NEC Neax 2400 Ipx System Operations And Maintenance Manual
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NDA-24307 CHAPTER 4 Page 293 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CARD REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE ATTENTIONContents Static Sensitive Handling Precautions Required END Insert the MMC card into the LPM. Set the MB key on the MMC card UP. A Set the MB key on the MMC card DOWN. Connect the disconnected cable to the KEY connector on the MMC card. Connect the disconnected cable(s) to the CNx connector(s) on the MMC card. OPE lamp on the MMC card goes OFF. OPE lamp on the MMC card lights a steady green.
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CHAPTER 4 NDA-24307 Page 294 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CARD REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE 2. TSWM ACCOMMODATING CIRCUIT CARD REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE This section explains the procedure for replacing circuit cards mounted in the TSWM (TSWM0 in IMG1, TSWM1 in IMG2). 2.1 Precautions Use this procedure to replace a faulty circuit card with a spare or to check a spare card. There are the functional switches (having set the default switch) on some of the circuit cards to be replaced. As for switch setting on the circuit...
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NDA-24307 CHAPTER 4 Page 295 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CARD REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE 2.3 Operating Procedures The following paragraphs explain the operating procedures to replace unit/circuit cards located in the TSWM. Perform the operations corresponding to each Reference Item specified in Table 4-2. Table 4-2 TSWM Circuit Cards and Reference Items CIRCUIT CARD FUNCTION NAMEREFERENCE ITEM REMARKS GTSection 2.3.1, GT Card Replacement Procedure TSWSection 2.3.2, TSW Card Replacement Procedure DLKCSection 2.3.3,...
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CHAPTER 4 NDA-24307 Page 296 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CARD REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE 2.3.1 GT Card Replacement Procedure The GT (PH-GT09) card is mounted in Slot No. 10 or 11 within the TSWM0 and TSWM1. The card’s main function is to provide both MISC and I/O Local bus interface between the microprocessor of CPU and other lower echelons, such as DLKC, TSW and MUX cards. Follow the procedures below to replace a GT card with a spare. Note:To replace the GT card, the ACT/STBY status of GT must be changed over...
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NDA-24307 CHAPTER 4 Page 297 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CARD REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE GT Card Replacement Procedure Use extreme care when operating the keys on the DSP of CPR and PH-GT09 card. WAR NI NG System Changeover of GT from ACT to STBY mode. ATTENTIONContents Static Sensitive Handling Precautions Required Check the following lamp indications on the GT card to be replaced and on the DSP CPR that controls the GT: OPE/MB (GT card) = OFF CPU OPE (CPU DSP) = OFF IMG0 (CPU DSP) = Flash (green) IMG1-3...
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CHAPTER 4 NDA-24307 Page 298 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CARD REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE ATTENTIONContents Static Sensitive Handling Precautions Required OPE/MB lamp on the GT card remains OFF. OPE/MB lamp on the new card is OFF. OPE/MB lamp on the new card remains OFF. B Set the MBR and MB keys on the new card UP. A Set the MB key on the new card DOWN. Insert the new GT card into the TSWM.Extract the GT card to be replaced from the TSWM0/1. Set the MBR Key on the new card DOWN. On the GT card to be replaced,...
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NDA-24307 CHAPTER 4 Page 299 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CARD REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE EMA SUP lamp on the EMA card goes OFF. System Changeover Replaced GT: STBY to ACT Mate GT: ACT to STBY Check the following lamp indications on the new GT card and the DSP of the CPR which controls the GT. OPE/MB (GT card) = Steady-green CPU OPE (CPU DSP) = Steady-green IMG0 (CPU DSP) = Flash (green) IMG1-3 (CPU DSP) = Flash (green) Note:IMG2-3 lamp indications may vary depending on the system configuration. Check the...
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CHAPTER 4 NDA-24307 Page 300 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CARD REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE 2.3.2 TSW Card Replacement Procedure The TSW (PH-SW12) card is mounted in the Slot Nos. ranging from 12 to 19 within the TSWM0/1. Equipped with the Time Division Switch (TSW) and Speech Path Controlling Interface (INT), the card’s main function is to provide the Time Slot (TS) switching for a specific IMG or to provide the PCM data link with the ISW. If the TSW card is used in a dual configuration, the card’s replacement...
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NDA-24307 CHAPTER 4 Page 301 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CARD REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE Figure 4-12 Syste m Bloc k Diag ram (TSW and Ot her Speech Path Echelo ns) < ISW (Inter-node Switch) > ISAGT: PZ-GT13 LANI: PZ-PC19 IOGT: PH-GT10 TSW: PU-SW00 HSW: PU-SW01 PLO: PH-CK16-A/17-A EMA: PH-PC40 IOC: PH-IO24 < LN (Local Node) > ISAGT-A: PZ-GT13 ISAGT-B: PZ-GT20 LANI: PZ-PC19 GT: PH-GT09 TSW:...
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CHAPTER 4 NDA-24307 Page 302 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CARD REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE TSW Card Replacement Procedure Use extreme care when operating the keys on the circuit card. WA RN I NG ATTENTIONContents Static Sensitive Handling Precautions Required System Changeover. Check the following lamp indications on the circuit cards to be affected and ensure that they are all OFF: At the ISW: TSW ACT (IOGT cards) TSW ACT (TSW cards) HSW ACT (HSW cards) At the LN: TSW ACT (TSW cards) OPE/MB (DLKC card) Note MUX...