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Mitel SX-200 DIGITAL Pabx General Description Manual

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Page 291

Features Description 
Connection Memory 
Part of the DX chip which is used to store the digital voice (or data) 
samples. These samples are stored and forwarded under the control of 
the MCC. 
Consultation Hold (Soft Hold) 
This type of call hold facility is also termed soft hold and is a form of 
temporary hold. It is used to place a second party on hold, while the 
first party is speaking (consulting) with a third party, or otherwise 
wishes to temporarily isolate the second party from conversation....

Page 292

Features Description 
See Digital Signal Processor. 
Dual Tone Multifrequency Signaling. 
See Data Terminal Equipment 
The term used in the SX-200@ DIGITAL PABX to represent the expres- 
sion “digital crosspoint” which is used as the fundamental switching 
element of the SX-200@ DIGITAL PABX Circuit Switch. The Circuit 
Switch is composed of a large number of digital crosspoint switch 
elements in the form of DX chips, assembled on a plug-in Circuit 
Switch module. 
Data Communication...

Page 293

Features Description 
Digit Modification 
This expression refers to the process of restructuring a dialed se- 
quence of digits received by the SX-200@ DIGITAL PABX which effec- 
tively results in the production of a different sequence of digits. The 
revised sequence may have new digits added and/or digits deleted 
(absorbed), or certain digits in the original sequence may be repeated. 
This process is performed automatically by the SX-200@ DIGITAL PABX 
and is thus transparent to the user. Digit...

Page 294

Features Description 
Full Duplex 
A method of operation which allows simultaneous transmission from 
both ends of a communications link 
Ground Button 
See Recall Button 
Ground Start 
The term used to designate a particular type of trunk circuit, on which 
a ground condition is applied to the ring lead of the trunk when an 
outgoing call seizes the trunk. 
Group Hunting 
Group Hunting is a feature which allows certain stations to be formed 
in groups so that incoming calls are directed to the group by...

Page 295

Features Description 
SX-200” DlGlTAL PABX CDE procedures. Calls made to trunk circuits 
are thus subject to the parameters in the Table. 
Least Cost Routing 
Least Cost Routing is one of the functions of Automatic Route Selec- 
tion and refers to the economical aspects of the ARS facility. In Least 
Cost Routing, the trunk circuits are programmed, with regard to the 
effects of the costs of the possible alternative trunk routings. In prac- 
tice the customer may require the economical aspects to be...

Page 296

Features Description 
Main Distribution Frame 
The Main Distribution frame (MDF) forms the interconnection point 
between the in-house PBX (for example the SX-200@ DIGITAL PABX), 
and the internal 
and external cabling to the PBX. The MDF provides a 
convenient and flexible means of interfacing the cabling to the system. 
The MDF is also known as the Cross-Connect Field. 
Maintenance Panel 
The Maintenance Panel of the SX-200@ DIGITAL PABX performs a 
variety of functions, including the following: 

Page 297

Features Description
Null Modem
This item can take various forms, but its function is always the same;
it enables connections to be made between two “modems” on a back-to-back basis The main characteristic of the Null modem is to trans-
pose the RS-232CS and R leads which interconnect the “modems”;
otherwise the send (S) leads of the two “modem” will be connected
together, as will the two receive (R) leads. A typical example of the use
of a Null Modem is it’s employment, in the form of an adapter added...

Page 298

Features DescriptionPLIDPhysical Location 
IDentity - the bay number, slot number, circuit num-
ber and sub-circuit number of a device. Eg. a DTMF Receiver circuit
‘plid’ might be: Bay 2, Slot 3, Circuit 2, Sub-circuit 1.
Peripheral Control Card
This. card controls the operations within the analog peripheral bays,
and is under control of the Main Control card.
Peripheral Equipment
Periphersl Equipments, with regard to the 
understood to be all those external equipments which are...

Page 299

-Features Description
Ring Lead
The second wire of a telephone pair (the first being the Tip Lead), so
named because it was originally connected to the “ring’ of a telephoneplug.SMDR
See Station Message Detail Recording
Scanner Card
This card continuously scans all of the analog ports in the anaiog bays
to detect signals which require processor action.
Second Dial Tone
A user making a trunk call through a PABX System normally receives
dial tone after the handset is removed, and then dial tone from the...

Page 300

Features Description
Store and Forward Dialing
See Overlap Outpulsing
Synchronous Mode
This term is associated with data which is transmitted in a continuous
stream at a fixed rate, with the receiving terminal synchronized to the
transmitting terminal by means of sync elements transmitted on a
regular basis. See also Asynchronous Mode.
System Configuration
The term System Configuration has a specific meaning for theSX-200@ DIGITAL PABX, in that it refers to the particular hardware and
software initially...
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