Land Rover Defender Workshop Rover Manual
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BRAKES5 REPAIR SERVO ASSEMBLY Service repairno-70.50.01 Remove Before starting repairrefertogeneral brakeservice practice See General BrakeService Practice. NOTE:Thenon-return valveandgrommet, are theonly serviceable components. In event offailure ordamage, fitanew unit. 1.Remove mastercylinderSeeMaster cylinder. 2. Disconnect vacuumsupplyhosefromservo unit. 3. Atfootwell, release2brake pedalreturn springs. 4. Disconnect leadsfrombrake lightswitch atrear of pedal box. 5. Remove blankinggrommets fromeach...
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70BRAKES 6 REPAIR BRAKE PEDAL Service repairno-70.35.01 -Brake pedal Service repairno-70.35.03 -Pedal box Remove 1. Remove brakeservoassembly. SeeServo assembly . 2. Remove 6bolts securing pedalboxtoengine bulkhead. 3. Taking carenotdamage brakefluidpipes, remove pedalboxassembly andgasket. 4. Release returnsprings frompedal andpedal box bosses. 5. Using asuitable punch,driftoutretaining pinand withdraw pedalpivotshaft. 6. Remove brakepedalcomplete withpivot bushes. 7. Examine components forwear...
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BRAKES7 REPAIR REV: 09/97 FRONT BRAKE PADS-ALL MODELS Service repairno-70.40.02 Remove 1. Remove frontroad wheels . 2. Clean exterior ofcalipers. 3. Remove splitpinfrom retaining pins. 4. Remove padretaining pinsandanti-rattle springs. 5. Remove brakepads. 6. Clean exposed partsofpistons, usingnewbrake fluid. Wipe away excess withalint free cloth. 7. Using piston clampLRT-70-500 presseach piston backintoitsbore. Ensure thatdisplaced brake fluiddoes notoverflow fromreservoir. Refit 8. Fitbrake pads. 9....
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70BRAKES 8 REPAIR REV:09/97 REAR BRAKE PADS Service repairno-70.40.03 Service tool: Remove 1. Remove rearroad wheels. 2. Clean exterior ofcalipers. 3. Remove padretaining pinsandanti-rattle springs. Notedifferences between90and 110/130 models. 4. Remove brakepads. 5. Clean exposed partsofpistons, usingnewbrake fluid. Wipe away excess withalint free cloth. 6. Using piston clampLRT-70-500 presseach piston backintoitsbore. Ensure thatdisplaced brake fluiddoes notoverflow fromreservoir. Refit 7. Insert brake...
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BRAKES9 REPAIR FRONT BRAKE CALIPER ASSEMBLY Keytocaliper 1. Caliper 2. Bleedscrew 3. Anti-rattle springs 4. Pad retaining pins 5. Split pin 6. Friction pads 7. Piston 8. Wiper sealretainer 9. Wiper seal 10. Fluid seal 11. Brake disc
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70BRAKES 10 REPAIR FRONT BRAKE CALIPERS Service repairno-70.55.05 Service repairno-70.55.16 Before starting repairrefertogeneral brakeservice practice See General BrakeService Practice. Remove 1. Remove frontroad wheels. 2.Expose flexiblebrakehosebymoving coiled protective covering. 3. Using arecognised hoseclamp, clamphoseto prevent lossofbrake fluid. 4. Disconnect rigidbrake pipefrom flexible hose, seal exposed endstoprevent ingressofdirt. 5. Remove splitpin,retaining pinsandsprings, withdraw...
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BRAKES11 REPAIR REV: 09/97 Assemble outboardpistons 13. Coat newfluidseal withbrake fluid.Ease seal into groove inbore using onlyfingers, ensuring it is properly seated.Fluidsealandgroove arenot same insection, sowhen sealisseated itfeels raised totouch atedge furthest awayfrom mouth ofbore. 14. Coat appropriate pistonwithbrake fluid.Insert it squarely intobore byhand only.Donot tiltpiston during insertion, leaveapproximately 8mm projecting frombore. 15. Coat newwiper sealwithbrake fluidandfitto new...
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70BRAKES 12 REPAIR REAR BRAKE CALIPER ASSEMBLY Keytorear caliper 1. Caliper 2. Bleed screw 3. Pad retaining springs 4. Brake pads 5. Piston 6. Wiper sealretainer 7. Wiper seal 8. Fluid seal 9. Retaining pins
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BRAKES13 REPAIR REAR BRAKE CALIPERS Service repairno-70.55.06 Service repairno-70.55.17 Before starting repairrefertoGeneral brakeservice practice See General BrakeService Practice. Remove caliper 1. Remove rearroad wheels. 2. Using arecognised hoseclamp, clampflexible brake hoseabove rearaxle. 90Models 110/130 Models 3. Remove brakepipefrom rearbrake caliper. 4. Seal pipeends toprevent ingressofdirt. 5. Remove retaining pinsandsprings andwithdraw pads. Ifsame padsaretobe refitted, identify them...
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70BRAKES 14 REPAIR REV:09/97 15. Coat anew wiper sealwithbrake fluidandfitto new sealretainer. Slideassembly, sealfirst, over protruding pistonintobore recess. 16. Using special toolLRT-70-500 -piston clamp, press home sealretainer andpiston. Mounting inboardpiston 17. Carry outsame procedure asfor removing and fitting outboard pistonandseals, instructions 8to 16. Fit calipers andpads tovehicle 18. Fitcaliper toaxle, tighten 2bolts evenly to 82 Nm (60lbf/ft). 19. Connect brakepipetocaliper. Tighten...