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Panasonic Small Digital Business System 308/616 Installation Instructions

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Page 161

FF-4 Ring mode 
FF4-3#-1#-(3-lO)#-(Extension numberIf 
Hunting group 1 member table 
A maximum of 8 extensions can belong to group 1. 
When there is an incoming call to the group, it is 
automatically transferred according to the order 1 
- 8 
as stored. 
E’xtension numbers already stored can be erased 
by inputting the [CONF] key. 
A maximum of 8 extensions 
can be stored as 
belonging to hunting group 1. 
3#-(Extension number)#: Member No.1 First 
4#-(Extension number)#: Member No.2 

Page 162

SECTION 400 (Version 3.0) 
Issue 1 January 1990 
3 - 4 - 4 Call Coverage Group setting mode 
FF4-4#-l#-(1 -8)#-(extension number)# 
fall coverage group 1 member table 
Call coverage groups comprise those for 
management personnel and the like separated 
into work units for example, and secretaries are 
stored for 
each group. A group is composed of 6 
member extensions and 2 secretaries. A maximum 
of 16 groups can be rtored in the system. 
Secretaries and member ex tensions already 
stored can be erased...

Page 163

FF-5 iF key function mode SECTION 400 (Version 3.0) 
Issue 1 January 1990 
3 - 5 FF key (Function assiqnmenr) mode 
&nlF.TbbRe fit&T. 
F15-(1 - 72)P(l- 24)#- (code)# 
FF key function assignment for 
The features listed on this page can be entered 
by the associated code 
for each LED type key on 
any extension. CO appearances direct or pooled 
must first be removed by pressing the conf key 
on a particular key appearance priorto entering 
new data. For programming several phones with...

Page 164

SECTION 400 (Version  3.0)  DES 
Issue  1 January  1990  FF-5 FF key  function  mode 
FF5-(73  - 76)#-(1  - 72)#-  (code)# 
FF key  function  assignment  for DSS 
The  features  listed on this  page  can be entered 
by  the  associated  code for each  LED type  per 
each  console.  CO appearances  direct or pooled 
must  first be removed  by pressing  the conf  key 
on a particular  key appearance  prior to entering 
Since the  * and #keys  on the  dial  pad are  
used  for entering  data...

Page 165

FF-6 Name and Message storing mode 
3 - 6 Name (Name and messaqe storinql 
Each extension, SSD and PSD name, and absence 
message is stored. 
storing the keys assigned by alphabetical 
letters and symbols of the DSSf72 (DSS 
console}(W3-43320) connected to the attendant’s 
telephone are used. 
SECTION 400 (Version 3.0) 
Issue 1 
January 1990 
Character DATA BS:Step back space 
Figure DATA(0 to 9) 
Fig 3-l V&43225 and VW3320 

Page 166

SECTION 400 (Version 3.0) 
Issue 1 Jayp 1990 
FF6l#-(l- 72)#-(Name)# 
Assigning names extensions 
Names are stored for each of the extension ports 
from 1 to 72. By having the names stored for each 
of the extensions, it is possible forthe two parties 
to confirm each others name while making an 
intercom tail. 
This is particularly useful when receiving a call 
from another extension in that you can see the 
name of the callers extension at a glance. 
In addition, the names stored are normally shown 

Page 167

FF-7 TR6 mode 
3 - 7 TRS (Toll restrictian svstem) mode 
This is to set toll restriction 
for a telephone. 
There are 7 types of setting for 
each outside 
line connected to the system in the case of 
each telephone. 
In that restrictions can be set for daytime and 
nighttime separately, it is also possible to 
control expensive telephone charges. 
Toll restriction implemented here is done by 
determining whether or not the call is 
allowed depending on the number dialed by 
means of the code table...

Page 168

SECTION 400 (Version 3.0) 
issue 1 January 1990 
’ 45 
Restriction for maximum number of digits 
dialed when making call 
The maximum number of digits which can be sent 
out forthe dialing signal from extensions set as 
types 3 - 6 is specified. 
The setting is within the range of 15 - 29 digits, 
and it is also possible to specify that the number of 
digits not be restricted. 
ICONFI#: Number of dioits not restricted 
1#: Dialing not sent out after 1 Sth digit dialed 
2#: Dialing not...

Page 169

FF-7 TRS mode SECTION 400 (Version 3.0) 
Issue 1 January 1990 
FF7-l# 12#-(0 or l)# 
Setting 7 digit dial’restriction from Typ; 2 
It is specified whether to have a 7 digit dial 
restriction for the signal from an extension set as 
Type 2. 
0%: Signal from Type 2 not subjectto 7 digit dial 
1 R: Sicmal from Tvue 2 subject to 7 diait dial 
FF7-l# 13#-(Oar 1)s 
Setting 7 digit dial restriction from Type 3 
It is specified whether to have a 7 digit dial...

Page 170

SECTION 400 (Version 3.0) 
Issue 1 Janu/ary 1990 
4@ p$ 
FF7-2#-(3 - 6)#-(000 - 999)+-O or 1# 
Mea code table storing 
The area code table for determining the 
restrictions on calls from extensions of types 3 - 6 
is stored. 
The area code (000 - 999) for each of types 3 - 6 is 
registered, so that when the area code number 
dialed conforms with that stored, the outside call 
is subject to restriction. 
When the call is determined as such, as the o&ide 
line is released the intercom busy tone is sent to...
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