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Nikon Camera D610 Users Manual

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Page 231

❚❚HDMI Options
The  HDMI  option in the setup menu ( 0249) controls output resolution and can be 
used to enable the camera for remote control from devices that support HDMI-CEC 
( H igh- Definition  Multimedia  Interface– Consumer  Electronics  Control, a standard 
that allows HDMI devices to be used to control peripherals to which they are 
Output Resolution
Choose the format for images output to the HDMI device.
If  Auto  is selected, the camera will automatically select 

Page 232


Page 233

Menu Guide
To display the playback menu, press G and select the  D (playback menu) tab.
The playback menu contains the following options:
Choose a folder for playback ( 0177):
D The Playback Menu:  Managing Images
G button
Delete 190
Playback folder 207
Hide image 208
Playback display options 209
Copy image(s) 209
Image review212
After delete 212
Rotate tall 212
Slide show 213
DPOF print order 202
ASee Also
Menu defaults are  listed on page 312.
Playback FolderG button ➜Dplayback...

Page 234

H ide or reveal pic tures. Hidden pictures are visible only in the Hide image menu and 
can only be deleted by fo rmatting the memory card.
Follow the steps below to hide or reveal selected pictures.
1Choose  Select/set .
Highlight Select/set  and press 2.
2Select pictures.
Use the multi selector to scroll through the 
pictures on the memory card (to view the 
highlighted picture full screen, press and 
hold the  X (T ) button; to view images in 
other locations as described on page 178, 
hold  D...

Page 235

Choose the information available in the playback 
photo information display (0179).
 Press  1 or  3 
to highlight an option, then press  2 to select the 
option for the photo information display.
 A  L 
appears next to selected  items; to deselect, 
highlight and press  2.
 To return to the playback 
menu, highlight  Done and press  J.
Copy pictures from one memory card to another.
 This option is only available when 
two memory cards are inserted in the camera.
1Choose  Select source .

Page 236

3Choose Select image(s) .
Highlight Select image(s)  and press 2.
4Select the source folder.
Highlight the folder containing the images 
to be copied and press  2.
5Make the initial selection.
Before going on to select or deselect 
individual images, you can mark all or all 
protected images in the folder for copying 
by choosing  Select all images  or Select 
protected images .
 To  m a r k  o n l y  
individually selected images for copying, 
choose  Deselect all  before proceeding.

Page 237

8Select a destination folder.
To enter a folder number, choose Select 
folder by number , enter the number 
( 0 215), and press  J.
 If the folder with the 
selected number does not already exist, a 
new folder will be created.
To choose from a list of existing folders, 
choose  Select folder from list , highlight a 
folder, and press  J.
9Copy the images.
Highlight  Copy image(s)?  and press J.
A confirmation dialog will be displayed; 
highlight  Ye s and press  J.
 Press  J again to 
exit when...

Page 238

Choose whether pictures are automatically displayed in the 
monitor immediately after shooting.
 If Off  is selected, pictures 
can only be displayed by pressing the  K button.
Choose the picture displayed after an image is deleted.
Choose whether to rotate “tall” (portrait-orientation) pictures 
for display during playback.
 Note that because  the camera itself 
is already in the appropriate orientation during shooting, 
images are not rotated automatically during image review.
Image ReviewG...

Page 239

Create a slide show of the pictures in the current playback folder (0207). Hidden 
images ( 0208) are not displayed.
To start the slide show, highlight  Start and press  J.
 The following operations can be 
performed while the slid e show is in progress:
The dialog shown at right is displayed when the show ends.
Select  Restart  to restart or  Exit to return to the playback menu.
Slide ShowG  button ➜Dplayback menu
Start Start slide show.
Image type Choose type of image...

Page 240

CThe Shooting Menu:  Shooting Options
To display the shooting menu, press  G and select the  C (shooting menu) tab.
The shooting menu contains the following options:
Note : Depending on camera settings, some items may be grayed out and unavailable. For 
information on the options available  in each shooting mode, see page 309.
Select Ye s to restore shooting menu options to their default 
values ( 0312).
G  button
Reset shooting menu 214
Storage folder 215
File naming 216
Role played by...
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