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Honeywell 1900ghd-2 User Manual

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    							4 - 3
    Beeper Pitch – Good Read
    The beeper pitch codes modify the pitch (frequency) of the beep the scanner emits on a good read.  The Medium pitch dif-
    fers for the Xenon and Granit scanners.  Default = Medium.
    Vibrate – Good Read
    Note: Vibration settings apply only to Granit Devices.
    The scanner vibrates once when a bar code is successfully read, and twice when a programming bar code is successfully 
    read.  When a programming bar code is unsuccessful, the scanner emits one long vibration (2 times the Vibrate Duration 
    length).  Scan Vibrate - Good Read Off to keep the scanner from vibrating.     Default = Vibrate - Good Read On.
    Vibrate Duration
    If you want to set the length for the good read vibration, scan the bar code below, then set the duration (from 100 - 
    2,000 milliseconds) by scanning digits from the inside back cover, then scanning Save.  Default = 300 ms.
    Low (1600 Hz)
    * Medium - Xenon
     (2700 Hz)
    * Medium - Granit
     (3200 Hz)
    High (4200 Hz)
    Vibrate- Good Read Off
     * Vibrate- Good Read On
    Vibrate Duration 
    							4 - 4
    Beeper Pitch – Error
    The beeper pitch codes modify the pitch (frequency) of the sound the scanner emits when there is a bad read or error.  
    Default = Razz.
    Beeper Duration – Good Read
    The beeper duration codes modify the length of the beep the scanner emits on a good read.  Default = Normal.
    LED – Good Read
    The LED indicator can be programmed On or Off in response to a good read.  Default = On.
    * Razz (250 Hz)
    Medium (3250 Hz)
    High (4200 Hz)
    * Normal Beep
    Short Beep
    Short Beep
    * LED - Good Read On
    LED - Good Read Off 
    							4 - 5
    Number of Beeps – Good Read
    The number of beeps of a good read can be programmed from 1 - 9.  The same number of beeps will be applied to the 
    beeper and LED in response to a good read.  For example, if you program this option to have five beeps, there will be five 
    beeps and five LED flashes in response to a good read.  The beeps and LED flashes are in sync with one another.  To 
    change the number of beeps, scan the bar code below and then scan a digit (1-9) bar code and the Save bar code on the 
    Programming Chart inside the back cover of this manual.  Default = 1.
    Number of Beeps – Error
    The number of beeps and LED flashes emitted by the scanner for a bad read or error can be programmed from 1 - 9.  For 
    example, if you program this option to have five error beeps, there will be five error beeps and five LED flashes in response 
    to an error.  To change the number of error beeps, scan the bar code below and then scan a digit (1-9) bar code and the 
    Save bar code on the Programming Chart inside the back cover of this manual.  Default = 1.
    Beeper Volume Max
    Note: The Beeper Volume Max feature only applies to Granit products.
    Scan the following bar code to set all error and good read beeps to the maximum volume.  This feature also sets the Beeper 
    Pitch – Good Read to the highest level.
    Good Read Delay
    This sets the minimum amount of time before the scanner can read another bar code.  Default = 0 ms (No Delay).
    Number of Good Read Beeps/LED Flashes
    Number of Error Beeps/LED Flashes
    Beeper Volume Max
    * No Delay
    Short Delay (500 ms)
    Medium Delay (1,000 ms) 
    							4 - 6
    User-Specified Good Read Delay
    If you want to set your own length for the good read delay, scan the bar code below, then set the delay (from 0 - 30,000 mil-
    liseconds) by scanning digits from the inside back cover, then scanning Save. 
    Manual Trigger Modes
    When in manual trigger mode, the scanner scans until a bar code is read, or until the trigger is released.  Two modes are avail-
    able, Normal and Enhanced.   Normal mode offers good scan speed and the longest working ranges (depth of field).  
    Enhanced mode will give you the highest possible scan speed but slightly less range than Normal mode.  Enhanced mode is 
    best used when you require a very fast scan speed and don’t require a long working range.  Default = Manual Trigger-Normal.
    Note: Granit 1980i and 1981i do not support Enhanced Manual Trigger Mode. 
    LED Illumination - Manual Trigger
    If you wish to set the illumination LED brightness, scan one of the bar codes below.  This sets the LED illumination for the 
    scanner when the trigger is pressed.  Default = High. 
    Note: The Medium setting is not available on Granit devices.  
    The LEDs are like a flash on a camera.  The lower the ambient light in the room, the brighter the LEDs need to be so 
    the scanner can “see” the bar codes. 
    Note: Granit 1980i and 1981i do not support this setting.
    Long Delay (1,500 ms)
    User-Specified Good Read Delay
    * Manual Trigger - Normal
    Manual Trigger - Enhanced
    							4 - 7
    Serial Trigger Mode
    You can activate the scanner either by pressing the trigger, or using a serial trigger command (see Trigger Commandson page 
    12-3).  When in serial mode, the scanner scans until a bar code has been read or until the deactivate command is sent.  The 
    scanner can also be set to turn itself off after a specified time has elapsed (see Read Time-Out, which follows).
    Read Time-Out
    Use this selection to set a time-out (in milliseconds) of the scanner’s trigger when using serial commands to trigger the 
    scanner.  Once the scanner has timed out, you can activate the scanner either by pressing the trigger or using a serial trig-
    ger command.  After scanning the Read Time-Out bar code, set the time-out duration (from 0-300,000 milliseconds) by 
    scanning digits on the Programming Chart inside the back cover, then scanning Save.  Default = 30,000 ms.
    Presentation Mode
    Presentation Mode uses ambient light and scanner illumination to detect bar codes.  When in Presentation Mode, the LEDs 
    remain dim until a bar code is presented to the scanner, then the aimer turns on and the LEDs turn up to read the code.  If the 
    light level in the room is not high enough, Presentation Mode may not work properly   
    Note: If you are using a cordless charge base in Presentation Mode, the battery will not charge unless the power supply is 
    plugged into the base’s auxiliary power port.
    Scan the following bar code to program your scanner for Presentation Mode.
    * High
    Read Time-Out
    Presentation Mode 
    							4 - 8
    LED Illumination - Presentation Mode
    If you wish to set the illumination LED brightness, scan one of the bar codes below.  This sets the LED illumination for the 
    scanner when it is in Presentation Mode.  (If the scanner is triggered manually, the LED illumination will switch to the setting 
    for a manual trigger. See  LED Illumination - Manual Trigger on page 4-6.)  Default = High.
    Note: The LEDs are like a flash on a camera.  The lower the ambient light in the room, the brighter the LEDs need to be so 
    the scanner can “see” the bar codes. 
    Note: Granit 1980i and 1981i do not support this setting.
    Note: LED Illumination - Presentation Mode does not apply to Streaming Presentation™ Mode or Mobile Phone Read 
    Presentation LED Behavior after Decode
    When a scanner is in presentation mode, the LEDs dim 30 seconds after a bar code is decoded.  If you wish to dim the 
    LEDs immediately after a bar code is decoded, scan the LEDs Off bar code, below.  Default = LEDs On.
    Presentation Sensitivity
    Presentation Sensitivity is a numeric range that increases or decreases the scanners reaction time to bar code presenta-
    tion.  To set the sensitivity, scan the Sensitivity bar code, then scan the degree of sensitivity (from 0-20) from the inside 
    back cover, and Save.  0 is the most sensitive setting, and 20 is the least sensitive.  Default = 1.
    Note: Granit 1980i and 1981i do not support this setting.
    * High
    * LEDs On
    LEDs Off
    							4 - 9
    Presentation Centering
    Use Presentation Centering to narrow the scanner’s field of view when it is in the stand to make sure the scanner reads 
    only those bar codes intended by the user.  For instance, if multiple codes are placed closely together, Presentation Center-
    ing will insure that only the desired codes are read.  
    Note: To adjust centering when the scanner is hand-held, see Centering(page 4-17).
    If a bar code is not touched by a predefined window, it will not be decoded or output by the scanner.  If Presentation Center-
    ing is turned on by scanning Presentation Centering On, the scanner only reads codes that pass through the centering 
    window you specify using the Top of Presentation Centering Window, Bottom of Presentation Centering Window, 
    Left, and Right of Presentation Centering Window bar codes. 
    In the example below, the white box is the centering window.  The centering window has been set to 20% left, 30% right, 
    8% top, and 25% bottom.  Since Bar Code 1 passes through the centering window, it will be read.  Bar Code 2 does not 
    pass through the centering window, so it will not be read.
    Note: A bar code needs only to be touched by the centering window in order to be read.   It does not need to pass completely 
    through the centering window.
    Scan Presentation Centering On, then scan one of the following bar codes to change the top, bottom, left, or right of the 
    centering window.  Then scan the percent you want to shift the centering window using digits on the inside back cover of 
    this manual.  Scan Save.   Default Presentation Centering = 40% for Top and Left, 60% for Bottom and Right.
    Bar Code 1
    Bar Code 2
    10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100% 10090 80 70
    50 40 30 20 10
    Presentation Centering On
    * Presentation Centering Off 
    							4 - 10
    In-Stand Sensor Mode
    Note: The In-Stand Sensor feature only applies to Xenon products.
    This feature senses when the scanner is removed from the stand and tells it to begin manual triggering.  When Sensor On is 
    enabled, the scanner defaults to Streaming Presentation Mode when it is in the stand, and to Manual Trigger Mode when it is 
    removed from the stand.  Default = Sensor On.
    Note: If you are taking images (see Imaging Commands beginning on page 9-1), you must set the In-Stand Sensor to Off.
    You may program a Streaming Presentation Mode (Normal, Enhanced, or Mobile Phone) you wish to use for in-stand scanning, 
    and a Manual Trigger mode (Normal, Enhanced, or Mobile Phone) you wish to use for out-of-stand scanning.  To do this, you 
    must first scan the preferred Streaming Presentation mode (see below), then scan the Manual Trigger mode (see page 4-6 and 
    page 4-12) you want to use.
    Top of Presentation Centering 
    Bottom of Presentation 
    Centering Window
    Left of 
    Presentation Centering 
    Right of Presentation Centering 
    * Sensor On
    Sensor Off 
    							4 - 11
    Poor Quality Codes
    Poor Quality 1D Codes
    This setting improves the scanner’s ability to read damaged or badly printed linear bar codes.  When Poor Quality 1D 
    Reading On is scanned, poor quality linear bar code reading is improved, but the scanner’s snappiness is decreased, mak-
    ing it less aggressive when reading good quality bar codes.  This setting does not affect 2D bar code reading.  Default = 
    Poor Quality 1D Reading Off.
    Poor Quality PDF Codes
    This setting improves the scanner’s ability to read damaged or badly printed PDF codes by combining information from mul-
    tiple images.  When Poor Quality PDF On is scanned, poor quality PDF code reading is improved, but the scanner’s snap-
    piness is decreased, making it less aggressive when reading good quality bar codes.  This setting does not affect 1D bar 
    code reading.  Default = Poor Quality PDF Reading Off.
    When CodeGate is On, the trigger is used to allow decoded data to be transmitted to the host system.  The scanner remains on, 
    scanning and decoding bar codes, but the bar code data is not transmitted until the trigger is pressed.  When CodeGate is Off, 
    bar code data is transmitted when it is decoded.  Default = CodeGate Off Out-of-Stand.
    Poor Quality 1D Reading On
    * Poor Quality 1D Reading Off
    Poor Quality PDF Reading On
    * Poor Quality PDF Reading Off
    * CodeGate Off
    CodeGate On
    							4 - 12
    Streaming Presentation™ Mode
    When in Streaming Presentation mode, the scanner’s aimer goes out after a short time, but the scan illumination remains on all 
    the time to continuously search for bar codes.  Two modes are available, Normal and Enhanced.   Normal mode offers good 
    scan speed and the longest working ranges (depth of field).  Enhanced mode will give you the highest possible scan speed but 
    slightly less range than Normal mode.  Enhanced mode is best used when you require a very fast scan speed and don’t require 
    a long working range.
    Note: Granit 1980i and 1981i do not support Enhanced Streaming Presentation Mode. 
    When using Preferred Symbology(page 4-19), a lower priority symbol must be centered on the aiming pattern to be read in 
    Streaming Presentation Mode.
    Note: If you are using a cordless charge base, it must have an external power supply plugged into the aux port for Streaming 
    Presentation to work properly.
    Streaming Presentation In-Stand Programming
    This option is available when using In-Stand Sensor Mode, page 4-10.  You may program a specific Streaming Presentation 
    Mode for in-stand scanning, and a Manual Trigger mode for out-of-stand scanning.  To do this, you must first scan the pre-
    ferred Streaming Presentation mode (Normal, Enhanced, or Mobile Phone), then scan the Manual Trigger mode (Normal, 
    Enhanced, or Mobile Phone) you want to use.
    Mobile Phone Read Mode
    When this mode is selected, your scanner is optimized to read bar codes from mobile phone or other LED displays.  However, 
    the speed of scanning printed bar codes may be slightly lower when this mode is enabled.  You can enable Mobile Phone Read-
    ing for either a hand held device, or for a hands-free (presentation) application.
    Note: Granit 1980i and 1981i do not support these settings.
    Note: To turn off Mobil Phone Read Mode, scan a Manual or Serial Trigger Mode bar code (see page 4-6).
    Streaming Presentation Mode 
    - Normal
    Streaming Presentation Mode 
    - Enhanced
    Hand Held Scanning - Mobile 
    Streaming Presentation - 
    Mobile Phone 
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