Panasonic Ramsa Audio Mixer Wr Da7 Users Guide
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Ground loop.A type of interference in audio equipment that is grounded in more then one location, often through cables or connections, that can be the source of hum interference due to small currents that exists between the two pieces of equipment. Ground loop eliminator devices can prevent this type hum. All equipment should be grounded for safe operation. Hertz (Hz).The unit of measure of frequency. 1 hertz equals one cycle per second. 1KHz equals 1000 cycles per second. (K in the metric system is short for Kilo or 1000.) Highpass filter.See filter. I/O. An abbreviation for Input/Output. initialize.To reset or bring to to some predetermined condition. K.The abbreviation of kilo in the metric system meanining 1000. See Hertz. LED Light Emitting Diode.The DA7uses various color LED’s as visual indicators in the buttons and the signal level meters for ease of use, long life and reliability. level.A general term used to describe the audio signals strength, voltage, power or volume. line level signal.The level of signal used by most audio equipment. Line level is -20db to +20db. In audio, it is known as a high-level signal. loop.A sound that is played repeatedly. On the DA7, a software command that instructs a process to repeat. Lowpass filter.See filter. Low level signal.A signal that is less then -20dB is considered a low level signal. The output of microphones are generally low level. Generally, low level signals are more suceptable to hum and noise. master.A device that controls all other devices. A master gain control controls the overall level of all the other contols under it. metering.The DA7metering is precise and easy to read. LED signal indicators for inputs, outputs, bus and special effects monitoring. MIDI. Musical Instrument Digital Interface.The musical instrument standard that allows MIDI capable devices to communicate with each other. The DA7can communicate with and control other MIDI devices.Glossary DA7 Users’ Guide Glossary Glossary-6

Glossary DA7 Users’ Guide Glossary Glossary-7 MIDI Timecode.An addition to the MIDI Standard to allow the synchronization of audio equipment, such as the DA7, to MIDI equipped devices. Mix.The combination of various audio signals. The DA7provides an almost limitless number of ways to combine audio signals. Complex settings can be saved as “scenes” and recalled later. mixing bus.An audio mixer where signals from different microphones and/or preamps are connected and where mixing is actually done. Also see bus and data bus. Mix scene.The various settings of the mixer for different requirements during a production. The DA7allows the saving and recalling of these settings in memory. modulation.A method of varying the frequency or volume of an audio signal by applying a low frequency signal. Modulation can also be applied to controls, such as Pan, to create stereo or surround sound effects. Mono or monophonic.A single source or channel of sound. MTC.See MIDI Time Code. Noise Gate.see Gate. non-drop frame timecode.The method of timecode computation where there are 30 numerical frames per second of video. “There are 30 frames of video per second,” you say. Wrong. There are only 29.97 frames of video per second. In a mathematical hour there would be 108,000 frames (30 frames per second x 60 seconds x 60 minutes). So, a mathematical hour of video is 108 frames longer than an hour of reality video. See also drop frame timecode and timecode. ohm.A unit of electrical resistance for direct curent or impedance for alternating current. output.Signal connections that can be sent or connected to another device. oscillator.A device that produces a continuous electrical wave or tone. pan/panning.A method of positioning the sound in a stereo signal from any point between left and right. The DA7allows pan control positioning for each input signal.

PPM/Peak Program MeterA peak oriented type of volt meter system designed to detect signal overloads easily. A PPM responds to input signals very quickly, several times faster than a Volt Unit meter. peaking.A broad band equalizer process used to increase or decrease a wide band of frequencies. The DA7equalizer has 4 Q controls per input fader to adjust the frequencies affected from broad to narrow. Phase.Signal connections. In-phase is a properly wired connections; signals can be mixed (added) to other signals. Out-of-phase is a connection that is reversed and causes cancelation of the signal to occur when mixed with other signals. Phantom power.A method of sending power to certain microphones over standard balanced lines. Phone Jack.A 1/4” connector used in audio. The DA7uses two types. The Tip Sleeve (TS) for single signal connections and the Tip Ring Sleeve (TRS) for dual signal connections. The Tip Ring Sleeve connectors are normally used for stereo pairs, or balanced signals where there is a plus, minus, and ground. Phono Jack.A connector used on consumer and semi-professional audio and video equipment originally known as the RCA jack. Also used for digital signals (S/PDIF). Pink Noise.A specific type of random noise with an equal amount of energy per octave. White Noise is random noise with an equal amount of energy per frequncy band. Post Fader.A point in the signal path after a fader. The DA7allows for both pre and post fader insertion. See Pre Fader. Pre Fader.A point in the signal path before the fader. The DA7allows for both pre and post fader insertion. See Post Fader. Program Change.MIDI command sent to MIDI devices to change the patch or settings. Punch In/Out.The DA7’s automation controls allow Punch In/Out recording. Q.The “quality” of a filter. A low Q affects a broad band of frequencies, while a high Q affects a narrow band of frequencies. On the DA7, Q is one of the parameters that can be controlled with the 4 band parametricGlossary DA7 Users’ Guide Glossary Glossary-8

Glossary DA7 Users’ Guide Glossary Glossary-9 equalizer. See equalizer. Routing.The designation of inputs, faders, buses, outputs and processes’ of the signal. See Signal Path. RS-422.A protocol for communication that specifies which pins in a 9-pin cable connector are supposed to do what. Scene Memory.The part of the DA7’s memory used to store scene settings. Serial port or interface.See RS-422. Shelving.An Equalization process usually used to cut or boost either high or low frequencies.The name comes from the response curve, which looks like a shelf. Signal.An electrical representation of sound in audio equipment. Signal Path or Route.The course a signal travels through audio equipment. Signal to Noise S/N.A ratio of the threahshold level of noise to the normal signal level. Digital systems gennerally have a higher Signal to Noise ratio. Snapshot.See Mix scene. save.The action necessary to save a copy of your current file on the Hard Disk for storage. Until you save, any work you do is liable to disappear without notice. serial port.Data is transmitted through a serial port one bit at a time. Transmission can be in both directions, but not simultaneously. SMPTE.Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. SMPTE also refers to the timecode recorded on audio or videotape for synchronization purposes. solo.Monitoring a single channel. Surround sound.A multichannel audio format. sync, synchronization.The coordination of a soundtrack with its corresponding picture. System exclusive.A midi data format specification used to send information between digital devices.

Talk Back.A DA7feature that allows the person operating the mixer to talk to the studio from the control room. TDIF/Teac Digital Interface Format.An 8-channel digital audio interface for use with DA-88 type digital multitrack recorders (DTRS). timecode.An eight-digit number that identifies a specific frame in a tape. It is also an electronic timing signal, based on the 24-hour clock, that is recorded along the length of the tape and provides markers for locating specific program material. There are two types of timecode, non-drop frame and drop frame. Non-drop frame timecode is based on 30 fames of video per second. Drop frame timecode is based on 29.97 frames of video per second. For short amounts of time, this discrepancy is inconsequential. For longer periods of time, however, it is important. One hour of non- drop frame timecode will be 108 frames longer than one hour of real time. See also non-drop frame timecode and drop frame timecode. undo.Cancels the last operation. You cannot undo a save. VU meter Volume Units.A special type of volt meter designed and calibrated to follow perceived audio volume. 0 VU equals +4 dBu. window.A rectangle frame of data on the display. It lets you “see” and work with programs, applications, or functions. Several windows can be open at one time. write.To record data on a medium. Wordclock.A reference syncronization pulse used in digital audio equipment to eliminate timing errors. The use of a dedicated wordclock line is more reliable. It is often used in more complex systems and multitrack recording to ensure proper syncronization. XLR.A three pin audio connector. zoom.Enlarging or reducing the size of an image or a display.Glossary DA7 Users’ Guide Glossary Glossary-10

Index-1 DA7 Users’ Guide Index Index-1 Index A A/B button [DYNAMICS] window 9-6 [EQUALIZER] window 7-6 AC inlet Rear Panel 2-25 ADAT + DA7 17-2 using with BRC Clock master 17-3—17-4 ADAT digital I/O card options 17-2—17-4 Additional TAPE sends and returns quick start outboard tools 3-14—3-15 AES/EBU & S/PDIF card 17-7 ALL AUX button SOLO/MON window 16-2, 16-4 Analog 2-track sends and returns quick start outboard tools 3-14 Analog 4-track sends and returns quick start outboard tools 3-15Area defined 1-6 ARROW button cursor control 4-1, 4-6— 4-7 [ASSIGN CH] selection USER CSTM window 16-12 [ASSIGN] area selections [ASSIGN] indicator 11-7 [PRG ASGN] window 11-6 OSC/BATT window 16-6 ATK and RLS LED button DYNAMICS/DELAY section 9-3 [ATTACK] area [DYNAMICS] window 9-8 AUTO CHANNEL SELECT CONFIG window 16-9 AUTO DISP CHANGE selection CONFIG window 16-9 [AUTO PUNCH IN] [EXECUTE] window 14-13 [AUTOMATION] area [EXECUTE] window 14-7 AUTOMATION button [EVT EDIT] window 14-1, 14-14—14-18 [SETUP] window 14-2 —14- 4AUX 2-5, 2-7, 10-1 [FADER CONTROL] window 10-5—10-6 [LEVEL] ON/OFF knob 10-3 AUX section controls 10-3—10-4 FADER CONTROL LED button 10-4 overview 10-1 —10-2 PRE LED button 10-3 AUX 1-6 LED buttons 10-4 AUX RETURN 3/4 Rear Panel 2-27 AUX section 5-6 AUX section controls 2-5, 2-11 AUX SEND 1/2 10-3 Rear Panel 2-27 [AUX SEND 1/2] area [DITHER] window 12-16 AUX SEND 3/4, 5/6 Rear Panel 2-27 Aux send and return 2-27 quick start outboard tools 3-10—3-11 AUX/BUS LED button Fader Layer section 6-1 AUXs (Auxiliaries) outboard tools 3-10—3- 12

Index Index-2 DA7 Users’ Guide Index B [BATTERY] area OSC/BATT window 16-8 [BAUD RATE] area [MIDI>SETUP] window 11-2 Backup bulk 1-8 BUF CLR button [SETUP] window, AUTOMATION button 14-3 BULK OUT button 1-8 BUS ASSIGN section. See PAN/ASSIGN/SURROUND 2- 5, 2-9 BUS Fader Strip BUS ASSIGN section [BUS/AUX] meter window [MIDI>BULK] window 11-10 [BUS/AUX] meter window METER group windows 5- 18 C Cancel button 11-12 [MIDI>BULK] window 11-10 CH LIB button [MIDI>BULK] window 11-10 CH or AUX 2 LED LED status indicator 6-4 Channel Fader Strip 2-5, 2-7 [Channel library number/title 21:CHLIB NAME] 5-2, 5-12 [MIDI>BULK] window 11-10 Channel selection field 2-5, 2-7 LCD screen, Display Bridge 2- 21 Channel Strip fader 6-6 FLIP LED button 6-5 LED status indicators 6-4— 6-5MIC/LINE INPUT knob 6-3 ON LED button 6-6 PEAK/SIGNAL LED 6-3 SELECT LED button 6-6 SOLO LED button 6-5 Channel type field 6-3 LCD screen, Display Bridge 2-21 [CHANNEL] window [ASSIGN] area 5-9—5-10 [AUX SEND] area ([AUX1] to [AUX6]) 5-4 [CH] area 5-11 [DYL] area 5-11 [DYN] area 5-10 [EQUALIZER] area 5-7 [FADR GRP] area 5-6—5-7 [FADR] button 5-20 [GAIN] area 5-4 [INS] area 5-5 [LEVEL] area 5-6 [LINK] area 5-5—5-6 [LINK] button 5-21 multi-channel view 5-2 [MUTE GRP] area 5-7 [MUTE] button 5-21 [PAN/BAL] area 5-8—5-9 Gain Reduction meter [GR] area 5-6 Multi CH View button 5-20 Phantom Power [+48V] area 5-3 Phase [PH] area 5-4 CLEAR ALL button [PRG ASGN] window 11-6 CLEAR button [DYNAMICS] library 9-16 [SETUP] window, AUTOMATION button 14-3 EQUALIZER Library window 7-9 Library windows 5-15 Clock InputRear Panel 2-29 Clock OutputRear Panel 2-29 Clock Terminating Switch Rear Panel 2-29 CLR ALL button [SETUP] window, AUTOMATION button 14-2 FADE TIME window 15-5 SCENE MEMORY section 15-3 SOLO/MON window 16-5 [COMMAND MODE] area 11-19 [MIDI RMT] windows 11-14 Communication status indicator LCD screen, Display Bridge 2- 21 COMP button [DYNAMICS] window, multi- channel view 9-13 Compressor operations [DYNAMICS] window 9-11 Configuration 1-9, 16-9—16-12 [CONFIGURATION] area selections 16-9—16-10 [NEW PASSWORD] field 16-11 [PASSWORD] field 16-11 10KEY SCENE RECALL Selection 16-10 DYN RANGE dBFS selection 16-9 LOAD CONFIRMATION selection 16-10 MOTOR FADER selection 16-10 RAMSA NET PROGRAM CHG selection 16-10 RMT SW POLARITY selection 16-10 SAVE CONFIRMATION selection 16-10 SYNC WARNING selection 16-10 Configuration (CONFIG) window 1-8 AUTO CHANNEL SELECT selection 16-9

Index Index-3 DA7 Users’ Guide Index AUTO DISP CHANGE selection 16-9 Connections 16-9 ADAT + BRC + DA7 17-3 ADAT + DA7 17-2 DA88 + DA7 17-5 SMPT Card 17-9 TANDEM card 17-11—17-15 CONSOLE LOCK LED status indicator Display Bridge 2-23 CONTRAST control knob Display Bridge 2-24 COPY button [EVT EDIT] window 14-18 Create locate points [EXECUTE] window 14-10 Creating a fader group [FADER GRP] window 13-4 Creating a mute group [MUTE GRP] window 13-6 [CTRL ASGN] window [CONTROL CHANGE TABLE] area 11-8—11-9 CTRL CHG button [MIDI RMT] windows 11-19 CTRL CHG TBL button [MIDI>BULK] window 11-11 CURRENT button [MIDI>BULK] window 11-10 CURRENT CLR button [SETUP] window, AUTOMATION button 14-3 Current window name LCD screen, Display Bridge 2- 21 Cursor control ARROW button 4-1, 4-6— 4-7CURSOR MODE/REC button 4-5 ENTER button 4-1, 4-6 JogDial 4-1, 4-3—4-4 Keypad 4-1, 4-2 MIDI control 4-1, 4-6— 4-7 MMC/CURSOR button 4-1 UNDO/REDO button 4-1, 4- 4 warnings 4-4 Cursor Control section 4-1 CURSOR MODE/REC button 2- 5, 2-19 cursor control 4-5 CUSTOM/MIDI LED button USER CSTM window 16-12 Fader Layer section 6-1, 6-2 CUT button [EVT EDIT] window 14-18 D DA7 12-1 bulk backup 1-8 configuration 1-9 factory presets 1-7 functionality 1-2 making the DA7 work for you 1-7—1-12 master reset 1-7 monitor setup 1-10—1-11 options 17-1—17-16 simplicity 1-2 DA7 tour chapter notes 2-2 Display Bridge 2-20, 2- 20—2-24 Human-Machine Interface concept 2-1 Rear Panel 2-2, 2-25—2-30 Top Panel 2-3—2-19Data selection [MIDI>BULK] window 11-12 Data transmission request and transmission [MIDI>BULK] window 11-13 DEL button [EVT EDIT] window 14-18 [DELAY] area controls 1-6, 1-10 [DYNAMICS] window 9-10 DELAY OFF button [DYNAMICS] window 9-10 DELAY ON LED button DYNAMICS/DELAY section 9- 3, 9-5 Delay operations [DYNAMICS] window 9-12 [DIGITAL INPUT SELECT] area [INPUT SET] window 12-8 Digital I/O Slot 1 [CH17-24/SLOT 1] Rear Panel 2-31 Digital I/O Slot 2 [CH25-32/SLOT 2] Rear Panel 2-31 Digital I/O Slot 3 [CH9-16/SLOT 3] Rear Panel 2-31 Digital Input [AES/EBU] Rear Panel 2-28 Digital Record Output [AES/EBU] Rear Panel 2-28 Digital send and return quick start outboard tools 3- 13—3-14 D-I/O (Digital Input/Output) button 1-11—1-12 [DITHER] window 12-1, 12- 14—12-17 [INPUT SET] window 12-1, 12-2—12-9 [TO SLOT] window 12-1, 12- 10—12-13 Index-3

Index Display Bridge [taskbar] area 2-21—2-22 CONSOLE LOCK LED status indicator 2-23 CONTRAST control knob 2- 24 L/R meter display 2-22 LCD screen 2-20—2-22 MEMORY numeric readout 2- 23 MULTI-CH VIEW LED button 2-24 sample [CHANNEL] window display 2-20 section illustration 2-20 SOLO LED status indicator 2- 23 [DITHER] window [AUX SEND 1/2] area 12-16 [REC OUT] area 12-16 [SLOT 1] area 12-16 [SLOT 2] area 12-17 [SLOT 3] area 12-17 warnings 12-15 DLY and GAIN LED button 2-5, 2- 12 DYN button SCENE MEMORY section 15-2 DYN LIB button [MIDI>BULK] window 11- 11 [DYN LIB] (dynamics library) window 12-1, 12-14 DYN RANGE dBFS selection CONFIG window 16-9 DYNAMICS/DELAY section ATK and RLS LED button 9- 4 controls 9-1 DELAY ON LED button 9- 5 DLY and GAIN LED button 9- 4 DYNAMICS/DELAY Section Controls 2-5, 2-10DYNAMICS ON LED button 9- 3 PARAMETER SELECT button 9-3—9-4 quick start onboard tools 3- 6—3-7 R knob 9-3 SR knob 9-3 THL and RATIO LED buttons 9-4 THL and RLS LED button 9- 5 overview 9-1 [DYNAMICS] library 5-13 CLEAR button 9-16 NAME button 9-16 PROTECT button 9-16 RECALL button 9-15 STORE button 9-16 TITLE button 9-15 [DYNAMICS] window 9-1—9-2, 9-6, 9-15 [ATTACK] area 9-8 [DELAY] area controls 9-10 [FUNCTION] area 9-7 [GAIN REDUCTION] area 9- 8 [GAIN] area 9-9 [POSITION] area 9-7 [RANGE] area 9-10 [RATIO] area 9-9 [RELEASE] area 9-10 [STEREO LINK] area 9-7 [THL] area 9-9 A/B button 9-6 COMP button 9-13 Compressor operations 9-11 DELAY OFF button 9-10 Delay operations 9-12 DYN OFF button 9-6 elements 9-6—9-12 Expander operations 9-12 GATE button 9-13 Gate operations 9-12 multi-channel view 9-2, 9-13quick start onboard tools 3- 5 REFER field 9-14 ZOOM button 9-8 E [EDIT CHANNEL SELECT] area 9- 6 [EVT EDIT] window 14-14 Edit of data table [MIDI RMT] windows 11-17 [EDIT PARAMETER] area [EXECUTE] window 14-11 Edit the control change [MIDI RMT] windows 11-18 [EDIT] window [MIDI RMT] windows 11- 16—11-19 ENTER button cursor control 4-1, 4-6 [EQ] button [EQUALIZER] window 7-6 EQ button SCENE MEMORY section 15-2 EQ LIB button [MIDI>BULK] window 11-11 EQ or AUX 3 LED LED status indicator 6-4 EQUALIZER Library (equalizer library) window RECALL button 7-8 EQUALIZER Library window TITLE button 7-8 CLEAR button 7-9 elements 7-8—7-9 NAME button 7-9 PROTECT button 7-9 Equalizer Library window STORE button 7-9 EQUALIZER section 2-5, 2-8— 2-9, 5-13, 7-2—7-5, 7-8 elements 7-4—7-5 EQ ON LED button 7-5 Index-4 DA7 Users’ Guide Index

Index Index-5 DA7 Users’ Guide Index FREQ or SL knob 7-5 GAIN or SUB knob 7-4 H, HM, and L LED buttons 7-5 overview 7-1—7-2 Q or L knob 7-4 quick start onboard tools 3- 6 [EQUALIZER] window multi-channel view 7-2, 7-10 [EQ] button 7-6 [HPF] filter button 7-7 [LPF] filter button 7-7 [PEQ] buttons 7-7 [SHH] filter button 7-7 [SHL] filter button 7-7 A/B button 7-6 filter types 7-7 quick start onboard tools 3- 6—3-8 [EVT EDIT] (event edit) window 7-2, 7-6 [CH] 14-18 [DATA] 14-18 [EDIT CHANNEL SELECT] area 14-14 [OFFLINE EDIT PARAMETER] area 14-15 [PARAMETER] 14-16 [SHEET EDIT] area 14-18 [TIME/PARAMETER/DATA/CH] area 14-16 [TIME] 14-16 COPY button 14-18 CUT button 14-18 DEL button 14-18 INS button 14-18 PASTE button 14-18 [EXECUTE] window 14-1, 14-14 [1-6] buttons 14-9 [AUTO PUNCH IN] 14-13 [AUTOMATION] area 14-7 [CURRENT] area 14-6 [EDIT PARAMETER] area 14-7[FADER EDIT MODE] area 14-12 [Fast Forward] button 14-9 [Loop] button 14-10 [MEMORY] area 14-6 [MMC] area 14-9—14- 11 [OFFSET] area 14-6 [Play] button 14-9 [Replay] button 14-10 [Rewind] button 14-9 [Stop] button 14-10 [TIME BASE] area 14-8 [TIME CODE] area 14-5 [UNDO] area 14-7 AUTOMATION button 14-5, 14-7 Create locate points 14-10 Operating MMC 14-10 operating the [Loop] button 14-11 REC button 14-5, 14-7 Recall locate points 14-10 START SCENE button 14-8 Executing receiving/sending 7- 5 Expander operations[DYNAMICS] window 9-12 F [FADE TIME SET] area 14-1, 14- 5 FADE TIME window 1-6, 15-5 SCENE MEMORY section 15-5 Fader Channel Strip 6-6 FADER button SCENE MEMORY section 15-2 [FADR] button [CHANNEL] window, multi- channel view 5-20 [FADER CONTROL AUX] window 3-12FADER CONTROL LED button AUX section 10-4 [FADER CONTROL] window [LEVEL METER] display 10-6 elements 10-5—10-6 ON and OFF buttons 10-5 PST and PRE buttons 10-5 [FADER GRP] window creating a fader group 13-4 elements 13-3—13-4 group selection marker 13-3 registration marks 13-4 selection cursor 13-4 [FADER EDIT MODE] area [EXECUTE] window 14-12 Fader Layer section 2-5, 2-14 AUX/BUS LED button 6-1, 6- 2 fader layers CUSTOM/MIDI LED button 6- 1, 6-2 [UTILITY>USER CSTM] window 6-1, 6-2 INPUT 1-16 LED button 6- 1, 6-2 INPUT 17-32 LED button 6- 1, 6-2 FADER or AUX 1 LED 6-1—6-2 LED status indicator 6-4 [FADER SELECT] area USER CSTM window 16-12 [MIDI RMT] windows 11-14 [Fast Forward] button [EXECUTE] window 14-9 FDR GRP button SCENE MEMORY section 15-2 [FADER LAYER CUSTOMIZE ASSIGN TABLE] 13-1, 13-3 Filter types [EQUALIZER] window 7-7 FLIP LED button FLIP LED button Channel Strip 6-5 Index-5