Communications System
NEC Property Management System Communication Interface Specification
NEC Property Management System Communication Interface Specification
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NDA-30115 Revision 1.0Page 1 Property Management System - Communication Interface Overview Chapter 1 Overview This document is a description of the interface between the NEC NEAX2400 IMS (hereafter referred to as the NEAX) and the hotel’s Property Management System (PMS). This document contains almost all (see below) of the information specified in the NEAX2400 IMS Hotel System PMS Interface Specifications (document ND- 90265 (E) Issue 2), and is intended to replace it. The PMS and NEAX may communicate using either an asynchronous or bisynchronous (BSC) method over a serial line. The transmission protocols are thoroughly described in the Architecture section. The descriptions of the messages transmitted are in the Descriptions section. The formats of the messages are in the Formats section. For a complete list of all messages, please see Appendix C, “Feature Codes” and Appendix D, “Function Codes”. Information specified in the NEAX2400 IMS Hotel System PMS Interface Specifications document, but not included in this document are the messages specific to Model 120. Those messages are 56-3, 61-2, 58-1, 58-2, 58-3, 58-4 and 58-5. These messages are for the Directory Assistance Interface [D-88] feature, which is not used in the United States.
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NDA-30115 Revision 1.0Page 3 Property Management System - Communication Interface Architecture Chapter 2 Architecture The PMS communicates with the NEAX over one or more serial cables. A maximum of three lines can be provided as data links between the NEAX and the PMS. The three lines are designated as Line 1, Line 2 and Line 3. Line 1 is used for Hotel Processing messages; Line 2 and Line 3 are used for Interactive messages. Hotel Processing messages, such as Check In, Check Out and Message Waiting Lamp control, have less severe real-time requirements than interactive messages. Line 1 is only utilized for these messages and they will never be sent over Line 2 or Line 3. Interactive messages are the Direct Data Entry messages and Maid Status Answerback messages. These messages require real-time interaction between the PMS and the NEAX and can therefore be isolated from the Hotel Processing messages. If Line 2 is installed, these messages will be transmitted over that line. If Line 2 and Line 3 are installed, these messages will load share over both lines. If only Line 1 is installed, these messages will be transmitted over Line 1. The use of Line 1 is mandatory. If only Line 1 is installed, all messages are transmitted over it. Also, if Model 60 is being used, only Line 1 is necessary, as all of the Interactive messages are exclusive to Model 90. It is very rare for Line 2 or Line 3 to be required. They are only needed if the traffic between the PMS and the NEAX is to be exceptionally heavy. And even the heavy traffic should only require Line 2. The PMS may communicate with the NEAX through either an asynchronous transmission protocol or a bisynchronous transmission (BSC) protocol.
Page 4NDA-30115 Revision 1.0 Architecture Property Management System - Communication Interface Asynchronous Transmission Line Control CharacteristicsThe characteristics of the signals transmitted across the communications link are as follows: Table 2-1 Line Control Characteristics Item Conditions Control Method Contention method (point to point) Operating Mode Half duplex (if modems are used, set to full duplex) Synchronization Start-stop system Data Rate 1200, 2400 or 4800 bits/second (bps) Frame Contents ASCII (7bits) Error Control Method VRC: Parity, LRC: BCC Bit Transmission Order Priority is given to low order bits. Transmission Intervals At each data generation. When a stream of information is transmitted to the NEAX continuously, an interval of 0.5 seconds or more should be given between messages. Each message must be delimited by the EOT code. Priority Sequence Primary office: NEAX Secondary Office: PMS Stop bit 1 bit or 2 bits Error Control VRC: Even, odd or no parity. LRC: (BCC) Exclusive OR of the message text, starting after the STX, and ending with (and including) the ETX. Message Composition One message constitutes one record; SOH, TTB and ETB are not used. Message Length Variable length, maximum of 128 characters (including STX and ETX). Electrical Interface EIA RS-232C electrical standard interface Signal Form EIA RS-404 Interface Distance Maximum of 50 feet between the NEAX and the PMS when not using a modem. Word Framing 10 bits (1 start, 7 data, 1 parity, 1 stop) or 11 bits (1 start, 7 data, 1 parity, 2 stop)
NDA-30115 Revision 1.0Page 5 Property Management System - Communication Interface Architecture The control codes used for the message texts are: Transmission ProtocolBefore a message can be sent, a start sequence (also called a selecting sequence) must be sent to urge the receiver to receive the data. Every transmission sequence will begin with the sender sending a start sequence. The start sequence is a three byte sequence: Figure 2-1 Start SequenceTable 2-2 Control Codes Control CodeHexadecimal Va l u eFunction STX 02 Indicates the start of a block. ETX 03 Indicates the end of a block. EOT 04 Indicates the end of transmission of a block or release of the data link by the sender. ENQ 05 Used to query other party for expected response. ACK 06 Indicates the positive acknowledgment of an information block or start sequence. NAK 15 Indicates the negative acknowledgment of an information block or start sequence. DLE < 10, 3C Indicates the receiver interrupting to ask for sending rights. DLE : 10, 7C Indicates the receiver interrupting to ask the sender to stop transmission and to release the data link. DLE ? 10, 3F Used as the negative acknowledgment of block and indicates that the receiver temporarily cannot receive data from the sender. 05H‘1’‘!’ 012 SAUAENQ
Page 6NDA-30115 Revision 1.0 Architecture Property Management System - Communication Interface The messages (but not the control codes or start sequence) sent between the NEAX and the PMS must have header and trailing sections as defined in the following format: Table 2-3 Base Message Format The message format breaks down as follows: STX -- Start of text block. (One byte - 02H.) SA -- System Address. (One byte - ‘1’ [31H].) UA -- I/O Unit Address. (One byte - ‘!’ [21H].) EI -- Entry Index. (One byte - ‘L’ [4CH].) FTC -- Feature Code. (See below.) A list is provided in Appendix C, “Feature Codes”. MSC -- Message Counter. This represents the length of the message. The count of characters starts at the FTC field and ends at the last character of the body of the message, not including the ETX. If the ETX character does not immediately follow the character specified by the message counter, an invalid message is assumed. FC -- Function Code. This specifies the individual operation and processing for the feature designated by the Feature Code (FTC). A list is provided in Appendix D, “Function Codes”. ETX -- End of text block. (One byte - 03H.) BCC -- Block Check Code. This is computed by an exclusive OR of the message from the SA to the ETX (inclusive). Detection of an STX starts the computation (but the STX is not included). Detection of an ETX stops the computation (and the ETX is included). (One byte.) Feature Codes range in value from 00 to FF (hex). These codes define the “Major Category Codes” for service features. Codes from 80 to FF are used as “Violation Codes”. When a specific message received from the PMS cannot be processed for some reason, 80 (hex) is added to the received Feature Code so that it will be handled as a Violation Code. If the NEAX regards a text as a Violation Code, the system data of the NEAX may be assigned so that a text of this type is returned to the PMS. Therefore, when the PMS has received a Violation Code, provisions should be made for the PMS to print out this violation. Block Check Code Range 02H‘1’03H xx ‘!’ ... 01234 6 89 STX SA UA EI FTC MSC FC MessageETX BCC Message Count Range ‘L’
NDA-30115 Revision 1.0Page 7 Property Management System - Communication Interface Architecture A Violation Code message will be sent to the PMS in the following cases: When the message counter does not match the number of characters received. When a station number not existing in the NEAX is specified in the message data from the PMS. Upon receipt of an invalid Wake Up time (e.g. 25:00). Transmission SequenceThe sequence of transmitting a message is slightly different for the PMS and NEAX. However, both sequences follow the same outline. The party which desires to send must first bid for sender rights. This is done by sending the start sequence (see Figure 2-1). Once the start sequence has been sent and acknowledged, that party is now the “sender” and the other party is the “receiver”. (Unless both parties have simultaneously sent a start sequence. If this occurs, the PMS must relinquish sending rights to the NEAX.) The receiver must then respond with an answer control code (ACK, NAK, DLE
Page 8NDA-30115 Revision 1.0 Architecture Property Management System - Communication Interface From the NEAX to the PMS Figure 2-2 NEAX to PMS Protocol Start SequenceAccept Reject No Answer Contention Interrupt Abort PauseMessageAccept Reject No Answer Interrupt Abort Pause End Code Wa i t 1 second SendReceiveReceiveSendSend retry quitretryretry retry retry quitquit quit quit 1 23 4 5 Query 1 - Retry is 3 times; quit on 4th Reject. 2 - Retry is 15 times; quit on 16th No Answer. 3 - Retry is 3 times; quit on 4th Reject. 4 - Retry is 32 times; quit on 33rd No Answer. 5 - Retry is 3 times; quit on 4th Pause.
NDA-30115 Revision 1.0Page 9 Property Management System - Communication Interface Architecture From the PMS to the NEAX Figure 2-3 PMS to NEAX protocol Start SequenceAccept Reject Contention Interrupt PauseMessageAccept Reject No Answer Interrupt Pause End Code Wa i t 1 second SendReceiveReceiveSendSend retry quit Query Wa i t 1 second No Answerquit retry continue quit 1 23 4 1 - Do not respond. Immediately cease send attempt and 2 - Ignore Interrupt and send message if 8 messages in queue. 3 - Retry is 3 times; quit on 4th Reject. 4 - Retry is 32 times; quit on 33rd No Answer. receive message from NEAX.
Page 10NDA-30115 Revision 1.0 Architecture Property Management System - Communication Interface TimersThe following timers are used to maintain data transmission: Sender Timer Upon sending a start sequence, message text or query, this timer begins counting and stops counting upon receiving a valid answer control code. This timer is set to one (1) second. If a timeout occurs after the transmission of a start sequence, a start sequence will be resent up to 15 times. If a timeout occurs during the transmission of a message text or query, a query is sent up to 32 times. Receiver Timer Upon transmission of a positive acknowledgment for a start sequence or a message text, this timer begins counting and stops counting upon receiving a message text or an end code. This timer is set to 35 seconds. If a timeout occurs, the sender loses send rights. Cabling ConsiderationsWhen the PMS is connected to the NEAX through a modem, the cables should just be “straight through” cables. There should be no crossing. When the PMS is directly connected to the NEAX, use the following pin assignments: Figure 2-4 Direct Connection Pin Assignments Bisynchronous (BSC) Transmission Line Control CharacteristicsThe characteristics of the signals transmitted across the communications link are as follows: 1FG SD RD RS CS DR SG CD ER 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 20FG SD RD RS CS DR SG CD ER1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 20 Pin No. Signal CableSignal Pin No. NEAX PMS