Philips Epiq 5 Manual
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SOP Common Table 9.18 ALWAYS Secondary Capture IOD Table 9.2 IOD OF CREATED SECONDARY CAPTURE SOP INSTANCES IE Module Reference Presence of Module Patient Patient Table 9.5 ALWAYS Study General Study Table 9.6 ALWAYS Patient Study Table 9.7 ALWAYS Series General Series Table 9.9 ALWAYS Equipment General Equipment Table 9.10 ALWAYS SC Equipment Table 9.21 ALWAYS Image General Image Table 9.19 ALWAYS Image Pixel Table 9.20 ALWAYS SC Image N.A. All attributes are optional and are not present SOP Common Table 9.18 ALWAYS Multi -Frame True Color Secondary Capture IOD Table 9.3 IOD OF CREATED MULTI -FRAME TRUE COLOR SECONDARY CAPTURE SOP INSTANCES IE Module Reference Presence of Module Patient Patient Table 9.5 ALWAYS Study General Study Table 9.6 ALWAYS Patient Study Table 9.7 ALWAYS Series General Series Table 9.9 ALWAYS Equipment General Equipment Table 9.10 ALWAYS SC Equipment Table 9.21 ALWAYS Image General Image Table 9.19 ALWAYS Image Pixel Table 9.20 ALWAYS Cine Table 9.13 ALWAYS Multi-frame Table 9.14 ALWAYS SC Multi-frame Image Table 9.22 ALWAYS SC Multi-frame Vector N.A. All attributes are conditional and are not present SOP Common Table 9.18 ALWAYS E7 and E5/A70 and A50 1.5.x.x DICOM Conformance Statement 000490000000111 Rev A Page 71 Comprehensive Structured Report IOD Table 9.4 IOD OF CREATED COMPREHENSIVE STRUCTURED REPORT SOP INSTANCES IE Module Reference Presence of Module Patient Patient Table 9.5 ALWAYS Study General Study Table 9.6 ALWAYS Patient Study Table 9.7 ALWAYS Series SR Document Series Table 9.24 ALWAYS Equipment General Equipment Table 9.10 ALWAYS Document SR Document General Table 9.25 ALWAYS SR Document Content Table 9.26 ALWAYS SOP Common Table 9.27 ALWAYS Attribute Content by Module Common Modules Table 9.5 PATIENT MODULE OF CREATED SOP INSTANCES Attribute Name Tag VR Value Presence of Value Source Patient’s Name (0010,0010) PN Same attribute of MWL or PDE input ALWAYS MW L/ USER Patient ID (0010,0020) LO From MWL, user input or system generated. Maximum 64 characters. ALWAYS MW L/ USER/ AUTO Patient’s Birth Date (0010,0030) DA Same attribute of MWL or PDE input VNAP MW L/ USER Patient’s Sex (0010,0040) CS Same attribute of MWL or PDE input * VNAP MW L/ USER Other Patient IDs (0010,1000) LO Same attribute of MWL VNAP MW L Ethnic Group (0010,2160) SH Same attribute of MWL VNAP MW L Patient Comments * (0010,4000) LT Same attribute of MWL or PDE input MWL input limited to 3500 characters PDE input limited to 100 characters VNAP MW L/ USER * In English * Note: Patient Comments originating from modality worklist patients are not exported on ex ams consisting entirely of loop images . E7 and E5/A70 and A50 1.5.x.x DICOM Conformance Statement 000490000000111 Rev A Page 72

Table 9.6 GENERAL STUDY MODULE OF CREATED SOP INSTANCES Attribute Name Tag VR Value Presence of Value Source Study Instance UID (0020,000D ) UI Same value as in MWL or auto generated ALWAYS MW L/ AUTO Study Date (0008,0020) DA Study’s Start Date ( 0040,0244). ALWAYSU A AUTO Study Time (0008,0030) TM Study’s Start Time ( 0040,0245). ALWAYS AUTO Referring Physician’s Name (0008,0090) PN Only Last, First and Middle names from MWL, sent as “Last, First, Middle” in the Last name field; or PDE input. VNAP MW L/ USER Study ID (0020,0010) SH MWL Requested Procedure ID (0040,1001) or auto- generated ALWAYSU A MW L/ AUTO Accession Number (0008,0050) SH Same attribute of MWL or user PDE input. VNAP MW L/ USER Study Description (0008,1030) LO The first available attribute (provided in the MWL response) from the following list: Requested Procedure Description (0032,1060) Scheduled Procedure Step Description (0040,0007) Scheduled Protocol Code Sequence > Code Meaning (0040,0008),( 0008,0104) Reason for the Requested Procedure (0040,1002) Reason for the Imaging Service Request (0040,2001) or user input VNAP MW L/ USER Physician(s) of Record (0008,1048) PN Mapped from Names of Intended Recipients of Results (0040,1010) from MWL, otherwise not present ANAP MW L Referenced Study Sequence (0008,1110) SQ One item per item in the MWL Referenced Study Sequence. Absent if unscheduled. ANAP MW L >Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150) UI Same value as in of the Referenced Study Sequence in the MWL VNAP MW L >Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155) UI Same value as in of the Referenced Study Sequence in the MWL VNAP MW L >Requested Procedure Description (0032,1060) LO Same value as MWL attribute VNAP MW L Procedure Code Sequence (0008,1032) SQ MWL Requested Procedure Code Sequence (0032,1064) Absent if unscheduled. ANAP MW L >Code Value (0008,0100) SH Same value as MWL attribute VNAP MW L E7 and E5/A70 and A50 1.5.x.x DICOM Conformance Statement 000490000000111 Rev A Page 73

Attribute Name Tag VR Value Presence of Value Source >Coding Scheme Designator (0008,0102) SH Same value as MWL attribute VNAP MW L >Coding Scheme Version (0008,0103) SH Same value as MWL attribute VNAP MW L >Code Meaning (0008,0104) LO Same value as MWL attribute VNAP MW L Table 9.7 PATIENT STUDY MODULE OF CREATED SOP INSTANCES Attribute Name Tag VR Value Presence of Value Source Admitting Diagnosis Description (0008,1080) LO Same attribute as MW L attribute VNAP MW L Patient Size (0010,1020) DS Same value as MWL attribute or PDE input VNAP MW L/ USER Patient’s W eight (0010,1030) DS Same value as MWL attribute or PDE input VNAP MW L/ USER Additional Patient’s History (0010,21B0) LT Same value as MWL attribute VNAP MW L Table 9.8 PATIENT MEDICAL MODULE OF CREATED SOP INSTANCES* Attribute Name Tag VR Value Presence of Value Source Medical Alerts (0010,2000) LO Same value as MWL attribute VNAP MW L Pregnancy Status (0010,21C0) US Same value as MWL attribute ANAP MW L *Note: These attributes extend the standard US Image and US Multiframe Image IODs Table 9.9 GENERAL SERIES MODULE OF CREATED IMAGE SOP INSTANCES Attribute Name Tag VR Value Presence of Value Source Modality (0008,0060) CS “US” ALWAYS AUTO Presentation Intent Type (0008,0068) CS This attribute is defined for the DX Series. It is added here as an extension to the General Series for Ultrasound. “FOR PRESENTATION” if this is Series 1, containing the standard ultrasound images. “FOR PROCESSING” if this is Series 4, containing Ultrasound Multiframe 3D volumes, intended only for processing by Philips 3D viewers. ALWAYS AUTO E7 and E5/A70 and A50 1.5.x.x DICOM Conformance Statement 000490000000111 Rev A Page 74

Attribute Name Tag VR Value Presence of Value Source Series Instance UID (0020,000E ) UI Auto -generated ALWAYS AUTO Series Number (0020,0011) IS A number unique within the Study. ALWAYS AUTO Series Date (0008,0021) DA Date of first image in series. ALWAYSUA AUTO Series Time (0008,0031) TM Time of first image in series. ALWAYS AUTO Performing Physician’s Name (0008,1050) PN MWL Scheduled Performing Physician’s Name (0040,0006) VNAP MW L Protocol Name (0018,1030) LO “Free Form” ”Exercise 2 Stage” “Exercise 3 Stage” “Pharmacological 4 Stage” “Wall Motion and Contrast” “Quantitative 4 Stage” user defined ALWAYS AUTO Series Description (0008,103E) LO Same as Study Description when from MW L. ANAP MW L/ USER Operator s’ Name (0008,1070) PN From PDE “ Exam Performed By ” field VNAP USER Referenced Performed Procedure Step Sequence (0008,1111) SQ Identifies the MPPS SOP Instance this image is related to ALWAYS MPPS >Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150) UI PPS SOP Class = “1.2.840.10008.” ALWAYS MPPS >Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155) UI PPS Instance UID of the PPS generating this image ALWAYS MPPS Request Attributes Sequence (0040,0275) SQ ALWAYS AUTO / MW L >Requested Procedure ID (0040,1001) SH Auto -generated=Study ID or value from MWL. One item. ALWAYS AUTO / MW L >Scheduled Procedure Step ID (0040,0009) SH Auto -generated=Study ID or value from MWL. One item. ALWAYS AUTO / MW L >Scheduled Procedure Step Description (0040,0007) LO Same value as MWL attribute. VNAP MW L >Scheduled Protocol Code Sequence (0040,0008) SQ Same value as MWL attribute. VNAP MW L Performed Procedure Step ID (0040,0253) SH Auto -generated=Study ID or value from MW L. One item. ALWAYSUA AUTO / MW L Performed Procedure Step Start Date (0040,0244) DA See Table 9.6 ALWAYSUA AUTO Performed Procedure Step Start Time (0040,0245) TM See Table 9.6 ALWAYS AUTO Performed Procedure Step Description (0040,0254) LO MWL Scheduled Procedure Step Description (0040,0007) or PDE input if any. VNAP USER / MW L E7 and E5/A70 and A50 1.5.x.x DICOM Conformance Statement 000490000000111 Rev A Page 75

Attribute Name Tag VR Value Presence of Value Source Performed Protocol Code Sequence (0040,0260) SQ Zero length, or mapped from MWL Scheduled Protocol Code Sequence (0040,0008) VNAP MW L Table 9.10 GENERAL EQUIPMENT MODULE OF CREATED SOP INSTANCES Attribute Name Tag VR Value Presence of Value Source Manufacturer (0008,0070) LO Philips Medical Systems ALWAYS AUTO Institution Name (0008,0080) LO From Setups configuration* (requires power cycle) VNAP CONFIG Station Name (0008,1010) SH From Setups configuration VNAP CONFIG Manufacturer’s Model Name (0008,1090) LO A string indicating the product, level, and clinical specialty. Example: EPIQ 7C ALWAYS AUTO Device Serial Number (0018,1000) LO Encoded, also used as component of system generated private UIDs. ALWAYS AUTO Software Version (s) (0018,1020) LO A string indicating the model name and software build version. Example: EPIQ 7C_1.0.0.1234 ALWAYS AUTO * Always cycle system power after changing Institution Name prior to sending data. US or Multiframe Image Modules Table 9.11 GENERAL IMAGE MODULE OF CREATED US SOP INSTANCES Attribute Name Tag VR Value Presence of Value Source Instance Number ** (0020,0013) IS Generated by device, increments from “1” in each series ALWAYS AUTO Content Date (0008,0023) DA ALWAYSUA AUTO Content Time (0008,0033) TM ALWAYS AUTO Image Type (0008,0008) CS ORIGINAL/PRIMARY/ for uncompressed, DERIVED/PRIMARY/ < Analysis Type *> if compressed ALWAYS CONFIG Acquisition DateTime (0008,002A) DT The date and time that the acquisition of data that resulted in this image started. ALWAYSUA AUTO Derivation Description (0008,2111) ST “Uncompressed” for US Image; Numeric value set from JPEG Quality Factor slider found in Utilities > Setups > Acquisition/Capture > Acquisition Compression ALWAYS AUTO E7 and E5/A70 and A50 1.5.x.x DICOM Conformance Statement 000490000000111 Rev A Page 76

Attribute Name Tag VR Value Presence of Value Source Source Image Sequence (0008,2112) SQ This sequence will be present only for 3D images from motorized 3D transducers, or freehand acquisition from single- array transducers. ANAP AUTO > Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150) UI SOP Class UID of Ultrasound Multiframe Image ANAP AUTO > Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155) UI The value is the SOP Instance UID of the associated 3D volume. This value links this image, intended for first - order presentation, to a US Multiframe image in Series 4, which is intended as source data for proprietary 3D viewing applications. ANAP AUTO > Purpose of Reference Code Sequence (0040,A170) SQ ANAP AUTO >> Coding Scheme Designator (0008,0102) SH “DCM” ANAP AUTO >> Code Value (0008,0100) SH “121324” ANAP AUTO >> Code Meaning (0008,0104) LO “Source Image” (comment from DICOM PS 3.16: “image used as the source for a derived or compressed image”) ANAP AUTO Burned In Annotation (0028,0301) CS Set to “ NO”. Set to “YES” if “Burn Patient Information Into Images” is set. ALWAYS AUTO Lossy Image Compression (0028,2110) CS “01” if image is lossy compressed, “00” if not. ALWAYS AUTO Lossy Image Compression Ratio (0028,2112) DS For Lossy Compressed images, the following is sent: Lossy Low = 100 Lossy Med = 95 Lossy High = 90 ANAP AUTO Lossy Image Compression Method (0028,2114) CS For Lossy Compressed images, the attribute is set to “ISO_10918_1” ANAP AUTO Presentation LUT Sequence (2050,0010) SQ Provided as an extension to the Ultrasound Multiframe IOD. Present only for 3D volume objects in Series 4. ANAP (Mutually exclusive with (2050,0020) AUTO > LUT Description (0028,3002) US or SS [256 / 0 / 16] ANAP AUTO > LUT Data (0028,3006) US or SS or OW [P0 / P1 ... P255] Array of 256 16- bit values mapping the output range of the VOI LUT to P-values ANAP AUTO Presentation LUT Shape (2050,0020) CS “IDENTITY“ only if “Image Export Format” is GSDF. ANAP AUTO E7 and E5/A70 and A50 1.5.x.x DICOM Conformance Statement 000490000000111 Rev A Page 77

* Analysis Type selection is determined by the analysis package associated with the transducer / preset selection. ** Instance Number will be mapped to View Number when studies with General Imaging Protocol Images are configured to export shuffled. Images that are not part of the protocol will have the instance number offset by 10,000. Table 9.12 IMAGE PIXEL MODULE OF CREATED US OR US MULTIFRAME SOP INSTANCES Attribute Name Tag VR Value Presence of Value Source Samples per Pixel (0028,0002) US See US Image Module Table 9.16 ALWAYS AUTO Photometric Interpretation (0028,0004) CS See US Image Module Table 9.16 ALWAYS AUTO Rows (0028,0010) US Image height in pixels. Varies with export resolution configuration, normal vs. quad size image, and full-screen vs. image area setting. ALWAYS CONFIG Columns (0028,0011) US Image width in pixels. Varies with export resolution configuration, normal vs. quad size image, and full -screen vs. image area setting. ALWAYS CONFIG Bits Allocated (0028,0100) US 8 Bits per pixel. ALWAYS AUTO Bits Stored (0028,0101) US 8 Bits per pixel. ALWAYS AUTO High Bit (0028,0102) US High bit is 7 ALWAYS AUTO Pixel Representation (0028,0103) US “0” pixels are Unsigned I ntegers ALWAYS AUTO Pixel Data (7FE0,0010) OW / OB ALWAYS AUTO Planar Configuration (0028,0006) US Present when image is RGB. Value is “0”. ANAP AUTO Table 9.13 CINE MODULE OF CREATED MULTIFRAME US OR SC SOP INSTANCES Attribute Name Tag VR Value Presence of Value Source Frame Time (0018,1063) DS Frame time in milliseconds ANAP AUTO Recommended Display Frame Rate (0008,2144) IS Display frame rate corresponding to Frame Time (0018,1063) value, in frames per second. ANAP AUTO Cine Rate (0018,0040) IS Display frame rate corresponding to Frame Time (0018,1063) value, in frames per second. ANAP AUTO E7 and E5/A70 and A50 1.5.x.x DICOM Conformance Statement 000490000000111 Rev A Page 78

Table 9.14 MULTI -FRAME MODULE OF CREATED MULTIFRAME US OR SC SOP INSTANCES Attribute Name Tag VR Value Presence of Value Source Number of Frames (0028,0008) IS # of frames in object ANAP AUTO Frame Increment Pointer (0028,0009) AT 0x0018 1063: Frame Time only ANAP AUTO Table 9.15 US REGION CALIBRATION MODULE OF CREATED US IMAGE OR US MULTIFRAME IMAGE SOP INSTANCES Attribute Name Tag VR Value Presence of Value Source Sequence of Ultrasound Regions (0018,6011) SQ A sequence is present for each region on the system display, except for ECG regions. Only when set for “Display Area”. No scaling for “Full Screen” images, rendered 3D. ANAP AUTO >Region Location Min x 0 (0018,6018) UL Top Left position of region. ALWAYS AUTO >Region Location Min y 0 (0018,601A) UL Top Left position of region ALWAYS AUTO >Region Location Max x 1 (0018,601C) UL Bottom Right position of region ALWAYS AUTO >Region Location Max y 1 (0018,601E) UL Bottom Right position of region ALWAYS AUTO >Physical Units X Direction (0018,6024) US Enumerated Value. 2D Image = 0003H = CM Mmode / Doppler = 0004H = SEC ALWAYS AUTO >Physical Units Y Direction (0018,6026) US Enumerated Value. 2D Image = 0003H = CM Mmode = 0003H = CM Doppler = 0007H = CM / SEC ALWAYS AUTO >Physical Delta X (0018,602C) FD The physical value per pixel increment ALWAYS AUTO >Physical Delta Y (0018,602E) FD The physical value per pixel increment ALWAYS AUTO >Reference Pixel X0 (0018,6020) SL The X pixel value of baseline, Doppler only ANAP AUTO >Reference Pixel Y0 (0018,6022) SL The Y pixel value of baseline, Doppler only ANAP AUTO >Region Spatial Format (0018,6012) US Enumerated Value. 2D (tissue or flow) = 0001H M -Mode (tissue or flow) = 0002H Spectral (CW or PW Doppler) = 0003H ALWAYS AUTO >Region Data (0018,6014) US Enumerated Value. ALWAYS AUTO E7 and E5/A70 and A50 1.5.x.x DICOM Conformance Statement 000490000000111 Rev A Page 79

Attribute Name Tag VR Value Presence of Value Source T ype Tissue = 0001H PW Spectral Doppler = 0003H CW Spectral Doppler = 0004H >Region Flags (0018,6016) UL Bit mask. See DICOM PS3.3 C. ALWAYS AUTO Table 9.16 US IMAGE MODULE OF CREATED US IMAGE OR US MULTIFRAME IMAGE SOP INSTANCES Attribute Name Tag VR Value Presence of Value Source Samples Per Pixel (0028,0002) US “1” for M ONOCHROME 2, only if “Export Monochrome” is selected, otherwise, “3” for RGB or YBR_FULL_422 ALWAYS AUTO Photometric Interpretation (0028,0004) CS Uncompressed: “MONOCHROME 2” or “RGB” Compressed: “YBR_FULL_422” ALWAYS CONFIG Bits Allocated (0028,0100) US 8 Bits per pixel. ALWAYS AUTO Bits Stored (0028,0101) US 8 Bits per pixel. ALWAYS AUTO High Bit (0028,0102) US High bit is 7 ALWAYS AUTO Planar Configuration (0028,0006) US Always “0”, ALWAYS AUTO Pixel Representation (0028,0103) US “0” Pixels are Unsigned integers ALWAYS AUTO Frame Increment Pointer (0028,0009) AT (0018,1063) “Frame Time” only. ANAP AUTO Image Type (0008,0008) CS See Table 9.11 ALWAYS CONFIG Lossy Image Compression (0028,2110) CS “01” if image is lossy compressed, “00” if not. ALWAYS AUTO Number of Stages (0008,2124) IS 1-n ANAP AUTO Number of Views in Stage (0008,212A) IS 1 -n ANAP AUTO Ultrasound Color Data Present (0028,0014) US 0 or 1 ALWAYS AUTO Stage Name (0008,2120) SH REST, PEAK, POST, IMPOST, BASE, LOW, user defined ANAP AUTO Stage Code Sequence (0040,000A) SQ Sequence of items describing the performed Ultrasound Protocol Stage(s). See Baseline Context ID 12002 for possible contents. ANAP AUTO Stage Number (0008,2122) IS 1-n ANAP AUTO View Name * (0008,2127) SH LAX, SAX, AP4, AP2, AP3, user defined ANAP AUTO View Number * (0008,2128) IS 1 -n ANAP AUTO Number of Event Timers (0008,2129) IS 1-n ANAP AUTO Event Elapsed (0008,2130) DS nnn msec. ANAP AUTO E7 and E5/A70 and A50 1.5.x.x DICOM Conformance Statement 000490000000111 Rev A Page 80