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Honeywell 1900ghd-2 User Manual

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    							9 - 3
    W - Target White Value
    Sets the target for the median grayscale value in the captured image.  For capturing close-up images of high contrast doc-
    uments, a lower setting, such as 75, is recommended.  Higher settings result in longer exposure times and brighter images, 
    but if the setting is too high, the image may be overexposed.  Target White Value is only available when using Photo Style 
    (1P).  (Default = 125)
    nW Range: 0 - 255
    D - Delta for Acceptance
    This sets the allowable range for the white value setting (see W - Target White Value).  Delta is only available when using 
    Photo Style (1P).  (Default = 25)
    nD Range:  0 - 255
    U - Update Tries
    This sets the maximum number of frames the scanner should take to reach the D - Delta for Acceptance.  Update Tries is 
    only available when using Photo Style (1P).  (Default = 6)
    nU Range:  0 - 10
    % - Target Set Point Percentage
    Sets the target point for the light and dark values in the captured image.  A setting of 75% means 75% of the pixels are at or 
    below the target white value, and 25% of the pixels are above the target white value.  Altering this setting from the default is 
    not recommended under normal circumstances.  To alter grayscale values, W - Target White Value should be used. 
    (Default = 50)
    n% Range: 1 - 99
    Step 2 - Ship a Picture Using IMGSHP
    Image Ship - IMGSHP
    An image is taken whenever the button is pressed, or when the Image Snap (IMGSNP) command is processed.  The last image 
    is always stored in memory.  You can “ship” the image by using the IMGSHP command. 
    The image ship commands have many different modifiers that can be used to change the look of the image output.  Modifiers 
    affect the image that is transmitted, but do not affect the image in memory.  Any number of modifiers may be appended to the 
    IMGSHP command.  For example, you can use the following command to snap and ship a bitmap image with gamma correction 
    and document image filtering:  IMGSNP;IMGSHP8F75K26U 
    Example of White 
    Value at 75W:Example of White 
    Value at 125W:Example of White 
    Value at 200W:
    Example of Target 
    Set Point 
    Percentage at 97%:Example of Target 
    Set Point 
    Percentage at 40%: Example of Target 
    Set Point 
    Percentage at 50%: 
    							9 - 4
    IMGSHP Modifiers
    A - Infinity Filter
    Enhances pictures taken from very long distances (greater than 10 feet or 3m).  The Infinity Filter should not be used with 
    IMGSNP Modifiers (page 9-1).
    0A Infinity filter off (default)
    1A Infinity filter on
    C - Compensation
    Flattens the image to account for variations in illumination across the image.
    0C Compensation disabled (default)
    1C Compensation enabled
    D - Pixel Depth
    Indicates the number of bits per pixel in the transmitted image (KIM or BMP format only).
    8D 8 bits per pixel, grayscale image (default)
    1D 1 bit per pixel, black and white image
    Example of Infinity Filter off (0A) 
    from approximately 12 feet 
    (3.66m) away:Example of Infinity Filter on (1A)
    from approximately 12 feet (3.66m) 
    Example of Compensation at 0C: Example of Compensation at 1C: 
    							9 - 5
    E - Edge Sharpen
    An edge sharpen filter cleans up the edges of an image, making it look cleaner and sharper.  While edge sharpening does 
    make the image look cleaner, it also removes some fine detail from the original image.  The strength of the edge sharpen 
    filter can be entered from 1 to 24.  Entering a 23E gives the sharpest edges, but also increases noise in the image.
    0E Don’t sharpen image (default)
    14E Apply edge sharpen for typical image
    ne Apply edge sharpen using strength n (n = 1-24) 
    F - File Format
    Indicates the desired format for the image.  
    0F KIM format 
    1F TIFF binary
    2F TIFF binary group 4, compressed
    3F TIFF grayscale
    4F Uncompressed binary (upper left to lower right, 1 pixel/bit, 0 padded end of line)
    5F Uncompressed grayscale (upper left to lower right, bitmap format)
    6F JPEG image (default)
    8F BMP format (lower right to upper left, uncompressed)
    10F TIFF color compressed image
    11F TIFF color uncompressed image
    12F JPEG color image
    14F BMP color format
    15F BMP Uncompressed raw image
    H - Histogram Stretch
    Increases the contrast of the transmitted image.  Not available with some image formats.  
    0H No stretch  (default)
    1H Histogram stretch
    Example of Edge Sharpen at 0E: Example of Edge Sharpen at 24E:
    Example of Histogram Stretch at 0H: Example of Histogram Stretch at 1H: 
    							9 - 6
    I - Invert Image
    Invert image is used to rotate the image around the X or Y axis.  
    1ix Invert around the X axis (flips picture upside down)
    1iy Invert around the Y axis (flips picture left to right)
    IF- Noise Reduction
    Used to reduce the salt and pepper noise in an image.
    0if No salt and pepper noise reduction (default)
    1if Salt and pepper noise reduction
    Example of image 
    with Invert Image set to 
    1ix: Example of image not 
    inverted:Example of image 
    with Invert Image set 
    to 1iy:
    Example of Noise Reduction On (1if): Example of Noise Reduction Off (0if): 
    							9 - 7
    IR - Image Rotate  
    0ir Image as snapped (rightside up) (default)
    1ir Rotate image 90 degrees to the right
    2ir Rotate image 180 degrees (upside down)
    3ir Rotate image 90 degrees to the left
    J - JPEG Image Quality
    Sets the desired quality when the JPEG image format is selected.  Higher numbers result in higher quality, but larger files.  
    Smaller numbers result in greater amounts of lossy compression, faster transmission times, lower quality, but smaller files.  
    (Default =  50)
    nJ  Image is compressed as much as possible while preserving quality factor of n (n = 0 - 100)
    0J worst quality (smallest file)
    100Jbest quality (largest file)
    K - Gamma Correction
    Gamma measures the brightness of midtone values produced by the image.  You can brighten or darken an image using 
    gamma correction.  A higher gamma correction yields an overall brighter image.  The lower the setting, the darker the 
    image.  The optimal setting for text images is 50K. 
    0K Gamma correction off (default)
    50K Apply gamma correction for brightening typical document image
    nK Apply gamma correction factor n (n = 0-1,000)
    L, R, T, B, M - Image Cropping
    Ships a window of the image by specifying the left, right, top, and bottom pixel coordinates.  Device columns are numbered 
    0 through 1279, and device rows are numbered 0 through 959.
    Example of Image Rotate set to  0ir:Example of Image Rotate set to  2ir:
    Example of Image Rotate set to  1ir: Example of Image Rotate set to  3ir:
    Example of Gamma 
    Correction set to 50K: Example of Gamma 
    Correction set to 0K:Example of Gamma 
    Correction set to 255K: 
    							9 - 8
    nL The left edge of the shipped image corresponds to column n of the image in memory.  Range: 000 - 843.  (Default 
    =  0)
    nR The right edge of the shipped image corresponds to column n - 1 of the image in memory.  Range: 000 - 843.  
    (Default =  all columns)
    nT The top edge of the shipped image corresponds to row n of the image in memory.  Range: 000 - 639.  (Default =  0)
    nB The bottom edge of the shipped image corresponds to row n - 1 of the image in memory.  Range: 000 - 639.  
    (Default =  all rows)
    Alternately, specify the number of pixels to cut from the outside margin of the image; thus only the center pixels are trans-
    nM Margin:  cut n columns from the left, n + 1 columns from the right, n rows from the top, and n + 1 rows from the 
    bottom of the image.  Ship the remaining center pixels.  Range:  0 - 238.  
    (Default =  0, or full image)
    P - Protocol
    Used for shipping an image.  Protocol covers two features of the image data being sent to the host.  It addresses the proto-
    col used to send the data (Hmodem, which is an Xmodem 1K variant that has additional header information), and the for-
    mat of the image data that is sent.
    0P None (raw data) 
    2P None (default for USB)
    3P Hmodem compressed (default for RS232)
    4P Hmodem
    S - Pixel Ship
    Pixel Ship sizes an image in proportion to its original size.  It decimates the image by shipping only certain, regularly 
    spaced pixels.  For example, 4S would transmit every fourth pixel from every fourth line.  The smaller number of pixels 
    shipped, the smaller the image, however, after a certain point the image becomes unusable. 
    1S ship every pixel  (default)
    2S ship every 2nd pixel, both horizontally and vertically
    Example of Image 
    Crop set to 300L: Example of Image Crop 
    set to 300R: Uncropped Image:
    Example of Image Crop set to 200T: Example of Image Crop set to 200B:
    Example of Image Crop set to 238M: 
    							9 - 9
    3S ship every 3rd pixel, both horizontally and vertically
    U - Document Image Filter
    Allows you to input parameters to sharpen the edges and smooth the area between the edges of text in an image.  This fil-
    ter should be used with gamma correction (see page 9-7), with the scanner in a stand, and the image captured using the 
    This filter typically provides better JPEG compression than the standard E - Edge Sharpen command (see page 9-9).  This 
    filter also works well when shipping pure black and white images (1 bit per pixel).  The optimal setting is 26U.
    0U Document image filter off (default)
    26U Apply document image filter for typical document image
    nU Apply document image filter using grayscale threshold n.  Use lower numbers when the image contrast is lower.  
    1U will have a similar effect to setting E - Edge Sharpen (page 9-5) to 22e.  Range:  0-255.
    V - Blur Image
    Smooths transitions by averaging the pixels next to the hard edges of defined lines and shaded areas in an image.    
    0V Don’t blur (default)
    1V Blur
    W - Histogram Ship
    A histogram gives a quick picture of the tonal range of an image, or key type.  A low-key image has detail concentrated in 
    the shadows; a high-key image has detail concentrated in the highlights; and an average-key image has detail concentrated 
    in the midtones.  This modifier ships the histogram for an image.
    0W Don’t ship histogram (default)
    Example of Pixel Ship set to 1S:Example of Pixel 
    Ship set to 2S:Example of Pixel 
    Ship set to 3S:
    Example of Document 
    Image Filter set to 0U:Example of Document 
    Image Filter set to 26U:
    Example of Blur Image Off (0V): Example of Blur Image On (1V): 
    							9 - 10
    1W Ship histogram
    Image Size Compatibility
    If you have applications that expect an image ship to return exactly 640x480 pixels, scan the Force VGA Resolution bar 
    code.  Default = Native Resolution.
    Intelligent Signature Capture - IMGBOX
    IMGBOX allows you to configure the size and location of a signature capture area relative to its proximity to a bar code.  This 
    allows you to tailor a signature capture area to a specific form.  In order to use IMGBOX, you need a set form where the signa-
    ture box location is in a known location relative to a bar code.  You can input the overall size of the signature area, as well as 
    specify how far the signature area is from the bar code, vertically and horizontally.  You can also set the resolution and file for mat 
    for the final output of the signature capture image.
    Note: IMGBOX commands can only be triggered by one of the following types of bar codes: PDF417, Code 39, Code 128, Aztec, 
    Codabar, and Interleaved 2 of 5.  Once one of these symbologies has been read, the image is retained for a possible 
    IMGBOX command.
    Signature Capture Optimize
    If you will be using your scanner to capture signatures frequently, you should optimize it for this purpose.  However, the 
    speed of scanning bar codes may be slowed when this mode is enabled.  Default = Off.
    Image used for histogram: Histogram of image at left:
    Force VGA Resolution
    *  Native Resolution
    Optimize On
    * Optimize  Off 
    							9 - 11
    Below is an example of a signature capture application.  In this example, the aimer is centered over the signature capture area 
    and the trigger is pressed.  A single beep is emitted, indicating that the scanner has read a Code 128 bar code and the data has 
    been transferred to the host.  If using a Granit scanner, the scanner also vibrates.   An IMGBOX command may now be sent 
    from the host to specify the coordinates of the signature capture area below that code, and indicating that only that area contain-
    ing the signature should be transferred as an image to the host.
    To see this example, align the aimer with the signature area (not with the bar code), then press the trigger.  
    Send the following IMGBOX command string after the button push:
    Example: IMGBOX245w37h55y.
    Note: Case is not important in the command string.  It is used here only for clarity.
    The following image is captured:
    The IMGBOX commands have many different modifiers that can be used to change the size and appearance of the signature 
    image output by the scanner.  Modifiers affect the image that is transmitted, but do not affect the image in memory.  Any number 
    of modifiers may be appended to the IMGBOX command.
    Note: The IMGBOX command will return a NAK unless a window size (width and height) are specified.  See H - Height of 
    Signature Capture Area (page 9-12) and W - Width of Signature Capture Area (page 9-13).
    IMGBOX Modifiers
    A - Output Image Width
    This option is used to size the image horizontally.  If using this option, set the resolution (R) to zero.
    Example of Image Width set to 200A:
    Example of Image Width set to 600A: 
    							9 - 12
    B - Output Image Height   
    This option is used to size the image vertically.  If using this option, set the resolution (R) to zero.
    D - Pixel Depth
    This indicates the number of bits per pixel in the transmitted image, which defines whether it will be grayscale or black and 
    8D 8 bits per pixel, grayscale image  (default)
    1D 1 bit per pixel, black and white image
    F - File Format
    This option indicates the type of file format in which to save the image.  
    0F KIM format
    1F TIFF binary
    2F TIFF binary group 4, compressed
    3F TIFF grayscale
    4F Uncompressed Binary
    5F Uncompressed grayscale
    6F JPEG image (default)
    7F Outlined image
    8F BMP format
    H - Height of Signature Capture Area
    The height of the signature capture area must be measured in inches divided by .01.  In the example, the height of the area 
    to be captured is 3/8 inch, resulting in a value of H = .375/0.01 = 37.5.  
    K - Gamma Correction
    Gamma measures the brightness of midtone values produced by the image.  You can brighten or darken an image using 
    gamma correction.  A higher gamma correction yields an overall brighter image.  The lower the setting, the darker the 
    image.  The optimal setting for text images is 50K. 
    0K Gamma correction off (default) 
    50K Apply gamma correction for brightening typical document image
    Example of Image Height set to 50B:
    Example of Image Height set to 100B:
    Example:   IMGBOX245w37h55y. 
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