Panasonic Hd Integrated Camera Aw He60h Vol1 Operating Instructions
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51 Operating Instructions Troub\be\fhooting(continued) SymptomCau\fe and remedia\b a\gction Reference page\f The image\f are not refre\fhed \fati\ffactori\by or they are not di\fp\bayed pFo\b\bow the \ftep\f be\bow to de\bete the tem\gporary Internet fi\be\f (Cache). [When u\fing Window\f] 1 In Inter net Explorer, select [Tools] [Internet Options]. 2 \flic k the [General] tab, and click the [Delete...] button in “Browsing history”. 3 In the [Delete Bro\g wsing History] dialog box, set the check box of [Temporary Internet files] to ON, a\gnd click the [Delete] button. 4 \flic k the [OK] button. [When u\fing Mac OS X\g] 1 In Saf ari, select [Safari] [Empty \fache...]. 2 \flic k the [Empty] button in “Are you sure you want to empty the cache?” pop-up. ––– p The unit’ \f port\f may be fi\btered by the firewa\b\b or other functi\gon of the anti-viru\f \foft\gware. \fhange the HTTP por\g t number of the unit \gto a port number which will not be filter\ged. ––– H.264 image\f are not di\fp\bayed pThe H.264 ima ge\f are not di\fp\bayed if the “Network Camera View4” p\bug-in viewer \foftware ha\f be\gen de\beted in an environment where the “Network Camera View3” p\bug-in viewer \foftware wa\f in\fta\b\be\gd. In a ca\fe \bike thi\f,\g fir\ft de\bete “Network Camera View3”, and then in\fta\b\b “Network Camera View4”. ––– p Ha ve the camera and p\ger\fona\b computer been \gconnected via the internet? Select “On” as the “Internet mode” setting. P.67 Ta\b\by \bamp fai\b\f to \bight\g pHa\f “Di\fab\be” been \fe\bected for “Ta\b\by Enab\be”? When “Disable” is selected for “Tally Enable,” the camera’s tally lamp will be off. \fhange the setting \gto “Enable”. P.50, P.81

52 Troub\be\fhooting(continued) SymptomCau\fe and remedia\b a\gction Reference page\f When mu\btip\be web brow\fer\f have been \ftarted up and H.264 image\f are di\fp\bayed, mu\btip\be camera image\f wi\b\b be di\fp\bayed in \fequence in each web brow\fer. pThi\f troub\be may occur with certain combination\f of\g the PC di\fp\bay adapter and driv\ger u\fed. If this symptom ha\gs occurred, first u\gpdate the dr iver of the display adapter to the most\g recent version. If the trouble persists, take the following steps to adjust\g the hardware accelerator function. Examp\be: Window\f XP 1 Right-clic k on the desktop, and select “Properties” from the menu displayed 2 \flic k the [Settings] ta\gb on the Display Properties screen, and click the [Advanced] button 3 \flic k the [Troubleshoot] tab, and adjust the per\gformance level of “Hardware acceleration” to select “None”. ––– 英語版 要入手

53 Operating Instructions pqWeb \fetting\f Depending on the OS \ginstalled on the pe\grsonal computer, the following may occur. Follow the instructions below when the following has occurred. By performing the following solutions, other applicatio\gns and the security level may not be affected. [When u\fing Window\f] The “Information bar” in the following descriptions will be dis\gplayed just below the address bar, and only when the\gre is information to communicate. Symptom Cau\fe and remedia\b a\gction Reference page\f The fo\b\bowing me\f\fage i\f di\fp\bayed on the information bar. “Pop-up b\bocked. To \fee thi\f pop-up or additiona\b option\f c\bick here.” pC\bick the information bar and \fe\g\bect “A\bway\f A\b\bow Pop-up\f from Thi\f Site”. The dia\bog window \faying “A\b\bow pop-up\f from thi\f \fite?” wi\b\b be di\fp\bayed. C\bick the [Ye\f] button. ––– The information bar with the me\f\fage be\bow i\f di\fp\bayed: “The \fite might requ\gire the fo\b\bowing ActiveX contro\b: C\bick here to in\fta\b\b ‘nwcv4\fetup. exe’ from Pana\fonic Corporation…” pC\bick the information bar, and \fe\bect “In\fta\b\b ActiveX cont\gro\b (C)…” A \fecurity warning \f\gcreen i\f di\fp\bayed. C\bick the “In\fta\b\b (I)” button. ––– An unnece\f\fary \ftatu\f bar or \fcro\b\b bar i\f di\fp\bayed on the pop-up window 1 In Internet Explorer, select [Tools] [Internet Options]. 2 \flic k the [Security] tab, and click the [\fustom level...] button in “Security level for this zone”. 3 In the [Secur ity Settings] dialog\g box, set the [Enable] radio button of “Allow websites to open wi\gndows without address o\gr status bars” to ON. 4 Set the [Enab le] radio button of “Allow script-initiated windows without size or position cons\gtraints” to ON. 5 \flic k the [OK] button. 6 \flic k the [OK] button. ––– The image\f do not fit the frame u\fed for di\fp\bay pIf 120 DPI ha\f been\g \fe\bected a\f the ima ge DPI \fetting, the image\f may not be di\fp\bayed correct\by. C\bick the [Setting\f] ta\gb on the Propertie\f \fcreen, c\bick the [Advanced] button to change the DPI \fetting. ––– Troub\be\fhooting(continued) HE50 から流用

54 [When u\fing Mac OS X\g] SymptomCau\fe and remedia\b a\gction Reference page\f When the unit’\f IP addre\f\f i\f input into \g Safari, the brow\fer c\bo\fe\f pIn Safari, \fe\bect [Safari] [B\bock Pop-Up Window\f], and then remove it\f check mark. ––– Troub\be\fhooting(continued)

55 Operating Instructions Specification\f Power requirement\f: D\f 12 V (A \f adaptor provided) Current con\fumption:\g 1.3 A (AW - HE60H) 1.4 A (AW - HE60S) indicates safety information. pwGENERAL Ambient operating t\gemperature: 0 °\f to 40 °\f (32 °F to 104 °F) Storage temperature: –20 °\f to 50 °\f (–4 °F to 122 °F) A\b\bowab\be humidity range\f: 20 % to 90 % (no condensation)\g Ma\f\f: Appro x. 1.4 kg (3.09 lb) Dimen\fion\f (W H D): 160 mm 178 mm 166 mm (6-5/16 inches 7 inches 6-9/16 inches) [excluding protrusions, cable cover, direct ceiling mount\g bracket] Fini\fh: Light silv er matte finish Contro\b\ber \fupported: A W - RP655, AW - RP555, AW - RP50 It ma y be necessary to upgrade the version of the cont\groller so that the controller wil\gl support the unit. pw INPUT Input connector: D\f 12 V IN, EXT SYN\f IN (BN\f) (AW - HE60S only) BBS (Blac k Burst Sync) signa\gl supported pw OUTPUT Video output [AW - HE60H] HDMI: HD\bI connector HDCP i\f not \fupported. Viera Link i\f not \f\gupported. [AW - HE60S] SDI: \fompliant with the \gS\bPTE292\b/ S\bPTE259\b standards/7\g5 (BN\f 1) [Specification\f commo\gn to both mode\b\f] Compo\fite: 1.0 V [p-p]/75 (\bULTI-I/F 1) Y/Pr/Pb [HD] Y : 1.0 V [p-p]/75 , Pr · Pb: 0.7 V [p-p]/ 75 (\bULTI-I/F p 1) [SD] F or AW - HE60HN/AW - HE60SN Y : 1.0 V [p-p]/75 , Pr · Pb: 0.7 V [p-p]/ 75 (\bULTI-I/F 1) For AW - HE60HE/AW - HE60SE Y : 1.0 V [p-p]/75 , Pr · Pb: 0.525 V [p-p]/ 75 (\bULTI-I/F 1) p F or Y/Pr/Pb, the 1080, 720 or\g SD format is selected depending on the format setting. pw INPUT/OUTPUT Input/Output connec\gtor LAN: LAN connector f or IP control (RJ-4\g5) RS-422: \fONTR OL IN RS422A (\bULTI-I/F)

56 Specification\f(continued) pwFUNCTIONS AND PERF\gORMANCE [Camera unit] Imaging \fen\for\f: 1/3-type Full-HD \bO\gS Len\f: \botor ized 18 zoom, F1.6 to F2.8 (f=4.7 mm to 84.6 mm; 35 mm equivalent: 36.9 mm to 664.5 mm) Focu\f: Switching betw een auto and manual Focu\f di\ftance: Entire z ooming range: 1.0 m (3.28 ft) Wide end: 30 cm (0.98 ft) Co\bor \feparation op\gtica\b \fy\ftem: On-chip color filte\gr system Minim um i\b\bumination: 3 lx (50 IRE, F1.6, +36 dB) Horizonta\b re\fo\butio\gn: 850 TV lines Typ (\fenter area) Gain \fe\bection: A uto, 0 dB, 3 dB, 6 dB, 9 dB, 12 dB, 15 dB, 18 dB Storage mode: 0 dB, 6 dB, 12 dB, 18 dB E\bectronic \fhutter \fpeed: 59.94 Hz 1/100, 1/250, 1/50\g0, 1/1000, 1/2000,\g 1/4000, 1/10000 50 Hz 1/120, 1/250, 1/50\g0, 1/1000, 1/2000,\g 1/4000, 1/10000 Synchro \fcan: 59.94 Hz60.24 Hz to 646.21 Hz 50 Hz 50.20 Hz to 538.51 Hz Gamma: Off , Normal (Low, \bid, High), \finema White ba\bance: A WB A, AWB B, ATW Chroma amount variabi\bity: 7 le vels variability Scene fi\be: FullA uto, \banual1, \banual2, \banual3 Co\bor bar\f: FULL BAR Output f ormat: HD 1080: 1080: 1080: 720: 59.94p/50p (F or HD\bI model only) 59.94i/50i 29.97PsF/25PsF 59.94p/50p SD 480: 576: 480: 576:59.94p (F or HD\bI model only) 50p (F or HD\bI model only) 59.94i 50i Synchronization \fy\ftem: [A W - HE60H] Internal synchronizatio\gn [A W - HE60S] Inter nal/External synchronizatio\gn (BBS) [Pan-ti\bt head unit] In\fta\b\bation method:\g Stand-alone (Deskto\gp) or suspended (Hanging) T o ensure safety, the unit must be secured using the mo\gunt bracket supplied. Camera/pan-ti\bt hea\gd contro\b: IP connecting cab\be When connecting thr\gough a hub: LAN cab le* (category 5 or above, straight cable), max. 100 m (328 ft) When a hub is not \gused: LAN cab le* (category 5 or above, crossover cable) max. 100 m (328 ft) RP connecting cab\be LAN cable* (category 5 or above, straight cable), max. 1000 m (3280 ft) ( \fontrol only: Use of an external device or some other mean\gs must be provided separately in order to e\gxtend the video signal connections.) Protoco\b RS-422A, AW series protocol *: U\fe of an STP (\fhie\g\bded twi\fted pair) \gcab \be i\f recommended. Pan/ti\bt operation \f\gpeed: \bax. 90°/sec. or more Panning range: ±175° Ti\bting rang e: 90° to –30° Depending on the pan\g or tilt position, the came\gr a may be reflected in the im\gage. Quietne\f\f: N\f35 (nor mal speed), N\f40 (when preset)

57 Operating Instructions Specification\f(continued) [Network] Network: 10BASE-T/100BASE-T\gX, RJ45 connector Ima ge re\fo\bution: H.264*1VGA (640 480), QVGA (320 240) \bax. 30 fps JPEG VGA (640 480), QVGA (320 240) \bax. 30 fps *1: The\fe re\fo\bution\f can\g on\b y be u\fed in Window\f. Image compre\f\fion \fy\ftem: H.264Image quality: Transmission type: Bit rate: Low(\botion priority), Normal, Fine(Image quality \gpriority) Unicast port, \bulticast [\fonstant bit rate] 64 kbps, 128 kbps, 256 kbps, 384 kbps, 512 kbps, 768 kbps, 1024 kbps, 1536 kbps, 2048 kbps, 3072 kbps, 4096 kbps, Unlimited [Frame rate] 1 fps, 3 fps, 5 fps, 7.5 fps, 10 fps, 15 fps, 20 fps, 30 fps JPEG Image quality: Transmission type: 0(Highest image qua\glity), 1(high image qualit\gy), 2, 3, 4, 5(standard), 6, 7, 8\g, 9(low image quality) (10 steps from 0 t\go 9) PULL / PUSH Refre\fh interva\b: 1 fps to 30 fps (Restrictions apply to t\ghe JPEG frame rate when JPEG and H.264 operations are performed concurrently.) Bandwidth contro\b: Unlimited, 64 kbps, 128 kbps, 256 kbps, 384 kbps, 512 kbps, 768 kbps, 1024 kbps, 2048 kbps, 4096 kbps Supported protoco\b: IPv4: T\fP/IP, UDP/IP, HTTP, RTSP, RTP, RTP/RT\fP, DH\fP, DNS, NTP, SN\bP Supported Operating Sy\fte\gm\f* 2: \bicrosoft® Windows® 7 Professional SP1 64-bit \bicrosoft® Windows® 7 Professional SP1 32-bit \bicrosoft® Windows® XP Home Edition SP3 Apple \bac OS X v10.5 Apple \bac OS X v10.6 Apple \bac OS X v10.7 Apple iOS 5.0 Supported brow\fer\f *2: Windo ws® Internet Explorer® 8.0 Windo ws ® Internet Explorer® 9.0 Apple \bac Saf ari 5.0.6 Apple \bac Saf ari 5.1.5 *2: For detai\b\f on the \goperating \fy\ftem\f \fup\gpor ted and brow\fer\f, refer to “Required per\fona\b computer environment” (page 29). Maximum number connected: 14 (depends on prevailing conditions) Mu\bti \fcreen: Images of 16 cameras displayed simultaneously (inclu\gding the source camera) i-OS, Android \fupport: JPEG image displa y pwAC adaptor Input: A\f 100 V to 240 V , 1.3 A, 50/60 Hz Output: D\f 12 V , 3.5 A, 42 W indicates safety information. Ma\f\f: Appro x. 340 g (0.75 lb) Dimen\fion\f (W H D): 118 mm 34.5 mm 52 mm (00 inches 00 inches 00 inches) Inrush current, measu\gred according to Eur\gopean standard EN55103-1: 00 A (A\f adaptor)

58 未更新 pxA A\f Adapter (Option) ..................\g..................\g............... 19, 20 A \f adaptor (Supplied)\g ..................\g..................\g............ 31, 49 A \f adaptor cable ..................\g..................\g..................\g.. 11, 16 A W - \fA20T6G ..................\g..................\g..................\g. 19, 20, 31 A W - HS50 ..................\g..................\g..................\g..................\g.. 21 A W - PS550 ..................\g..................\g..................\g............ 19, 20 A W - R\b50G ..................\g..................\g..................\g.......... 31, 34 A W - RP50 ..................\g..................\g..................\g........ 21, 31, 48 A W - RP555 ..................\g..................\g..................\g 19, 31, 43, 48 A W - RP655 ..................\g..................\g............ 19, 20, 31, 43, 4\g8 pxB Bracket mounting screws ..................\g..................\g.... 9, 15, 31 pxC \fable clamp ..................\g..................\g..................\g.... 11, 16, 36 \fab le cover ..................\g..................\g................. 11, 14, 16, 31 \fhroma amount v ariability ..................\g..................\g............ 49 \foaxial cab le ..................\g..................\g..................\g........ 11, 16 \folor bars ..................\g..................\g..................\g..................\g. 49 \fompact Liv e Switcher ..................\g..................\g................. 21 \fontroller ..................\g..................\g..................\g........ 19, 31, 48 pxD Direct ceiling moun\gt bracket ..................\g............. 6, 8, 12, 31 Drop-pre vention wire ..................\g................ 9, 14, 15, 31, 35\g pxE EasyIPSetup.exe ..................\g..................\g..................\g........ 40 Easy IP Setup Soft\gw are ..................\g..................\g................ 40 Electronic shutter\g speed ..................\g..................\g............... 49 pxG Gain selection ..................\g..................\g..................\g............. 49 Gamma ..................\g..................\g..................\g..................\g..... 49 pxH HD monitor ..................\g..................\g..................\g................. 18 pxI Interface cable ..................\g..................\g..................\g...... 11, 16 IP address ..................\g..................\g..................\g..................\g 41 IR ID switches ..................\g..................\g..................\g....... 36, 39 pxL LAN cable ..................\g..................\g....... 11, 16, 19, 20, 2\g1, 36 pxM \bA\f address ..................\g..................\g..................\g.............. 41 \bain unit mounting \gscre w ..................\g............. 10, 14, 15, 31 \bount br acket ..................\g..................\g..... 8, 9, 12, 15, 31,\g 35 \bulti-Function \font\groller ..................\g..................\g........ 19, 20 \bulti Hybr id \fontrol Panel ..................\g..................\g............ 19 \bulti-interf ace cable ..................\g..................\g.......... 19, 20, 31 pxN Nameplate ..................\g..................\g..................\g..................\g 13 pxO Output format ..................\g..................\g..................\g.............. 49 pxP Power cable ..................\g..................\g..................\g................ 31 pxR Remote \famera \fontroller ..................\g..................\g........... 21 pxS Scene file ..................\g..................\g..................\g..................\g.. 49 Scre w for cable cover ..................\g..................\g....... 11, 14, 16 Scre w for mounting tripod ..................\g..................\g............. 17 Stor age mode ..................\g..................\g..................\g............. 49 Synchronization sy\gstem ..................\g..................\g................ 49 Synchro scan ..................\g..................\g..................\g.............. 49 pxT Tripod ..................\g..................\g..................\g..................\g........ 17 pxV Video output cable ..................\g..................\g..................\g 11, 16 pxW White balance ..................\g..................\g..................\g............. 49 Wireless remote co\gntroller ..................\g...... 18, 31, 34, 37, 3\g9 WV - Q105 ..................\g..................\g..................\g...... 6, 8, 12, 31 Index

Web Site: ©Panasonic Corporation 2012 Information on Di\fpo\fa\b\g for U\fer\f of Wa\fte E\bectrica\b & E\be\gctronic Equipment (pri\gvate hou\feho\bd\f) This symbol on the\g products and/or acc\gompanying documents means\g that used electrical and electronic\g products should not \gbe mixed with general household waste. For proper treatmen\gt, recovery and recycling, ple\gase take these products to\g designated collecti\gon points, where they will be accepted \gon a free of charge\g basis. Alternatively, in some countries you may be able to return your products to your local retailer\g upon the purchase\g of an equivalent new product. Disposing of this p\groduct correctly wi\gll help to save valuable resources and pr\gevent any potential negativ\ge effects on human heal\gth and the environment which co\guld otherwise arise from inappropr\giate waste handling. Please contact your local authority for further details of your nearest designat\ged collection point\g. Penalties may be applicable for incorrect dispos\gal of this waste, in accordance wit\gh national legislat\gion. For bu\fine\f\f u\fer\f in the European Union If you wish to discard e\glectrical and electronic\g equipment, please\g contact your dealer or suppl\gier for further information. Information on Di\fpo\fa\b\g in other Countrie\g\f out\fide the European Union This symbol is onl\gy valid in the Europea\gn Union. If you wish to discard t\ghis product, please\g contact your local authorities or dealer and \gask for the correct met\ghod of disposal.