NEC Call Forward Control Installation And Operations Manual
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NDA-30030-003 Revision 3 Page 101 Call Forward Control - Installation & Operations Manual ADMINISTRATOR MAIN MENU INTRODUCTION MODIFY A SPECIAL EVENT’S CALL ROUTING GROUPS The Call Routing Groups command on the Special Events Time Parameters screen is used add, delete, and modify the Call Routing Groups affected by the event. Figure 3-54 Modify Special Event Call Routing Groups (1) Hour Minutes Month of Year Day of Month Day of Week(0-23): (0-59): (1-12): (1-31): (0-6): *** Special Events Time Parameters*** Event Name: Independence Day Begin: End: 1 1000 0 59 07 07 04 04 * * Modify Hard Forward Groups Call Routing Groups Quit(2) *** Call Routing Special Event*** Event Name: Christmas Day Group Index: Destination Index: 2 1 35 1 1 Add D elete M odify Q uit

Page 102 NDA-30030-003 Revision 3 ADMINISTRATOR MAIN MENU INTRODUCTION Call Forward Control - Installation & Operations Manual Procedure General Information The Call Routing groups referred to in this option correspond directly to those defined through the Call Routing Control option on the Main Menu. Therefore, a group specified by a Special Event must first be defined through the Main Menu., and the maximum number of groups addressed by Special Events cannot exceed the number of groups defined through the Main Menu. Duplicate group entries are not allowed. Action Result On the Special Events Time Parameters screen, type c to select the Call Routing Groups command. (1)The Call Routing Special Event screen is displayed for the named event. (2) To Add Call Routing Groups : Type a to select the Add command, then enter a Call Routing Group Index and a Call Routing Destination Index, pressing ENTER after each. Continue until all Call Routing Group and Destination Indexes have been added, then press ESC to return to the command line.The new indexes are added to the end of the list, and the cursor returns to the Group Index field. After all additions have been made, pressing ESC returns control to the command line. To Modify Call Routing Groups : Type m to select the Modify command. Use the Arrow keys to position the cursor on the index to be modified and press ENTER. As the Call Routing Group and Destination Indexes are moved up to the prompts, use the Backspace key to erase the previous values, make the new entry, and press ENTER. Continue until all values have been modified, then press ESC.The cursor is returned to the command line. To Delete Call Routing Groups : Type d to select the Delete command. Use the Arrow keys to select a group to delete and press ENTER. Type Y and press ENTER to delete the selected group, or N and press ENTER to cancel.The confirmation “Do you want to delete this? (Y/ N)” is displayed below. The selected group is removed from the list, and the cursor is returned to the command line. Type q to select the Quit command. Enter Y and press ENTER to save all changes or N and press ENTER to cancel them.The confirmation “Do you want to save changes? (Y/N)” is displayed. The Special Events Time Parameters screen is displayed.

NDA-30030-003 Revision 3 Page 103 Call Forward Control - Installation & Operations Manual ADMINISTRATOR MAIN MENU INTRODUCTION DELETE A SPECIAL EVENT The Delete command on the Special Events screen is used to remove an event. Figure 3-55 Delete A Special Event Procedure ***Special Events Menu*** CFC Administrator Fri Apr 1 16:10 pm Select Add Delete View Print Quit(1) New Years Eve/Day Memorial Day Independence Day Christmas Eve/Day Thanksgiving Day Organizational Retreat(2) Hour Minutes Month of Year Day of Month Day of Week(0-23): (0-59): (1-12): (1-31): (0-6): *** Special Events Time Parameters*** Event Name: Independence Day Begin: End: 1 1000 0 59 07 07 04 04 * * Do you want to delete this? (Y/N) Action Result On the Special Events screen, enter d to select the Delete command.(1)A cursor is positioned on the first listed event. Use the Arrow keys to move the cursor to the de- sired event. If more than one screenful of events exist, press the Down Arrow to scroll the list up- wards and the Up Arrow to scroll the list down- wards. Press ENTER to select the event.The field data of the selected event is displayed, and the confirmation “ Do you want to delete this? (Y/N)” is displayed. (2) Type Y and press ENTER to delete the event, or type N and press ENTER to cancel the deletion.The cursor is positioned on the original command line.

Page 104 NDA-30030-003 Revision 3 ADMINISTRATOR MAIN MENU INTRODUCTION Call Forward Control - Installation & Operations Manual VIEW SPECIAL EVENTS The View command on the Special Events screen is used to display the special events, including their time periods, group indexes, and forwarding indexes. Figure 3-56 View Special Events Procedure ***Special Events Menu*** CFC Administrator Fri Apr 1 16:10 pm Select Add Delete View Print Quit(1) New Years Eve/Day Memorial Day Independence Day Christmas Eve/Day Thanksgiving Day Organizational Retreat(2) Top of File More*** Special Events Menu *** D ownPage U pPage S earch T op B ottom P rint Q uit Event Name: Start: End:Hour 17 8New Years Eve/Day Minutes 0 0Month 12 1Day of Month 30 2Day of Week * * Hard Forward Group Data: Group Index Destination Extension 2 3200 Call Routing Group Data: Group Index Destination Index 25 1 33210 3220 1 31 1 Action Result Type v to select the View command.(1) The Special Events data is displayed. (2) Type d to select the DownPage command. The next page of data is displayed. Type u to select the UpPage command. The previous page of data is displayed. Type t to select the To p command. The first page of data is displayed. Type b to select the Bottom command. The last page of data is displayed Type s to select the Search command. At the prompt type the desired pattern and press ENTER.All of the occurrences of the pattern on that page are highlighted. Type p to select the Print command. At the prompt, type f to indicate the whole file or s to indicate just the screen and press ENTER.There is a pause while the material is sent to the printer. To return to the Call Routing Destinations screen, type q to select the Quit command.The Call Routing Destinations screen is displayed, and the cursor is positioned on the command line.

NDA-30030-003 Revision 3 Page 105 Call Forward Control - Installation & Operations Manual ADMINISTRATOR MAIN MENU INTRODUCTION PRINT SPECIAL EVENTS The Print command on the Special Events screen is used to print a hardcopy of selected special events. Figure 3-57 Print Special Events Procedure ***Special Events Menu*** CFC Administrator Fri Apr 1 16:10 pm Select Add Delete View Print Quit(1) New Years Eve/Day Memorial Day Independence Day Christmas Eve/Day Thanksgiving Day Organizational Retreat ***Special Events Menu*** CFC Administrator Fri Apr 1 16:10 pm Arrow keys to move cursor, to select, to quit(2) New Years Eve/Day Memorial Day Independence Day Christmas Eve/Day Thanksgiving Day Organizational Retreat > Action Result Enter p to select the Print command and press ENTER . (1)The “>” cursor is positioned to the left of the first entry in the list. (2) Use the Arrow keys to move the “>” cur- sor next to an event, then press ENTER to select the event.Each time an event is selected it is high- lighted. When all events to be printed are selected, press ESC .The selected events are sent to the printer, and the cursor is positioned on the com- mand line.

Page 106 NDA-30030-003 Revision 3 ADMINISTRATOR MAIN MENU INTRODUCTION Call Forward Control - Installation & Operations Manual VALIDATE AND INSTALL OVERVIEW The Validate and Install option on the Administrator Main Menu is used to check any changes made to any of the CFC databases for compatibility with data in all of the other databases and to install the changes into the actual databases with which CFC works. Figure 3-58 Validate and Install Procedure When to Use Since the CRC and HFC programs depend upon the accurate correspondence of the information assigned through different Main Menu options, this last menu option is provided to assure this accuracy. After a series of changes have been made through the other Main Menu options, use this option to check for the necessary compatibility and to install all the changes for use by CRC and HFC. CFC Administrator Fri Apr 1 16:10 pm ***Main Menu*** E xtensions H ard Forward Control C all Routing Control T ime Parameters S pecial Events V alidate and Install Q uit Arrow keys to move cursor, to sel(1) CFC Administrator Fri Apr 1 16:10 pm Validate Install Quit(2) ***Validate and Install*** Action Result On the Main Menu, enter v to select the Validate and Install option. (1) The Validate and Install screen is displayed.(2) Refer to the following pages for information and instructions in the use of each command. To exit the Validate and Install option, enter q to select the Quit command.The Main Menu is redisplayed.

NDA-30030-003 Revision 3 Page 107 Call Forward Control - Installation & Operations Manual ADMINISTRATOR MAIN MENU INTRODUCTION VALIDATE DATABASE Anytime a change is made to the information contained in one or more options, the Validate command should be used to check compatibility of the new information with the existing information in other options. Figure 3-59 Validate Database Procedure CFC Administrator Fri Apr 1 16:10 pm Va l i d a t e Install Q uit(1) ***Validate and Install*** CFC Administrator Fri Apr 1 16:10 pm Validate Install Quit(2) ***Validate and Install*** Processing Complete (3) CFC Administrator Fri Apr 1 16:10 pm Validating This record has an invalid HARD FORWARD GROUP INDEX*** Extensions *** Extension: Hard Forward Group Index: Call Routing Group Index: Name or Department:1101 124 2 Majors, Kathryn Exit Validation, Next table, or Continue with this table? (, N, C) Action Result Type v to select the Va l i d a t e option. (1) The text “Va l i d a t i n g” is displayed at the top of the screen. If the database is valid, the message “No errors found during validation, press any key to continue” is displayed. Press any key. The message “Processing Database” is displayed briefly, followed by “Processing Complete”. The Validate and Install screen is displayed with the Install command highlighted. (2) Validation Errors: If an error is detected during validation, the invalid record is displayed, and the invalid field is highlighted. (3) To Skip to the Next Table, type N. CFC skips the current table and continues the validation process with the remaining database tables. To Continue with this Table, type C. CFC skips over the displayed entry and continues validating the current database table. To Exit Validation, press ESC. The message “Errors found during validation” is displayed, and the Validate and Install screen is displayed with the Va l i d a t e command highlighted

Page 108 NDA-30030-003 Revision 3 ADMINISTRATOR MAIN MENU INTRODUCTION Call Forward Control - Installation & Operations Manual VALIDATE DATABASE (Cont) Treatment of Discrepancies As the validation is performed, any discrepancies are displayed one by one on the data entry screens on which they were originally entered. In the figure above, the Hard Forward Group Index entered originally for Extension 1101 is incorrect because there is no Hard Forward Group assigned to that Index. It is therefore necessary to either return to Extensions screen and change the Hard Forward Group, or to create a Hard Forward Group that is indexed by the value entered to this field. Possible Actions Notice that the command line makes it possible to take any one of the following three actions: _ –Exit the validation process and return to the Main Menu. From there it is possible to select the option through which to correct the invalid value found on validation. _N–Move to the next table, disregarding this invalid entry and skipping over the remainder of this database. _C–Disregard this invalid entry and continue with this database validation. Note that every time an invalid entry is displayed, this same series of actions is available. It is possible, then, to skip through a database, making note of all the invalid entries during one validation process, before exiting to the corresponding data entry screens to make all of the necessary corrections.

NDA-30030-003 Revision 3 Page 109 Call Forward Control - Installation & Operations Manual ADMINISTRATOR MAIN MENU INTRODUCTION INSTALL DATABASE Once the new information is validated, it can be installed so that CFC can use it. Installation of the database can be performed now or it can be scheduled. Figure 3-60 Install Database Procedure CFC Administrator Fri Apr 1 16:10 pm Validate Install Quit(1) ***Validate and Install*** Delay N owQ uit Choose when the Database will be installed.(2) CFC Administrator Fri Apr 1 16:10 pm to return to command line***Validate and Install*** Day of Month Month of Year Minutes Hour of Day (0-23): (0-59): (1-12): (1-31):(3) Action Result Type i to select the Install command. (1) A message asks when the database is to be installed. (2) To Install the Database Now Type N to install Now Enter Y and press ENTER to confirm that the installation is to be done now or N and press ENTER to cancel the installation. The message “ Confirm – – Install Database Now. (Y/N)” is displayed. The Validate and Install screen is redisplayed with a message indicating whether or not the database was installed. To Install the Database Later Type D to select the Delay command Type an entry to every field according to the instructions. Press ENTER after each entry. Enter Y and press ENTER to confirm that the installation is to be done at the stated time and date or N and press ENTER to cancel the installation.The Validate and Install screen is displayed with data entry fields for designating the time at which the installation is to be performed. (3) After entries have been made, a message states the time and date and asks for confirmation. The Validate and Install screen is redisplayed, and the cursor is positioned on the command line.

Page 110 NDA-30030-003 Revision 3 ADMINISTRATOR MAIN MENU INTRODUCTION Call Forward Control - Installation & Operations Manual INSTALL DATABASE (CONT) Validated Data The data must be validated before it can be installed. If any invalid entries have not been corrected, the message “The data has not been validated.” is displayed and the installation is stopped. Schedule Instructions In scheduling the installation, it is important to note that the scheduled installation takes place at one particular time. This time is defined through the use of four fields that are displayed when the Delay command is selected. These four fields combine to form a pattern that is interpreted by CFC. If any field is left blank, the entire record is rejected. The fields are listed below and each is followed in parentheses by the range within which a valid response of a single number must lie: (Note the sample entry that is interpreted by CFC as April 25 at 5:00 a.m.) Field Sample Entry Hour of Day (0-23) (Midnight=0) 5 Minutes (0-59) 0 Month of Year (1-12) 4 Day of Month (1-31) 25