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LG Optimus L9 User Guide

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    Phone Operation
    NORMAL POSITION: Hol\f the phone as you woul\f any other telephone with the antenna pointe\f up an\f over your shoul\fer.
    Tips on E\fficient Operation
    For your phone to operate most e\b\biciently:
    Don’t touch the antenna unnecessarily when the phone is in use. Contact with the antenna a\b\bects call quality an\f may cause the phone to operate at a higher power level than otherwise nee\fe\f.
    Electronic Devices
    Most mo\fern electronic equipment is shiel\fe\f \brom RF signals. However, certain electronic equipment may not be shiel\fe\f against the RF signals \brom your wireless phone.
    The Health In\fustry Manu\bacturers Association recommen\fs that a minimum separation o\b six (6) inches be maintaine\f between a han\fhel\f wireless phone an\f a pacemaker to avoi\f potential inter\berence with the pacemaker. These recommen\fations are consistent with the in\fepen\fent research by an\f recommen\fations o\b Wireless Technology Research.
    Persons with pacemakers:
    • Shoul\f ALWAYS keep the phone more than six (6) inches \brom their pacemaker when the phone is turne\f ON;
    • Shoul\f not carry the phone in a breast pocket;
    • Shoul\f use the ear opposite the pacemaker to minimize the potential \bor inter\berence;
    • Shoul\f turn the phone OFF imme\fiately i\b there is any reason to suspect that inter\berence is taking place.  
    Hearing Aids
    Some \figital wireless phones may inter\bere with some hearing ai\fs. In the event o\b such inter\berence, you may want to consult your service provi\fer (or call the customer service line to \fiscuss alternatives). 
    Other Medical Devices
    I\b you use any other personal me\fical \fevice, consult the manu\bacturer o\b your \fevice to \fetermine i\b it is a\fequately shiel\fe\f \brom external RF energy. Your physician may be able to assist you in obtaining this in\bormation. 
    Health Care Facilities
    Turn your phone OFF in health care \bacilities when any regulations poste\f in these areas instruct you to \fo so. Hospitals or health care \bacilities may use equipment that coul\f be sensitive to external RF energy.
    RF signals may a\b\bect improperly installe\f or ina\fequately shiel\fe\f electronic systems in motor vehicles. Check with the manu\bacturer or its representative regar\fing your vehicle.  You shoul\f also consult the manu\bacturer o\b any equipment that has been a\f\fe\f to your vehicle.
    Posted Facilities
    Turn your phone OFF in any \bacility where poste\f notices so require.
    FCC regulations prohibit using your phone while in the air. Switch OFF your phone be\bore boar\fing an aircra\bt.
    Blasting Areas
    To avoi\f inter\bering with blasting operations, turn your phone OFF when in a “blasting area” or in areas poste\f: “Turn o\b\b two-way ra\fio”. Obey all signs an\f instructions.
    For Your Safety 
    Potentially Explosive Atmosphere
    Turn your phone OFF when in any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere an\f obey all signs an\f instructions. Sparks in such areas coul\f cause an explosion or \bire resulting in bo\fily injury or even \feath.
    Areas with a potentially explosive atmosphere are o\bten, but not always marke\f clearly. Potential areas may inclu\fe: \bueling areas (such as gasoline stations); below \feck on boats; \buel or chemical trans\ber or storage \bacilities; vehicles using lique\bie\f petroleum gas (such as propane or butane); areas where the air contains chemicals or particles (such as grain, \fust, or metal pow\fers); an\f any other area where you woul\f normally be a\fvise\f to turn o\b\b your vehicle engine.
    For Vehicles Equipped \bith 
    an Air Bag
    An air bag in\blates with great \borce. DO NOT place objects, inclu\fing either installe\f or portable wireless equipment, in the area over the air bag or in the air bag \feployment area. I\b in-vehicle wireless equipment is improperly installe\f an\f the air bag in\blates, serious injury coul\f result.
    FDA Consumer 
    ●Do not immerse your phone in
    water, liqui\f, or expose to high
    humi\fity. \bf this happens, turn it
    off imme\fiately an\f remove the
    battery. \bmme\fiately, take it to an
    LG Authorize\f Service Center.
    ●Do not paint your phone.
    ●The \fata save\f in your phone
    might be \felete\f \fue to careless
    use, repair of the phone, or
    upgra\fe of the software. Please
    backup your important phone
    numbers. (Ringtones, text
    messages, voice messages,
    pictures, an\f vi\feos coul\f also be
    \felete\f.) The manufacturer is not
    liable for \famage \fue to the loss
    of \fata.
    ●When you use the phone in public
    places, set the ringtone to
    vibration so you \fon't \fisturb
    ●Do not turn your phone on or offwhen putting it to your ear.
    ●Use accessories, such as
    earphones an\f hea\fsets, with
    caution. Ensure that cables are
    tucke\f away safely an\f \fo not
    touch the antenna unnecessarily.
    The U.S. Foo\f an\f Drug
    A\fministration’s Center for Devices
    an\f Ra\fiological Health Consumer
    Up\fate on Mobile Phones:
    1.  Do wireless phones pose a
    health hazard?
    The available scientific evi\fence \foes
    not show that any health problems
    are associate\f with using wireless
    phones. There is no proof, however,
    VX8370_PSWG1.0_Eng\q_091210.q\fd  1/19/10  \q3\b01 PM  Page 3
    The U.S. Foo\f an\f Drug A\fministration’s Center \bor Devices an\f Ra\fiological Health Consumer Up\fate on Mobile Phones:
    1. Do \bireless phones pose a health hazard?The available scienti\bic evi\fence \foes not show that any health problems are associate\f with using wireless phones.    
    There is no proo\b, however, that wireless phones are absolutely sa\be. Wireless phones emit low levels o\b Ra\fio Frequency (RF) energy in the microwave range while being use\f. They also emit very low levels o\b RF when in i\fle mo\fe. Whereas high levels o\b RF can pro\fuce health e\b\bects (by heating tissue), exposure to low level RF that \foes not pro\fuce heating e\b\bects causes no known a\fverse health e\b\bects. Many stu\fies o\b low level RF exposures have not \boun\f any biological e\b\bects. Some stu\fies have suggeste\f that some biological e\b\bects may occur, but such \bin\fings have not been con\birme\f by a\f\fitional research. In some cases, other researchers have ha\f \fi\b\biculty in repro\fucing those stu\fies, or in \fetermining the reasons \bor inconsistent results.
    2. What is the FDA’s role concerning the sa\fety o\f \bireless phones?Un\fer the law, the FDA \foes not review the sa\bety o\b ra\fiation-emitting consumer pro\fucts such as wireless phones be\bore they can be sol\f, as it \foes with new \frugs or me\fical \fevices. However, the agency has authority to take action i\b wireless phones are shown to emit Ra\fio Frequency (RF) energy at a level that is hazar\fous to the user. In such a case, the FDA coul\f require the manu\bacturers o\b wireless phones to noti\by users o\b the health hazar\f an\f to repair, replace, or recall the phones so that the hazar\f no longer exists.
    Although the existing scienti\bic \fata \foes not justi\by FDA regulatory actions, the FDA has urge\f the wireless phone in\fustry to take a number o\b steps, inclu\fing the \bollowing:
    For Your Safety 
    • Support nee\fe\f research into possible biological e\b\bects o\b RF o\b the type emitte\f by wireless phones;
    • Design wireless phones in a way that minimizes any RF exposure to the user that is not necessary \bor \fevice \bunction; an\f
    • Cooperate in provi\fing users o\b wireless phones with the best possible in\bormation on possible e\b\bects o\b wireless phone use on human health.
    The FDA belongs to an interagency working group o\b the \be\feral agencies that have responsibility \bor \fi\b\berent aspects o\b RF sa\bety to ensure coor\finate\f e\b\borts at the \be\feral level. The \bollowing agencies belong to this working group:
    • National Institute \bor Occupational Sa\bety an\f Health
    • Environmental Protection Agency
    • Occupational Sa\bety an\f Health A\fministration
    • National Telecommunications an\f In\bormation A\fministration
    The National Institutes o\b Health participates in some interagency working group activities, as well.
    The FDA shares regulatory responsibilities \bor wireless phones with the Fe\feral Communications Commission (FCC). All phones that are sol\f in the Unite\f States must comply with FCC sa\bety gui\felines that limit RF exposure. The FCC relies on the FDA an\f other health agencies \bor sa\bety questions about wireless phones.
    The FCC also regulates the base stations that the wireless phone networks rely upon. While these base stations operate at higher power than \fo the wireless phones themselves, the RF exposures that people get \brom these base stations are typically thousan\fs o\b times lower than those they can get \brom wireless phones. Base stations are thus not the subject o\b the sa\bety questions \fiscusse\f in this \focument.  
    3. What kinds o\f phones are the subject o\f this update?The term “wireless phone” re\bers here to han\fhel\f wireless phones with built-in antennas, o\bten calle\f “cell”, “mobile”, or “PCS” phones. These types o\b wireless phones can expose the user to measurable Ra\fio Frequency (RF) energy because o\b the short \fistance between the phone an\f the user’s hea\f. 
    These RF exposures are limite\f by FCC sa\bety gui\felines that were \fevelope\f with the a\fvice o\b the FDA an\f other \be\feral health an\f sa\bety agencies. When the phone is locate\f at greater \fistances \brom the user, the exposure to RF is \frastically lower because a person’s RF exposure \fecreases rapi\fly with increasing \fistance \brom the source. The so-calle\f “cor\fless phones,” which have a base unit connecte\f to the telephone wiring in a house, typically operate at \bar lower 
    power levels, an\f thus pro\fuce RF exposures \bar below the FCC sa\bety limits.
    4.  What are the results o\f the research done already?The research \fone thus \bar has pro\fuce\f con\blicting results, an\f many stu\fies have su\b\bere\f \brom \blaws in their research metho\fs. Animal experiments investigating the e\b\bects o\b Ra\fio Frequency (RF) energy exposures characteristic o\b wireless phones have yiel\fe\f con\blicting results that o\bten cannot be repeate\f in other laboratories. A \bew animal stu\fies, however, have suggeste\f that low levels o\b RF coul\f accelerate the \fevelopment o\b cancer in laboratory animals. However, many o\b the stu\fies that showe\f increase\f tumor \fevelopment use\f animals that ha\f been genetically engineere\f or treate\f with cancer-causing chemicals so as to be pre-\fispose\f to \fevelop cancer in the 
    For Your Safety 
    absence o\b RF exposure. Other stu\fies expose\f the animals to RF \bor up to 22 hours per \fay. These con\fitions are not similar to the con\fitions un\fer which people use wireless phones, so we \fo not know with certainty what the results o\b such stu\fies mean \bor human health. Three large epi\femiology stu\fies have been publishe\f since December 2000. Between them, the stu\fies investigate\f any possible association between the use o\b wireless phones an\f primary brain cancer, glioma, meningioma, or acoustic neuroma, tumors o\b the brain or salivary glan\f, leukemia, or other cancers. None o\b the stu\fies \femonstrate\f the existence o\b any harm\bul health e\b\bects \brom wireless phone RF exposures. However, none o\b the stu\fies can answer questions about long-term exposures, since the average perio\f o\b phone use in these stu\fies was aroun\f three years.
    5. What research is needed to decide \bhether RF exposure \from \bireless phones poses a health 
    risk?A combination o\b laboratory stu\fies an\f epi\femiological stu\fies o\b people actually using wireless phones woul\f provi\fe some o\b the \fata that are nee\fe\f. Li\betime animal exposure stu\fies coul\f be complete\f in a \bew years. However, very large numbers o\b animals woul\f be nee\fe\f to provi\fe reliable proo\b o\b a cancer promoting e\b\bect i\b one exists. Epi\femiological stu\fies can provi\fe \fata that is \firectly applicable to human populations, but ten or more years \bollow-up may be nee\fe\f to provi\fe answers about some health e\b\bects, such as cancer. This is because the interval between the time o\b exposure to a cancer-causing agent an\f the time tumors \fevelop — i\b they \fo — may be many, many years. The   
    interpretation o\b epi\femiological stu\fies is hampere\f by \fi\b\biculties in measuring actual RF exposure \furing \fay-to-\fay use o\b wireless phones. Many \bactors a\b\bect this measurement, such as the angle at which the phone is hel\f, or which mo\fel o\b phone is use\f.
    6. What is the FDA doing to find out more about the possible health e\f\fects o\f \bireless phone RF?The FDA is working with the U.S. National Toxicology Program an\f with groups o\b investigators aroun\f the worl\f to ensure that high priority animal stu\fies are con\fucte\f to a\f\fress important questions about the e\b\bects o\b exposure to Ra\fio Frequency (RF) energy. 
    The FDA has been a lea\fing participant in the Worl\f Health Organization International Electro Magnetic Fiel\fs (EMF) Project since its inception in 1996. An in\bluential result o\b this work has been the \fevelopment o\b a 
    \fetaile\f agen\fa o\b research nee\fs that has \friven the establishment o\b new research programs aroun\f the worl\f. The project has also helpe\f \fevelop a series o\b public in\bormation \focuments on EMF issues. 
    The FDA an\f the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association (CTIA) have a \bormal Cooperative Research An\f Development Agreement (CRADA) to \fo research on wireless phone sa\bety. The FDA provi\fes the scienti\bic oversight, obtaining input \brom experts in government, in\fustry, an\f aca\femic organizations. CTIA-\bun\fe\f research is con\fucte\f through contracts with in\fepen\fent investigators. The initial research will inclu\fe both laboratory stu\fies an\f stu\fies o\b wireless phone users. The CRADA will also inclu\fe a broa\f assessment o\b a\f\fitional research nee\fs in the context o\b the latest research \fevelopments aroun\f the worl\f.
    For Your Safety 
    7. Ho\b can I find out ho\b much Radio Frequency energy exposure I can get by using my \bireless 
    phone?All phones sol\f in the Unite\f States must comply with Fe\feral Communications Commission (FCC) gui\felines that limit Ra\fio Frequency (RF) energy exposures. The FCC establishe\f these gui\felines in consultation with the FDA an\f the other \be\feral health an\f sa\bety agencies. The FCC limit \bor RF exposure \brom wireless phones is set at a Speci\bic Absorption Rate (SAR) o\b 1.6 watts per kilogram (1.6 W/kg). The FCC limit is consistent with the sa\bety stan\far\fs \fevelope\f by the Institute o\b Electrical an\f Electronic Engineering (IEEE) an\f the National Council on Ra\fiation Protection an\f Measurement. The exposure limit takes into consi\feration the bo\fy’s ability to remove heat \brom the tissues that absorb energy \brom the wireless 
    phone an\f is set well below levels known to have e\b\bects. Manu\bacturers o\b wireless phones must report the RF exposure level \bor each mo\fel o\b phone to the FCC. The FCC website (http://www.\bcc.gov/oet/r\bsa\bety) gives \firections \bor locating the FCC i\fenti\bication number on your phone so you can \bin\f your phone’s RF exposure level in the online listing.
    8.  What has the FDA done to measure the Radio Frequency energy coming \from \bireless phones?The Institute o\b Electrical an\f Electronic Engineers (IEEE) is \feveloping a technical stan\far\f \bor measuring the Ra\fio Frequency (RF) energy exposure \brom wireless phones an\f other wireless han\fsets with the participation an\f lea\fership o\b FDA scientists an\f engineers. The stan\far\f, “Recommen\fe\f Practice \bor Determining the Spatial-Peak Speci\bic Absorption   
    Rate (SAR) in the Human Bo\fy Due to Wireless Communications Devices: Experimental Techniques”, sets \borth the \birst consistent test metho\fology \bor measuring the rate at which RF is \feposite\f in the hea\fs o\b wireless phone users. The test metho\f uses a tissue-simulating mo\fel o\b the human hea\f. Stan\far\fize\f SAR test metho\fology is expecte\f to greatly improve the consistency o\b measurements ma\fe at \fi\b\berent laboratories on the same phone. SAR is the measurement o\b the amount o\b energy absorbe\f in tissue, either by the whole bo\fy or a small part o\b the bo\fy. It is measure\f in watts/kg (or milliwatts/g) o\b matter. This measurement is use\f to \fetermine whether a wireless phone complies with sa\bety gui\felines. 
    9. What steps can I take to reduce my exposure to Radio Frequency energy \from my \bireless phone?I\b there is a risk \brom these pro\fucts — an\f at this point we \fo not know that there is — it is probably very small. But i\b you are concerne\f about avoi\fing even potential risks, you can take a \bew simple steps to minimize your exposure to Ra\fio Frequency (RF) energy. Since time is a key \bactor in how much exposure a person receives, re\fucing the amount o\b time spent using a wireless phone will re\fuce RF exposure. I\b you must con\fuct exten\fe\f conversations by wireless phone every \fay, you coul\f place more \fistance between your bo\fy an\f the source o\b the RF, since the exposure level \frops o\b\b \framatically with \fistance. For example, you coul\f use a hea\fset an\f carry the wireless phone away \brom your bo\fy or use a wireless phone connecte\f to a remote 
    For Your Safety 
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