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Lucent Technologies Ds1/Cept1/Isdn Pri Reference Manual

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Page 251

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
555-025-107  Issue 1
July 1993
System Administration 
Page 6-77 G2.2 Administration 
1. Trunk typ es p rec ed ed  with an asterisk (*) may b e selec ted  b y trunk typ e 
120 on an as need ed  Call-By-Call (CBC) Servic e Selec tion b asis.
2. Trunk typ es not inc lud ed  in these c ateg ories may not b e translated  for 
ISDN-PRI service. Most conventional trunk types specify, as a part of their 
name, an...

Page 252

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
555-025-107  Issue 1
July 1993
System Administration 
Page 6-78 G2.2 Administration 
Field 3
Assig ns whether the trunk g roup  has (1
) or d oes not have (0
) the b attery reversal 
op tion. Enc od e 0 is required  for ISDN-PRI.
Field 4
Assig ns the numb er of p refix d igits. Field  enc od es and their d esc rip tions are:
Dash (–) is always ap p lic ab le for ISDN-PRI ap p lic ations exc ep t for DID trunks...

Page 253

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
555-025-107  Issue 1
July 1993
System Administration 
Page 6-79 G2.2 Administration 
Field 13
Ad ministers the op tional transmission loss assig nments. The enc od e translated  
d epend s on the network c onfig uration and  servic e ap p lic ation. Field enc od es 
and  their c orresp ond ing  loss p lan are listed  as follows:
Fields 14-16
These field s are ig nored  b y ISDN software. Either enc od e (0 or 1)...

Page 254

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
555-025-107  Issue 1
July 1993
System Administration 
Page 6-80 G2.2 Administration 
Field 2
The ISDN-PRI d oes not p lac e any new or add itional c onsid erations on translating  
these field s. The enc od es that are translated  are g enerally d ep end ent on eac h 
trunk g roup , its ap p lic ation, and  the assoc iated  trunk g roups.
Field 3
Determines the numb er of traveling  c lass marks (TCMs) a trunk g...

Page 255

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
555-025-107  Issue 1
July 1993
System Administration 
Page 6-81 G2.2 Administration 
When the trunk seq uenc e c omp letes, if Dial Tone was d etec ted and  the Dial 
Tone Detec t Ig nore field  for the trunk g roup  is set to 0, d ig it send ing  b eg ins 
immediately (the first pause is skipped).
If Dial Tone was not d etec ted  d uring  the trunk seq uenc e or the trunk g roup  is 
ad ministered  to Ignore...

Page 256

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
555-025-107  Issue 1
July 1993
System Administration 
Page 6-82 G2.2 Administration 
overlap p ed  sending  will oc c ur for the remainder of the seven dig it number 
d epend s on the op tion p rovisioned  in Field  14 of this word  for the trunk g roup 
referenc ed  in the selec ted  route. Please see Field  Help  for Field  14.
Setting  this field  to one c ould  ad versely affec t p roc essor oc c up anc y in...

Page 257

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
555-025-107  Issue 1
July 1993
System Administration 
Page 6-83 G2.2 Administration 
Procedure 116 Word 1: DS1/DMI/ISDN-PRI
Trunk Assignments
Eac h analog  trunk c irc uit p ac k p rovid es four c irc uits that are ad ministered  b y 
using  p roc ed ure 150. Conversely, eac h DS1 p rovid es 24 c irc uits (c hannels) that 
are ad ministered  b y using  p roc ed ure 116.
For trad itional mod ules, eac h DS1/MFAT...

Page 258

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
555-025-107  Issue 1
July 1993
System Administration 
Page 6-84 G2.2 Administration 
To minimize c onfusion and  eliminate the need  for maintaining  elab orate trunk to 
c hannel c ross-referenc e tab les, trunk group  memb er assig nments should  matc h 
the DS1 c hannel assig nments; for examp le, trunk g roup  memb er 1 on c hannel 1. 
For example, using  p roc ed ure 116, word  1, refer to Ta b l e  6 - 7...

Page 259

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
555-025-107  Issue 1
July 1993
System Administration 
Page 6-85 G2.2 Administration 
Field 11
Translates the D-c hannel g roup  numb er. These numb ers should  b e c oord inated  
with field  1 of p roc ed ure 262, word  2. Field  enc odes and  their d esc rip tions are:
 Dash (–), for non-NFAS arrang ements.
Numb ers within the rang e 1 throug h 255 for all NFAS arrang ements.
Procedure 012 Word 1: Name...

Page 260

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
555-025-107  Issue 1
July 1993
System Administration 
Page 6-86 G2.2 Administration 
Field 4
The main func tion of this field  is to provid e some ad ministration c ontrol over what 
is displayed on the voice terminals digital display. Field encodes and their 
descriptions are:
Field 5
Assig ns the method  used  to d efine the name. Field  enc od es and  their 
descriptions are:
Field 6
This field  is used  with...
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