Panasonic Matrix Switcher Wj Sx550c Operating Instructions
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85 4 Alarm Recall There are 99 alarm records stored in chronological order in 7 pages of tables. The tables also show all monitor numbers involved when Alarm Mode-3 is activated, and indicate the alarm mode number when Alarm Mode-1 or Alarm Mode-2 is activated. Press the Function F1button to select the next page. Press the Function F2button to back up to the previous page. Note:The Alarm column lists the following: 0:Camera Site Alarm with corresponding Camera number. 1:Alarm Board Input with alarm input number. Status This table shows the system status in real time. Possible active modes, as indicated in this table, are defined below. Set Up Alarm F1:Next F2:Pre F3:-- F4:--Recall AL NO.Date 53 JUN.14 52 JUN.11 51 MAY.05 49MAR.03 REC 23:09:11 10:32:37 01:12:08 21:59:00 MAR.03 12:00:00 48 MAR.03 11:59:20 47 FEB.26 23:59:00 46 FEB.25 00:00:00 45 FEB.02 12:47:32 44 JAN.11 02:00:00 43 JAN.01 00:00:01 42 DEC.25 23:00:00 41 NOV.11 08:28:59 40 AUG.21 09:07:16 39 AUG.11 21:09:37 38 JUL.31 11:11:11 50 Page1-009 AlarmMonitor 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08> 1-021 06 0-062 1-026 1-108 1-01210 04 01 10 11 12 16 0-008 09 0-117 16 0-047 11 1-010 1-063 1-059 1-042 1-039 1 1-011 Mode 1-006 061 Mode1 Mode2 Mode2 Mode2 Mode15 PagePage 1of7 Set Up StatusDEC.07’00 23:59:59 F1:-- F2:-- F3:-- F4:--Status MONITOR 01 02 in 03 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 04T CAMERA 11 21 09 63 17 10 03 35 09 49 53 49 26 30 51 48 MODE 01 F SPOT T08F G2S G2S G2S CAM SET T64F SPOT T11F G1B G1B G1B P PF CTRLR 1 2 8 4 5 OPERATORPRIORITY 01 05 00 -- -- -- -- 01 03 00 10 03 02 02 02 30 -- 11 02 26 21 in : Displays video connected to the Video Output Board SPOT : Spot P : Program Sequence T : Tour Sequence G : Group Sequence CAM : Camera SettingSET : Setup F : Forward Sequence B : Backward Sequence S : Paused Note:If the monitor is connected to the CPU Board, this table is always displayed on the monitor.

System Menu As shown below, the system menu allows access to six items. To select an item from the System Menu: 1. Select the desired item by moving the Joystick Controller. 2. To execute the selection, press the CAM (SET)key. The selected menu appears on the monitor. 3. To return to the Set Up Menu, press the MON (ESC)key. Controller (Controller-Monitor Partitioning) This table is used to prevent specific WV-CU550C System controllers from ever controlling the outputs of specific monitors. This feature prevents an operator from unintentionally gaining control over a monitor that may not be associated with his/her station. To program or edit the Controller Table, do the following: 1. Move the cursor to position 3 by moving the Joystick Controller, then press the CAM (SET)key. 2. Move the cursor to the desired controller and monitor position by moving the Joystick Controller. Press the INC +1CAMbutton or DEC –1CAMbutton repeatedly to select mor ]. m : Approval (OK) ]: Prohibition (NG) 3. Repeat the above procedure until the table is completed. 4. After completing the table, press the MON (ESC)key to escape from the programming mode. The cursor returns to position 3. 86 4 Up Controller EXT Compensation/VD2 Communication Clock F1:-- F2:-- F3:-- F4:--Set System Timing Select Speed RS-485 Site Communication Set Up F1:-- F2:-- F3:-- F4:PopSystem CTRLR Controller CTRLR 1 Up ..OK ..NG Monitor 1CTRLR 2 CTRLR 3 CTRLR 4 CTRLR 5 CTRLR 6 CTRLR 7 CTRLR 8 PC 2345678910111213141516 qw e

87 4 EXT (External) Timing Select This table permits the sequence dwell time on the selected monitor to be synchronized with the time lapse mode set in the associated Time Lapse VCR. To program or edit the EXT Timing Select Table, do the following: 1. Move the cursor to position 3 by moving the Joystick Controller, then press the CAM (SET)key. 2. Move the cursor to the desired monitor position by moving the Joystick Controller. Press the Function F4button to open the Pop Up Window. Select EXT On or Off by moving the Joystick Controller, and then press the CAM (SET)key to execute the selection. 3. When satisfied with all settings, press the MON (ESC)key to escape from the programming mode. The cursor returns to position 3. Note:If External Timing is selected for a monitor, any Dwell Time programmed on the sequence tables for that monitor will be invalid. Minimum duration for camera switching pulse is one (1) second. Set Up EXT F1:-- F2:-- F3:-- F4:PopEXT. MONI 01 System Timing Select EXT Timing 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16On off On On off off off off off off off off off off off off Up qw e

88 4 Compensation/VD2 This table is used to select a cable length for cable loss compensation, and to turn the vertical drive sync signal (VD2) and the control data for the cameras on or off. To program or edit the Compensation/VD2 Table, do the following: 1. Move the cursor to position 3 by moving the Joystick Controller, then press the CAM (SET)key. 2. Move the cursor to position 4 by moving the Joystick Controller. Press the INC +1CAMbutton or DEC –1CAMbutton repeatedly to select the most suitable cable length as shown below. S:Up to 400 m (1 300 ft) M:400 m (1 300 ft) to 700 m (2 300 ft) L:700 m (2 300 ft) to 900 m (3 000 ft) (using RG-59/U, BELDEN 9259 or equivalent cable) 3. Move the cursor to position 5 by moving the Joystick Controller. Press the INC +1CAMbutton or DEC –1CAMbutton to select VD2 On or Off and Data On or Off. VD2:Select On if the camera is VD2 compatible, otherwise select Off. Data:Select On if the corresponding camera site units are connected, otherwise select Off. 4. Repeat the above procedures until the table is completed. 5. After completing the table, press the Function F1button to select the next page. Repeat the above procedures until all camera settings are completed. 6. Press the Function F2button to back up to the previous page. 7. When all above settings are completed, press the MON (ESC)key to escape from the programming mode. The cursor returns to position 3. Set Up F1:Nest Page F2:Pre Page F3:-- F4:PopSystem COM/VD Compensation/VD2 CAM01020304050607080910111213141516 Up COMP VD2 ..On ..Off LMSMSSSSSSSSSSSS CAM17181920212223242526272829303132 COMP VD2SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS CAM33343536373839404142434445464748 COMP VD2SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS CAM49505152535455565758596061626364 COMP VD2SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS S..Short M..Middle L..LongVD2 &DataVD2Data Page 1of2 qw e r t 01020 LL VD2Data

89 4 RS-485 Site Communication This table is used to set the parameters for communication between the Data Boards installed in the Matrix Switcher and the Camera Site. To program or edit the RS-485 Communication Table, do the following: 1. Move the cursor to position 3 by moving the Joystick Controller. Enter the desired data board number (1-8) by pressing the Numeric key, then press the CAM (SET)key. 2. Move the cursor to position 4 by moving the Joystick Controller. Press the Function F4Button to open the Pop Up Window. Select Daisy-Chain connection (On) or Home Run Connection (Off) by moving the Joystick Controller, and then press the CAM (SET)key to execute the selection. 3. Move the cursor to position 5 by moving the Joystick Controller. Enter the desired camera number for site communication by pressing the Numeric keys, and then press the CAM (SET) key to execute the selection. 4. Move the cursor to position 6 by moving the Joystick Controller. Press the Function F4button to open the Pop Up Window. Select Full or Half Duplex by moving the Joystick Controller, and then press the CAM (SET)key to execute the selection. 5. Move the cursor to position 7 by moving the Joystick Controller. Press the Function F4Button to open the Pop Up Window. Select the desired Delay Time by moving the Joystick Controller, and then press the CAM (SET)key to execute the selection. 6. Move the cursor to position 8 by moving the Joystick Controller. Press the Function F4button to open the Pop Up Window. Select the desired Baud Rate by moving the Joystick Controller, and then press the CAM (SET)key to execute the selection. 7. Move the cursor to position 9 by moving the Joystick Controller. Press the Function F4button to open the Pop Up Window. Select the desired Wait Time by moving the Joystick Controller, and then press the CAM (SET)key to execute the selection. 8. Repeat the above procedures until the table is completed. 9. When all settings are completed, press the MON (ESC)key to escape from the programming mode. The cursor returns to position 3. Set Up F1:-- F2:-- F3:DEL F4:PopSystem RS-485 RS-485 Site Communication #1 Up #2 Daisy #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 NumberF/HDuplexDelayTimeBaudRateWaitTime 02 04 06 10Off Off 100 Off Off Off Off OffOff Off Off Off Off Off StopBit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ParityCheck None None None None None None None NoneDataBit 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 When Daisy Mode is on only #1 will be available Off 19200 9600 19200 19200 1200 19200 19200 19200 Full Half Full Full Full Full Full Full Camera In Off Off Board Addr. 1 rqw e tyuio

Communication Speed This table is used to set the parameters for communication between the System Controllers (or PCs) and the Matrix Switcher. To program or edit the Communication Speed Table, do the following: 1. Move the cursor to position 3 by moving the Joystick Controller, then press the CAM (SET)key. 2. Move the Cursor to position 4 by moving the Joystick Controller. Press the Function F4button to open the Pop Up Window. Select the desired Baud Rate by moving the Joystick Controller, and then press the CAM (SET)key to execute the selection. 3. Move the Cursor to position 5 by moving the Joystick Controller. Press the Function F4button to open the Pop Up Window. Select the desired Wait Time by moving the Joystick Controller, and then press the CAM (SET)key to execute the selection. 4. Move the Cursor to position 6 by moving the Joystick Controller. Press the Function F4button to open the Pop Up Window. Select the desired Data Bit by moving the Joystick Controller, and then press the CAM (SET)key to execute the selection. 5. Move the Cursor to position 7 by moving the Joystick Controller. Press the Function F4button to open the Pop Up Window. Select the desired Parity Check by moving the Joystick Controller, and then press the CAM (SET)key to execute the selection. 6. Move the Cursor to position 8 by moving the Joystick Controller. Press the Function F4button to open the Pop Up Window. Select the desired Stop Bit by moving the Joystick Controller, and then press the CAM (SET)key to execute the selection. 7. Move the cursor to position 9 by moving the Joystick Controller. Press the Function F4button to open the Pop Up Window. Select Address Control On or Off by moving the Joystick Controller, and then press the CAM (SET)key to execute the selection. 8. Move the cursor to position 10 by moving the Joystick Controller. Enter the desired Unit Number (1-16) by pressing the Numeric keys, and then press the CAM (SET)key to enter the Unit Address. 9. Repeat the above procedures until the table is completed. 10. When all settings are completed, press the MON (ESC)key to escape from the programming mode. The cursor returns to position 3. 90 4 Set Up F1:-- F2:-- F3:-- F4:PopSystem Speed Communication Speed CU1 Up CU2 Baud CU3 CU4 CU5 CU6 CU7 CU8 AL PC WaitTimeDataBitParityCheckStopBitFlowControl 1200 1200 1200 2400 4800 9600 1200 2400 1200 9600100 100 200 100 300 300 500 100 1000 Off8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7None 1 None None 1 None None 1 None None 1 None None 1 None None 1 None None 1 None None 1 None None 1 None odd 2 RS/CSAddressControl None None None None None None None None None Off 1Unit No. Rate qw e rt yu io !0

91 4 Clock Set This table is used to set the current time and date. To program or edit the Clock Set Table, do the following: 1. Move the cursor to position 3 by moving the Joystick Controller, then press the CAM (SET)key. 2. Move the cursor to position 4 by moving the Joystick Controller. Press the Function F4button to open the Pop Up Window. Select the desired month by moving the Joystick Controller, and then press the CAM (SET)key to execute the selection. 3. Move the cursor to position 5 by moving the Joystick Controller. Enter the desired date by pressing the Numeric keys. 4. Move the Cursor to position 6 by moving the Joystick Controller. Enter the desired year by pressing the Numeric key. 5. Move the cursor to position 7 by moving the Joystick Controller. Enter the desired hours (military time) by pressing the Numeric keys. 6. Move the cursor to position 8 by moving the Joystick Controller. Enter the desired minutes by pressing the Numeric keys. 7. Press the MON (ESC)key to escape from the programming mode. The cursor returns to position 3. Note:The date and time are updated when the MON (ESC)key is pressed. ClockUp F1:-- F2:-- F3:-- F4:Pop SystemClock Set MonthSet Day Up JAN. 12 YearHourMinute 2000 12 16 qw e rt y u i

92 4 Auto Cleaning Auto Cleaning is for cleaning the electric-mechanical contacts of the Panasonic combination cameras. Use this function for maintenance when the camera has been directed at the same spot or panned over the same range for a long time. This table is used to enable and disable the auto cleaning function of the specified combination cameras at a user-specified time or date. To program or edit the Auto Cleaning Table, do the following: 1. Move the cursor to position 2 by moving the Joystick Controller, then press the CAM (SET)key. 2. Move the Cursor to position 3 by moving the Joystick Controller. Select the desired Mode by pressing the INC +1CAMbut- ton or DEC –1CAMbutton. Manual:Operator controlled Auto Cleaning Timer:Timer controlled Auto Cleaning 3. Move the Cursor to position 4 by moving the Joystick Controller. Select the desired Day for timer operation by pressing the INC +1CAMbutton or DEC –1CAMbutton repeatedly. Daily:Daily Auto Cleaning Sunday - Saturday:Auto Cleaning on selected days of the week 01 - 31:Auto Cleaning on selected days of the month 4. Move the Cursor to position 5 by moving the Joystick Controller. Select the desired Hours by pressing the INC +1CAMbutton or DEC –1CAMbutton repeatedly. 5. Move the Cursor to position 6 by moving the Joystick Controller. Select the desired Minutes by pressing the INC +1CAMbutton or DEC –1CAMbutton repeatedly. 6. Move the Cursor to the desired camera number (position 7) by moving the Joystick Controller. Select = or ]by pressing the INC +1CAMbutton or DEC –1CAMbutton. = : Cleaning is enabled (Cleaning mode on) ]: Cleaning is disabled (Cleaning mode off) 7. Repeat the above procedure for other cameras on this page. 8. When satisfied with the settings, press the Function F1button to select the next page. Repeat the above procedures until the settings for all cameras are completed. 9. Press the Function F2button to go back to the previous page. 10. When satisfied with all the camera titles, press the MON (ESC)key to escape from the programming mode. The cursor returns to position 2. Set Up F1:Next Page F2:Pre Page F3:-- F4:--AT CLN Auto Cleaning Page Page 1of2 CAM010203040506070809 00 2310111213141516 CAM17181920212223242526272829303132 CAM33343536373839404142434445464748 CAM49505152535455565758596061626364 Manual Now cleaning To stop Cleaning, Press ESC. Wednesday Mode Hour Minute eq r t y w ui

93 4 •Display of Cleaning Result Cleaning proceeds in the order of the camera numbers, starting with the lowest number. The table shows the cleaning result for the cameras (position 8). = : Cleaning is completed. ]: Cleaning is disabled. Note:While either manually or timer controlled cleaning is in progress, the camera controlled manually or automatically from the system is disabled cleaning. •Manual Cleaning Move the cursor to position 3 and select Manual, then press theCAM (SET)key to execute cleaning manually. The pop-up window “NOW CLEANING” appears on the table. To quit cleaning, press the MON (ESC)key.