Panasonic Hd Integrated Camera Aw He60h Vol1 Operating Instructions
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31 Operating Instructions Characteri\ftic\f Mu\btip\be number of format\f \fupportedp A m ultiple number of output formats including 1080i\g/720p with 59.94 Hz/50 Hz are supported. The 29.97 Hz/25 Hz outputs are also s\gupported in the 1080i ou\gtput format. p By using VIDEO OUT signals, HD format signals and SD format signals can be \goutput at the same\g time. (The VIDEO OUT signals are not output when the IP video transfer function is use\gd.) p With the SD f ormat, either Squeez\ge (16:9), LetterBo\gx (16:9) or Side\fut (4\g:3) can be selecte\gd. 1/3-type MOS \fen\for\g and high-performance 18 zoom \ben\f featured p A ne wly developed 1/3-type ful\gl HD \bOS sensor and \gDSP (digital signal proc\gessor) are incorporated. High-quality pictur\ges are obtained by video processing i\gn many different kinds of ways. p In addition to its o\gptical 18 zoom lens, the unit comes with a 10 digital zoom to achieve high-quality imag\ges that overflow with ambiance. p A dynamic r ange stretch (DRS) \gfunction that comp\gensates for overexposure and loss of\g dark detail and a new hybrid digital noise redu\gction (Hybrid DNR) function for minimizing image la\gg even in dark locations and sho\goting scenes clearly are incorporated to reproduce cl\gean and clear images in a w\gide range of application\gs. Ea\fy operation of u\gnit enab\bed by it\f integration w\gith a high-performance pan-ti\bt hea\gd unit p Oper ations at the high \gspeed of 90°/s p Wide rotational angl\ges with a panning r\g ange of ±175° and a tilting range from –30° to +\g90° p Quiet oper ation with noise l\gevels of N\f35 (normal speed) and N\f40 (when prese\gt) p Stor age of up to 100 po\gsitions in the pre\gset memory (The number of preset me\gmories that can be us\ged varies from one controlle\gr to another.) Night mode incorpora\gted p Infr ared shooting is sup\gported. The kind of shootin\gg which is normally difficult unde\gr very- low-brightness conditions \gis now possible by exposing the subjects to infrared rays. (Black-and-white images a\gre output in this \gcase.) IP video output fu\gnction featured p The unit is equipp\ged with an image com\gpression/IP tr ansfer LSI chip that e\gnables IP videos to be\g transferred to a multiple number of destinatio\gns in the SD format. p Emplo ying the functions \gof this chip togeth\ger with IP control opens t\ghe door to uses in \ga wide range of applications inclu\gding the control of \gthe camera from a remote location. (It is not possib\gle to use the VIDEO OUT signal output and IP\g video output at th\ge same time.) High degree of compa\gtibi\bity with Pana\fonic’\f current\by avai\bab\be contro\b\ber\f, enab\bing a f\bexib\be \fy\ftem to be put \g together p A maxim um of five units can be ope\grated by serial control from one of Panasonic’s currently available controllers (AW - RP655, AW - RP555 and AW - RP50). The unit can also \gbe used together wit\gh the cameras and pan-tilt head un\git systems current\gly available from Panasonic \forporation so that an e\gxisting system can \gbe used to advantage to put toget\gher a system that \gis even more flexible. p It ma y be necessary to upgrade the version of the controller in order\g to support the unit. The maximum distances between the units and controller is 1000\g meters (3280 ft). (when serial control is exercised) Use of an external device or some other\g means must be provided separately in order to e\gxtend the video signal connect\gions. Note Integrated pan-ti\bt\g head unit, camera and \ben\f to \gfaci\bitate in\fta\b\bation p By designing the cam\ger a, lens and pan-til\gt head as a single integrated unit, the time\g taken for the installatio\gn work has been drastically reduced. U\fe of ea\fy-to-oper\gate wire\be\f\f remote \gcontro\b (optiona\b acce\f\fory) i\f po\f\fib\be p A wireless remote \gcontrol capab le of operating up to four units can be used. It can easily be u\gsed to set the various functions or \gswitch between them while vie\gwing the menu screens. F\bexib\be camera \bayout enab\bed by \fimp\be connection and in\fta\b\bation p This unit f eatures excellent connectiv\gity and installabil\gity thanks to the IP c\gontrol; a lightweight main unit, an\gd the turn-lock mechanism, which\g enables the user to in\gstall it on his or her own (only when used \gindoors). p Bear in mind that t\ghis unit is designed\g to be used indoors only: It cannot be used \goutdoors. Note Energy-\faving\f achieved by the compact main u\gnit de\fignp By slimming do wn the unit’s weight and dimensions\g, a low power consumption is \gyielded, and even the connection of a multiple number of units pos\ges no concerns. Ea\fy connection\f and\g \fetting\f courte\fy of IP contro\b p Up to a hundred unit\gs can be oper ated by IP connection from a Panasonic controlle\gr (AW - RP50). (The maximum length of the LA\gN cables is 100 meters [328 ft].) p By automatically r\gecognizing the IP a\gddresses and changing their allo\gcation, the pre vious restrictions on the connections be\gtween the cameras and controllers \g using serial interfaces and the time a\gnd trouble taken to establish the various settings can b\ge significantly redu\gced, and by configuring a network, flexible camera control can be implemented anywhere with any of the cameras.

32 Contro\b\ber \fupported pAW-RP655 p A W - RP555 p A W - RP50 p It ma y be nece\f\fary to upgrade the ve\gr\fion of the contro\b\ber in order to \fupport the unit. Con\fu\bt with your dea\ber. w When connecting the \gAW- RP655 pThe camera menus that are operated using the L\fD panel on the AW - RP655 cannot be use\gd. Use the camer a menus displayed on the monitor which has been con\gnected to the unit.\g w When connecting the \gAW- RP555 pThe AW-RP555 periodically transmits the POWER - ON command to the pa\gn-tilt head. This means when th\ge unit has been se\glected from the AW - RP555, its power will be turned on again after several seconds even if the unit has\g been set to the standby mode by the web browser, IP - connected controlle\gr or wireless remo\gte control (optional accessor\gy). Note\f Acce\f\forie\f \fheck that the following accessories are present an\gd accounted for. p After remo ving the product fro\gm its container, dispose of the po\gwer cable cap and packing materials in an appropr\giate manner. w CD-ROM* ..................\g............. 1 pOperating Instructions (Basics, Operations and Settings) p Plug-in vie wer software (nwcv4setup.exe) p Easy IP Setup Soft\gw are (EasyIPSetup.exe) w Mount brac ket for in\fta\b\bation \furface (Hanging / De\fktop) ............. 1 ( page 9, page 16) w Main unit mounting \g\fcre w (with f\bat wa\fher, \fpring wa\fher) M3 6 mm ............ 1 ( page 10, page 16)w Power cab\be (2 m [6.6 ft]) for A W- HE60HN, AW - HE60SN ..................\g.. 1 f or A W - HE60HE, AW - HE60SE ..................\g.. 2 w Drop-prevention wire ........... 1 (a\bread y attached to the unit) ( page 9, page 16)w Bracket mounting \fcrew\f (bind-head) M4 10 mm ..... 4 ( page 9, page 16)w Cab\be cover ..................\g........ 1 ( page 11, page 17)w AC adaptor ..................\g......... 1 *: The CD-ROM contain\f the Ope\grating In\ftruction\f \g(PDF fi\be\f) and too\g\b \foftware app\bicati\gon\f. Optiona\b acce\f\forie\f pWire\be\f\f remote contr\g o\b\ber AW- RM50G (Size “AA”, “R6” or “LR6” dry battery 2, obtained \feparate\b\gy) p Direct cei\bing mount \gbrac ket WV - Q105 p Mu\bti-interface cab \be AW - CA20T6G

33 Operating Instructions Operating precautio\gn\f Shoot under the pr\goper \bighting condit\gion\f. To produce pictures \gwith eye-pleasing colors, shoot under the proper lighting\g conditions. The pictures may not appear with \gtheir proper color\gs when shooting under fluor\gescent lights. Select the proper \glighting as require\gd. To en\fure a \ftab\be performance in the \bong \gterm Using the unit for prolonged periods in locations w\ghere the temperature and humidity l\gevels are high will c\gause its parts to deteriorate, resulting in a re\gduction of its service life. (Recommended temperature: \bax. 35 °\f [95 °F]) Ensure that a cool\ging unit or heating\g unit will not blow any air directly toward the installatio\gn location. Image per\fi\ftence on the MOS \g\fen\for co\bor fi\bter\f If parts of the \bOS senso\gr are exposed continuously to spotlights or other\g bright lights, the color filter\gs inside the \bOS sensor will dete\griorate, and the parts concerned may become discolored. The discoloration may be noticeable when the direction \gof fixed monitoring is changed. Do not point the ca\gmera at \ftrong \bight\f. When parts of the \bOS senso\gr are exposed to spotlights\g or other strong lights, blooming (a phenomen\gon where the edges of strong \glights become blurred) may occur. Bright \fubject B\booming Concerning the co\bor\g reproduction of MOS \fen\g\for\f Depending on the col\gor tones of the su\gbjects, the color reproduction may deteriorate: This is normal and not indicative of any trouble. What happen\f with h\gigh-brightne\f\f \fubjec\gt\f Flare may occur if an extremely bright light source i\gs pointed at the lens. In a case like this, change the angle \gor take some other remedial acti\gon. When u\fing the auto\gmatic function\f p If “FullAuto” has been selected \gas the setting for Scene on the camera menu, for example, all the auto set\gtings will be turned on, and manual operations will no lon\gger be possible for some of the ite\gms. p When using the A TW (auto tracking white adjustmen\gt) function under fluo\grescent lights, the white balanc\ge may vary. p In some situations\g , it may be hard to focus at the auto setting. In cases like this, select the manual setting, and focus manually. p The appropr iate brightness may not be obtained w\ghen shooting bright objects using \gthe auto settings f\gor the gain and iris. In cases like this, set the shutter \gspeed to manual, and adjust. Zooming and focu\fing When the focus is set manually, out-of-focusing may occur during zooming. After zooming, if necessar\gy, either adjust the\g focus or set the focus to auto. When using the focus at the manual setting, procee\gd with zooming after settin\gg the focus position at t\ghe Tele end where the focusing accuracy is higher. (However, if the distance f\grom the unit to th\ge subject is less \g than 1.0 meters [3.28 ft], the subject m\gay shift out of focus at the Wide end.) If zooming is performed to the Tele end after having adjusted the focus at the Wide end, out-of-focusing may occur. Concerning the zoom \gpo\fition when the p\gower i\f turned on When the unit’s power is turned on, the zoom, focus and iris return to the positions\g they occupied immediate\gly before the power was turned off. (This happens for the focus and iris when they were set manually.) However, this position ma\gy not be restored i\gf, for instance, the power cable was disconnected during operation. The unit come\f with \gthe \fafe mode. The safe mode is function \gdesigned to protect \gthe unit from damage. For further details, refer to “Safe mode” (page 104 in the \g). Operating temperatu\gre range Avoid using the unit i\gn cold locations wh\gere the temperature drops below 0 °\f (32 °F) or hot locatio\gns where the temperature rises above 40 °\f (104 °F) since these temperatures downgrade the picture qua\glity and adversely affect the internal parts. Concerning the VIDEO OUT \figna\b The VIDEO OUT signal of \gthe \bULTI-I/F connector i\gs provided in case the im\gages are to be moni\gtored. This signal is not \goutput when the IP\g video transfer function is used. Concerning the HDMI\g interface \ftandard This unit has been\g certified as HD\bI-compa\gtible, but on rare occasions images ma\gy not be displayed depending on the HD\bI device which has bee\gn connected to the \gunit. Co\bor bar\f p \folor bars are used \gto adjust the color\g phase , and the widths and positions\g of these bars may differ from other models. p The setting f or the Down \fONV. \bode item when colo\gr bars are displayed is fixed at “Squeeze”. If “Side\fut” or “LetterBox” has been selected,\g the images will not appear for a few seconds when the \gcolor bar display is set to ON or O\gFF. Concerning the IP v\gideo refre\fh \fpeed The IP video refres\gh speed may be reduced dependin\gg on the network environment used, per\gformance of the perso\gnal computer, subjects and acce\gss count. Concerning the H.26\g4 patent poo\b \bicen\f\ging This product is lic\gensed based on the A\gV\f Patent Portfolio License, and the license do\ges not extend beyond uses by users, who engage in the\g acts described below, for their own personal and non-pr\gofit applications. (i) Recording of the ima\gge inf ormation in complian\gce with the AV\f standard (hereaft\ger, “AV\f videos”) (ii) Pla ying of the AV\f videos recorded by consumers engaging in personal\g activities or the\g AV\f videos acquired from licen\gsed providers For further details, go to the home pa\gge of \bPEG LA, LL\f (

34 Operating precautio\gn\f(continued) Turn off the power before connecting or di\g\fconnecting the cab\be\f. Always be sure to turn off the power before connecting or disconnecting the ca\gbles. Hand\be the unit car\gefu\b\by. Do not drop the uni\gt or subject it to\g strong impact or v\gibration. Doing so may cause the unit t\go malfunction. When the unit i\f no\gt in u\fe Turn off the unit’s power when it is not \gin use. When the unit is n\go longer going to be\g used, do not leave it lying around, but be absolutely s\gure to dispose of i\gt properly. Do not touch the optica\b \fy\ftem \gpart\f. The optical system\g parts are the very heart of the camera. Under no circumstan\gces must they be touched. In the unlikely event that they have become dusty, remove the dust by using a camera blower or by wiping them gentl\gy with a lens cleani\gng paper. Do not point the ca\gmera direct\by at the \fun or a \b\ga\fer beam no matter whet\gher it i\f turned on\g or not. Taking images of the\g sun, laser beams, or other brightly lit subjects for prolonged periods of time may damage the \bOS sensor. Per\fona\b computer u\fed If the same image i\gs displayed for a prolonged period on a P\f monitor, the monitor may be damaged. Use of a screen saver is recommended. Concerning the IP a\gddre\f\f \fetting Do not run the Easy IP Set\gup Software on a multiple number of personal comput\gers for a single camera and set the IP address at the same \gtime. Otherwise, you will be unable to complete the\g proper procedure and set th\ge IP address correct\gly. Do not a\b\bow foreign matter to mak\ge contact with the \g rotating part\f. Otherwise, trouble may be caused. Se\bf-diagno\fi\f function When an abnormal operation caused by the effects of extraneous noise or ot\gher factors continues for more than 30 seconds during use, the unit’s reset operation will automatically\g be triggered, after which\g the unit will restart. After it has star\gted up again, the sa\gme initialization \g operation as when the \gpower is turned on will be perf\gormed. If abnormal operations occur frequ\gently, it may be because high levels of extraneous noise are b\geing generated in the environment where th\ge camera has been install\ged. These events will cause pr\goblems in the camera so consult with your dealer as soon \gas possible. Keep the unit away from water. Avoid all direct conta\gct with water. Otherwise, problems may occur. Maintenance Turn off the unit’s power before proceeding with maintenance. Otherwise, you may injure yourself. Wipe the surfaces using a soft dr\gy cloth. Avoid all contact with benzene, paint thinners a\gnd other volatile substances\g, and avoid using these subs\gtances. Otherwise, the casing may become discolored.\g Do not turn the cam\gera head by hand. Turning the camera head by hand may cause the unit t\go malfunction. U\fe the unit in an \genvironment with minima\b \gmoi\fture and du\ft. Avoid using the unit i\gn an environment with high\g concentration of moisture \gor dust since these\g conditions will damage the internal parts. Di\fpo\fa\b of the unit\g When the unit has \greached the end of i\gts service life and is to be disposed of, ask a qualified c\gontractor to dispose of\g the unit properly in order to prot\gect the environment.

35 Operating Instructions Concerning the wire\g\be\f\f remote contro\b (optiona\b acce\f\fory) Thi\f unit can be op\gerated by remote contro\b u\fing a wire\be\f\f remote contr\go\b (mode\b number: AW - RM50G) purcha\fed \feparate\by. Check out the fo\b\bowing point\f before u\fing the wire\be\g\f\f remote contro\b. Con\fu\bt your dea\ber concernin\gg the purcha\fe of a wire\be\f\f remote contr\go\b. p P oint the wire\be\f\f re\gmote contro\b at the unit’\f wire\be\f\f remote contro\b \figna\b \bight-\fen\fin\gg area (\fhown in the figure on the be\bow), and operate it wi\gthin a range of 10 meter\f (32.8 ft) from the\fe area\f. p The \figna\b \fen\fing di\g\ftance i\f reduced if\g the ang\be at whic h the wire\be\f\f remot\ge contro\b \figna\b\f are \fen\fed \g i\f increa\fed. The signal sensing \gsensitivity is app\groximately halved at an angle of 40 degrees from the fron\gt of the signal lig\ght- sensing area. If the remote cont\grol is operated from the behin\gd the unit, it may be either difficu\glt or impossible to perform the desired operations. Layout of wire\be\f\f remo\gte contro\b \figna\b \bight-\fen\fing area\f 45°45° 75°75° Wire\be\f\f remote contro\b \figna\b \bight-\fen\fing area\f (2) at the \fide Wire\be\f\f remote contr\go\b \figna\b \bight - \fen\fing area\f (2) at the front pTop viewp If the unit i\f in\ft\ga\b\bed near f\buore\fcen\gt \bight\f, p\ba\fma monitor\f or other \fuch product\f or if the un\git i\f expo\fed to \fun\bight, the effect\f of the \bight may make it impo\f\fib\be for the unit to be \goperated u\fing the \g wire\be\f\f remote contr\go\b. Be sure to follow the steps below for installation an\gd use. • T ake steps to ensure \gthat the light-sens\ging area will not be exposed to the light \gfrom fluorescent l\gights, plasma monitors or other \gsuch products or fr\gom the sun. • Install the unit a\g way from fluorescent\g lights, plasma monitors and other \gsuch products. p For about 10 minute\f even after the batt\gerie\f have been removed from the wire\be\f\f remot\ge contro\b, the \fe\bection of the\g operation to be p\gerformed (the [CAM1], [CAM2], [CAM3] or [CAM4] \gbutton which wa\f pre\f\fed \ba\ft) wi\b\b re\gmain \ftored in the \gmemory. When a \bonger period of time e\bap\fe\f, however, the \fe\bection i\f re\fet to the \ftat\gu\f e\ftab\bi\fhed when the [CA\gM1] button wa\f pre\f\fed.

36 Part\f and their functi\gon\f pwCamera unit 1 Mount brac ket for in\fta\b\bation \furf\gace (\fupp\bied acce\f\fory) \bount this bracket onto the instal\glation surface, and then attach the camera main unit to the\g bracket. 2 Drop-prevention wire Pull out the wire \gfrom the bottom pa\gnel of the camera main unit, and atta\gch it to the hook \gof the mount bracket. 3 Ho\be for \fecuring the camer\ga pede\fta\b This hole is provided in the bottom \gpanel of the camer\ga pedestal. 4 Wire\be\f\f remote contr\g o\b \figna\b \bight-\fen\fin\gg area Light sensors are l\gocated in four places; at the front of t\ghe camera pedestal and on ei\gther side. 5 Statu\f di\fp\ba y \bamp This lights in the \gfollowing way depending on the s\gtatus of the unit. Orange: When the standb y status is established Green: When the po wer is on Red: When troub le has occurred in \gthe unit Green and b\bink\f twice: When a signal match\ged b y the remote contr\gol ID has been receiv\ged from the wireles\gs remote control (optional \gaccessory) while the power is on Orange and b\bink\f twice: When a signal which\g is not matched b y the remote control ID \ghas been received from the wireless remote co\gntrol (optional ac\gcessory) while the power is on 6 Camera head This rotates in th\ge horizontal direction. 7 Len\f unit This rotates in th\ge up and down direction. 8 Ta\b\by \bamp This comes on or go\ges off in response\g to the control fr\gom the controller but only when “On” has been selected \gas the tally lamp use set\gting.

37 Operating Instructions Part\f and their functi\gon\f(continued) 9 LAN connector for IP contro\b [LAN ACT/LINK] This LAN connector\g (RJ45) is connecte\gd when exercising IP control over the unit from a\gn external device. Use a cable with the following specifications\g for the connection to the \gLAN connector: When connecting through a hub: LAN cab le* (category 5 or above, straight cable), max. 100 meters [328 ft] When a hub i\f not u\g\fed: LAN cab le* (category 5 or above, crossover cable), max. 100 meters [328 ft] *: U\fe of an STP (\fhie\g\bded twi\fted pair) \gcab \be i\f recommended. Anti-theft wire mou\gnting ho\be Use this hole to a\gttach the wire bracket. HDMI connector [HDM\gI] (A W- HE60H on\by) This is the HD\bI vi\gdeo output connecto\gr. Ho\be u\fed to \fecure \gcab\be cover Use the screw provided to secure the \gcable cover. MULTI-I/F connector [M\gULTI-I/F] This is the camera’s HD/SD component \gvideo signal, composite video sign\gal and camera’s control signal connector. Use the multi-interface cable purchased separately or a cable with the DX40\b-2\g0P (made by Hirose) connecto\gr specifications as \gthe connecting cable. 1A 10A 1B 10B pThe above figure \fhow\f the pin \bayout of the connector on the camera a\f \feen from the out\fide. Pin No. Signa\b name Pin No. Signa\b name 1A Y OUT 6A RX+_IN 1B Y GND 6B RX–_IN 2A Pb OUT 7A TX+_IN 2B Pb GND 7B TX–_IN 3A Pr OUT 8A GND 3B Pr GND 8B GND 4A VIDEO OUT* 9A RX+_OUT 4B VIDEO GND* 9B RX–_OUT 5A TALLY 10A TX+_OUT 5B T GND 10B TX–_OUT *: The\fe \figna\b\f are not\g output during IP video out\gput. DC IN connector [12V IN ] \fonnect the A\f adaptor supplied wit\gh the unit to this\g connector to suppl\gy the D\f 12 V v oltage to the unit.\g Cab\be c\bamp This is used to hol\gd the cable connection to t\ghe D\f IN connector and prevent it from becomi\gng disconnected. IR ID \fwitche\f [IRID] [CAM1] [CAM2] [CAM3] [CAM4] These are used to s\gelect the ID of th\ge wireless remote \g control (optional \gaccessory). The IR ID switch settings “\fA\b1” to “\fA\b4” correspond to the [\fA\b1] to [\fA\g\b4] buttons on the wire\gless remote control. Square ho\be\f ( 2) for cab\be cover tab\f The tabs on the tw\go sides of the cable cover are fitted into \g these holes. SYNC IN connector [\gEXT SYNC IN] (A W - HE60S on\by) This is the external sync signal inp\gut connector. This unit supports the BBS (Black Burst Sync) signa\gl as the external sync signal. SDI OUT connector [\gHD/SD SDI OUT] (AW - HE60S on\by) This is the SDI vi\gdeo signal output co\gnnector. Threaded ho\be (thre\gad: 1/4-20UNC, ISO1222 [6.35 mm]) for mounting the came\gra Use this hole when\g mounting the camer\ga on a tripod, etc. Service \fwitche\f SW1 ON OFF SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SW6 SW7 SW8 The camera is used with all \gthe switches at the OFF \g setting.

38 Part\f and their functi\gon\f(continued) pwWire\be\f\f remote contr\g o\b\ber (optiona\b acce\f\fory) 1 ON/STANDBY button Each time this is \gpressed for 2 seconds, operation s witches between turning on the unit’s power and establishing the standby status. p When oper ation is transferred to the standby mode: The current pan-ti\glt position is sto\gred in the memory (as a POWER ON preset), and the \gpanning/tilting moves so that the cam\gera points in the ba\gckward- facing direction. p When oper ation is transferred to the POWER ON mode: Panning/tilting moves to the position\g which was stored in the me\gmory (as a POWER ON preset) when operation was transferred to the standby mode. Note\f 2 Signa\b tran\fmi\f\fion w\gindo w 3 MENU b utton Each time this is \gpressed for 2 seconds, operation s witches between displaying the unit’s camera menu and exiting the camera menu. When it is pressed \gquickly (for less than 2 seconds) while a menu is displayed, the setting chan\gge is canceled. Furthermore, the pan and tilt \gmovement range limits (limiters) are set\g and released by operating the \bENU button, PRESET/LI\bIT\g button and the pan - tilt buttons ([], [], [] and []). For details, refer to “Setting/releasing \gthe limiters” (pages 102 to 103 in the \g). 4 CAM1 to CAM4 b utton\f These are used to s\gelect the units th\gat are to be operated. Once a button has been sel\gected, the unit cor\gresponding to the selected button can be operated. 5 SET button If this button is pressed wh\gen one of the “\banual1 to 3” settings has been s\gelected for “Scene” on the camera menu and the AWB A memory or AWB B memory has been selected by the white balanc\ge adjustment, the w\ghite balance is automat\gically adjusted and r\gegistered in the selected memory. 6 MODE b utton This is used to sel\gect the video signal\gs which are output\g from the unit. Each time it is pr\gessed, the signals a\gre switched between the color bar signa\gls and camera video signals. p The setting f or the Down \fONV. \bode item when color bars are disp\glayed is fixed at “Squeeze”. If “Side\fut” or “LetterBox” has been selected,\g the HD\bI output will no\gt appear for a few seconds when the color bar\g display is set to ON or O\gFF. Note 7 GAIN b utton\f [OFF] [LOW] [HI] [AUTO] These are used to s\get the gain. The gain increase c\gan be set in three\g steps using the [OFF], [LOW] and [HI] buttons. [LOW] is set to 9 dB, and [HI] is set t\go 18 dB. When the [AUTO] button is pressed, t\ghe AG\f function is activated, and the gain i\gs adjusted automatic\gally depending on the ligh\gt quantity. The maximum gain of the AG\f function can be \gset using the camera menu. 8 Pre\fet memor y ca\b\b button\f [1] to [12] These are used to c\gall the information on the unit\g’s directions and other\g settings, which have been registered in the unit’s preset memories No.1 to No.12, and reproduce those set\gtings. Settings in preset \gmemories No.13 and above cannot be called from the wir\geless remote contr\gol.

39 Operating Instructions Part\f and their functi\gon\f(continued) 9 PRESET/LIMIT button This is used to regi\gster the settings i\gn the preset memories or set or rele\gase the limiters. When a preset memo\gry call button is pressed wh\gile the PRESET/LI\bIT button is held down, the information on the unit’s current direction\g and other settings \gis registered in the call button. Preset memory call buttons [1] to [12]\g correspond to the \g unit’s No.1 to No.12 preset memories. Furthermore, the pan and tilt \gmovement range limits (limiters) are set\g and released by operating the PRESET/ LI\bIT button, \bENU button and the pan/t\gilt buttons ([], [], [] and []). For details, refer to “Setting/releasing \gthe limiters” (pages 102 to 103 in the \g). Pan-ti\bt button\f and menu operation button\f [] [] [] [] [] (1) These are used to c\ghange the unit’ s direction. The unit is tilted \gin the up/down direction using t\ghe [] and [] buttons and panned in\g the left/right direction using the [] and [] buttons. The [] button does not work during tilting and panning. When the [] or [] and [] or [] buttons are pressed at the same\g time, the unit moves diagonally. (2) The b uttons are used for menu operations when the unit displays the camera menus. Use the [], [], [] and [] buttons to select t\ghe menu items. When a selected ite\gm has a sub - menu, the sub - menu will be displayed by pressing the [] button. When the cursor is\g aligned with a particular item and the [] button is pressed on\g the setting menu at the bottom hierarchical level, the setting of \gthe selected item blinks. When the [] button is pressed af\gter the setting has been changed usi\gng the [], [], [] and [] buttons, the setting stops\g blinking, and the new setting is entered. With a regular menu, the new setting is reflec\gted immediately after i\gt has been changed i\gf the change was made from the se\gtting in the blinking status, but there are some men\gus (Scene, Format and Initialize) where it is reflec\gted only after the \g[] button has been pressed, the blinking has stopped \gand the new setting has been entered. If the \bENU button is pressed qu\gickly (for less than 2 seconds) while the \gsetting is in the b\glinking status, the change will be \gcanceled, and the se\gtting selected prior to the change w\gill be restored. FOCUS b utton\f [F] [N] These are used to a\gdjust the lens focus manually when the manual setting is esta\gblished for the lens focus. The focus is adjusted in \gthe far using the [F] button and in the near using the \g[N] button. A/FOCUS b utton This is used when a\gutomatically adjust\ging the lens focus. M/FOCUS b utton This is used when m\ganually adjusting the \glens focus. The FO\fUS buttons ([F] and [N]\g) are used when performing the actual adju\gstment. OPT button\f [ON] [OFF] This is used to sel\gect the normal or night mode. [ON]: Night mode [OFF]: Nor mal mode (standard se\gtting) HOME button When this is press\ged for 2 seconds, the unit’s direction (panning or tilting\g) retur ns to the reference position. ZOOM button\f [T] [W] These are used to a\gdjust the lens zoom. The zoom is adjusted in t\ghe wide-angle using \gthe [W] button and in the te\glephoto using the [\gT] button. FAST button This is used to cha\gnge the movement speed at whic\gh the panning, tiltin\gg, zooming and focusing operations are performed to the high spee\gd. When the button is tapped, th\ge movement speed can be \g set to the normal high-speed operation. When the button is held down, it can be set \gto an even faster high-speed operation. Tap the button to return the movement speed to the normal high-speed operation. p The oper ating speed for panning and tilti\gng when the preset memory settings have been called can be changed using the\g Preset Speed item \gof the camera menu. Note SLO W button This is used to cha\gnge the movement speed at whic\gh the panning, tiltin\gg, zooming and focusing operations are performed to the low speed. When the button is tapped, th\ge movement speed can be \g set to the normal low-speed operation. When the button is held down, it can be set \gto an even slower low-speed operation. Tap the button to return the movement speed to the normal low-speed operation. A/IRIS button This establishes the setting \gfor adjusting the len\gs iris automatically in l\gine with the light \gquantity. M/IRIS b utton This establishes the setting \gfor adjusting the len\gs iris manually. The IRIS + and IRIS – buttons are used whe\gn performing the actual adjustme\gnt. IRIS + button This is used to adju\gst the lens iris in the opening di\grection. IRIS – button This is used to adju\gst the lens iris in the closing di\grection.

40 Setting the remote \gcontro\b ID\f The wireless remot\ge control (optiona\gl accessory) is capable of operating up to four units. IDs are used to set\g which units are s\gelected when the [\fA\b1], [\fA\b2], [\fA\b3\g] and [\fA\b4] buttons on the wireless remote co\gntrol have been pressed.p When oper ating a multiple number of these uni\gts using wireless remote co\gntrols, set a different remote contr\gol ID for each control. p When using one unit\g, set the remote c\gontrol ID to “\fA\b1” unless the setting \gneeds to be changed.\g Setting procedure Operate the IR ID switch on the units\g rear panel, and se\glect “\fA\b1”, “\fA\b2”, “\fA\b3” or “\fA\b4” as the remote con\gtrol ID. (See page 37) The IR ID switch settings “\fA\b1” to “\fA\b4” correspond to the [\fA\b1] to [\fA\b4] buttons on the wireless remote control. (The factory setting is “\fA\b1”.) IR ID \fwitche\f [CAM1] to [CAM4] b\gutton\f