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NEC Xl 6500 Projector User Manual

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Page 51

Enables you to adjust the brightness of the lamp.
Items to select
¥ Normal ---------------- Normally select this mode.
¥ High Bright ----------- Select this mode to increase the brightness
of the lamp.
NOTE: The High Bright mode shortens the lamp life. Be sure to use
this mode at temperature 95° F (35° C) or less.
Lamp Mode
Lamp Power

Page 52

Set Option
n Entering Passcode
To prevent any unauthorized operation or mis-adjustment, the
projector is equipped with a passcode option. If your passcode has
not been entered correctly, the ÒAdjustmentÓ  menu will not be
displayed. When the ADJUST button is pressed, and no passcode has
been entered, the ÒPasscode?Ó screen is displayed. Enter your
To do this, proceed as follows:
1Press the ADJUST button.
¥  The ÒPasscode?Ó screen is displayed.
2Enter the four digit...

Page 53

n Registering Passcode
When the projector is shipped from the factory, no passcode is
registered. If you want to use the passcode option, you must register
a passcode.
To register a new passcode, proceed as follows:
1Press the ADJUST button.
¥ The ÒAdjustmentÓ menu will be displayed.
2Use the CURSOR 
or button to highlight the Ò8.Set OptionÓ
menu. Press ENTER to display the Set Option menu.
3Use the CURSOR 
or button to highlight the Ò1.PasscodeÓ
line. Press ENTER to display the ÒPasscode SettingÓ...

Page 54

6Enter the new passcode again.
1) Each time you press the INPUT button, an asterisk will appear
next to the ÒConfirm New Passcode?Ó message.
2) Once you have finished entering the new four digit passcode,
press ENTER.
NOTE: If you have made an error, press the NORMAL button
to delete the asterisk Ò*Ó. Then re-enter the correct passcode.
To delete all the entered digits, hold down the CTL button
then press the NORMAL button.
3) If the entered passcode is correct, the ÒChange Passcode...

Page 55

n Changing Your Passcode
To change your passcode, proceed as follows:
1Press the ADJUST button.
¥ The ÒPasscode?Ó screen will be displayed.
2Enter the four digit current passcode using the Ò1Ó through Ò10Ó
buttons. Press ENTER.
¥ The ÒAdjustmentÓ menu will be displayed.
3Use the CURSOR 
or button to highlight the Ò8. Set
OptionÓ menu. Press ENTER to display the ÒSet OptionÓ menu.
4Use the CURSOR 
or button to select Ò1. PasscodeÓ. Press
ENTER to display the ÒPasscode SettingÓ menu.
5Use the CURSOR 

Page 56

7Enter a new passcode using the Ò1Ó through Ò10Ó buttons.
1) Each time you press the INPUT button, an asterisk will appear
next to the ÒNew Passcode?Ó message.
2) Once you have finished entering the four digit new passcode,
press ENTER.
NOTE: If you have made an error, press the NORMAL button
to delete the asterisk Ò*Ó. Then re-enter the correct passcode.
To delete all the entered digits, hold down the CTL button
thenpress the NORMAL button.
3) If the passcode has been entered correctly,...

Page 57

1. Source Registry
2. Amplitude
3. White Balance
4. Signal Level
5. Uniformity
6. Display Function
7. Lamp Mode
8. Set Option
-Set Option-
1. Passcode
2. Setting Mode
3. Menu Mode
4. Execute Mode
Passcode Setting
Current Passcode [       ]
n Canceling Your Passcode
To cancel the passcode, proceed as follows:
1Press the ADJUST button and then enter your passcode.
¥ The ÒPasscode?Ó screen will be displayed.
2Enter the four digit current passcode using the Ò1Ó through Ò10Ó...

Page 58

7Use the CURSOR 
or button to select Yes and then press
Items to select
¥ Yes ---------------- When selecting ÒYesÓ, the current passcode
will be canceled. You will not be required to
re-enter your passcode when you press the
ADJUST button to re-enter the ADJUST
¥ No ----------------- When selecting ÒNoÓ, the current passcode
will remain in effect.
Your passcode has been cancelled. 

Page 59

Setting Mode
Enables you to set various items.
To do, follow the steps below.
1. Press the ADJUST button to display the Adjustment menu.
2. Use the CURSOR 
or button to select Ò8. Set OptionÓ menu.
Press ENTER.
3. Use the CURSOR 
or button to select Ò2. Setting ModeÓ
menu. Press ENTER.
Proceed to the following steps.
n PJ Orientation
This feature allows you to set the installation type according to the
projection configuration.
1Use the CURSOR
orbutton to select the ÒPJ ORIENTA-
TIONÓ item, then press...

Page 60

n Default Source Select
-Setting Mode-
1. PJ Orientation
2. Default Source Select
3. S-Video Mode Select
4. Video System Select
5. Auto Data Store
6. Option Terminal Speed
7. Uniformity Switching
Setting Mode
PJ Orientation
Default Mode Select
S-Video Mode Select
Video System Select
Auto Data Store
Option Terminal Speed[Ceiling/Front    ]
[S2              ]
[Disable        ]
[38400 BPS    ]
[Disable        ]
[Disable        ]Manual
  NTSC3.58 Default
Uniformity White...
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