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Nokia 3620 User Guide

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Page 71

[ 62 ] When you are viewing images, they are scaled to fit the display, which 
has 176x208 pixels. This means that Standard and Night mode pictures 
will appear more detailed when viewed on a higher resolution screen, 
for example, a computer or when zoomed in Images. 
Note: Resolution—A measure for the sharpness and clarity of an 
image. Resolution refers to the number of dots (pixels) in an image 
or a display. The more pixels there are, the more detailed the 
picture is. Resolution is usually...

Page 72

[ 63 ]Camera and images
Go to Menu→ Images.
Images allows you to view, organize, delete, 
and send photos and pictures stored in 
your phone. 
In Images you can organize photos: 
Taken with the camera.
Sent to your Inbox in a multimedia 
or a picture message, as an e-mail 
attachment, through an infrared or 
Bluetooth connection. After receiving 
the image in Inbox, you need to save it in Images.
In the Images main view, you can see a list of photos and folders. 
The list...

Page 73

[ 64 ] 2To browse the images, press   and  . 
3Press   to open an image. When the image is open, you can see the 
name of the image and the number of images in the folder on the top 
of the display.
When you are viewing an image, pressing   or   takes you to the next 
or previous picture in the current folder.
You can view animated GIF files in the same way as other images. Animations 
are played only once. When an animation stops, you will see a fixed image. 
To view the animation again, you must close...

Page 74

[ 65 ]Camera and images
Select Options→ Rotate→ Left to rotate an image 90 degrees 
counterclockwise or Right to rotate the image clockwise. The rotation 
status is not stored permanently.
Rotate: 2 key—counterclockwise, 9 key—clockwise.
Scroll: —up, —down, —left, —right.
Zoom: 1 key—zoom in, 0 key—zoom out. Press and hold to return to 
the normal view.
Change between full screen and normal view: the * key.
To view the detailed information about an image,...

Page 75

[ 66 ]
Send images
You can send photos or images by different messaging services.
1Scroll to the image you want to send and select Options→ Send. 
2Then select the method. The choices are Via multimedia, Via e-mail, 
Via infrared, or Via Bluetooth.
If you select to send the image in an e-mail or a multimedia 
message, an editor opens. Press   to select the recipient(s) from 
the Contacts directory or write the phone number or e-mail 
address of the recipient in the To: field. Add text or sound and...

Page 76

[ 67 ]Video recorder
7 Video recorder
Go to Menu→ Video recorder.
Note: Obey all local laws governing the taking of videos. Do not use 
this feature illegally. Your phone must be switched on to use the 
Video recorder. Do not switch the phone on when wireless phone 
use is prohibited or when it may cause interference or danger.
With the Video recorder you can record video clips, and play video clips 
stored on your phone or on a memory card. Also, the Video recorder is 
integrated with the messaging...

Page 77

[ 68 ]
To watch a video clip from the Video recorder video clip list:
1Open the Video recorder.
2Scroll to a video clip and select Options→ Play.
Once a video clip is playing, you have similar options available to you as 
when playing a video clip in RealOne Player™. See “RealOne Player™” on 
p. 69.
Send video clips
You can send video clips by using the Send 
option from your video clip list.
1Scroll to the video clip you want to send 
and select Options→ Send.
2Select Via...

Page 78

[ 69 ]RealOne Player™
8 RealOne Player™
Go to Menu→ RealOne Player.
With the RealOne Player you can play media 
files stored in the phone’s memory or on a 
memory card, play music and video files, or 
stream live content from the internet. 
Options in list view are: Play, Open, Rename, 
Delete, Move to folder, New folder, Mark/
Unmark, Send, Add to Favorites, Settings, 
Help, About product, and Exit.
RealOne Player uses shared memory. 
See “Shared memory” on p. 20.
Note: Streaming is playing sound or...

Page 79

[ 70 ] To play a media file directly from the internet:
1Select Options→ Open→ URL address.
2Enter the URL of the site from which you 
want to play or stream content.
Before your media file or stream begins playing, 
your phone will connect to the site and load 
the file.
Note: Buffering is the temporary 
storage of a part of your streaming 
content into the phone’s memory 
before it is played.
Media guide
You can open a browser page that allows you to access a media guide 
with links to streaming media...

Page 80

[ 71 ]RealOne Player™
Volume control
To increase the volume press  , or to decrease the volume press  .
To mute the sound press   and hold until the   indicator is displayed.
To turn on the sound press   and hold until you see the   indicator.
You can send media files by using the Send option from your video clip list.
1Scroll to the file you want to send and select Options→ Send.
2Select Via infrared, Via Bluetooth, Via multimedia or Via e-mail.
To change the...
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