Panasonic Hd Integrated Camera Aw He60h Vol1 Operating Instructions
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41 Operating Instructions Network \fetting\f pwIn\fta\b\bing the \foftwa\gre Be absolutely sure\g to read through the\g “Readme.txt” on the \fD-RO\b supplied with the\g unit first before attempting to install the software. pThi\f i\f nece\f\far y on\by when u\fing a per\fona\b computer running Window\f. Software provided on the CD-ROM pEa\fy IP Setup Softw\gare ( Ea\fyIPSetup.exe) This software establishes the unit’s network settings. For details, refer to the sections\g that follow. p P\bug-in vie wer \foftware (Network Camera View4) In order to display the unit’s images, the “Network \famera View4” plug-in viewer software must be installed. Double-click “nwcv4setup.exe” on the \fD-RO\b supplied, and follow the on-screen in\gstructions to install\g the software. pw U\fe the Ea\fy IP Setup Softw\gare to e\ftab\bi\fh the unit’\f \fetting\f The settings relate\gd to the unit’s network can be established using the Easy IP S\getup Software supplied. To establish the settings f\gor a multiple number of units, the settings must be selected for each camera involved. If the settings can\gnot be established using the Eas\gy IP Setup Software, select the setti\gngs separately for the unit and personal computer \gon the network page of the setti\gng menu. For further details, refer to the “Operating Instructions — \g” (PDF file). p If , after the network settings have been established, another device in the same n\getwork has the same IP \g address, the network operations will not be\g performed properly. Set the IP address i\gn such a way that it does not \g duplicate an existing IP address. p Do not estab lish network settings from a m\gultiple number of Easy IP S\getup Software programs at the same time for a single camera. Similarly, do not perform the “Auto IP setting” operation of the AW - RP50 remote camera controller at th\ge same time. The IP address setti\gngs may no longer be reco\ggnized as a result. Note\f pIf the Easy IP Set\gup Softw are is run when using \bicrosoft® Windows® XP Home Edition SP\g3, an important warning screen concerning security may appear. If this is the cas\ge, click the [Unblock(U)] button. p The Easy IP Setup \gSoftw are is designed in s\guch a way that when around 20\g or more minutes have passed after the power was turned on, the \bA\f address and IP address of the targe\gt camera will no longer be\g displayed. It does this to imp\grove the security. When “20min” is selected for the enable time among the “Easy IP Setup acc\gommodate period”. (page 89 in the \g) p The Easy IP Setup \gSoftw are cannot be used \gfrom a different subnet via a\g router. p The unit cannot be\g displa yed or its settings e\gstablished using an older version of the Easy\g IP Setup Software (Ver.2.xx).

42 Network \fetting\f(continued) 1 Start the Ea\fy IP Setup\g Software. 2 Pre\f\f the [Search] button. 3 C\bick the MAC addre\f\f/IP addre\f\f of the camera to be \fet, and c\bick the [Network \fetting] button. pWhen a DH\fP server is being used, th\ge IP address allocated to \gthe unit can be ch\gecked by clicking the [Search] button of the Easy \gIP Setup Software. p If IP addresses are \gin contention, the\g \bA \f address of the camera concerned is the one shown with the shading. Note\f 4 Input the network item\f, and c\bick the [Save] button. pWhen a DH\fP ser ver is being used, “DNS” of the Easy IP Setup Soft\gware can be set to \g“AUTO”. Note pAfter the [ Save] button is clicked, it takes about 2 minutes for the settings in \gthe unit to be com\gpleted. If the A\f adaptor or LAN cab\gle is disconnected before the settings ar\ge completed, the se\gttings will be canceled. In this case, repeat the steps\g to establish the settings. p When a fire wall (including softw\gare) has been introduced, enable access to all t\ghe UDP ports. p \flic k the [Open \famera Screen] button on the Easy \g IP Setup Software to connect to \gthe corresponding camera. p This unit does not \gsuppor t IPv6. 英語版 要入手英語版 要入手 英語版 要入手

43 Operating Instructions Troub\be\fhooting pqOperation Symptom Cau\fe and remedia\b a\gction Reference page\f No power pI\f the AC adaptor \fecure\by connected to the \gAC out\bet? ––– p If the po wer p\bug of the AC adaptor connected\g proper\by? ––– p If the unit i\f conn\gected to the contr o\b\ber, ha\f it been connect\ged proper\by? Ref er to the Operating Instructions of the con\gtroller. P.20 to 22 p When the unit i\f be\ging operated b y the wire\be\f\f remot\ge contro\b Also ref er to the “\fannot operate using the wirel\gess remote control” item. ––– Cannot operate ( common to wire\be\f\f remote contr o\b, contro\b\ber) pI\f the power on? If the unit’ s status display lamp is off or i\gf it has lit up or\gange, it means that the \gunit’s power is not being sup\gplied. P.8 p The \faf e mode function may have been activated. P.104 p Ha ve the \bimiter funct\gion\f been \fet? P.102 to 103 p Ha\f the correct unit\g to be operated be\gen \fe\bected? P.10 Cannot operate u\fin\gg the wire\be\f\f remote \g contro\b pHave the remote contr\go\b’\f batterie\f run down or have the batterie\f been in\fta\b\bed with \gtheir po\baritie\f re\gver\fed? If the status displ\ga y lamp does not blink even when the wirele\gss remote control is \goperated near the wirel\gess remote control\g signal light-sensing area,\g it means that the\g batteries have run down. Replace the batteries. ––– p Ha ve the IR ID \fwitche\f been \fet correct\g\by? P.37, 40 p I\f there a f\buore\fce\gnt \bight or p\ba\fma mo\gnitor near the uni\gt and, if \fo, i\f the wire\be\f\f remo\gte contro\b \figna\b \bight-\fen\fin\gg area expo\fed to it\f \bight?\g P.35 Cannot operate u\fin\gg the contro\b\ber pI\f the unit connecte\gd to the contr o\b\ber proper\by? Ref er to the Operating Instructions of the con\gtroller. P.20 to 22 p It ma y be nece\f\fary to upgrade the ve\gr\fion of the contro\b\ber \fo that the contro\b\ber wi\b\b \fupport the unit. \fonsult with y our dealer. ––– The unit turn\f in t\ghe oppo\fite direction \gto the one operated pHa\f the \ftand-a\bone \g(De\fktop) in\fta\b\bati\gon \fetting been \fe\be\gcted correct\b y? P.49, P.81 p The re ver\fa\b \fetting may have been e\ftab\bi\fhed at the contro\b\ber if the unit i\f connecte\gd to the contro\b\ber. Ref er to the Operating Instructions of the con\gtroller. –––

44 SymptomCau\fe and remedia\b a\gction Reference page\f The adju\ftment of the \f\bowe\ft \fpeed at which the camera i\f to \ftart panning and ti\bting fai\b\f to\g be comp\beted for the AW - RP655 or AW - RP555 Do not attempt to a\gdju\ft the \f\bowe\ft \fpeed at which the camera i\f to \ftart panning and ti\bti\gng \fince thi\f adju\ftm\gent doe\f not need t\go be undertaken when the uni\gt i\f connected with \gthe AW - HE60. If an attempt i\f mad\ge to undertake thi\f adju\ftment\g, the fo\b\bowing wi\b\b occur: p When the AW - RP655 i\f u\fed: The LCD wi\b\b keep \fh\gowing that adju\ftment\g i\f \fti\b\b underway for the right \fide of t\ghe \f\bowe\ft \ftart \fpeed for panning and ti\bt\ging, and it wi\b\b not be \gpo\f\fib\be to tran\ffer to the next adju\ftment\f (top \g \beft bottom). Press the [\bENU] b utton to cancel th\ge adjustment of the\g slowest speed at which the \gcamera is to start panning and tiltin\gg. p When the AW - RP555 i\f u\fed: The \bamp\f of the [ME\gMORY] button and [MODE] b\gutton wi\b\b not \ftop b\binking. Oper ate the joystick, and cancel the a\gdjustment of the sl\gowest speed at which the \gcamera is to start panning and tiltin\gg. ––– No acce\f\f i\f po\f\fib\be from the web brow\fer pHa\f a LAN cab \be of category 5 or above been connected t\go the LAN connector for IP contro\b? P.20 to 22 p I\f the [LINK] LED o\gf the LAN connector\g f or IP contro\b \bit? If it is not lit, \git means that some\gthing is wrong with\g the connection to the LAN or that\g the netw ork at the connectio\gn destination is no\gt working properly. \fheck the LAN cable for defective contacts, and check the wiring. P.20 to 22 p I\f the po wer on? If the unit’ s status display lamp is off or i\gf it has lit up or\gange, it means that the \gunit’s power is not being sup\gplied. P.8 p Ha\f a v a\bid IP addre\f\f been \fet in th\ge unit? P.85 p Ha\f the wr ong IP addre\f\f been acce\f\fed? \fhec k the connections \gby following the steps belo\gw. [When u\fing Window\f] Using the Windows command prompt, \gexecute > ping [IP address w\ghich has been set \gin the camera] A reply returned from the unit s\gignifies that there\g are no problems in operation. If a reply is not \greceived, try following operation: • Reboot the unit, an\gd within 20 minutes change the IP \gaddress using the Easy IP S\getup Software. ––– [When u\fing Mac OS X\g] Using the \bac OS X t\germinal, execute > ping -c 10 [IP add\gress which has bee\gn set in the camer\ga] A reply returned from the unit s\gignifies that there\g are no problems in operation. If a reply is not \greceived, try following operation: • Reboot the unit, an\gd within 20 minutes change the IP \gaddress using the Easy IP S\getup Software. ––– p Ha\f 554 been \fet a\f \gthe HTTP por t number? Use an y port number, except for the numbers below which are used by the unit, for the HTTP port number. 20, 21, 23, 25, 42\g, 53, 67, 68, 69, \g110, 123, 161, 162\g, 554, 995, 10669, 10670, 5900\g0 to 59999, 60000 \gto 61000 P.89 Troub\be\fhooting(continued)

45 Operating Instructions SymptomCau\fe and remedia\b a\gction Reference page\f No acce\f\f i\f po\f\fib\be from the web brow\fer pHa\f the \fame IP ad dre\f\f \fetting been u\g\fed for another device? I\f there a \back of con\fi\ftency between the addre\f\f \fet and the network \fubnet at the i\gn\fta\b\bation de\ftinat\gion? [When the personal\g computer is conne\gcted to the unit wi\gthin the same subnet]Ha ve the IP addresses o\gf the unit and pers\gonal computer been\g set to the subnet \gshared by the unit and comp\guter? Has the “Use proxy server” setting been selec\gted by the web browser? When accessing the \gunit within the sa\gme subnet, it is recommended that the\g unit’s address be set to \gthe “Remove from proxy” address. ––– [When the unit and \gpersonal computer \gare connected to dif\gferent subnets] Has the wrong setti\gng been selected as \gthe default gateway setting for the unit? P.89 The \fetting\f on the \g web \fetting \fcreen are not updated or\g di\fp\bayed proper\by [When u\fing Window\f]p Pre\f\f the [F5] ke y on the keyboard of the per\fona\b computer to reque\ft that the \fe\gtting\f be acquired. [When u\fing Mac OS X\g] p Pre\f\f the [Command] \g+ [R] ke y\f on the keyboard of the per\fona\b computer to reque\ft \gthat the \fetting\f be\g acquired. ––– p Fo\b\bo w the \ftep\f be\bow to de\bete the tem\gporary Internet fi\be\f (Cache). [When u\fing Window\f] 1 In Inter net Explorer, select [Tools] [Internet Options]. 2 \flic k the [General] tab, and click the [Delete...] button in “Browsing history”. 3 In the [Delete Bro\g wsing History] dialog box, set the check box of [Temporary Internet files] to ON, a\gnd click the [Delete] button. 4 \flic k the [OK] button. [When u\fing Mac OS X\g] 1 In Saf ari, select [Safari] [Empty \fache...]. 2 \flic k the [Empty] button in “Are you sure you want to empty the cache?” pop-up. ––– pIf “Every time I vi\fit the \gwebpage” i\f not \fe\bected for “Check for newer ver\fion\f of \ftored page\f” in the Temporary Internet Fi\be\f \fetting\f, the web \fetting \fcr\geen may not be di\fp\bayed proper\by. F ollow the steps below. 1 In Inter net Explorer, select [Tools] [Internet Options]. 2 \flic k the [General] tab, and click the [Settings] button in “Browsing history”. 3 In the [T emporary Internet Files and Histo\gry Settings] dialog box, under “\fheck for newer versions of stored p\gages”, set the radio button ON for [Every time I visit the\g webpage]. 4 \flic k the [OK] button. ––– Troub\be\fhooting(continued)

46 Troub\be\fhooting(continued) SymptomCau\fe and remedia\b a\gction Reference page\f The \fetting\f on the \g web \fetting \fcreen are not updated or\g di\fp\bayed proper\by pThe unit’\f port\f may be fi\btered by the firewa\b\b or other functi\gon of the anti-viru\f \foft\gware. \fhange the HTTP por\g t number of the unit \gto a port number which will not be filter\ged. ––– It i\f not po\f\fib\be to down\boad the \fetting fi\be\f pHa\f the fi\be do wn\boad function bee\gn di\fab\bed? F ollow the steps below. 1 In Inter net Explorer, select [Tools] [Internet Options]. 2 \flic k the [Security] tab, and click the [\fustom level...] button in “Security level for this zone”. 3 In the [Secur ity Settings] dialog\g box, under “File download”, set the [Enable] radio button to ON. 4 Set the [Enable] radio button of “Automatic prompting \gfor file downloads” to ON. 5 \flic k the [OK] button. 6 \flic k the [OK] button. –––

47 Operating Instructions pqVideo Symptom Cau\fe and remedia\b a\gction Reference page\f No picture\f are di\fp\bayed or the picture\f are di\fturb\ged pHa\f the unit been c\gonnected pr oper\by to the other conn\gected device\f? P.19 to 22 p If the \fy\ftem i\f conf\gigured in \fuc h a way that the picture \gi\f a\b\fo \fwitched when the unit \gto be operated i\f \f\ge\bected, ha\f the correct unit been \fe\bected? P.10 p Ha\f the video \figna\b\g \fetting been \fe\becte\gd correct\b y? P.47, P.80 The picture i\f f\bipp\ged vertica\b\bypHa\f the \ftand-a\bone \g(De\fktop) in\fta\b\bati\gon \fetting been \fe\be\gcted correct\b y? P.49, P.81 Mu\btip\be co\bor band\f \g (co\bor bar\f) are di\fp\bayed pSwitch to the camera pict\gure. P.14 The menu \fcreen i\f di\fp\bayedpExit the camera men u. P.32 to 39 It i\f difficu\bt to v\giew the menu \fcreen\f pDepending on the HD\gMI monitor y ou are u\fing, you may experience one or mo\gre of the \fymptom\f d\ge\fcribed be\bow. The\fe \fymptom\f are e\f\gpecia\b\by noticeab\be when any of the SD format\f i\f u\fed: Thi\f i\f norma\b and n\got indicative of an\gy troub\be. • The resolution of \gthe char acters in the came\gra menu displays changes as the background image changes. • Depending on the edge\g enhancement setti\gng estab lished for the monitor, white lines appe\gar in front of the\g black shadows of the camera menus. • Depending on the edge\g enhancement setti\gng estab lished for the monitor, the background colors may be superimposed onto the wh\gite parts of the camera menus. ––– No auto focu\fing pI\f the focu\f \fet to manua\b? A uto focusing is initiate\gd as soon as the focus is set to aut\go. P.14 p In \fome \fituation\f, it may be hard to focu\f at the auto \fet\gting. In cases lik e this, select the manual setting, and focus manually. P.16 The \fubject i\f not brought into focu\f during zooming when \g the manua\b \fetting i\f u\fed for the focu\f pWa\f the focu\f adju\fted at the\g Te\be end? First adjust the f ocus at the Tele end where the f\gocusing accuracy is higher, and then proceed w\gith the zooming. ––– p Under \fome operatin\gg condition\f, it may be hard to bring \fubject\f into focu\f. In such cases , use the focus at the auto s\getting. P.14 No focu\fing in the night mode pAre you \fhooting in vi\fib\g\be \bight? The f ocusing position dif\gfers between visible light conditions \gand infrared conditions due t\go the difference in the index of refraction. It is assumed with \gthis unit that the\g infrared light has a wavelength in the vicinity of\g 900 mm when the night m\gode is used. Focus manually as required. P.16 Troub\be\fhooting(continued)

48 SymptomCau\fe and remedia\b a\gction Reference page\f No image\f are output in the 1080/59.94p\g format pI\f the mode\b A W- HE60S being u\fed? 1080/59.94p video s\gignals cannot be us\ged with the model A W - HE60S. Use the model AW - HE60H instead. ––– p Ha\f “59.94p” been \fe\bected a\f th\ge Format \fetting? Select the F ormat setting after c\gompleting the upgrade. P.47, P.80 The image\f appear jerky when the 1080/29.97P\fF format i\f \fe\bectedpOperation i\f pr ob\bem-free. What happens with \gthe PsF (prog ressive segmented frame) system is that the\g same images as the\g progressive system are output by recording the same\g images in field 1 and field 2 so that the resulting image\gs may appear somewhat jerky. ––– Ring-\fhaped ref\bection\f appear \g in the four corner\f of the image\fpThe\fe are cau\fed b y the ref\bection\f of\g the \bight between \gthe \ben\f and the cover in front of the \ben\f. Find a way of optimizing the\g po\fition of the \bigh\gting re\bative to th\ge po\fition of the u\gnit, and in\fta\b\b and u\fe the \gunit in a \bocation \gwhere the ref\bectio\gn\f wi\b\b not occur. ––– Something i\f wrong with the co\boring of\g the picture\f pActivate the ATW (Auto tracking white adju\ftmen\gt) function. P.25 p In \fome \fituation\f, the proper co\bor\f may not be reproduced u\fing the ATW function. In cases lik e this, proceed with the \gwhite balance adjus\gtment. P.23 to 26 The picture\f are to\go \bight or too dark pEither \fe\bect the au\gto \fetting f or the iri\f or \fe\bec\gt the manua\b \fetting and adju\ft t\ghe iri\f manua\b\by. P.17 p The picture\f ma y be dark if the a\gna\bog video \figna\b ca\gb\be\f are too \bong becau\fe thi\f wi\b\g\b cau\fe \figna\b attenuation. ––– The image\f are in b\back and whitepI\f the night mode e\f\gtab \bi\fhed? In the night mode , the images are ou\gtput in black and white. P.41, P.44, P.74 The \fcreen i\f exce\f\five\by bright in the night mode pIn the night mode , the iri\f i\f \fet to \gopen a\f a theft pre\gvention mea\fure\f. Adju\ft the brightn\ge\f\f at the \bight \four\gce. P.41, P.44, P.74 The iri\f cannot be \g operated in the ni\gght mode The \fubject\f appear \g di\ftorted pSince thi\f camera u\fe\g\f an MOS ima ge device, the \fhooting timing\g differ\f \f\bight\by at the top \beft a\gnd bottom right of \gthe \fcreen. Thi\f mean\f that if a\g \fubject ha\f moved quick\by acro\f\f in front of the camera, it may appear \f\bight\by di\ftorted. Thi\f i\f norma\b and n\got indicative of an\gy prob\bem. ––– Troub\be\fhooting(continued)

49 Operating Instructions Troub\be\fhooting(continued) SymptomCau\fe and remedia\b a\gction Reference page\f When the f\ba\fh i\f fi\gred during \fhooting, on\by the top or bottom o\gf the \fcreen become\f \bighter pWith a MOS ima ge \fen\for, the \fhooting timing\g differ\f \f\bight\by between the top \bef\gt and bottom right \gof the \fcreen. Thi\f mean\f that when\g the f\ba\fh i\f fired,\g the bottom of the \g\fcreen wi\b\b become \bighter i\gn the fie\bd concerne\gd and the top wi\b\b \gbecome \bighter in the next fie\bd. Thi\f i\f norma\b and n\got indicative of an\gy prob\bem. ––– The brightne\f\f change\f cyc\bica\b\by or the co\bor\f change, and horizonta\b \ftri\gpe\f can be \feen pa\f\fing acro\f\f the \fcreenpThe\fe phenomena (f\bi\gc ker) may occur under the i\g\b\bumination produced by f\buore\fcent \bightin\gg, mercury bu\bb\f or other type\f \gof di\fcharge tube\f. In ca\fe\f \bike thi\f, it i\f recommended t\ghat the e\bectronic \fhutter \fpeed be \fet to 1/1\g00 in area\f where t\ghe power \bine frequency i\f 50 Hz and that the e\be\gctronic \fhutter be \fet \gto OFF in area\f whe\gre the power \bine frequency i\f 60 Hz. ––– When fine \bine\f or \g cyc\bica\b pattern\f are \fhot, f\bickering i\f \feen or co\boring i\f added to thempThi\f phenomenon occu\gr \f becau\fe the pixe\b\f are arranged \fy\ftematica\b\by on each image \fen\for. It i\f noticeab\be when the \fpatia\b frequency of a \fubject and \gthe pixe\b pitch are brought into proximity \fo change the camera ang\be o\gr take other \fuch action. –––

50 pqIP video\f Symptom Cau\fe and remedia\b a\gction Reference page\f No image\f are di\fp\bayed pHa\f the p\bug-in vie wer \foftware been i\gn\fta\b\bed? Install the plug-in\g vie wer software. P.41 pI\f the DirectX ver \fion 9.0c or above? \fhec k the DirectX version by taking the following steps: 1 F rom the Start menu of the personal \gcomputer, select [Run...]. 2 Input “dxdiag,” and click the [OK] button. If the version used is lower than 9.0c, obtain the lates\gt version of DirectX from \bicros\goft’s home page. ––– pIf “Every time I vi\fit the \gwebpage” i\f not \fe\bected for “Check for newer ver\fion\f of \ftored page\f” in the Temporary Internet Fi\be\f \fetting\f, the IP video\f on t\ghe Live \fcreen may not be di\fp\bayed proper\by. F ollow the steps below. 1 In Inter net Explorer, select [Tools] [Internet Options]. 2 \flic k the [General] tab, and click the [Settings] button in “Browsing history”. 3 In the [T emporary Internet Files and Histo\gry Settings] dialog box, under “\fheck for newer versions of stored p\gages”, set the radio button ON for [Every time I visit the\g webpage]. 4 \flic k the [OK] button. ––– The image\f are b\burredpHa\f the focu\f been adju\fted c\gorrect\by? \fhec k the focus adjustment. ––– The image\f are not refre\fhed pThe image\f may not be refre\fhed \gor other troub\be may occur with \fome web brow\fer\f or their ver\fion which i\f being u\fed. ––– p Ima ge di\fp\bay may be \fu\fpended if t\ghe network i\f conge\fted or the unit i\f being a\gcce\f\fed exce\f\five\by. F ollow the steps below. [When u\fing Window\f] Press the [F5] key on the keyboard of the perso\gnal computer to request that the s\gettings be acquired.\g [When u\fing Mac OS X\g] Press the [\fommand] \g+ [R] keys on the keyboard of the perso\gnal computer to reques\gt that the settings\g be acquired. ––– Troub\be\fhooting(continued)