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Nikon Camera D610 Users Manual

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Page 281

View information on the battery currently inserted in the 
Battery InfoG button ➜Bsetup menu
Charge The current battery level expressed as a percentage.
No. of shots The number of times the shutter has b
een released with the current battery 
since the battery was last charged.
 Note that the camera may sometimes 
release the shutter without recording a photograph, for example when 
measuring preset white balance.
Battery age A five-level display showing battery age.
 0 (

Page 282

Add copyright information to new photographs as they are taken. Copyright 
information is included in  the shooting data shown in the photo information display 
( 0 182) and can be viewed as  metadata in ViewNX 2 (supplied) or in Capture NX 2 
(available separately;  0298).
• Done : Save changes and return to the setup menu.
• Artist : Enter a photographer name as described on page 135.
names can be up to 36 characters long.
• Copyright : Enter the name of the copyright holder as...

Page 283

Select Save settings  to save the following settings to the memory card in Slot 1 
( 0 96; if the card is full, an error will be displayed).
 Use this option to share settings 
among D610 cameras.
Settings saved using this model of camera can be restored by selecting  Load 
settings .
 Note that  Save/load settings  is only available when a memory card is 
inserted in the camera, and that the  Load settings option is only available if the card 
contains saved settings.
Save/Load SettingsG  button...

Page 284

Display roll and pitch information based on information from the camera tilt sensor. 
If the camera is tilted neither left nor right, the roll reference line will turn green, while 
if the camera is tilted neither forward nor back, the pitch reference line will turn green 
and a dot will appear in the center of the display.
 Each division is equivalent to 5°.
Virtual HorizonG button ➜Bsetup menu
Camera level Camera tilted left or 
rightCamera tilted forward 
or back
DTilting the Camera
The virtual...

Page 285

Fine-tune focus for up to 12 lens types. AF tuning is not recommended in most 
situations and may interfere with normal focus; use only when required. 
AF Fine-tuneG button ➜Bsetup menu
AF fine-tune  (On/Off ) •
On : Turn AF tuning on.
• Off : Turn AF tuning off.
Saved value Tune AF for the current lens (CPU lenses only). 
1 or  3 to choose a value between +20 and 
–20. Values for up to 12 lens types can be stored. 
Only one value can be stored for each type of lens....

Page 286

This option is displayed only when an Eye-Fi memory card (available separately from 
third-party suppliers) is inserted in the camera.
 Choose Enable to upload 
photographs to a preselected destination.
 Note that pictures will not be uploaded if 
signal strength is insufficient.
Observe all local laws concerning wireless devices and choose  Disable where 
wireless devices are prohibited.
When an Eye-Fi card is inserted, its status is indicated by an icon 
in the information display:
• d: Eye-Fi...

Page 287

NThe Retouch Menu: 
Creating Retouched Copies
To display the retouch menu, press  G and select the  N (retouch menu) tab.
The options in the retouch menu are used to  create trimmed or retouched copies of 
existing pictures.
 The retouch menu is only displayed when a memory card 
containing photographs is inse rted in the camera (note that if the memory card is 
being used to store both RAW/NEF and JP EG copies of the same photographs as 
described on page 93 , retouch other than Image overlay and...

Page 288

Creating Retouched Copies
To  c r e a t e  a  r e t o u c h e d  c o p y :
1Select an item in the retouch menu.
Press 1 or  3 to highlight an item,  2 to select.
2Select a picture.
Highlight a picture and press  J (to view the 
highlighted picture full screen, press and hold the 
X  (T ) button; to view images in other 
locations as described on page 178, hold  D and 
press  1).
3Select retouch options.
For more information, see the section for the 
selected item.
 To exit without creating a...

Page 289

ACreating Retouched Copies During Playback
Retouched copies can also be created during playback.
Display picture full frame and  press  J or  c (b ). Highlight an option and 
pressJ. Create retouched copy. 

Page 290

D-lighting brightens shadows, making it ideal for dark or backlit photographs.
Press 1 or  3 to choose the amount of correction performed.
The effect can be previewed in the edit display. Press  J to copy 
the photograph.
This option is used to correct “red-eye” caus ed by the flash, and is available only with 
photographs taken using the flash.
 The photograph selected for red-eye correction 
can be previewed in the edit display.
 Confirm the effects of red-eye correction and 
create a copy as...
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