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NEC Ucd-Xl Installation Guide

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NDA-30078   Revision 1.0Page 19
UCD-XL Installation Guide Installation
4. Type the number corresponding to the MCI message set you want, and press 
For either MCI option, you must also configure the PBX to enable the MCI. See 
MAT Assignments, on page 47.
The installation software displays the following message:
=39 ]UccQWU cUd gY\\ RU,=39 ]UccQWU cUd.
where  is the MCI message set you selected.
5. The installation software issues the prompt
C`USYVi TUfYSU ^Q]U _V dXU =39 `_bd d_ dXU @2H ´aµ d_...

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Installation UCD-XL Installation Guide
9. The installation software issues the command
CU\USd dXU `QbYdi _V dXU @2Hµc =39 `_bd Vb_] V_\\_gY^W \Ycd*
K M ^_^U
KaM aeYd Y^cdQ\\QdY_^
The installation software issues the prompt
5^dUb RbQS[UdUT fQ\eU .
10. Type the number corresponding to the parity you want, and press Enter.
The parity must match the configuration on the PBX side. See MAT 
Assignments, on page 47.
11. The installation software issues the...

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UCD-XL Installation Guide Installation
13. The installation software issues the prompt
C`USYVi TUfYSU ^Q]U _V dXU =39 `_bd d_ dXU F=C ´aµ d_ aeYd .
To quit the installation, type q and press Enter.
14. Type the UNIX device name (must be different from the device name for the 
port to the PBX) of the MCI port to the VMS, and press Enter. 
If the specified device does not exist, is the same as the device name for the PBX 
port, or corresponds to the virtual terminal you...

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Installation UCD-XL Installation Guide
21. Enter the number of digits (from 1 to 4) comprising an office code. UCD-XL 
will use this value to truncate or erase any office code that precedes an extension 
number identifying a calling, called, or intermediate party. If you specify 0 (the 
default), office codes will be included in MCI messages to the VMS. 
22. The installation software displays one of the following messages, depending 
upon your responses:
?VVYSU S_TUc _V...

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UCD-XL Installation Guide Installation
MessengerUCD-XL uses Messengers to check the statuses of the ports of its UCD groups, and 
to connect calls to the ports. At least one Messenger is required; a total of three 
Messengers may be needed as call traffic increases.
To configure the UCD-XL Messenger(s), perform the following steps.
1. The installation software issues the command
DXU aeQ^dYdi _V =UccU^WUbc Yc b_eWX\i RQcUT e`_^
SQ\\ dbQVVYS f_\e]Uc CU\USd Vb_]...

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Installation UCD-XL Installation Guide
7. The installation software displays the following message for each Messenger
=UccU^WUb ncXQ\\ RU ^Q]UT,=UccU^WUb n^Q]U.
where n is the number of a specific Messenger (maximum of 3), and 
 is the name assigned to that Messenger.
8. If you have just configured the UCD-XL Monitor, the installation continues 
with step 15. Otherwise, the installation software issues the command
CU\USd dXU c_ebSU Q^T TUcdY^QdY_^ \Y^[c Vb_] dXU...

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UCD-XL Installation Guide Installation
15. The installation software issues the prompt
9c dXYc S_^VYWebQdY_^ _V dXU =UccU^WUbc QSSU`dQR\U/ i _b ^
If you need to change something in this configuration, type n and press Enter.
Installation of the UCD-XL Messenger(s) starts over at step 1.
If you are satisfied with this configuration, type y and press Enter.
16. The installation software displays the following message:
_QYedY\cQed_SVW be^^Y^W
For each Messenger, the...

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Installation UCD-XL Installation Guide
AdministratorThe UCD-XL Administrator generates statistics and traces call activity within 
UCD-XL. The UCD-XL Administrator is required only if statistics will be 
To configure the UCD-XL Administrator, perform the following steps.
1. The installation software displays the message
DXU bUS_]]U^TUT ^Q]U V_b dXU S_]`_^U^d Yc E34H is the name assigned to the Administrator.
5. The installation software issues the...

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UCD-XL Installation Guide Installation
7. The installation software displays the message
DXU dUb]Y^Q\ TUfYSU gY\\ RU TUf,dUb]Y^Q\ TUfYSU ^Q]U.
where  is the device name assigned to the 
Administrator’s terminal.
8. The installation software issues the command
CU\USd dXU dUb]Y^Q\ di`U Vb_] V_\\_gY^W \Ycd*
KM fd!  
K)M _dXUb c`USYVi
KaM aeYd Y^cdQ\\QdY_^
The installation software issues the prompt
5^dUb RbQS[UdUT fQ\eU .
9. Type the number corresponding to...

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Installation UCD-XL Installation Guide
16. Type the desired number of lines comprising a page in a statistics report. The 
minimum quantity is 10 lines. If no value is specified, 60 lines are used. If the 
value is valid, the installation software displays the message
1 bU`_bd gY\\ XQfU ,. \Y^Uc `Ub `QWU
17. If the Monitor is configured, the installation continues with step 20. Otherwise, 
the installation software issues the prompt
5^dUb dXU ^Q]U _V dXU =_^Yd_b Qc [^_g^...
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