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Nikon Camera D610 Users Manual

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Page 321

❚❚Other Flash Units
The following flash units can be used in non-TTL auto and manual modes.
Flash unitSB-80DX, SB-28DX, SB-28, 
SB-26, SB-25, SB-24SB-50DX1SB-30, SB-272, SB-22S, 
SB-22, SB-20, SB-16B, SB-15SB-23, SB-293, 
SB-21B3, SB-29S3Flash mode
ANon-TTL auto ✔— ✔ —
M Manual ✔✔ ✔ ✔
G Repeating flash ✔—— —
REAR Rear-curtain sync
4✔✔ ✔ ✔
1 Select mode  P,  S,  A , or  M, lower built-in flash, and us e optional flash unit only.
2 Flash mode is automatically set to  TTL and shutter-release is...

Page 322

DNotes on Optional Flash Units
Refer to the Speedlight manual  for detailed instructions.
 If the flash unit supports CLS, refer 
to the section on CLS-compatible digital SLR cameras.
 The D610 is not included in the 
“digital SLR” category in the SB-8 0DX, SB-28DX, and SB-50DX manuals.
If an optional flash unit is attach ed in shooting modes other than  j, the flash will fire with 
every shot, even in modes in which the built-in flash can not be used.
 Note that optional 
flash units can not be...

Page 323

Other Accessories
At the time of writing, the following accessories were available for the D610.
Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL15  (0 21, 23): Additional EN-EL15 batteries are 
available from local retailers and Nikon-authorized service representatives.
• Battery Charger MH-25  (0 21): Recharge EN-EL15 batteries.
• Multi-Power Battery Pack MB-D14 : The MB-D14 is equipped with a shutter-release 
button,  AAE/AF lock button, multi select or, and main- and sub-command 
dials for...

Page 324

Capture NX 2 : A complete photo editing package with such advanced editing 
features as selection control points and an auto retouch brush.
• Camera Control Pro 2 : Control the camera remotely from a computer to record 
movies and photographs and save photographs directly to the computer hard 
Note : Use the latest versions of Nikon soft ware; see the websites listed on page 
xxiii for the latest information on supported operating systems.
 At default 
settings, Nikon Message Center...

Page 325

Attaching a Power Connector and AC Adapter
Turn the camera off before attaching an optional power connector and AC adapter.
1Ready the camera.
Open the battery-chamber (q) and power 
connector ( w) covers.
2Insert the EP-5 B power connector.
Be sure to insert the connector in the orientation 
shown, using the connector to keep the orange 
battery latch pressed to one side.
 The latch locks 
the connector in place when the connector is 
fully inserted.
3Close the battery-chamber cover.
Position the...

Page 326

Caring for the Camera
When the camera will not be used for an extended period, replace the monitor cover, 
remove the battery, and store the battery in a cool, dry area with the terminal cover 
in place.
 To prevent mold or mildew, store the camera in a dry, well-ventilated area. 
Do not store your camera with naphtha or camphor moth balls or in locations that:
• are poorly ventilated or subject to humidities of over 60%
• are next to equipment that produces strong electromagnetic fields,...

Page 327

The Low-Pass Filter
The image sensor that acts as the camera’s picture element is fitted with a low-pass 
filter to prevent moiré.
 If you suspect that dirt or dust on the filter is appearing in 
photographs, you can clean the filter using the  Clean image sensor option in the 
setup menu.
 The filter can be cleaned at any time using the  Clean now option, or 
cleaning can be performed automatically when the camera is turned on or off.
❚❚ “Clean Now”
1Select  Clean image sensor  in the setup...

Page 328

❚❚“Clean at Startup/Shutdown”
Choose from the following options:
1Select  Clean at startup/shutdown .
Display the Clean image sensor  menu as 
described in Step 2 on the previous page.
Highlight  Clean at startup/shutdown  and 
press 2.
2Select an option.
Highlight an option and press  J.
5 Clean at startup The image sensor is automatically cleaned each time the camera is 
turned on.
6 Clean at 
shutdown The image sensor is automatically cleaned during shutdown each time 

Page 329

❚❚Manual Cleaning
If foreign matter can not be removed from the low-pass filter using the  Clean image 
sensor  option in the setup menu ( 0301), the filter can be cleaned manually as 
described below.
 Note, however, that the filter is extremely delicate and easily 
 Nikon recommends that the filter be  cleaned only by Nikon-authorized 
service personnel.
1Charge the battery or connect an AC adapter.
A reliable power source is required when inspecting or cleaning the low-pass 

Page 330

5Raise the mirror.
Press the shutter-release button all the way 
 The mirror will be raised and the 
shutter curtain will open, revealing the low-
pass filter.
 The display in the viewfinder will 
turn off and the row of dashes  in the control panel will flash.
6Examine the low-pass filter.
Holding the camera so that ligh t falls on the low-pass filter, 
examine the filter for dust or lint.
 If no foreign objects are 
present, proceed to Step 8.
7Clean the filter.
Remove any dust and lint...
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