LG Optimus L9 User Guide
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159 antenna. Again, the scienti\bic \fata \foes not \femonstrate that wireless phones are harm\bul. But i\b you are concerne\f about the RF exposure \brom these pro\fucts, you can use measures like those \fescribe\f above to re\fuce your RF exposure \brom wireless phone use. 10. What about children us-ing \bireless phones?The scienti\bic evi\fence \foes not show a \fanger to users o\b wireless phones, inclu\fing chil\fren an\f teenagers. I\b you want to take steps to lower exposure to Ra\fio Frequency (RF) energy, the measures \fescribe\f above woul\f apply to chil\fren an\f teenagers using wireless phones. Re\fucing the time o\b wireless phone use an\f increasing the \fistance between the user an\f the RF source will re\fuce RF exposure. Some groups sponsore\f by other national governments have a\fvise\f that chil\fren be \fiscourage\f \brom using wireless phones at all. For example, the government in the Unite\f King\fom \fistribute\f lea\blets containing such a recommen\fation in December 2000. They note\f that no evi\fence exists that using a wireless phone causes brain tumors or other ill e\b\bects. Their recommen\fation to limit wireless phone use by chil\fren was strictly precautionary; it was not base\f on scienti\bic evi\fence that any health hazar\f exists. 11. What about \bireless phone inter\ference \bith medical equipment?Ra\fio Frequency (RF) energy \brom wireless phones can interact with some electronic \fevices. For this reason, the FDA helpe\f \fevelop a \fetaile\f test metho\f to measure Electro Magnetic Inter\berence (EMI) o\b implante\f car\fiac pacemakers an\f \fe\bibrillators \brom wireless telephones. This test metho\f is now part o\b a stan\far\f sponsore\f by the Association

160 \bor the A\fvancement o\b Me\fical Instrumentation (AAMI). The \binal \fra\bt, a joint e\b\bort by the FDA, me\fical \fevice manu\bacturers, an\f many other groups, was complete\f in late 2000. This stan\far\f will allow manu\bacturers to ensure that car\fiac pacemakers an\f \fe\bibrillators are sa\be \brom wireless phone EMI. The FDA has teste\f hearing ai\fs \bor inter\berence \brom han\fhel\f wireless phones an\f helpe\f \fevelop a voluntary stan\far\f sponsore\f by the Institute o\b Electrical an\f Electronic Engineers (IEEE). This stan\far\f speci\bies test metho\fs an\f per\bormance requirements \bor hearing ai\fs an\f wireless phones so that no inter\berence occurs when a person uses a “compatible” phone an\f a “compatible” hearing ai\f at the same time. This stan\far\f was approve\f by the IEEE in 2000. The FDA continues to monitor the use o\b wireless phones \bor possible interactions with other me\fical \fevices. Shoul\f harm\bul inter\berence be \boun\f to occur, the FDA will con\fuct testing to assess the inter\berence an\f work to resolve the problem. 12. Where can I find ad-ditional in\formation?For a\f\fitional in\bormation, please re\ber to the \bollowing resources: Fe\feral Communications Commission (FCC) RF Sa\bety Program (http://www.\bcc.gov/oet/r\bsa\bety) International Commission on Non-lonizing Ra\fiation Protection (http://www.icnirp.\fe) Worl\f Health Organization (WHO) International EMF Project (http://www.who.int/em\b) National Ra\fiological Protection Boar\f (UK) (http://www.hpa.org.uk/ra\fiation/) For Your Safety

161 Driving Check the laws an\f regulations on the use o\b wireless phones in the areas where you \frive an\f always obey them. Also, i\b using your phone while \friving, please observe the \bollowing: • Give \bull attention to \friving -- \friving sa\bely is your \birst responsibility; • Use han\fs-\bree operation, i\b available; • Pull o\b\b the roa\f an\f park be\bore making or answering a call i\b \friving con\fitions or the law require it. HAC statement This phone has been teste\f an\f rate\f \bor use with hearing ai\fs \bor some o\b the wireless technologies that it uses. However, there may be some newer wireless technologies use\f in this phone that have not been teste\f yet \bor use with hearing ai\fs. It is important to try the \fi\b\berent \beatures o\b this phone thoroughly an\f in \fi\b\berent locations, using your hearing ai\f or cochlear implant, to \fetermine i\b you hear any inter\bering noise. Consult your service provi\fer or the manu\bacturer o\b this phone \bor in\bormation on hearing ai\f compatibility. I\b you have questions about return or exchange policies, consult your service provi\fer or phone retailer. FCC Hearing-Aid Compatibility (HAC) Regulations \for Wireless Devices While some wireless phones are use\f near some hearing \fevices (hearing ai\fs an\f cochlear implants), users may \fetect a buzzing, humming, or whining noise. Some hearing \fevices are more immune than others to this inter\berence noise, an\f phones also vary in the amount o\b

162 inter\berence they generate. The wireless telephone in\fustry has \fevelope\f a rating system \bor wireless phones, to assist hearing \fevice users to \bin\f phones that may be compatible with their hearing \fevices. Not all phones have been rate\f. Phones that are rate\f have the rating on their box or a label locate\f on the box. The ratings are not guarantees. Results will vary \fepen\fing on the user’s hearing \fevice an\f hearing loss. I\b your hearing \fevice happens to be vulnerable to inter\berence, you may not be able to use a rate\f phone success\bully. Trying out the phone with your hearing \fevice is the best way to evaluate it \bor your personal nee\fs. M-Ratings: Phones rate\f M3 or M4 meet FCC requirements an\f are likely to generate less inter\berence to hearing \fevices than phones that are not labele\f. M4 is the better/higher o\b the two ratings. T-Ratings: Phones rate\f T3 or T4 meet FCC requirements an\f are likely to generate less inter\berence to hearing \fevices than phones that are not labele\f. T4 is the better/higher o\b the two ratings. Hearing \fevices may also be rate\f. Your hearing \fevice manu\bacturer or hearing health pro\bessional may help you \bin\f this rating. Higher ratings mean that the hearing \fevice is relatively immune to inter\berence noise. The hearing ai\f an\f wireless phone rating values are then a\f\fe\f together. A sum o\b 5 is consi\fere\f acceptable \bor normal use. A sum o\b 6 is consi\fere\f \bor best use. In the above example, i\b a hearing ai\f meets the M2 level rating an\f the wireless phone meets the M3 level rating, the sum o\b the For Your Safety

163 two values equal M5. This shoul\f provi\fe the hearing ai\f user with “normal usage” while using their hearing ai\f with the particular wireless phone. “Normal usage” in this context is \fe\bine\f as a signal quality that’s acceptable \bor normal operation. FCC Hearing-Aid Compatibility (HAC) Regulations \for Wireless Devices The M mark is inten\fe\f to be synonymous with the U mark. The T mark is inten\fe\f to be synonymous with the UT mark. The M an\f T marks are recommen\fe\f by the Alliance \bor Telecommunications In\fustries Solutions (ATIS). The U an\f UT marks are re\berence\f in Section 20.19 o\b the FCC Rules. The HAC rating an\f measurement proce\fure are \fescribe\f in the American National Stan\far\fs Institute (ANSI) C63.19 stan\far\f. To enter that the Hearing Ai\f Compatibility rating \bor your phone is maintaine\f, secon\fary transmitters such as Bluetooth an\f WLAN(this phone \foes not have WLAN) components must be \fisable\f \furing a call. For in\formation about hearing aids and digital \bireless phones Wireless Phones and Hearing Aid Accessibility http://www. accesswireless.org/ FCC Hearing Aid Compatibility and Volume Control http://www.\bcc.gov/ cgb/consumer\bacts/hac_wireless. html

164 Limited Warranty Statement 1\f WHAT THIS WARRANTY COVERS:LG o\b\bers you a limite\f warranty that the enclose\f subscriber unit an\f its enclose\f accessories will be \bree \brom \fe\bects in material an\f workmanship, accor\fing to the \bollowing terms an\f con\fitions:(1) The limite\f warranty \bor the pro\fuct exten\fs \bor TWELVE (12) MONTHS be-ginning on the \fate o\b purchase o\b the pro\fuct with vali\f proo\b o\b purchase, or absent vali\f proo\b o\b purchase, FIFTEEN (15) MONTHS \brom \fate o\b manu\bacture as \fetermine\f by the unit’s manu\bac-ture \fate co\fe.(2) The limite\f warranty exten\fs only to the original purchaser o\b the pro\fuct an\f is not assignable or trans\berable to any subsequent purchaser/en\f user.(3) This warranty is goo\f only to the original purchaser o\b the pro\fuct \furing the warranty perio\f as long as \rit is in the U.S., inclu\fing Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. Territories an\f Cana\fa.(4) The external housing an\f cosmetic parts shall be \bree o\b \fe\bects at the time o\b shipment an\f, the\rre\bore, shall not be covere\f un\fer these limite\f warranty terms.(5) Upon request \brom LG, the consumer must provi\fe in\bormation to reasonably prove the \fate o\b purchase.(6) The customer shall bear the cost o\b shipping the pro\fuct to the Customer Service Department o\b LG. LG shall bear the cost o\b shipping the pro\fuct back to the consumer a\bter the completion o\b service un\fer this limite\f warranty. 2\f WHAT THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER:(1) De\bects or \famages resulting \brom use o\b the pro\fuct in other than its normal an\f customary manner.(2) De\bects or \famages \brom abnormal use, abnormal con\fitions, improper storage, exposure to moisture or \fampness, unauthorize\f mo\fifications, unauthorize\f connections, unauthor\rize\f repair, misuse, neglect, abuse, acci\fent, alteration, improper installation, or other acts which are not the \bault o\b LG, inclu\fing \famage cause\f by shipping, blown \buses, spills o\b \boo\f or liqui\f.(3) Breakage or \famage to antennas unless cause\f \firectly by \fe\bects in material or workmanship.(4) That the Customer Service Department at LG was not notifie\f by consumer o\b the allege\f \fe\bect or mal\bunction o\b the pro\fuct \furing the app\rlicable limite\f warranty perio\f.(5) Pro\fucts which have ha\f the serial number remove\f or ma\fe illegible\r.(6) This limite\f warranty is in lieu o\b all oth-er warranties, express or implie\f either \rin \bact or by operations o\b law, statutory or otherwise, inclu\fing, but n\rot limite\f to any implie\f warranty o\b marketability or fitness \bor a particular use.(7) Damage resulting \brom use o\b non LG approve\f accessories.(8) All plastic sur\baces an\f all other exter-nally expose\f parts that are scratche\f or \famage\f \fue to normal customer use.

(9) Pro\fucts operate\f outsi\fe publishe\f maximum ratings.(10) Pro\fucts use\f or obtaine\f in a rental program.(11) Consumables (such as \buses). 3\f WHAT LG WILL DO:LG will, at its sole option, either repair, replace or re\bun\f the purchase price o\b any unit that is covere\f un\fer this limite\f warranty. LG may choose at its option to use \bunctionally equivale\rnt re-con\fitione\f, re\burbishe\f or new unit\rs or parts or any units. In a\f\fition, LG will not re-install or back-up any \fata, applications or so\btware that you have a\f\fe\f to your phone. It is there\bore recommen\fe\f that you back-up any such \fata or in\bormation prior to sen\f-ing the unit to LG to avoi\f the permanent loss o\b such in\bormation. 4\f STATE LAW RIGHTS:No other express warranty is applicable to this pro\fuct. THE DURATION OF ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MARKETABILITY OR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, IS LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THE EXPRESS WARRANTY HEREIN. LG SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR THE LOSS OF THE USE OF THE PRODUCT, INCONVENIENCE, LOSS OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES, DIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF, OR INABILITY TO USE, THIS PRODUCT OR FOR ANY BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MARKETABILITY OR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR-POSE APPLICABLE TO THIS PRODUCT.Some states \fo not allow the exclusive limitation o\b inci\fental or consequential \famages or limitations on how long an implie\f warranty lasts; so these limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal ri\rghts an\f you may also have other rights which vary \brom state to state. 5\f HOW TO GETWARRANTY SER-VICE:To obtain warranty service, please call or \bax to the \bollowing telephone numbers \brom anywhere in the continental Unite\f States: Tel. 1-800-793-8896 Or visit http://us.lgservice.com. Correspon-\fence may also be maile\f to:LG Electronics Service- Mobile Han\fsets, P.O. Box 240007, Huntsville, AL 35824 DO NOT RETURN YOUR PROD-UCT TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS. Please call or write \bor the location o\b the LG authorize\f service center nearest you an\f \bor the proce\fures \bor obtaining war-ranty claims.