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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Feature Descriptions Manual

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Page 401

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  Issue 5
May 1999
DEFINITY AUDIX Command Summary 
Available for 
ad d ressing
Ad d ressingChang es b etween name and extension add ressing . 
To find out the d efault format, listen for the system to 
prompt you for 
names or extensions. (For names, the 
letter Q is on the 7 key, and  Z is on the 9 key.)
  List Informs the system that you will b e using  a list to 
ad d ress the messag e.
1. Inc rease/d ec rease sp eed  or...

Page 402

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  Issue 5
May 1999
DEFINITY AUDIX Command Summary 

Page 403

DCS Networks 
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  Issue 5
May 1999
DCS Networks
The Distrib uted  Communic ations System (DCS) is a servic e d esig ned  to meet the 
need s of c ustomers with telec ommunic ations req uirements that exc eed  the 
c ap ac ity of a sing le switc h. Using  a DCS allows the c ustomer to op erate and  
c ontrol a multip le switc h network as if it were a sing le switc h. 
One or more DEFINITY AUDIX systems operating  in CL Mod e c an b e c onnec...

Page 404

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  Issue 5
May 1999
DCS Networks 
Figure 67. DEFINITY AUDIX System Connection to DCS Network
The following tab le shows DEFINITY AUDIX feature transp arenc y for d ifferent 
types of switc hes in a DCS Network. Feature transp arenc y means the feature 
works the same on the host switc hes listed  in the first c olumn as on the remote 
switc hes listed  in the sec ond  c olumn. The third c olumn lists the numb ers of the 
features availab le to...

Page 405

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  Issue 5
May 1999
DCS Networks 
* Works only if b oth the c overing p arty and the p rinc ipal are on the same remote switc h (one that 
sup p orts Call Transfer Into AUDIX). 
1.Call to Loc al Hunt Group :   The DEFINITY AUDIX voic e p orts are arrang ed  
in hunt g roup s on the host switc h. The c all-d istrib ution feature uses the 
name Uniform Call Distrib ution (UCD) on System 75, DEFINITY Generic  1, 
and  DEFINITY Generic  3 switc...

Page 406

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  Issue 5
May 1999
DCS Networks 
A c all to the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX hunt g roup  is c onsid ered  transp arent if 
DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers on a remote switc h c an d ial the remote 
switc h’s (
their loc al) DEFINITY AUDIX extension numb er and b e forward ed  
automatic ally to the hunt g roup  on the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system’s 
host switc h. For examp le, if the DEFINITY AUDIX system is p hysic ally 
d istant, remote users would...

Page 407

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  Issue 5
May 1999
DCS Networks 
8.Transfer Out of AUDIX (Enhanc ed ):   Callers c an transfer out of the 
DEFINITY AUDIX system using  enhanc ed  c all transfer. This method  of c all 
transfer uses the d ata link, and  is c urrently available only on System 85 
R2V4, System 75 R1V3 Issue 1.4, Generic  1, Generic  2, and Generic  3, or 
later switc h software releases. 
Return the Call Automatic ally (p art of Voic e Mailb ox):   This...

Page 408

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  Issue 5
May 1999
DCS Networks 

Page 409

DEFINITY AUDIX Feature History 
DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  Issue 5
May 1999
DEFINITY AUDIX Feature History
This ap p end ix summarizes the features and c ommand s that were ad d ed  to eac h 
version of the DEFINITY AUDIX system throug h R4.01. 
DEFINITY AUDIX R1.0 software runs only in digital-port (DP) switc h integ ration 
mod e. In DP mod e, the system c an sup p ort a maximum of 8 voic e p orts and  40 
hours of storag e....

Page 410

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
Feature Descriptions  Issue 5
May 1999
DEFINITY AUDIX Feature History 
nAMIS Analog  Networking:   This feature permits sub sc rib ers to exc hang e 
Voice Mail messages with any other voice mail system (that also has AMIS 
analog c ap ab ilities), anywhere in the world . 
nAnnounc ement Sets:   The DEFINITY AUDIX system allows the system 
ad ministrator to use a voic e terminal to rec ord  and  listen to sub sc rib ers’ 
names. In ad d ition,...
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