Panasonic Sonic Vibration Toothbrush Ew Dl82 Operating Instructions
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Operating Instructions (Househol\f) Sonic Vi\bration Tooth\brush Mo\fel No. EW‑DL82 English��������������������������������������������� 3 中文������������������������������������������������ 17 한글������������������������������������������������ 27

3 English Operating Instructions (Househol\f) Sonic Vi\bration Tooth\brush Mo\fel No. EW‑DL82 Thank you for purchasing this\l Panasonic pro\fuct. Beforeoperatingthisunit,pleasereadtheseinstru\ftions\fompletelyandsavethemforfutureuse\b Safety precautions..................... 4 Parts identification������������������������������7 Storingandchargingthetoothbrush����7 Before cleaningyourteeth�����������������8 Using thetoothbrush��������������������������9 Tips onusage������������������������������������10 Cleaning themainunitandthebrush head����������������������������������������������������11 If theidentificationringcomesoff���11 Cleaning thecharger�������������������������11 Cleaning thecarryingcase���������������12 Troubleshooting ��������������������������������13 Battery life������������������������������������������15 Removing thebuilt-inrechargeable battery�������������������������������������������������15 Specifications ������������������������������������15 Changing thebrushhead (Sold separately)��������������������������������15 Contents

4 EnglishSafetypre\fautions To re\fuce the risk of injury, loss of life, electric shock, fire, malfunction, an\f \fam\lage to equipment o\lr property, always o\bserve the following safety precautions. Explanationofsymbols The following sym\bols are us\le\f to classify an\f \f\lescri\be the level of hazar\f, injury, an\f property \famage cause\f wh\len the \fenotation is \fisre\lgar\fe\f an\f improper \luse is performe\f. DANGER Denotes a potential \l hazar\f that will res\lult in serious injury or \feath. WARNING Denotes a potential \l hazar\f that coul\f re\lsult in serious injury or \feath. CAUTIONDenotes a hazar\f tha\lt coul\f result in mino\lr injury. The following sym\bols are us\le\f to classify an\f \f\lescri\be the type of instructions to \be o\bser\lve\f. This sym\bol is use\f \lto alert users to a speci\lfic operating proce\fure that must not \be performe\f. This sym\bol is use\f \lto alert users to a speci\lfic operating proce\fure that must \be followe\f in or\fer to oper\late the unit safely. DANGER Thisprodu\fthasabuilt-inre\fhargeablebattery\b Donotthro wintofire,applyheat,or\fhar ge,use,orleaveinahightemperatureenvir onment\b - Doing so may cause overheating, ignitio\ln, or explosion. WARNING Alwaysunplugthepowerplugfromahouseholdoutletwhen\fleaningthe\fhar ger\b - Failure to \fo so may cause electric shock or injury. Immediatelystopusingandremovethepowerplugifthereisanabnormalityorfailure\b- Failure to \fo so may cause fire, electric shock, or injury.•Themainunitor\fhar gerisdeformedorabnormallyhot\b•Themainunitor\fhar ger smellsofburning\b•Thereisabnormalsoundduringuseor\fhar ging ofthemainunitor\fhar ger\b - Imme\fiately request\l inspection or rep\lair at an authorize\f service center. Alwaysensuretheapplian\feisoperatedonanele\ftri\fpowersour\femat\fhedtotheratedvolta geindi\fatedonthe\fhar ger\b Fully insertthepowerplug\b- Failure to \fo so may cause fire or elec\ltric shock.

5 English WARNING Regularly\fleanthepowerplugtopreventdustfroma\f\fumulating\b- Failure to \fo so may cause fire \fue to \linsulation failure cause\f \by humi\fity. Disconnect the power plug an\f wipe wi\lth a \fry cloth. Thisapplian\feisnotintendedforusebypersons(in\fluding\fhildren)withredu\fedphysi\fal,sensoryormental\fapabilities,orla\fkofexperien\feandknowledge , unlesstheyhavebeengivensupervisionorinstru\ftion\fon\ferninguseoftheapplian\febyapersonresponsiblefortheirsafety \b Children shouldbesupervisedtoensurethattheydonotplaywiththeapplian\fe\b- Failure to \fo so may cause an acci\fent\l or injury. Ifthe\fordofthe\fhargerisdamaged,theentire\fharg ershouldbedis\farded\bThe\fhar gershouldberepla\fed\b- Failure to \fo so may cause an acci\fent\l or injury. Donot\fonne\ftordis\fonne\ftthepowerplugtoahouseholdoutletwithawethand\b- Doing so may cause electric shock or injury. Donotimmersethe\fharger(ex\feptthemainunitguide)inwaterorwashitwithwater\b- Doing so may cause electric shock or fire \fue to a s\lhort circuit. Neverusethe\fhargerinabathroomorashowerroom\b- Doing so may cause electric shock or fire \fue to a s\lhort circuit. Neverdisassembleex\feptwhendisposingoftheprodu\ft\b- Doing so may cause fire, electric shock, or injury. Donotstorewithintherea\fhof\fhildrenorinfants\bDonotletthemuseit\b- Doing so may cause an acci\fent\l or injury \fue to acci\fental ingestio\ln of remova\ble parts. Donotusewhenthe\fordorthepowerplugisdamagedorwhenthefittingintothehouseholdoutletisloose\b Donotdamag e, modify,for \fefully bend,pull,twist,orbundlethe\ford\b Also,donotpla\feanythingheavyonorpin\fhthe\ford\b- Doing so may cause electric shock or fire \fue to a s\lhort circuit. Donotuseanythingotherthanthesupplied\fharg er\bAlso,donot\fhar geanyotherprodu\ftwiththesupplied\fhar ger\b - Doing so may cause \burn or fire \fue to a s\lhort circuit. Donotuseinawayex\feedingtheratingofthehouseholdoutletorthewiring\b- Excee\fing the rating \by connecting too m\lany power plugs to one househol\f ou\ltlet may cause fire \fue to \loverheating. Donotmodifyorrepair\b- Doing so may cause fire, electric shock, or injury. Contact an authorize\f service center for repair (\battery change, etc.).

6 EnglishCAUTION Dis\fonne\ftthepowerplugfromthehouseholdoutletwhennotusingforextendedperiodoftime\b- Failure to \fo so may cause electric shock or fire \fue to electrical leakage resulti\lng from insulation \l\feterioration. Dis\fonne\ftthepowerplugbyholdingontoitinsteadofthe\ford\b- Failure to \fo so may cause electric shock or fire \fue to a short circuit. Peoplewhohaveseveregumdisease,haveteethbeingtreated,orare\fon\fernedaboutsymptomswithintheirmouthshould\fonsultadentistbeforeuse\b- Failure to \fo so may cause injury or \famage to teet\lh an\f gums. Donotusethebrushwithtoothpastethat\fontainsahighabrasive\fontent,su\fhastoothpasteforremovingtarorforwhitening\b Donotletany one that\fannotoperatethebrushthemselvesuseit\b Peoplewithalowsensitivitywithintheirmouthshouldnotusethebrush\b Donotapplythebrushheadstrongl y againstteethorgums,oruseit\fontinuousl y againstsamespot\b Donotapplytheplasti\fpartofthemainunitorbrushheadtoteeth\b- Doing so may cause injury or \famage to teet\lh an\f gums. Neveruseforapurposeotherthan\fleaningyourteeth\b- Doing so may cause an acci\fent\l or injury. Donotsharethebrushheadwithyourfamilyorotherpeople\b- Doing so may result in infection or inflammat\lion. Donotdroporsubje\fttosho\fk\b- Doing so may cause injury. Donotwrapthe\fordtightlyaroundthe\fhargerwhenstoring\b- Doing so may cause the wire i\ln the cor\f to \break\l with the loa\f, an\f may cause fire \fue to \la short circuit. Donotpla\feametalli\fobje\ftsu\fhasa\foinora\flipontopofthe\fhar ger\b - Doing so may cause \burns \fue to excessive heat. ► NotesWhen you first \begin using\l the tooth\brush, you may experience slight \blee\fing of the gums\l even though your gums may \be healthy. This is \because your gums are recei\lving stimulation \by the tooth\brush for the first time. The \blee\fing shoul\f stop \lafter one or two weeks of use. Blee\fing that persi\lsts for more than two weeks may \be in\fication of \l an a\bnormal con\fition of your gums, such as pyorrhea. In this case, stop using the too\lth\brush an\f consult your \fentist.

7 English Partsidentifi\fation AMainunit 1 Tooth\brush shaft 2 Waterproof r u\b\ber seal 3 Pow er switch 4 Mo\fe in\ficator 5 Charge status lamp \l() 6 Battery capacity lamp () BStain\farebrush 7 Extra fine si\fe \bristles 8 High‑\fensity \bristles 9 Tongue cleaner I\fentification ring C Charger(RE8-52) (Theshapeofthepowerplugdiffer s dependingonthearea\b) Cor\f Pow er plug Charger \base Charging section Main unit gui\fe Brush hea\f storage Accessor y D Carrying\fase Chara\fteristi\fsofbrushbristles(8) The \bristles in the cente\lr (high‑\fensity \bristles) are arr ange\f in a \fiamon\f shape, which is \fesigne\f\l for stain care. Storingand\fhargingthetoothbrush • If the tooth\brush stops operating when first us\ling it (imme\fiately\l after purchasing i\lt, or after not us\ling it for 3 months or mor\le) or \furing use, charge the main \lunit. • A\fequate am\bient te\lmperature for charging is 5 °C – 35 °C. The \battery may not charge prope\lrly or not at all un\f\ler extreme low or high temperatures. • You can keep the main unit \lattache\f on the cha\lrger when not in use to maintain th\le full \battery capacity. It will not overcharge the main unit. • The main unit may \become warm \furing use an\f chargin\lg. However, this is normal. 1 1Pla\fethe\fhargerona horizontalandstablepla\fe su\fhassinkorshelf\b 2 2Alignthemainunitsoitis fa\fingforwar d, andsetit straightintothe\fhar ging se\ftion\b 3 3Insertthepowerplugintothe householdoutlet\b• The charge status \llamp glows an\f the charging will s\ltart. • Charging cannot st\lart when the main unit is tilte\f or t\lhe \bottom of the ma\lin unit is not in con\ltact with the char\lging section. 2 1 3

8 EnglishIfnot\fharging\fonstantly • You can fully charge\l the tooth\brush in approx. 17 hours. The charging time \lmay \fecrease \fepen\fing\l on the charging capacity. • A full charge will s\lupply enough power for approx. 90 minutes use. • Disconnect the power plug when the ch\large status lamp tu\lrns off. ► Aboutstorag e The tooth\brush can only \be sto\lre\f in a compact si\lze with the main unit gui\fe. 1. Sli\fe an\f remove the main unit gu\li\fe , an\f place it on horizontal an\f sta\ble place. 2. Store the main unit\l an\f the \brush hea\f. Aboutthelamp When the \battery capacity is low While chargingAfter charging is \l complete\f The \battery capacity lamp \blinks. The charge status \l lamp glows. The charge status \l lamp turns off • The tooth\brush may not charge even if the charge s\ltatus lamp turns on when a charg\ler other than the \lsupplie\f charger is\l use\f. Before\fleaningyourteeth • Recommen\fe\f am\bient \ltemperature for using is 5 °C – 35 °C. • Do not allo w hair pro\fucts (e.g., gel or oil) or\l han\f lotion to com\le in contact with th\le unit as they may \famage its surface. • Do not forcefully turn the \brush hea\f with the \b\lrush hea\f attache\f to the mai\ln unit. Doing so may cause the \brush hea\f or main unit to \become\l \famage\f. ► Aboutsoftstartfun\ftion(ForWHITEmodeonly) The tooth\br ush will gra\fually reach the se\llecte\f spee\f an\f vi\bration approximately 2 secon\fs \lafter it starts operating. ► About30-se\fondbrushingnotifi\fationtimerfun\ftionThe timer will sign\lal once at 30‑secon\l\f intervals to in\ficate the\l \brushing time for each part of your mouth. It will signal twic\le at 2‑minute intervals to in\ficate the\l recommen\fe\f total \b\lrushing time.

9 English It is important to \brush each area in t\lhe same sequence a\ln\f with the same amount of\l time, every time you \brush, to uniformly \brush an\f clean your teeth. Use the 30 ‑secon\f \brushing notification\l timer function wi\lsely so there will \be no mis\lse\f spot in y our mouth. • Divi\fe your teeth into 4 p\larts (upper an\f lower, left an\f right), an\f \brush one part in or\fer such as \l“(1) front of the teeth”, “(2) \biting plane o\lf the teeth”, an\f “(3) \back of the teeth” spen\fing 30 secon\fs\l. Brush the other parts in the same manner, an\f \brush your whole mouth in a\bout 2 minutes. (1) (2) (3) The \brush hea\f of this so\lnic vi\bration tooth\brush vi\brates at a high spee\f. Therefore: • You only nee\f to ligh\ltly press the \bristles against your teeth for \brushing. • When first using th\lis appliance, some may experience a tickling or tingling sensati\lon cause\f \by the high‑spee\f vi\l\brations. The sensation shoul\f su\l\bsi\fe after you use the tooth\brush several more times. Usingthetoothbrush 1 1Pla\fethebrushheadfirmlyonto thetoothbrushshaft\b• Attaching or removing \fiagonally or w\lhile twisting may cause the \brush hea\f or the main unit to \become\l \famage\f. • The tooth\brush shaft will move when a force is applie\f. This is require\f for operation, an\f is not a malfunctio\ln. 1 • There will \be a smal\ll gap \between the \brush hea\f an\f the main u\lnit. 2 2Pla\fethetoothbrushinyourmouth\b• Apply a small amount\l of toothpaste to \lthe \brush hea\f, if \fesire\l\f, \before turning the power on to prevent the toothpaste\l from spattering.

10 English3 3Pressthepowerswit\fhtosele\ftthe mode\b• Each time you press the power switch, the mo\fe changes. Mo\fe Description WHITEmode • Recommen\fe\f for removing plaque an\f stain ca\lre with nor mal tooth \brushing SOFTmode • Recommen\fe\f when y ou feel the white mo\fe is too p\lowerful • Recommen\fe\f for tongue cleaning OFF 3 • Stains refer to coloration on the surface of the teeth \fu\le to foo\f an\f \frink such as coffee, wine an\f tea. • It is not possi\ble to whiten the co\llor of teeth \beyon\f their original color, yellowing teeth \fue to a\lging, or \fiscolore\f \lteeth. • The soun\f may increase when th\le \brush hea\f is presse\f\l too strongly agains\lt the teeth, \but this is not a m\lalfunction. Apply the \brush hea\f lightly aga\linst the teeth. 4 4Turnoffthemainunitwhenyouhavefinished brushing\b• Turn off the main uni\lt \before removing it from your mouth to prevent foam from spattering. Tipsonusage Howtoapply/movewhenbrushingyourteeth Mo\fe: WHITE/SOFT ► Fortheboundarybetweenthetoothsurfa\fes,orteethandgumsPlace the \bristles at a 45˚ ang\lle.45 ►Fortheba\fkofthefrontteethormisalignedteeth Brush v ertically. Move tooth\brush to match the a\lngle of the teeth. ► Forthebitingsurfa\fe(ba\fkteeth) Apply from top. • Place the \bristles of the \brush gently against \lyour teeth an\f move the tooth\brush slowly. The movement will slow \fown when the \brush hea\f is applie\f \l too strong. • Apply a small amount\l when using toothp\laste.