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Nikon Camera D610 Users Manual

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Page 271

This option controls the operation of the main and sub-command dials.
•Reverse rotation : Reverse the direction of rotation of the 
command dials when they are used to make adjustments to 
Exposure compensation  and/or Shutter speed/aperture .
Highlight options and press the mu lti selector right to select 
or deselect, then highlight  Done and press  J.
 This setting 
also applies to the command dials for the MB-D14.
• Change main/sub : If Off  is selected, the main command dial 

Page 272

Selecting Ye s allows adjustments that are normally made by holding the  E,  M (Y ), 
W  (S ), X (T ), L  (U ), AF-mode,  Z (Q ), or  D button and rotating a 
command dial to be made by  rotating the command dial after the button is released 
(this also applies to the  Fn and depth-of-field preview buttons if they have been 
assigned  Active D-Lighting  using Custom Setting f2,  Assign Fn button, or Custom 
Setting f3,  Assign preview button ).
 Setting ends when any of the affected buttons 

Page 273

Choose the function assigned to the AAE-L/AF-L  
button on the optional  MB-D14 battery pack.
Choose the role played by the  Fn button during movie live  view (the default option is 
None ).
f9: Assign MB-D14  4 ButtonG  button ➜ACustom Settings menu
B AE/AF lock Focus and exposure lock while the MB-D14  AAE-L/AF-L  button is pressed.
C AE lock only Exposure locks while the MB-D14  AAE-L/AF-L  button is pressed.
E AE lock (Hold) Exposure locks when the MB-D14 
AAE-L/AF-L  button...

Page 274

Choose the role played by the depth-of-field preview button during movie live view. 
The options available are the same as for Assign Fn button (0 247), except that the 
default setting is  Index marking.
Choose the role played by the  AAE-L/AF-L  button during movie live view.
 The options 
available are the same as for  Assign Fn button (0 247), except that the default 
setting is  AE/AF lock .
Choose the role played by pressing the shutter-release button when  1 is selected 
with the live view...

Page 275

BThe Setup Menu:  Camera Setup
To display the setup menu, press  G and select the  B (setup menu) tab.
The setup menu contains the following options:
1 Not available when battery is low.
2 Only displayed when compatible Eye-Fi memory card is inserted ( 0260).
Format memory card 250
Save user settings 81
Reset user settings 82
Monitor brightness 250
Clean image sensor 301
Lock mirror up for cleaning
Image Dust Off ref photo 251
HDMI 205
Flicker reduction 252
Time zone and date...

Page 276

To begin formatting, choose a memory card slot and select Ye s. 
Note that formatting permanently  deletes all pictures and other 
data on the card in the selected slot .
 Before formatting, be sure to 
make backup copies as required.
Adjust the brightness of the monitor for playback, menus, and the information 
Format Memory CardG  button ➜Bsetup menu
DDuring Formatting
Do not turn the camera off or remove memory cards during formatting .
ATwo-Button Format
Memory cards can also be...

Page 277

Acquire reference data for the Image Dust Off option in Capture NX 2 (available 
separately; for more information, see the Capture NX 2 manual).
Image Dust Off ref photo is available only when a CPU lens is mounted on the 
 A non-DX lens with a focal length of at least 50 mm is recommended. When 
using a zoom lens, zoom all the way in.
1Choose a start option.
Highlight one of the following options and press 
J .
 To exit without acquiring image dust off data, 
press  G.
• Start : The...

Page 278

3Acquire dust off reference data.
Press the shutter-release button the rest of the way down to acquire Image Dust 
Off reference data.
 The monitor turns off when the shutter-release button is 
 Note that noise reduction will be performed if the subject is poorly lit, 
increasing recording times.
If the reference object is too bright or too dark, the camera 
may be unable to acquire Image Dust Off reference data 
and the message shown at right will be displayed.
another reference...

Page 279

Change time zones, set the camera clock,  choose the date display order, and turn 
daylight saving time on or off ( 027).
Choose a language for camera menus and messages.
Add a comment to new photographs as they are taken.
 Comments can be viewed as 
metadata in ViewNX 2 (supplied) or  Capture NX 2 (available separately; 0298).
comment is also visible on  the shooting data page in the photo information display 
( 0 182).
• Done : Save changes and return to the setup menu.
• Input comment :...

Page 280

Photographs taken while On is selected contain information on camera orientation, 
allowing them to be rotated au tomatically during playback (0177) or when viewed 
in ViewNX 2 (supplied) or in Ca pture NX 2 (available separately;  0298).
following orientations are recorded:
Camera orientation is not recorded when  Off is selected.
 Choose this option when 
panning or taking photographs with the lens pointing up or down.
Auto Image RotationG  button ➜Bsetup menu
Landscape (wide) 
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