MikroTik Router OS V3.0 User Manual
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only if the client is also a MikroTik Router •0- no limits default-forwarding(yes|no; default:yes) - whether to forward frames to other AP clients or not disable-running-check(yes|no; default:no) - disable running check. For broken cards it is a good idea to set this value to yes disabled(yes|no; default:yes) - whether to disable the interface or not hide-ssid(yes|no; default:no) - whether to hide ssid or not in the beacon frames: •yes- ssid is not included in the beacon frames. AP replies only to...
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AP in this frequency. If set to no the ssid values must match on both APs wds-mode(disabled|dynamic|static) - WDS mode: •disabled- WDS interfaces are disabled •dynamic- WDS interfaces are created on the fly •static- WDS interfaces are created manually wmm-support(disabled|enabled|required) - whether to allow (or require) peer to use WMM extensions to provide basic quality of service Notes O+$ +3 ...
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mtu(integer: 0..65336; default:1500) - Maximum Transmission Unit name(name; default:wdsN) - WDS interface name wds-address(MAC address) - MAC address of the remote WDS host Notes 6 65! ( $ 65! *$ % % F$G 6 % % ( 7 F$G % ...
Page 174
lowest audio-monitor(MAC address; default:00:00:00:00:00:00) - MAC address of the remote host which will be listened filter-mac(MAC address; default:00:00:00:00:00:00) - in case if you want to receive packets from only one remote host, you should specify here its MAC address frame-size(integer: 200..1500; default:300) - size of alignment packets that will be transmitted frames-per-second(integer: 1..100; default:25) - number of frames that will be sent per second (in active-mode) receive-all(yes|no;...
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last-rx(read-only: time) - time in seconds before the last packet was received last-tx(read-only: time) - time in seconds when the last TXQ info was received rxq(read-only: integer) - signal strength of last received packet ssid(read-only: text) - service set identifier txq(read-only: integer) - the last received signal strength from our host to the remote one Example [admin@MikroTik] interface wireless align> monitor wlan2# ADDRESS SSID RXQ AVG-RXQ LAST-RX TXQ LAST-TX CORRECT0 00:01:24:70:4B:FC wirelesa...
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* E 9 ( IM print0 name=wlan1 manual-tx-powers=1Mbps:10,2Mbps:10,5.5Mbps:9,11Mbps:7[admin@MikroTik] interface wireless manual-tx-power-table> Network Scan Command name:/interface wireless scan interface_name Description ( 6...
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! scan wlan1Flags: A - active, B - bss, P - privacy, R - routeros-network, N - nstremeADDRESS SSID BAND FREQ SIG RADIO-NAMEAB R 00:0C:42:05:00:28 test 5ghz 5180 -77 000C42050028AB R 00:02:6F:20:34:82 aap1 5ghz 5180 -73 00026F203482AB 00:0B:6B:30:80:0F www 5ghz 5180 -84AB R 00:0B:6B:31:B6:D7 www 5ghz 5180 -81 000B6B31B6D7AB R 00:0B:6B:33:1A:D5 R52_test_new 5ghz 5180 -79 000B6B331AD5AB R 00:0B:6B:33:0D:EA short5 5ghz 5180 -70 000B6B330DEAAB R 00:0B:6B:31:52:69 MikroTik 5ghz 5220 -69 000B6B315269AB...
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group-ciphers(multiple choice: tkip|aes-ccm) - a set of ciphers used to encrypt frames sent to all wireless station (broadcast transfers) in the order of preference •tkip- Temporal Key Integrity Protocol - encryption protocol, compatible with lagacy WEP equipment, but enhanced to correct some of WEP flaws •aes-ccm- more secure WPA encryption protocol, based on the reliable AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). Networks free of WEP legacy should use only this group-key-update(time; default:5m) - how often...
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•none- do not use encryption and do not accept encrypted packets •40bit-wep- use the 40bit encryption (also known as 64bit-wep) and accept only these packets •104bit-wep- use the 104bit encryption (also known as 128bit-wep) and accept only these packets •aes-ccm- use the AES-CCM (Advanced Encryption Standard in Counter with CBC-MAC) encryption algorithm and accept only these packets •tkip- use the TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) and accept only these packets...
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static-sta-private-key(text) - if this key is set in station mode, use this key for encryption. In AP mode you have to specify static-private keys in the access-list or use the Radius server using radius-mac-authentication. Used to commumicate between 2 devices static-transmit-key(static-key-0|static-key-1|static-key-2|static-key-3; default:static-key-0) - which key to use for broadcast packets. Used in AP mode supplicant-identity(text; default:MikroTik) - EAP supplicant identity to use for RADIUS EAP...
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