Motorola Astro Radio Software 68 81098e85 O Manual
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179 Since the Tx PL frequency serves as the transmission PL, it should never be set identical to any of the VRS-EPs receive PLs. With Mode Steering operation disabled, theres only one such receive PL to consider. This is the Access PL Frequency/Code. With Mode Steering selected however, multiple receive PLs may come into play. In this case, the PLs to consider are the PL Frequencies/Codes on the MODE STEERING screen ( F7 of the current screen), other than those set to “None”. An attempt to...
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180 Access PL Freq Enter the Access PL (Private-Line) frequency directly in Hz or, if accessing the frequency entrys alpha-numeric code field, enter the desired PL code. The UP/DOWN arrow keys may also be used to scroll through the standard frequencies or codes, all of which are shown below. The PL code may also be selected by pressing the key corresponding to its first letter and then scrolling to select the exact code. The repeater Access PL specifies the exact PL tone required of incoming...
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181 VRS-EP Mode Steering ( Mobiles Only ) From the MAIN MENU, press F4, F3, F9, F3 and then F7 to access this screen. This screen allows you to view/edit all of the Vehicular Repeater System (VRS-EP) steering modes that can be found in a VRS-EP system. Press Ta b to select the desired field, or press the desired function key (F1 - F10). If a field is highlighted, use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the desired choice or value. Field Definitions PL Freq (Hz)Select “None” or enter the...
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182Standard Private-Line Frequencies/Motorola Code are as follows: Note: A low level hum or buzz in the received audio may be experienced when PL frequencies above 241.8 (PL codes M7 or OZ) are used. These frequencies are at the high end of the sub- audible frequency range and may affect the audio under certain circumstances. Use of such PL frequencies and/or codes should be avoided if possible. PL CodeEnter the Vehicular Repeater System—Expanded Protocol (VRS-EP) Mode Steering PL (Private-Line) code or...
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183 Steering DestinationUse the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the Steering Destination to be associated with the assigned Steering PL Frequency and Code. The Steering Destination is simply an assignment of the function or action to be performed during VRS-EP operation when the corresponding PL frequency is received from a portable radio. The VRS-EP uses this selection as its instructed action each time it receives the appropriate PL signal. Note: Depending on the MOTOROLA RSS version in use, some or...
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184 ChnUse the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the Channel component of the mode on which Vehicular Repeater System—Expanded Protocol (VRS- EP) transmissions are to occur in Zone/Chan Steering Destination operation. When the associated PL frequency is transmitted by a portable radio during VRS-EP operation, the system will repeat the received signal on the selected radio Channel. The Channels available for selection must have been pre-programmed via the ZONE/TALKGROUP (CHANNEL) ASSIGNMENT screen...
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185 Trunking MenuFrom the MAIN MENU, press F4 twice to access this screen. This screen allows you to navigate to the Trunking edit screens. The options in these menus pertain only to Trunking radio features. Function Key Descriptions F2 - TRUNK WIDE OPT (Trunking Radio Wide Options)Brings up a screen from which you can access to options relating to Trunking operation. F3 - TRUNK SYS (Trunking Systems)Brings up a screen used to change and view Trunked system parameters. A Trunking system refers to a...
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186 Trunking Radio Wide OptionsFrom the MAIN MENU, press F4 twice and then F2 to access this screen. Portables Only Mobiles Only The options and parameters on this menu apply to all Trunking operation independent of system, personality or talkgroup. Other radio wide options that apply to both Conventional and Trunking operation are located on the RADIO WIDE OPTIONS screen (F4/F3/ F2). Conventional options are located on the CONVENTIONAL RADIO WIDE OPTIONS screen (F4/F6/F2). Press Ta b to select the...
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187 Function Key Descriptions F2 - SMRTZN ENV (SmartZone Environment)This function will be visible only when a radio with the SmartZone software option has been read. Displays the screen where SmartZone operating environment parameters are defined. F3 - VOC OPT (Voice-On-Control Options)This function will be visible only when a radio with the Voice-On-Control option has been read. Displays the screen which allows you to specify options for Voice-On-Control sites. Field Definitions Telephone...
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188 Emergency Blocked In FailsoftThis field will be visible for Portables only. Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to enable/disable the Emergency Blocked In Failsoft option. When this option is enabled and the network is in the Failsoft condition, the radio will ignore any attempt to enter the Trunked Emergency Feature.