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HP Photosmart C6383 User Manual

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Page 51

Access Point HW
AddressThe hardware address of the wireless router or access point on the network
to which the HP All-in-One is connected:
•(MAC address): The unique MAC (Media Access Control) hardware
address of the access point.
•Not applicable : This parameter does not apply to this network type.
Total Packets
transmittedThe number of packets transmitted by t he HP All-in-One without error since
it has been turned on. The counter clears after the HP All-in-One is turned
off. When...

Page 52

HEXHexadecimal. The base 16 numbering system, which uses the digits 0-9 plus
the letters A-F.
host computerThe computer at the center of a network.
HostnameThe TCP/IP name assigned by the installation software to the device. By
default, this is the letters HP followed  by the last 6 digits of the Media Access
Control (MAC) address.
hubNo longer commonly used in modern home networks, a hub takes its signal
from each computer and sends it to all of the other computers connected to
the hub. Hubs are...

Page 53

This section contains the following topics:
What you need for a Bluetooth connection
Connect the HP All-in-One to a computer using a Bluetooth® wireless connection
Manage your Bluetooth settings
What you need for a Bluetooth connection
To connect the HP All-in-One with a Bluetooth connection, you will need the following:
❑ A Bluetooth capable device (such as a PDA, camera phone, or computer)
❑ An HP Bluetooth Adapter
Some Bluetooth products exchange device addresses when they communicate with...

Page 54

the HP All-in-One. It is possible to have both the Microsoft Stack and the Widcomm Stack
on your computer, but you use only one of them to connect the HP All-in-One.
•Microsoft stack : If you have Windows Vista or Windows XP with Service Pack 2
installed on your computer, then your computer has the Microsoft Bluetooth
® Protocol
Stack. The Microsoft stack allows you to install an external Bluetooth® adapter
automatically. If your Bluetooth® adapter supports the Microsoft stack but it does not

Page 55

To install and print using the Widcomm stack
1.Make sure that you have installed the product software on the computer.
NOTE: The purpose of installing the software is to make sure the printer driver
is available for the Bluetooth® connection. Therefore, if you have already installed
the software, you do not need to reinstall it. If you want both a USB and a
® connection to the product, install the USB connection first. For more
information, see the Start Here guide. However, if you do not want...

Page 56

The following table describes the Bluetooth settings shown on the configuration page.
Device AddressThe hardware address of the Bluetooth device.
Device NameThe device name assigned to the product, which can identify it on a Bluetooth
PasskeyA value that the user must enter in order to print via Bluetooth.
VisibilityShows whether or not the HP All-in-One is visible to Bluetooth devices that
are within range.
•Visible to all : Any Bluetooth device within range can print to...

Page 57

Set Bluetooth security for the HP All-in-One
You can enable the product security settings through the Bluetooth menu on the HP All-
in-One. From the  Bluetooth menu, you can:
• Ensure passkey auth entication prior to someone printing  to the HP All-in-One from a
Bluetooth device.
• Make the HP All-in-One visible or invisible to Bluetooth devices that are within range.
This section contains the following topics:
Set the security level
Set the HP All-in-One to be invisible to Bluetooth devices
Set the...

Page 58

Set the HP All-in-One to be invisible to Bluetooth devices
You can set the HP All-in-One to be either Visible to all Bluetooth devices (public) or
Not visible  to any (private).
• Visible to all : This is the default accessibility le vel. Any Bluetooth device within range
can print to the  HP All-in-One.
• Not visible : Only Bluetooth devices that have stored the device address of the HP All-
in-One can print to it.
To set the product to be Not visible
1. Press  Setup.
2.Press the down arrow button...

Page 59

Chapter 4
56 Finish setting up the HP All-in-One
Finish setup

Page 60

5 How do I?
This section contains links to commonly performed tasks, such as printing photos,
scanning, and making copies.
How do I print up to 13 x 18 cm (5 x 7 inch) borderless photos from a memory
card?” on page 94
How do I make reprints of a photo in a variety of sizes?” on page 117
How do I make a black-and-white or color copy of a document?” on page 107
How do I print photos larger than 13 x 18 cm (5 x 7) inch from a memory card?”
on page 94
How do I save photos to my computer?” on...
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