MikroTik Router OS V3.0 User Manual
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Property Description channel-time(time; default:200ms) - how long to sniff each channel, if multiple-channels is set to yes file-limit(integer; default:10) - limits file-names file size (measured in kilobytes) file-name(text; default:) - name of the file where to save packets in PCAP format. If file-name is not defined, packets are not saved into a file memory-limit(integer; default:1000) - how much memory to use (in kilobytes) for sniffed packets multiple-channels(yes | no; default:no) - whether to...
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stream-dropped-packets(read-only: integer) - number of packets that are dropped because of exceeding streaming-max-rate stream-sent-packets(read-only: integer) - number of packets that are sent to the streaming server Command Description save- saves sniffed packets from the memory to file-name in PCAP format Sniffer Packets Description 6 ! * 3 3 &33 7 Property Description band(read-only:...
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6 Property Description channel-time(time; default:200ms) - how long to snoop each channel, if multiple-channels is set to yes multiple-channels(yes | no; default:no) - whether to snoop multiple channels or a single channel •no- wireless snooper snoops only one channel in frequency that is configured in /interface wireless •yes- snoop in all channels that are listed in the scan-list in /interface wireless receive-errors(yes | no;...
Page 184
Xpeed SDSL Interface Document revision 1.2 (February 6, 2008, 2:56 GMT) This document applies to MikroTik RouterOS V3.0 Table of Contents TableofContents GeneralInformation Summary Specifications AdditionalDocuments XpeedInterfaceConfiguration PropertyDescription Example FrameRelayConfigurationExamples MikroTikRoutertoMikroTikRouter MikroTikRoutertoCiscoRouter Troubleshooting Description General Information Summary ! B :.. !5!A $3* + ...
Page 185
arp(disabled|enabled|proxy-arp|reply-only; default:enabled) - Address Resolution Protocol •disabled- the interface will not use ARP protocol •enabled- the interface will use ARP protocol •proxy-arp- the interface will be an ARP proxy •reply-only- the interface will only reply to the requests originated to its own IP addresses, but neighbor MAC addresses will be gathered from /ip arp statically set table only bridged-ethernet(yes|no; default:yes) - if the adapter operates in bridged Ethernet mode cr(0|2;...
Page 186
Frame Relay Configuration Examples MikroTik Router to MikroTik Router 3 ( !5!A B B :.. !5!A !5!A B :.. !5!A & ) 7 7) A ! & ! [admin@r1] ip address> add...
Page 187
[admin@r1] interface xpeed> printFlags: X - disabled0 name=xpeed1 mtu=1500 mac-address=00:05:7A:00:00:08 arp=enabledmode=network-termination sdsl-speed=2320 sdsl-invert=no sdsl-swap=nobridged-ethernet=yes dlci=42 lmi-mode=off cr=0[admin@r1] interface xpeed> , CISCO# show running-configBuilding configuration...Current configuration... ...!ip subnet-zerono ip domain-lookupframe-relay switching!interface Ethernet0description connected to EthernetLANip address
Page 188
EoIP Document revision 1.5 (September 11, 2007, 9:06 GMT) This document applies to MikroTik RouterOS V3.0 Table of Contents TableofContents GeneralInformation Summary QuickSetupGuide Specifications Description Notes EoIPSetup PropertyDescription Notes Example EoIPApplicationExample Description Example Troubleshooting Description General Information Summary F ( *$ &F*$ ! F *$ ...
Page 189
2. *$ !+%!%+%! F*$ +3 /interface eoip add remote-address= tunnel-id=1 mac-address=00-00-5E-80-00-02 \\... disabled=no 9 *$ F*$ Specifications Packages required:system License required:level1 (limited to 1 tunnel), level3 Home menu level:/interface eoip Standards and Technologies:GRE(RFC1701) Hardware usage:Not significant Description F*$ ...
Page 190
mtu(integer; default:1500) - Maximum Transmission Unit. The default value provides maximal compatibility, although it may lead to decreasing performance on wireless links due to fragmentation. If you can increase MTU on all links inbetween, you may be able to regain optimal performance name(name; default:eoip-tunnelN) - interface name for reference remote-address- the IP address of the other side of the EoIP tunnel - must be a MikroTik router tunnel-id(integer) - a unique tunnel identifier, which must...
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