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Multi-Tech Systems Mvp-2400/2410/3010, Mvp-210/410/810 Voice/ip Gateways S000249C User Guide

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MultiVOIP User Guide Operation and Maintenance
FTP Server File Transfers (“Downloads”)
With the 4.03/6.03 software release, MultiTech has built an FTP server
into the MultiVOIP unit.  Therefore, file transfers from the controller PC
to the voip unit can be done using an FTP client program or even using
a browser (e.g., Internet Explorer or Netscape, used in conjunction with
Windows Explorer).
The terminology of “downloads” and “uploads” gets a bit confusing in
this context.  File transfers from a...

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Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide
To transfer files using the FTP server functionality in the MultiVOIP,
follow these directions.
1. Establish Network Connection and IP Addresses.  Both the
controller PC and the MultiVOIP unit(s) must be connected to the same
IP network.  An IP address must be assigned for each.
IP Address of Control PC____ . ____ . ____ . ____
IP Address of voip unit #1____ . ____ . ____ . ____
IP address of voip unit #n____ . ____ . ____ . ____
2. Establish...

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MultiVOIP User Guide Operation and Maintenance
3. Install FTP Client Program or Use Substitute.  You should install an
FTP client program on the controller PC.  FTP file transfers can be done
using a web browser (e.g., Netscape or Internet Explorer) in conjunction
with a local Windows browser a (e.g., Windows Explorer), but this
approach is somewhat clumsy (it requires use of two application
programs rather than one) and it limits downloading to only one VOIP
unit at a time.  With an FTP client...

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Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide
5. Identify Files to be Updated.  Determine which files you want to
update.  Six types of files can be updated using the FTP feature. In some
cases, the file to be transferred will have “Ftp” as the part of its filename
just before the suffix (or extension).  So, for example, the file
“mvpt1Ftp.bin” can be transferred to update the bin file (firmware)
residing in the MultiVOIP.  Similarly, the file “fxo_loopFtp.cas” could
be transferred to enable use of...

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MultiVOIP User Guide Operation and Maintenance
6. Contact MultiVOIP FTP Server.  You must make contact with the
FTP Server in the voip using either a web browser or FTP client
program.  Enter the IP address of the MultiVOIP’s FTP Server.  If you
are using a browser, the address must be preceded by “ftp://”
(otherwise you’ll reach the web GUI within the MultiVOIP unit). 

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Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide
7. Log In.  Use the User Name and password established in item #2
above.  The login screens will differ depending on whether the FTP file
transfer is to be done with a web browser (see first screen below) or
with an FTP client program (see second screen below). 

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MultiVOIP User Guide Operation and Maintenance
8. Invoke Download.  Downloading can be done with a web browser
or with an FTP client program.
8A. Download with Web Browser.
8A1. In the local Windows browser, locate the directory
holding the MultiVOIP program files.  The default
location will be C:\Program Files \Multi-Tech Systems
\MultiVOIP xxxx yyyy (where x and y represent
MultiVOIP model numbers and software version
8A2. Drag-and-drop files from the local Windows browser (e.g.,

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Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide
You may be asked to confirm the overwriting of files on the MultiVOIP.
Do so.
File transfer between PC and voip will look like transfer within voip

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MultiVOIP User Guide Operation and Maintenance
8B. Download with FTP Client Program.
8B1. In the local directory browser of the FTP client program,
locate the directory holding the MultiVOIP program files.
The default location will be C:\Program Files \Multi-Tech
Systems \MultiVOIP xxxx yyyy (where x and y represent
MultiVOIP model numbers and software version
8B2. In the FTP client program window, drag-and-drop files
from the local browser pane to the pane for the MultiVOIP
FTP server....

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Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide
Some FTP client programs are more graphically oriented (see previous
screen), while others (like the “WS-FTP” client) are more text oriented.
9. Verify Transfer.  The files transferred will appear in the directory of
the MultiVOIP.
10. Log Out of FTP Session.  Whether the file transfer was done with a
web browser or with an FTP client program, you must log out of the
FTP session before opening the MultiVOIP Windows GUI. 
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