises are excessively loud, the
    causes are probably not serious and are
    usually very easy to eliminate.
    The appliance is not level
    Please level the appliance with the aid of
    a spirit level. Use the height-adjustable feet
    or place packing under the feet.
    The appliance is not free-standing
    Please move the appliance away from
    kitchen units or other appliances.
    Drawers, baskets or shelves are loose or
    Please check the detachable components
    and, if required, refit them.
    Bottles and/or receptacles are touching
    each other
    Please move bottles and/or receptacles
    away from each other.
    *Important information for
    the care of stainless steel
    surfacesA trial pack of “Chromol” cleaning agent is
    enclosed with the appliance.
    This cleaning agent is available on the
    market under the name “Chromol” or from
    your customer service under
    Ident. no. 310359 as a 500 ml spray can
    To prevent damage to stainless steel
    surfaces, do not use abrasive sponges,
    metal brushes, sharp objects or scouring
    Do not remove stains with washing-up
    liquid, detergents which contain chlorine,
    aggressive detergents, e.g. defrosting
    sprays, oven sprays, solvents or stain
    If stubborn stains cannot be removed from
    stainless steel surfaces with Chromol,
    please use the detergent Wiener Kalk. This
    is available in shops or from customer
    service, order no. 417980.
    Keep out of the reach of children.
    Never use on surfaces which come into
    contact with food.
    Do not use on hot surfaces.
    Contains aliphatic hydrocarbons, oils and
    aromatic compounds.
    * not on all models
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