MikroTik Router OS V3.0 User Manual
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antenna-gain(integer; default:0) - antenna gain in dBi. This parameter will be used to calculate whether your system meets regulatory domains requirements in your country antenna-mode(ant-a|ant-b|rxa-txb|txa-rxb; default:ant-a) - which antenna to use for transmit/receive data: •ant-a- use only antenna a •ant-b- use only antenna b •rxa-txb- use antenna a for receiving packets, use antenna b for transmitting packets •txa-rxb- use antenna a for transmitting packets, antenna b for receiving packets...
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property does not affect clients, which do not support compression. country(albania|algeria|argentina|armenia|australia|austria|azerbaijan|bahrain|belarus| belgium|belize|bolvia|brazil|brunei darussalam|bulgaria|canada|chile|china|colombia| costa rica|croatia|cyprus|czech republic|denmark|dominican republic|ecuador|egypt|el salvador|estonia|finland|france|france_res|georgia|germany|greece|guatemala|honduras| hong kong|hungary|iceland|india|indonesia|iran|ireland|israel|italy|japan|japan1|...
Page 153
to send the frame. Wireless normally does not drop any packets at all until the client is disconnected. If there is no need to accumulate packets, you can set the time after which the packet will be discarded •0- never drop packets until the client is disconnected (default value) frequency(integer) - operating frequency of the AP (ignored for the client, which always scans through its scan list regardless of the value set in this field) frequency-mode(regulatory-domain|manual-tx-power|superchannel;...
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default MAC address (the last MAC address, which the station has received a non-IP packet from). That means that if there is more than one client that uses non-IP protocols (for example, PPPoE) behind the station, none of them will be able to work correctly •station-pseudobridge-clone- similar to the station-pseudobridge, but the station will clone MAC address of a particular device (set in the station-bridge-clone-mac property), i.e. it will change itsown address to the one of a different device. In...
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scan-list(multiple choice: integer|default; default:default) - the list of channels to scan •default- represents all frequencies, allowed by the regulatory domain (in the respective country). If no country is set, these frequencies are used - for 2.4GHz mode: 2412, 2417, 2422, 2427, 2432, 2437, 2442, 2447, 2452, 2457, 2462; for 2.4GHz-g-turbo mode: 2437; for 5GHz mode: 5180, 5200, 5220, 5240, 5260, 5280, 5300, 5320, 5745, 5765, 5785, 5805, 5825; for 5GHz-turbo: 5210, 5250, 5290, 5760, 5800...
Page 157
[admin@MikroTik] interface wireless> printFlags: X - disabled, R - running0 name=wlan1 mtu=1500 mac-address=00:0C:42:18:5C:3D arp=enabledinterface-type=Atheros AR5413 mode=station ssid=MikroTik frequency=2412band=2.4ghz-b scan-list=default antenna-mode=ant-a wds-mode=disabledwds-default-bridge=none wds-ignore-ssid=no default-authentication=yesdefault-forwarding=yes default-ap-tx-limit=0...
Page 158
802.1x-port-enabled(read-only:yes | no) - (on station only) whether the data exchange is allowed with the AP (i.e., whether 802.1x authentication is completed, if needed). Compare authenticated-clients and registered-clients authenticated-clients(read-only: integer) - clients that have successfully completed 802.11 authentication process and have associated with the AP. Normally it is possible to exchange data with client right after this step, however WPA/WPA2 needs additional 802.1x authentication and...
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ssid(read-only: text) - (on station only) SSID status(read-only: searching-for-frequency|radar-detecting|running-ap|connected-to-ess| disabled) - interface status tx-ccq(read-only: integer: 0..100) - (on station only) Client Connection Quality - a value in percent that shows how effective the transmit bandwidth is used regarding the theoretically maximum available bandwidth. Mostly it depends from an amount of retransmited wireless frames. tx-rate(read-only: text) - (on station only) current transmit air...
Page 160
Notes & ( + $ (M +$ 65! 9 8 7 3 65! +$ & Example $! 72 [admin@MikroTik] interface wireless nstreme> print0 name=wlan1 enable-nstreme=no...
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