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Motorola Astro Radio Software 68 81098e85 O Manual

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Page 191

EnvironmentFrom the MAIN MENU, press F4 twice and then F2 twice to access this 
This screen allows you to change and view parameters for the 
SmartZone environment. Press Ta b to select the desired field, or press 
the desired function key (F1 - F10). If a field is highlighted, use the UP/
DOWN arrow keys to select the desired choice or value.
Field Definitions
Failsoft Inactivity (sec)Use the UP/DOWN arrows to make your selection or enter a value 
directly. If a radio remains...

Page 192

190 Full Spectrum CC ScanUse the UP/DOWN arrows to make your selection. If this field is set to 
On, the radio will perform a Full Spectrum Control Channel (CC) scan 
when the radio goes out of range of all its programmed control 
channel information.
Full Spectrum CC Scan Timer 
(sec)This field will be visible only if Full Spectrum CC Scan is set to On. Use the 
UP/DOWN arrows to make your selection or enter a value directly. 
This is the amount of time that is available to the radio to perform a 

Page 193

191 Filter Constants K1, K2, and K3Use the UP/DOWN arrows to make your selection or enter a value 
directly. The threshold constants K1, K2, and K3 are designed to reduce 
filter damage as time between sampling increases.
The RSSI filter has the following characteristic:
Filter Val. = (Filter Val. * K + Current Reading * (10 - K)) / 10
where the domain of K is {K: K = K1, K2, K3} and 0 (no filter) 

Page 194

(VOC) OptionsFrom the MAIN MENU, press F4 twice, F2 and then F3 to access this 
This screen defines the necessary data fields for operation on a Voice-
on-Control capable site. When a site enters VOC Mode, its control 
channel is surrendered for a voice call. All radios that are not VOC 
capable will go out of range at that time.
Press Ta b to select the desired field, or press the desired function key 
(F1 - F10). If a field is highlighted, use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to 

Page 195

193 VOC Pended Emer Time (ms)Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select a value for this timer or enter 
a value directly. This is the maximum length of time that the radio will 
delay before a certain subset of ISWs will be sent while the radio is in 
VOC mode. Valid entries range from 500 to 6000 ms in 25-ms 
Note: Most ISWs are not permitted to be sent in while the radio
is in VOC mode (the exceptions being Emergency and Phone
Reject requests).
VOC Activation Time (ms)Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys...

Page 196

Trunking SystemsFrom the MAIN MENU, press F4 twice and then F3 to access this 
This screen is used to program the radio’s Trunking System 
configuration.  A Trunking System refers to a specific repeater site, the 
System ID, the individual radio ID for that system, the control channel 
frequencies and the connect tone required to operate on that system. 
Each system that the radio is programmed to operate on is linked to 
one or more Trunking personalities. The...

Page 197

195 F6 - CONTROL CHAN (for 
800MHz radios only)Brings up a screen where you can change and view the control 
channels for the system.
F6  CHAN ASSIGN (Other   Band          
Trunking)Brings you to the Channel Assignment Data screen which allows you 
to enter Channel Assignment data.
F7 - MULTIKEY OPTIONSBrings up a screen where you can change and view parameters 
associated with Multikey Trunking system options.
F8 - ASTRO OPTIONSBrings up a screen where you can view and modify options that are...

Page 198

196from 1 to FFFE. The decimal equivalent of this Individual ID is used for 
your radios Private Conversation Call ID (7+ID#), interconnect land-
to-portable unit calls (7+ID#), and interconnect land-to-portable 
talkgroup calls (7+ID#).
Connect Tone (Hz) #This field is not applicable to SmartZone systems. Use the UP/DOWN 
arrow keys to make your selection or enter the desired value directly. 
The Connect Tone is a sub-audible tone required on the voice channel 
to access the Trunked Repeater. The...

Page 199

197 Dynamic RegroupingUse the UP/DOWN arrow keys to enable/disable this feature for the 
current system. A Dynamic Regrouping Talkgroup position (DYN) 
must be assigned on the ZONE/SUMMARY screen (F4/F8). Enabling 
Dynamic Regrouping will automatically add DYN to the list of 
talkgroups on that screen. Dynamic Regrouping allows the dispatcher 
to temporarily reassign selected radios operating in separate fleets and/
or talkgroups into a single group.
Note: Only one DYN position may be assigned for each...

Page 200

Control Channel 
(800 MHz) From the MAIN MENU, press F4 twice, F3 and then F6 to access this 
This screen is used to change and view Control Channel frequencies 
for the current system. Press Ta b to select the desired field, or press the 
desired function key (F1 - F10). If a field is highlighted, use the UP/
DOWN arrow keys to select the desired choice or value.
Function Key Descriptions
(Add Channel)Adds a channel.
F3 - PREV SYSTEMAccesses the previous system.
F4 - NEXT...
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