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Motorola Mc9500k Manual

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Using Bluetooth 7 - 21
10.Select a service from the list and press Next. The Connection Favorite Options window appears.
Figure 7-21    Connection Favorite Options Window
11 .In the Favorite Name text box, enter a name for this service that will appear in the Favorite window.
12.Ta p  Next. The Connection Summary window appears.
13.Ta p  Connect to add the service to the Favorite window and connect to the service.
Figure 7-22    Favorites Window
Available Services
The MC9500-K offers the following...

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7 - 22 MC9500-K Mobile Computer User Guide
Personal Area Networking Services
IrMC Services
See the following sections for information on these services.
File Transfer Services
To transfer files between the MC9500-K and another Bluetooth enabled device:
1.Ensure that OBEX File Transfer profile is enabled on the MC9500-K. See Profiles Tab on page 7-47 for more 
2.Use the Connection Wizard to search for a Bluetooth device. 
3.Select the device and tap Next. The Select Remote Service...

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Using Bluetooth 7 - 23
Figure 7-24    Save Remote File Window
8.Tap and hold on the file. A pop-up menu appears.
9.Select the action to perform:
New - create a new file or folder on the remote device
Delete - delete the selected file on the remote device.
Get File - copy the file from the remote device to the MC9500-K.
Put File - copy a file from the MC9500-K to the remote device.
Creating a New File or Folder
To create a new folder or file on the remote device:
1.Tap and hold on the screen and select...

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7 - 24 MC9500-K Mobile Computer User Guide
1.Ta p  Action > Put. The Send Local File window appears.
2.Navigate to the directory to save the file and select a file.
3.Ta p  Open. The file copies from the MC9500-K to the remote device.
Connecting to the Internet Using an Access Point
This section explains how to access a Bluetooth-enabled LAN access point (AP) for a network connection. Use 
Internet Explorer to connect to a server.
1.Ensure the MC9500-K is discoverable and connectable. See Device Info Tab...

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Using Bluetooth 7 - 25
3.Ta p  Menu > Settings > Services tab.
4.Ta p  Add button.
5.Select Dial-up networking Service.
6.Ta p  OK. The Edit Local Services window appears.
Figure 7-25    Edit Local Service Window
7.In the Local COM Port drop-down list, select DUN1 for GSM configurations or WMP9 for CDMA 
8.Ta p  OK twice.
9.On the PC or laptop, set up Bluetooth according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
10.On the PC or laptop Bluetooth software, search for the MC9500-K and select the...

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7 - 26 MC9500-K Mobile Computer User Guide
6.In the Action drop-down list, select one of the following options: Send Contact Information, Swap Contact 
Information, Fetch Contact Information, or Send a Picture.
Sending a Contact
To send a contact to another device:
1.Tap and hold on OBEX Object Push and select Connect. The OBEX Object Push window appears.
Figure 7-26    OBEX Object Push Window
2.In the Action: drop-down list, select Send Contact Information.
3.Tap . The Select Contact Entry window...

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Using Bluetooth 7 - 27
Swapping Contacts
To swap contacts with another device:
1.Tap and hold on OBEX Object Push and select Connect. The OBEX Object Push window appears.
Figure 7-28    OBEX Object Push Window
2.In the Action: drop-down list, select Swap Contact Information.
3.Tap . The Select Contact Entry window appears.
Figure 7-29    Select Contact Entry Window
4.Select a contact to send to the other device.
5.Ta p  OK.
6.Ta p  OK to swap contacts with the other device and display a confirmation...

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7 - 28 MC9500-K Mobile Computer User Guide
Fetching a Contact
To fetch a contact from another device:
1.Tap and hold on OBEX Object Push and select Connect. The OBEX Object Push window appears.
Figure 7-30    OBEX Object Push Window
2.In the Action: drop-down list, select Fetch Contact information.
3.Ta p  OK. The contact on the other device is copied.
Sending a Picture
To send a picture to another device:
1.Tap and hold on OBEX Object Push and select Connect. The OBEX Object Push window appears.

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Using Bluetooth 7 - 29
Figure 7-32    Send Local Picture Window
4.Navigate to the picture to send to the other device.
5.Ta p  Open.
6.Ta p  OK to send the picture to the other device and display a confirmation dialog box on the other device to 
accept the picture. A Send Picture dialog appears.
7.Ta p  Ok.
Headset Services
To connect to a Bluetooth headset:
1.Ensure the MC9500-K is connectable (required when automatic re-connect is initiated). See Device Info Tab 
on page 7-36.
2.Ensure that the Headset...

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7 - 30 MC9500-K Mobile Computer User Guide
Hands-free Services
To connect to a Bluetooth headset:
1.Ensure the MC9500-K is connectable (required when automatic re-connect is initiated). See Device Info Tab 
on page 7-36.
2.Ensure that the Hands Free profile is enabled on the MC9500-K. See Profiles Tab on page 7-47 for more 
3.Use the Connection Wizard to search for a Bluetooth hands-free headset.
4.Select the hand-free device and tap Next.
5.Select the Hands-free service name and select...
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