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Lucent Technologies Ds1/Cept1/Isdn Pri Reference Manual

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Page 221

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
555-025-107  Issue 1
July 1993
System Administration 
Page 6-47 G2.2 Administration 
Field 7
If field  14 is d efined  as non-ISDN (0
, 1
, or 2
) this field  is eq uivalent to the 
Per-Channel Sig naling  and  c ommon c hannel sig naling  op tions used  with System 
85 R2V4. However, the terms have b een c hang ed  to fac ility assoc iated  sig naling  
(FAS) and  NFAS.
If field  14 is d efined  as ISDN (5

Page 222

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
555-025-107  Issue 1
July 1993
System Administration 
Page 6-48 G2.2 Administration 
7-b it c harac ters/d ata at rates up  throug h 56K-b p s via mod ems and  multip lexers 
that d o b it-stuffing . If the d ata c ommunic ations p rotoc ol is b ased  on the 
hig h-level d ata link (HDLC) p rotoc ol (that is, mod e 2/3) and  d ata is transmitted as 
inverted -HDLC, then the ZCS op tion c an b e used  for d ata...

Page 223

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
555-025-107  Issue 1
July 1993
System Administration 
Page 6-49 G2.2 Administration 
enab le. This exc lud es all T1-sp ans c onnec ting  c hannel b anks, unless the 
c hannel b ank is externally timed . Normally, those DS1/T1 sp ans that are used  
exc lusively for voic e and  that are not assig ned  as the p rimary or sec ond ary 
sync hronization sourc e should  b e ad ministered  for slip  d isab le (0

Page 224

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
555-025-107  Issue 1
July 1993
System Administration 
Page 6-50 G2.2 Administration 
Field 12
Sp ec ifies whether (1
) or not (0
) the assoc iated  T1-sp an is used  as an inc oming  
sync hronization sourc e to the switc h. The network sync hronization d iag ram 
should  show those transmission fac ilities that are used  for sync hronization. Eac h 
switc h p ermits a maximum of two interfac es (one p rimary...

Page 225

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
555-025-107  Issue 1
July 1993
System Administration 
Page 6-51 G2.2 Administration 
A loop-timing  p rob lem c an b e c reated  if sync hronization sourc es are not 
ad ministered  c orrec tly. The loop -timing  p roblem exists as the result of an 
error where b oth switc h end p oints (for the same T1-sp an) are ad ministered  
as the p rimary. This c auses the c loc k frequenc y to vary wid ely and  c...

Page 226

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
555-025-107  Issue 1
July 1993
System Administration 
Page 6-52 G2.2 Administration 
Assig ns that the interfac e is used  to p rovid e DMI-BOS trunks.
The DMI-BOS trunk g roup s are d efined  using  p roc edure 100, word  1 
(enc od e 108 and /or 109). DMI-BOS ap p lic ations use the switc hs DS1 to 
p rovid e a hig h-sp eed  multip lexed  d ata interfac e for c onnec ting to 
c omp atib le c omp uters. The c...

Page 227

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
555-025-107  Issue 1
July 1993
System Administration 
Page 6-53 G2.2 Administration 
Field 15
Some fac ilities req uire that the c ontents of the D-c hannel b e inverted  to 
g uarantee that the minimum ones density b e maintained  (that is, ZCS line c od ing  
is used ). This field  shows whether the D-c hannel is inverted  or not. Field  enc odes 
and their descriptions are:
Field 16
Field encodes and their...

Page 228

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
555-025-107  Issue 1
July 1993
System Administration 
Page 6-54 G2.2 Administration 
Field 17
This field  is add ed  to b ring  G2.2 into c omp lianc e with EIA sp ec ific ation PIN-1429.
This EIA sp ec ific ation relates to bit-oriented -sig naling  (BOS); 
messag e-oriented -sig naling  (MOS) is d efined  b y a CCITT sp ec ific ation.
Field encodes and their descriptions are:
Field 18
Loop  leng th refers to...

Page 229

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
555-025-107  Issue 1
July 1993
System Administration 
Page 6-55 G2.2 Administration 
on b oth systems. If 26-gaug e PDS c ab les are used , d istanc es are red uc ed  as 
assig ned .
The T1 offic e rep eaters or T1 line rep eaters c an be used  when the on-p remises 
d istanc e limitation is exc eed ed . A T1 offic e rep eater is req uired at eac h end  of 
the c onnec tion to p rovid e an interc onnec tion rang...

Page 230

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
555-025-107  Issue 1
July 1993
System Administration 
Page 6-56 G2.2 Administration 
Field 5
BRI Only for ISDN-PRI and  DMI-MOS ap p lic ations, the d ash (–) is app rop riate.
Field 6
Assig ns this interfac e as the user (0
) or the network (1
) sid e. When c onnec ted  to 
a  4 ESS,  t h e  c u st o m e r  p re m i se s s w i t c h  is  a l w a y s t h e  u se r  si d e .  Wh e n  n o t  
c o n n e c t e d  t...
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